Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Production

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research

Course: English A2
Code: 900002

Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: Writing


1. Activity description
Type of the activity: Group – Collaborative
Evaluation moment : Intermediate at Unit 1
Activity higher score: 90 points
Activity starting date: Activity deadline: domingo, 16
Lunes, 26 de abril de 2021 de mayo de 2021

In this activity, it is expected to achieve the following

learning results:

To write a letter about a travel experience using linguistic

structures and vocabulary according to the level, taking exercises
and readings from the online content as a reference.

The activity lies in:

• You will develop this task in the Discussion forum - Unit 1 -

Task 2 Writing production.

• You will collect the evidence of the task in a letter through a

word or PDF document.

• It is important to post all the activities in the forum in order

to get feedback from your classmates and tutor.
Estimado estudiante:

En esta guía usted encontrará las pautas necesarias para realizar su producto final,
el cual será: una carta en la que usted comunicará cuál de las 20 Must-Visit
Attractions in Colombia es su preferida, y así mismo, escribir una pequeña historia
de experiencia de viaje a uno de esos lugares u otro de su preferencia donde
describa el clima y la frecuencia con la que hacía actividades en esa ciudad o lugar.

Es necesario que usted desarrolle los ejercicios del contenido en línea (E-
books/Online contents) Modulo 1 al 5 ubicados en el entorno de Aprendizaje
(Learning environment), dado que cada uno de ellos está relacionado con cada
aspecto planteado en esta guía de trabajo.

Especialmente se sugiere tomar como referencia las lecturas

del Módulo 3 ejercicios 4, 8, y 17; y las del módulo 4
ejercicios 1, 7, 11, y 13.

Step 1: Read the article 20 Must-Visit Attractions in Colombia and

answer the questions. You must share the answers, written in English,
in the forum.

Among the members of the group they must choose, in a democratic

way, a single place on which to write and assign a question so that
each student answers a single question, in case some members of the
group does not participate, the questions will be divided among those
who entered the forum in a timely manner:

 Which of the 20 Must-Visit Attractions in Colombia (or any

other place) is your favorite? And why?

 Where is it located?

 How is the weather like in that place?

 What activities can you do there?

 Make a list of ten (10) words to describe that city or place.

Step 2: Complete the chart.

Using the following chart as reference, write a story about a travel
experience you had in that place and describe the weather and the
frequency of activities you did (past tense) in that city or place.
Complete the chart using the E-books/Online contents Modules one
(1) to five (5) as reference.

You must complete the chart in the forum as a group.

Name of city or place:

Where is it located?

How is the weather like in that place?

What activities can you do there?

list of ten (10) words to describe it.

Short story (150 words minimum): En esta parte, el grupo

escribirá un párrafo a su madre, padre, amigos, etc. Describiendo
una experiencia de viaje en ese lugar. Responda las siguientes
preguntas para organizar sus ideas y texto.

Where were you? City or

place. What were you doing
Place description. E.g.: In this photo I was in front of Caño
Cristales river… We were next to…
How was the weather like? E.g. In the mornings, the weather was
cold and cloudy.
How often did you do things? E.g. I always went jogging...
Step 3: Since this is a collaborative task, you must make comments
on the contributions of your groupmates; proposing ideas, paragraphs,
and correcting sentences. Those comments (one for each group
member) can refer to grammar, spelling, word order, coherence and
cohesion, connectors, or vocabulary.

Step 4: Consolidate and design a letter or postcard.

 According to the previous writing exercise, each student will

design a LETTER with the same information set out in step 2
where he / she will compile the evidence of the task in a coherent
writing. That letter or postcard proposal will be shared in the
forum so that the best design is chosen among the
members of the group.

Step 4: The final product (LETTER) must be sent by only one student
in the Assessment environment in a .pdf or .doc file.

Important! The resource where the letter is sent can be found in the
Evaluation Environment. This resource, Turnitin, only accepts files
with text, so the file must be text and not an inserted image.

To develop this activity, consider:

At initial information environment, you must:

 Check constantly the course agenda.
 Be aware of the News forum and General course forum
for information updated by the course director.
 Participate in the synchronic meeting via Web Conference
regarding Task 2 Writing Production, or at least review
the recording that your tutor will eventually share.
At learning environment, you must:
 Read the activity guide exhaustively.
 Post your contributions in the Discussion forum - Unit 1 Task
2 - Writing production.

At evaluation environment, you must:

 Upload the final product .pdf or .doc file in the
corresponding space.

