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Lecture 3

Signals and systems

Prof. Tadeusz Stepinski

Lecture 3.1

• Laplace transform
• Zeroes and poles
• Stability
• Examples

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform
• Complex valued exponents are eigenfunctions of LTI-systems
• If the argument is pure imaginary s=jw we get Fourier transform
• For arbitrary complex values of s we obtain Laplace transform


April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform

• Complex valued exponents are eigenfunctions of LTI-systems

• If the argument is pure imaginary s=jw we get Fourier transform

• For arbitrary complex values of s we obtain Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

Poles and zeros

• Derivative x(t) ⇔ s ⋅ X(s)
• One can often write a Laplace transform as a ratio of two polynomials

where B(s) and A(s) are polynomials of order M and N, respectively.

• The M roots to B (s) are called zeros

• The N roots of A (s) are called poles

April 2020
Lecture 3

Differential equations again

A system defined as

has the following Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

Differential equations again

April 2020
Lecture 3

Poles and zeros

• At pole, the value of H(s) goes to infinity and at zero it takes the value zero

• If a pole is located on jw-axis in the s-plane the system’s gain becomes

infinite at that frequency, i.e., the system becomes unstable.

• Similarly, a zero at jw-axis results in total cancellation of the respective

frequency component.

April 2020
Lecture 3

Poles and zeros

• If we factorize H(s) we get

• Then the magnitude response will be

f(jw0) = arg(H(jw0))
´ s
Each term in the product can be pk
viewed as a vector in the s-plane

An example system: a pole at

s= a in the s-plane

April 2020
Lecture 3

EX: Poles and zeros

H (s) = p1, 2 = s ± jw
( s - p1 )(s - p2 )

H(jw); z=0, p1 = -0.1+1i, p2 = -0.1-1i








-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform

s + 0.5
X(s) = 2 2
(s + 0.5) + 4π
0.5 0.5
= +
s − (−0.5 − jπ ) s − (−0.5 + jπ )
0.5 0.5
X(s) = +
s + 0.5 + jπ s + 0.5 − jπ

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform experiment

Ch 7 lap_demo1
April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform experiment

Ch 7 lap_demo1
April 2020
Lecture 3

Stability conditions

• A continuous causal LTI system is stable if all its poles are located in the left
half plane.

Impulse Response Impulse Response

0.4 150

0.3 100



-0.2 -100

´ ´
-0.3 -150
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec) Time (sec)

´ ´

April 2020
Lecture 3

Pole location

• Pole shifting along jw axis

Impulse Response






0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)

Impulse Response


0.2 ´




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)

April 2020
Lecture 3

Pole location

• Pole shifting along s axis

Impulse Response








0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)

s2 s1 s
´ ´
Impulse Response






0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform

April 2020
Lecture 3


April 2020
Lecture 3

Example - sine

April 2020
Lecture 3

Example - cosine

April 2020
Lecture 3

Example - cosine

Two poles at ± jw0

Zero at origin

April 2020
Lecture 3

Example – Rectangular Pulse

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform experiment

Ch 7 lap_demo2
April 2020
Lecture 3

The Laplace transform properties

April 2020
Lecture 3

Laplace transform - summary

Input signal OBJECT Output signal:

X(s) H(s) Y(s)

Laplace transform

Y (s) = H (s) X (s) Time-continuous model

s = s + jw
Fourier transform

Y (w ) = H (w ) X (w ) Time-continuous model

April 2020
Lecture 3

Signals and systems

Prof. Tadeusz Stepinski

Lecture 3.2

• Analog filters
• Practical filter characteristics
• Filters’ magnitude response
• Filters’ structures

April 2020
Lecture 3


• Filter = a system designed for a

particular purpose LP
• Simple types of filters are lowpass,
highpass, bandpass and band reject HP
(notch filter)

• Ideal filters require infinite impulse BP


Magnitude responses of ideal filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters
• Ideal lowpass filter

• Ideal bandpass filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters
• Ideal highpass filter

