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Her Milkshakes by Keffotin

(CONTAINS: F/F, hyper, size difference, breastfeeding, lactation, oral butt stuff, willing vore, soft digestion, cute gay
trans women being weird and awkward, and other strange-but-oddly-wholesome stuff)

------- ♥ -------

“Rrrgh!! Looks like you win again.” Soleil dropped her controller on the couch beside her
in defeat and let out a deep sigh.
Bisou just chuckled in response. “Hey, for what it’s worth, you’re getting better! At least
you aren’t getting the characters mixed up and jumping off the side anymore. You almost took
one of my lives that time!” The huge pink goodra set her comically small controller down on the
coffee table and leaned back, gently placing an arm around her pouting bunny girlfriend. “One of
these days you’ll actually beat me, and I’ll be sure to shower you in praise and smooches when
you do, haha. Chin up, sweetie!”
Soleil tried her best to continue looking upset, but it was no use. The warm, slightly
gooey embrace of Bisou’s arm was enough to cheer anybody up. She allowed a smile to creep
back onto her face and leaned into the hug, putting one arm around the dragon’s torso. “If you
say so.”
As Bisou pulled her in a bit closer, the little rabbit’s face was inadvertently smushed
tightly against the side of her enormous mammaries. Bisou’s breasts, much like every other part
of her body, were served in incredibly generous portions, and today they were barely contained
by a stretchy yellow crop-top that featured a circular boob window (though with how far it was
stretched out at this point, it would probably be more accurate to call it a “boob door”). Deep
fuchsia cleavage practically spilled through the opening in the fabric, jiggling and pushing out
even more prominently as Soleil’s head was pressed into the side. With her one eye that wasn’t
obstructed by boobmeat, Soleil could even see the edge of one of her partner’s oversized
turquoise nipples, poking just slightly past the cover that the shirt struggled to provide.
Then the bunny had a thought.
“Hey, Bisou? Random question for you, just occurred to me.” Soleil did her best to speak
audibly with half her mouth muffled by the dragon’s chest.
Bisou’s eyes were closed, a relaxed smile on her face. “Oh yeah, hon? What’s up?”
“I was just wondering about… well, your, uh... your boobs here,” the rabbit started to
stammer, wondering if Bisou could feel her face getting hot. “Are they like… Do they produce,
umm… milk? Or something? I noticed they kinda slosh when you move sometimes, but I dunno
if that’s actually like… liquid inside them, or if that’s just kinda part of your whole “goo” thing…”
The goodra’s eyes opened just a little, glancing down at her flustered girlfriend as her
smile grew a bit more coy. “Random question, you say? Nothing… jugged your memory?” She
punctuated her last few words with a slight wiggle of her torso - a small movement, but more
than enough to envelop Soleil’s face in wobbling, shifting softness for a few moments. She could
feel the small rabbit quiver a little - Soleil often trembled slightly when she was nervous or
excited, and Bisou couldn’t help but find it cute every time.
“N-no reason, no, just a thought,” squeaked a voice from below. Bisou giggled and
stopped teasing the poor bunny, removing her arm from around Soleil and shifting over on the
couch so they could see each other clearly again. Soleil’s face was bright red, and she had her
arms conveniently crossed over her lap.
“Milk, huh? Hmmm. That’s a good question, actually... To be honest, I don’t know if I’ve
ever tried to make milk?” The larger woman gently hefted one of her melon-sized tits, looking at
them curiously. “Like, I think it’s usually just goop in there. The same mint-green stuff that the
rest of my body is full of, wrapped in a layer of denser pink stuff. Kinda like a big gooey
waterbed, but shaped like a girl? Even I don’t really understand it myself, haha.”
Soleil nodded. She’d sort of expected as much, but figured it was worth asking.
Bisou paused, then perked up. “But hey! Morgan’s not home til 6:00pm, we’ve got the
apartment to ourselves. You can have a taste if you like! I’ll try and flex whatever I’ve got inside
these puppies, and you can tell me if you notice anything different about the stuff that comes
out. Y’know, for science or whatever! How does that sound, sweetie?”
Bisou’s warm smile was enticing. Not that it needed to be, of course. Her bunny partner
continued not speaking, but the pace of her nods doubled, and Bisou giggled again. “God,
you’re adorable. Alright, one sec!”
Reaching into the unfathomable depths beneath her bust and fumbling around a little,
she managed to hook her fingers under the edge of her shirt, and (with a little bit of effort) slowly
stretched it around the jiggling globes it kept contained. Soleil watched, transfixed. She couldn’t
quite tell if Bisou was actually struggling or if she was just putting on a show, but considering her
own past experiences trying to remove clothing from the voluptuous dragon, it was probably a
mix of both.
Finally, the hem of the fabric released its grip, and Bisou’s colossal breasts flopped out,
making an audible shplap! as they bounced and settled atop her round belly. Her neon green
areolas looked almost like a pair of googly eyes, jiggling around on the surface of the two hefty
pink orbs. Bisou lit up at the sight of her own boobs as though she’d just reunited with two old
friends, giving them a playful squeeze and giggling.
Soleil had seen Bisou’s chest from all kinds of angles and distances before, but the
novelty never wore off of just how comically huge it was. Each breast was at LEAST the size of
Soleil’s own head, and due to Bisou’s gooey physiology, sometimes they were even larger if the
