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Reflective Journal on Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is a framework for a better and more sustainable future for all and a
response to contemporary development issues and imbalances such as poverty, inequality,
climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice, among other global issues. The
Brundtland Report (1987) defines sustainable development as "development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“
and advocates the integration of environmental considerations into all aspects of economic and
development policy in order to meet this goal. After taking this course, I realised that
sustainability can be related to everything around us, not just urbanisation, but also our lifestyles.
Also, to expand our understanding of the idea of sustainability, as well as to build the necessary
attitudes, values and abilities for dealing with sustainable development concerns and related
difficulties in a globalised society. Every action that we make today can seriously impact our
future either in a good or in a bad way. Therefore, it can encourage us to maintain and preserve
our resource base by gradually modifying how we develop and use technology.

Additionally, I learned how to have great system thinking that allows us to understand
complex from a broad perspective that includes seeing overall structures, patterns and cycles in
systems, rather than seeing only specific events in the system. Due to this, it assists us in
distinguishing between the appropriate acts and the illegal acts that that should be avoided, such
as large-scale extraction of natural resources, deforestation, water waste, and several others. All
unsustainable development caused by our greed and arrogance can affect the biological diversity
of the earth. As a result of our selfishness, nature will be destroyed with more than half of animal
species vanishing, river water becoming contaminated, the air becoming saturated with toxic
emissions and other causes. From this perspective, it can increase self-awareness in each
personality, which leads to integrated problem-solving.

Moreover, we must protect the current balance of resources that we have for our future
together. This course introduces us to the basic concepts of sustainability. What does it mean to
be sustainable? Because the word "sustainability" means "capacity to maintain," the concept is:
1) Living within certain limits of the earth's capacity to maintain life
2) Understanding the interconnections between economic, society and environment
3) Maintaining a fair distribution of resources and opportunity for next-generation in future.

Furthermore, I discovered that sustainable concept also can be related to Islam such as
shuratic process which means the consultation or participatory ruling principle of Islam. Next,
Mizan balance is a relationship between Allah, human being and the environment. Islam's roots
are filled with environmental conservation. It is about personal behaviour and how it presents in
our interactions with others, as well as being mindful in our relationship with the natural
environment and other living creatures. People need to realize environmental conservation is a
religious obligation commanded by God. One of the Quranic verses that Islam encourages the
optimal use of natural resources and the reduction of waste:

“And do good as Allâh has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption
in the earth. Allâh does not love the corrupters”, (Al Qasas 28:77)

The Quran mentions the Earth 61 times. According to Islam, Allah (God) created the universe
for a definite purpose and for a limited amount of time. Natural resource exploitation
(ni‘matullah - Allah's gifts) is a holy trust bestowed to mankind; he is merely a manager, not an
owner, a beneficiary, not a disposer.

To summarize, since man is the Khalifatullah (Supreme Allah's vicegerent) on Earth, we should
take every precaution to protect the interests and rights of others, and treat his given piece of land
as joint ownership with the next generation. Other than that, sustainable development has
become a critical component in achieving ‘Sejahtera concept. It makes extensive use of
contemporary technology, makes significant efforts to create green resources, and continues to
improve the ecological environment in order to promote harmonious growth between man and
nature, population, resources, and the environment. Besides effectively maintaining nature, we
have the opportunity to save our world, to save the planet from worldwide devastation and

Haslina Ibrahim (2021) Week 1 - Week 6 [Powerpoint Slides]. Google Classroom.


Izakovičová, Z. and Oszlány, J. Reflection on the Concept of Sustainable Development:

Progress in the Slovak Republic. AREA STUDIES - EUROPE (Regional Sustainable

Development Review)

Kinsman, J. (2020, March 3). What is sustainable travel? All the terms you need to know. CN


Sugito. (2019). Reflective Learning for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 3rd

International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE 2018). Published.

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