• Ideal banstop filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Ideal Filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Design of analog filters

• Practical filter characteristics

H bp (w)
H lp (w)
1+ dp Bandpass filter
1+ dp
1- d p
1- d p
Lowpass filter stop pass band stop
band I band II
pass band transition stop band ds2
band d s1
ds 0 w s1 w p1 w p 2 ws 2
0 wp ws

H hp (w) H bs (w)

1+ dp 1 + d p1 1 + d p2
1- d p 1 - d p1 1 - d p2

Highpass filter Bandstop filter

stop band transition pass band
pass stop pass
band I band band II
w ds
0 ws wp w
0 w p1 w s1 ws 2 w p 2

April 2020
Lecture 3

Design of analog filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Design of analog filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Basic types of analog filters

Approximation formulas

April 2020
Lecture 3

Design of analog filters

April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter of order N

• A N-th order Butterworth filter has amplitude response

• In other words


April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter

• A n-th order Butterworth filter has amplitude response

2 1
H (w ) = 2n
æw ö
1+ ç ÷
2 1 1
H (w ) = 2n
= 2n
= H * ( jw ) H ( jw )
æw ö æ jw ö
1+ ç ÷ 1 + çç ÷÷
èWø è jW ø

• Solution

1 2n 2n
H ( s) H (- s) = æ s ö æ s ö
æ s ö
2n 1 + çç ÷÷ = 0 Þ çç ÷÷ = -1 = e jmp
1 + çç ÷÷ è jW ø è jW ø
è j W ø

April 2020
Lecture 3

Butterworth filter can be transformed

• Laplace transform of a1-st order Butterworth filter with W=1

H ( s) =
1+ s
• If we would like to change its limit frequency to W=10

1 10
H10 ( s) = H ( s) s ®s /10 = =
1 + s / 10 s + 10

• To transform it to a highpass filter

1 s
H HP ( s) = H ( s) s ®1/ s = =
1+1/ s s +1

April 2020
Lecture 3


• If you move the poles of a Butterworth filter towards the j axis so

that they end up in an ellipse instead of a circle you obtain a
Chebyshev filter

– Faster transition from pass-band to stop-band

– More ripple (Chebyshev Type I: ripple in the passband, type II
ripple in stop band)

April 2020
Lecture 3


April 2020
Lecture 3

Chebyshev type-I lowpass filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Chebyshev type-I lowpass filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Chebyshev type-II lowpass filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Chebyshev type-I lowpass filter

April 2020
Lecture 3

Filters’ magnitude response

• The major categories of analog IIR filters

– Butterworth (maximally flat)
– Chebychev (equiripple)
– Bessel (linear phase)
– Elliptic

April 2020
Lecture 3

Lowpass to highpass transformation

April 2020
Lecture 3

Lowpass to highpass transformation (1)

April 2020
Lecture 3

Lowpass to highpass transformation (2)

April 2020
Lecture 3

Simple analog filters

• Calculate transfer function of the filter defined by the diagram below.

x(t) + + y(t)
- +
a1 b1
+ +
+ +
a2 b2

Y ( s ) s 2 + b1 s + b2
H( s ) = = 2
X ( s ) s + a1 s + a2

April 2020
Lecture 3

Biquad filter

• A filter module that can be used to build complex filters

You connect a number of biquadratic modules serially

Example of graphic equalizer

September 2013


April 2020
Lecture 3

Biquad filter, cnt

• Frequency response of a biquad filter

s 2 + 2w0 s / 10 b + w02
H (s) = 2
s + 2w0 s ´10 b + w02

( jw ) 2 + j 2w0w / 10 b + w02
H ( jw ) =
( jw ) 2 + 2w0w ´10 b + w02

April 2020
Lecture 3

Filter realizations
Block diagram of state variable filter

State variable filter realization using 3 operational amplifiers

April 2020
Lecture 3

Filter realizations
Biqad filter realization using 3 operational amplifiers

April 2020
Lecture 3

Filter applications

April 2020

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