Quiz 1

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QUIZ # 1


SAP ID 29391
MS Management Sciences (HRM)
1st Semester
Question 1. Discuss the role of HRM in traditional organization such as Jinnah?

Hamza Afaq joined Jinnah in 2013 as a director, and immediately after joining Jinnah he
identified some chronic challenges faced by company that includes - Poor Management
Practices, Weak and Unclear HR Practices. No formal HR department exist in Jinnah
which results in high turnover rates, lack of formal, long-term employment policies. No
clear chain of command, no clear path for employees, which led to ad-hoc decision
making. Lack of long term orientation and planning was the last but major issue

In traditional organizations like Jinnah HRs’ department is much outdated and

orthodox methods are used. Their style of working is reactive and not proactive. HR
professional in reactive style do not take responsibilities of educating workers about
how they need to work in order to achieve a certain target and what is expected from
them. Jinnah instead of planning for the career progression and job satisfaction of
employees was working for case to case basis. Line Managers / supervisors of each
department were working as representative of organization and employees, there was
no proper setup that will address employee’s grievances.

Being a seth company management was not concerned about the retention of
employees, in fact management was altogether was unaware of the fact that they are
paying more to contractual labor in form of overtime and high turnover cost. Biggest
challenge on can faced in any traditional setup is to implement change. Same happened
when Hamza tried to implement ERP in Jinnah, major retaliation was from top
management, in terms of cost benefits analysis.

HR professionals understand the importance of retaining employees for long term and
how it will affect the organization in long run. Shifting traditional HR into strategic HR
needs step wise implantation without disturbing the working environment and without
creating the discomfort for employees by taking them in confidence and making them
understand that what this new system will brought for them. Hamza in order to
implement latest HR practices in Jinnah ensure following to Top management and

 Ensure top management that HR department will add value to the rest of
organization by focusing of strategic planning.
 Convincing employees by offering them different benefits, pay increase, career
progression, medical facilities etc if they work in organization for a certain
number of years.

Question 2. How does formal work planning can benefit organization?

Organizations like Jinnah believes that planning can be done on need basis. Due to non-
availability of proper work planning company had high rate of turnover. Planning is
considered as a basic fundamental of HR functions as success of all other functions is
based on Planning. Certain benefits accrued by proper planning includes:

Benefits of Planning

In organizations like Jinnah which have chaotic environment, planning seems futile.
Progress / success depends on random activities that have no linkage with planning.
Planning provides benefits that facilitate the progress in uncertain and constantly
changing environment. Some of the benefits include the following:

 Plans directs actions towards the desired outcome. Focused and coordinated
actions results in more effective outcomes.
 Utilization of scarce resources improves with effective planning.
 People who have clear goals and targets are more motivated and committed
towards the work as compared to ones with no goals / plans.
 Planning defines desired outcomes and checkpoints to measure performance and
improve / change plans at any point if desired outcome is not achieved.

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