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December 8- National Youth Day.

TIRANA- Today is December 8, Youth Day in Albania, where 24 years

ago student protests overthrew the communist regime.

Since 2009, this date is commemorated as a national holiday in honor

of all students of December 1990 and all Albanian youth when on

December 8 a group of students and professors of the University of

Tirana, residents of the city "Student", became initiators and

protagonists of the great historical turning point: the peaceful protests

that brought about pluralism, the fall of communism, and the birth of


With the expression "We love Albania like all of Europe", they

demanded the establishment of a system of Western values and the

rule of law.

Their act peacefully ended the long

era of self-isolation and ideological

rule, thus paving the way for a market

economy and an open society.

September 5 – Mother Teresa Day.

Pope John Paul II, who adored the Albanian nun, then expressed the desire

to consecrate her but reached the penultimate stage, the Blessing. Exactly,

this day was declared a national holiday by the Albanian government of that

time and the year 2010 which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the

birth of the world-famous charity was declared as "Year of Mother Teresa".

22 November , Alphabet day.

November 22 is a day of remembrance in Albania, Kosovo, the

Republic of Macedonia and the Albanian Diaspora, as this date marks

the day of the Albanian Language Alphabet. The Alphabet was unified

during the Monastery Congress otherwise known as the Alphabet


Between November 14 and November

22, 1908, an academic conference was

held in the city of Bitola, for the

standardization of the Albanian

alphabet. This holiday has been

announced to be traditional and to get

as many echoes in all Albanian

1 May, National Worker’s Day (Also known as May Day)

1 May is International Workers' Day. On May 1 there are demonstrations of

workers demanding and securing the rights, freedoms and working and living

conditions. In Albania mainly May 1 is spent with celebrations and as a day


The holiday of May 1, was born from the world war of the workers to affirm

their rights and to improve their living conditions. Although its celebration is

closely linked to the bloody Chicago workers' protest, the history of Labor

Day begins earlier than 1886.

"8 hours of work, 8 hours of entertainment and 8 hours of sleep", this was the

slogan first dropped in Australia in 1855 and then embraced by the entire

world trade union movement. This paved the way for general protests and

demanded a day, exactly May 1, in which all workers exercised their rights.

Thus despite the negative reaction of many governments, on May 1, 1890 a

very high turnout was recorded. Currently this date is a national holiday in

many countries.
28 November , Independence Day

November 28 is the day of Albania's Independence and the beginning of its

journey as a separate state, separated from the Ottoman Empire. This date is

historically special for Albanians all over the world as it marks two historical

events: the declaration of independence in 1912 and the liberation of Kruja

from Skanderbeg in 1443.

Both of these events have to do with the raising of the Arber flag, so

November 28 is also called the Flag Day.

November 28 is celebrated not only in Albania, but also in Kosovo, the

absolute majority of whose population is ethnic Albanian. This day is also

celebrated in the Albanian lands in Macedonia and Montenegro.

The Declaration of Independence on November 28, 1912 by Ismail Qemali

was declared in the Assembly of Vlora where 83 delegates from all Albanian

territories in the Balkans participated. Shortly afterwards, the Assembly

formed the first independent government, headed by Ismail Qemali, as well

as the Council of Wise Men, also

known as the Elders

Albania has been an independent

and sovereign state for more than a

century. This small Balkan country

has diplomatic relations with 39 countries of the world and is known for its

peace-loving policy in the region and in the world, as well as contributing to

several missions in hot areas of the world, in the framework of international


Activities in 28 November, Flag Day or Independence day-

Various activities were organized in all cities of Albania on the occasion of

the 106th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the country,

while the main ceremonies were held in Vlora and Tirana.

In the official ceremony organized in Vlora where the flag of Albania was

symbolically raised, present were the President of Albania, Ilir Meta, the

Prime Minister of the country, Edi Rama, the Speaker of the Albanian

Parliament, Gramoz Ruçi, representatives of the Government of Kosovo, as

and officials of the Municipality of Vlora.

"Happy National Flag Day to all

Albanians everywhere. It is a

special emotion to participate

today in Vlora, the 'capital' of the

Independence Day, in the state

ceremony in honor of the most unifying symbol of Albanians. I bow with

respect to the eternal work of the founder of the Albanian state, Ismail

Qemali ",

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