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The perfect Pinterest campaign

The campaigns structure:

When you create a campaign targeting cold traffic always use the Conversion campaigns.
The Traffic campaign you can test with an already warm audience, like people that added to
cart but not bought.

Here are 3 main campaign types you will have to create to keep it more organized and

● Interest / keyword targeting campaign

● LLA (AAL) targeting campaign
● Retargeting campaign

We always start with the campaign that will include ad groups that target different interests
or keywords. And when we have some traffic we create retargeting campaigns. And when
we have enough data we create LLA audiences and create a campaign that will target all
your LLAs.

The ad groups structure:

For ad groups, create ad groups with interest targeting separate from the ad groups with
keywords targeting. This way will be easier to analyze the data and have more clear data.

When creating interest based ad groups ideally to target one audience per ad group. But this
option is for big budgets, if you don’t have a big budget, include more interest targeting and
after that will analyze the data based on interest targeting and see which one is working best
for you.

In the ad groups, also separate ad groups with video creatives and image creatives. Also,
add more creatives to your ad group because one ad can be shown to a person up to 3
times per day, after that they will see your competition ad, but if you add more creatives they
can see your ads again and again multiple times during the day.

To summarize:

● Create different campaigns for different targeting types to have more organized ads
● Create separate interest ad groups from keywords ad groups
● Create separate ad groups with video creative from image creatives
● Add more creatives to your ad groups to bombard your audiences as many time as
you can

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