Individual work evidences:

The individual evidences to submit are:

 Share the answer to one of the questions from Step 1 in

the forum.
 Contribute with ideas, sentences, or paragraphs to complete
the chart in Step 2 in the forum.
 Make comments about the contributions of your groupmates.
 Share your LETTER design proposal in the forum.

Group work evidences

The groupal work evidences to submit are:

 Complete the chart in Step 2 in the forum.

 One of the students uploads the best letter endorsed by
the group in the evaluation environment
2. General guidelines for the development of the evidence
to submit

For evidence developed Group - Collaborative, consider

the following guidelines

 Every member of the group must participate with

academic contributions in the activity development.
 Before delivering the requested product, all the
requirements indicated in this activity guide must be
 Each student must develop the steps of the task and post
the evidence in the forum.
 The final product must be sent in the Evaluation Environment.
 Each student must give feedback to one of his/her partners.
The comments should remark mistakes, aspects to improve
and contribute to the debate.
 Each student is responsible for his/her process.
Take into account that all individual or group written work must fulfill
with the orthographic rules and presentation conditions that have
been defined.
Concerning the use of references, consider that the requested work
in this activity must fulfill with the standards APA
In any case, the standards of reference must be complied.
Academic plagiarism must be avoided. Students can support the
written products by using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual

Consider that In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article

99, it is considered as offenses that undermine the academic order,
Among others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is,
submitting as of its own authorship the all or part of a work,
document or invention made by another person.

It also implies the use of quotes or false references, or proposing

quotes where there is no match between it and the reference
”and literal f) “Reproducing or copying for profit, educational
materials or results of research products, which have intellectual
rights reserved for the University.
The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:

a) In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the respective

academic work or evaluation, the grade that will be imposed will
be zero points without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary

b) In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the academic work

whatever its nature, the qualification that will be imposed will be zero
points, without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.

b) Evaluation rubric Format

Type of the activity: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 1
Activity higher score: 90 points
High level: the student answers one of the five
questions available in step 1.
The student shows an excellent degree of control of
simple grammatical forms according to online content.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 points
to 15 points
Medium level: the student can answer the question, but
still with systematically basic errors.
The student shows low control of simple grammatical
Read the
forms according to online content.
article ‘20
If your work is at this level, you will get from 5 points
to 10 points
Attractions in
Low level: the student carries out the activity during the
and answer
last three (3) days at the end of the task.
The student shows very low control of some grammatical
forms. No forum participation.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points
to 5 points
High level: the student complies with the instructions and
contributes to write the 150-word text in the chart in step
2, either with ideas, sentences, or paragraphs.
Shows a good degree of control of grammatical forms in
the past tense according to the online contents.
Uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary when talking about
a past experience.
Completes the entire chart according to the
required information.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 25 points
to 30 points

Medium level: The student contributes very little to write

the 150-word text in the chart in step 2.
Shows little control of grammatical forms in past tense
according to online content.
Uses only basic vocabulary that can be
Complete the
repeated or that may be inappropriate for the
Completes most of the chart according to the
required information.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 points
to 25 points

Low level: the student performs the activity during the last
week of the task or does not contribute to write the 150-
word text in the box in step 2.
Do not write ideas, sentences, or paragraphs using past
tense. Use a vocabulary of isolated words and phrases.
No forum participation.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points
to 5 points
High level: the comments are relevant, articulated and
contribute to the construction of the chart together with
his/her groupmates. Contributions are published a week
Third before the closure of the forum.
evaluation If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 points
standard: to 15 points
comments Medium level: there is minimum participation in the forum,
in addition to the fact that his/her comments are not
and do not meet the requirements of the activity guide,
the schedule, or the standards of netiquette.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 1 point to
15 points

Low level: no forum participation.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points
to 0 points
High level: the student designs a creative letter and shows
the process according to the instructions of the activity,
sharing his proposal in the forum; using colors and images.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 15 points
to 25 points

Medium level: the student designs a letter proposal,

but without visual creativity.
Shares the letter proposal the last three (3) days at the
closure of the forum.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 points
Design a letter
to 15 points
Low level:
The student does not share the letter proposal in the forum.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points
to 10 points
High level: Only one student uploads the final product with
the corresponding format file and through the evaluation
If your work is at this level, you will get from 3 points
to 5 points
Medium level: the student sends the final product through
the forum, inbox or email.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 1 point to
Final product
2 points
Low level: There is no submission of the final product in
the Evaluation environment by any member of the group.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points
to 0 points.

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