B: Examples: Present Tenses

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Present Tenses

I: Simple Present:
A: Form:
-Subject+ verb= I, you, we, they play.
-Subject+ verb+s He, she, it plays.
-Subject+ verb+es  He, she, it goes.

B: Examples :
-Affirmative: You work hard.
Note N°1:
He works hard.
-Interrogative: Do you work hard? Verbs ending with S , CH , SH, X , O add
Does he work hard? ES to verbs after HE , SHE and it
I miss → he misses
-Negative: You do not work hard.
EX We watch → she watches
He does not work hard. They go → He goes

1. Habitual/Repeated actions:
Ex. He takes a taxi every morning.
2. Facts: Ex. Water freezes at zero degrees.
Practice: Put the verbs in the simple present form
1. They (to watch)…………………………..a movie every weekend.
2. It (to rain)............................. a lot in the winter.
3. People (to wake) ................................ up early here.
4. She (to fix) .................................the problems.
5. I(to drive) .........................................to work.
6. He( to wash) ................................ the car once a week.
II: Present Continuous:
A: Form: Subject+ be (in the present form)+verb+ing:
I am
You, we, they are +verb+ing
He, she, it is
B: Examples:
-Affirmative:  You are working hard.
-Interrogative: Are you working hard?
-Negative:  You are not working hard.
C: Use:
1: actions happening now:
Ex. He is going to school at the moment.
2: Arranged actions for the near future.
Ex. I am visiting my friend tonight.
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in Present Progressive
1. Look! Andy(to sit) ………………… in the garden.
2. I (to watch)………………. TV at the moment.
3. We (to read)………….. a book now.
4. She (to play)………………….. the piano right now.
5. Listen! Sue and John (to sing) ……………………….

Note N°2: Signal words

Present simple Present continuous

Everyday/Every week… at the moment-today-now-right now-this
always - usually-often –sometimes -seldom -never – day…..Listen!-Look!
normally- regularly-on Sundays, Mondays, …………

Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).

1. She can't answer the phone now because she (to study)………………………..for the test.
2.  I (to visit)………………………..my parents twice a month.
3. Susan (to dig)   …………………………. in the garden at the moment.
4. We (to meet)   …………………… our friends next week.
5. Jane (to go) …………………………………to bed at 10 o'clock on weekdays.
6. The bus sometimes (to arrive)   …………………………… in the morning.
7. She (to go)   ……………………………… to the cinema tonight.
8. My parents (to watch) ………………………………. TV now?
9. (You, to understand) ..................................................................what I am saying?

10. My brother and sister (not, to play)……………………….………….. beach volleyball. They are at home.
11. (she, to write)…………………………… the letter now?

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