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The market segmentation is the group of people who has the similar intension
towards the particular brand. The marketing segmentation is based on
demographics which include age, gender, income, education. Geographic which
has cultures and countries. Psychological this includes attitudes, knowledge and
awareness, wants and needs. Behaviours of consumers.

1. GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION:Our company has segmented its

market for vegan based on the geographic weather warm, cold or hot. And also
consider the country region, rural area and world region. Our company easily
identifies the geographical changes in needs and wants. Our

2. DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION:The customer segmentation of our

company is based on age, gender, income, occupation and level of education

 AGE: The age of the customer will be between 1 to 60 years. Our product,
on comparison would be more preferred by the vegan millennial’s due to
the health conscious eating patterns and concerns on global warming. We
have also segmented customers who are not vegetarians but meat reducers,
opting for plant based meat. On a general level the product would be
preferred by all age groups due to the shift in consumer behaviour post
pandemic to healthier, sustainable living and especially due to the different
benefits of jackfruit- being the best against diabetics, cancer and cholesterol.
 INCOME: Middle income, Upper Middle Income group.


Today, 1 in 3 meals eaten by millennial are “meat-free,” and 26% of millennial

identify as being vegetarian or vegan, which can be attributed to the unethically
practices in animal husbandry and the heavy use of antibiotics on animals.
Whole food plant-based dairy and meat alternatives are growing at double digit
rates, and more and more consumers are seeking options that align with their
health, environmental and social values. Our product is a whole food plant-
based solution that offers an inherently meaty texture, which makes it perfect
for replacing meat in food service. Not only does jackfruit mimic the meat-
eating experience, but this delicious food is packed full of fibre, low in calories
and sourced ethically.


Behavioural segmentation focuses on how customers act in regards to:

purchasing habits, spending habits and brand interactions. According to a study
by Beyond Meat, a plant-based burger generates 90% less greenhouse gas
emissions, requires 45% less energy, has 99% less impact on water scarcity, and
93% less impact on land use. Customers who are conscious of these
environmental impacts will likely find JaCa sandwiches to be a high quality

 OCCASIONS: There is no specific occasion for consuming this product.

Whenever the person wants he can consume the product and not worry about
the calories also.
 BENFITS: They provide good quality product at economical prices, Low on
calorie, easily available in supermarkets and general stores also.

 USAGE RATE: The Usage Rate will be high as it will be consumed more in
urban areas.

 LOYALTY STATUS: Loyalty status will be ‘Hard core Loyal’ as there is no

much completion in the market.

 BUYER READINESS STAGE: The buyer will be ready to buy this product as
it will be low on calorie even if it is highly priced. So buyer readiness will be
high. One more factor that makes a young, plant-based person even pay the
premium is because of their love for animals. Data shows that 93% of buyers
who are motivated for animal welfare reasons would pay premium, with
sustainability-related concerns following closely behind at 86% and health
reasons at 85%. 


At this point the segmentation is based on customer variables which are both
useful and important, now we proceed for targeting; the targeting is like as
selection now we have got our customers by segmentation so we will target
them to success. Now we analyzed the market place, our strengths and our
competitors and we will have some idea where they are good at, so we will try
to serve the segments whose needs and wants are similar to us, so we hope to
make customers happy and loyal who will be profitable for our company. “Jaca
sandwiches is Healthy wealthy” will be targeted on both men and women who
are health conscious and also youth who are more health conscious. There is no
chemicals and preservatives used in the production process

The positioning has many number of its physical elements but more perceptual
ones, it’s all about identity and where the position of company in the market and
in the customers eyes. This has many market responsibilities and involves all
the marketing mix.

The major aspect of our product is the low calories we offer, but what makes us
stand out is our minimal processing approach. It will be positioned as a ‘LOW
CALORIES AT MINIMAL PROCESSING’- which will be our Unique
Selling Point (USP). Jackfruit in its original form is quite difficult to work with,
so we have devised a chemical free mechanical process. We use a proprietary
natural processing technique to enhance the already meaty texture of jackfruit,
using no heavy processing or harsh chemicals. It’s a purely mechanical process
and we add natural flavouring.

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