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How to Use Scrapebox to Get the Most From Auto-approve Lists

I wanted to make it a full tutorial for the ones just starting with Scrapebox and
Who got Autoaprove Links (Posted on VIP Section). You're the first to read this,
i've been writing it as stallion is waiting for me on skype to replay (so i'm in a
bit of a hurry, you know how he's like :P ).

First of all, always use at least 10 private proxies (those for 30$ or so) to evade
akismet. One of my websites is blocked, so what, I use it on web2.0s. Just vary 2-3
keywords at least with different IPs and some 20 properties blasting (or more).

What this does is (as i didn't have time earlier)

1. Link Extractor - extract the URLs from all the people that have left a comment -
chances are if the list is shared that it's spammed to death and these people use
other lists as well
2. Backlink checker -> once you get a list of ppl that have spammed the blog with
anchor text to THEIR websites or properties you need to see what other links link
to those pages, most likey they're just spamming the same thing with a bunch of
lists (i do that lol )
3. Blog analyzer -> not all backlinks will be blogs, people use all kinds of things
for backlinks: profiles articles videos other web2.0 etc so we only want the blogs.

The next part is vrey important since most people miss it and they are missing out
on the best parts:

Once you have the blogs list you want to trim them to root with scrapebox. Check
the PR and remove everything below PR4 since I we want the real juice.

Okay now in the footprint put "site:" so you can get more inner links. In the
keywords box put all the trimmed domains from the blogs you got as we talked

This whole process is time consuming but I can say for sure that 2 Lists that were
sold on BHX (and GBed here LOL) have been just a rehash using this same method. I
wont name names or whatever so don't even ask.

This is the tricky part, you should have a lot of domains by now, and a even a few
mil URLs in total. Some of these will be wordpress with the ?tag= or whatever. You
can play with notepad++ but I can't go into that much detail in that right now.

Just open the Outbound link checker and run the whole list. This way you will see
how many comments each page has. 10-15 is perfect. If you place a comment there,
chances are far lower for it to be considered spam. (and don't forget these are
auto approve domains).

Once you filter the list you will do a test run. Best is to do it with 60-70
connections and some 20-30 proxies for best quality. Run the failed few more times
until it's totally dry.

Now you just run the link checker and export all the posted ones. You'll be amazed.
Post your results here to our glory.

Overall process:

see who's using spam lists -> steal their backlinks -> filter blogs -> find non-
spammed pages on same blog -> get the list ready for testing -> test -> reuse 1000

As a Thanks is not that common, if you try and this works for you, post your
success here.

Note that there are easier ways and other twists to do all this but I can't uncover
all my twists just yet.

For more information please visit are site...

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