dragon’s body mass had shifted around in the right ways. Today seemed to be one of those
days, and the little rabbit was absolutely dwarfed by the pair of prize-winning watermelons
sitting tantalizingly before her.
“What are you waiting for? C’mere!” Bisou gestured to Soleil, snapping the bunny out of
her trance. She blushed even deeper, wondering how long she’d just been staring, and scooted
over on the couch. The goodra’s right breast loomed before her, and she tentatively placed her
hands on either side of it, adjusting the angle slightly so she could reach the nipple with her
mouth. The task was a little awkward, though, and she had to stretch to get her face level with it.
Bisou watched her girlfriend struggle for a moment before finally saying, “Here, try this instead!”
She placed both of her hands under the bunny’s armpits and gently lifted her into the air
(eliciting another flustered squeak from the poor girl) before shifting on the couch and placing
Soleil gently on top of her lap, resting against the cushioned curve of the dragon’s stomach.
“There we go! Much better, right?”
“O-oh! Yeah, that’s… that’ll, um, work great,” she managed to reply. Soleil was acutely
aware that, although her knees were atop Bisou’s massive pink thighs, and her torso was
braced against her belly, the main thing actually supporting Soleil’s balance now was the
exceptionally oversized bulge in her partner’s shorts, propped up by the couch and keeping her
thighs apart. Soleil could feel it against her rump, the familiar cylindrical shape pressing gently
into the dip between her cheeks. Her whole head felt red-hot and fuzzy. If her blush wasn’t
visible already, there was no chance of hiding it now.
Bisou craned her long neck forward and planted a little smooch on Soleil’s head,
smirking playfully. She brushed pink hair off of the rabbit’s forehead and said gently, “Whenever
you’re ready, hon. Science awaits, but take your time if you need to.”
Soleil had a slightly dazed look on her face, but she shook it away and took the dragon’s
breast in her hands again, lifting the nipple to her lips. It was inverted, but bulged outward from
the main shape of the breast in a way that Soleil was still able to keep some amount of hold on
it with her mouth. It wasn’t a problem for long, either, as applying a bit of suction caused the
nipple to pop out inside her mouth, making things much easier.
This time it was Bisou’s turn to blush. The bunny worked her soft lips and wet tongue
over the thick turquoise nipple with what seemed like practiced skill. It felt like she was getting a
tiny, delicate massage, localized entirely around the tip of the goodra’s right boob, and the
sensation was delightful. Soleil started to fondle the breast itself as she became more immersed
in her quest, and each gentle squish sent another little shiver of pleasure through Bisou’s
massive body. She could even see Soleil’s eyes widen for a brief moment as the dragon’s
package pulsed and twitched slightly beneath her, but the busy bunny remained focused.
Sure enough, within a minute or two of concentrated suckling, Soleil struck gold. Or
rather, goo. She felt a cool, refreshing, somewhat thick substance start to trickle into her mouth,
and she took that as a cue to keep slurping and try to increase the flow. But it seemed to be
limited to that slow, passive leak, and with her mouth full of the stuff, Soleil realized that she
recognized the taste. She swirled it around with her tongue and swallowed. The texture was
familiar too.
Her kneading slowed and she cleaned up the remains of the leak with her tongue before
pulling away and swallowing again. The rabbit’s fuzzy yellow brow furrowed. “Hmmmm…”
Bisou, literally dripping with pleasure, struggled to muster words for a moment, but
eventually she regained her composure enough to ask, “What’s wrong, hon?”
Soleil licked her lips and paused, thinking. “Well, there IS stuff coming out, but… I
dunno! I think you just leak goo when you get horny? It doesn’t seem any different in flavour or
texture or -” (she stuck out her tongue to reveal that it was stained a faintly-glowing aquamarine)
“- even colour, from any of the rest of your goop. This is the same stuff that I taste when we
make out, or when you cum… I think you only have that one kind of juice inside you, all the way
through. No milk.”
Her partner looked a little disappointed, and Soleil quickly followed up, “N-not that that’s
a problem! You know I love your goo! I’ll take it any way I can get it, haha. If you like when I do
this with your boobs, I’m happy to do it again whenever, don’t worry!”
Bisou brightened up again and nodded. “Okay! Thank you sweetie, I’m glad you like it so
much.” She giggled, and Soleil felt the bulge below her throb a little, teasing her butt from
behind. “But… I guess that means the experiment was a failure, then? It doesn’t seem like my
insides can produce any other kinds of fluids. Or, well, at least not on my own…?” She trailed off
a little bit there, seemingly pondering something.
“Huh? On your own?” Soleil looked puzzled, but Bisou was still thinking.
“...Hey. If I had another idea for how to make milk - for real this time, special stuff, not
just regular Bisou-brand green slime - would you be down to help me try it? Is that something
you’d like?” She seemed to be getting excited but was doing her best to keep it under control.
Soleil glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost 5:00pm. “I dunno, maybe later? Or
in the bedroom at least? Morgan’s probably gonna be home soon, and I don’t want them to
stumble in on anything weird. I still feel bad about the mess last week…”
“Oh don’t worry, it’ll be reeeaaallly quick. At least, I think it will be? I’m pretty sure it will
be. And no mess involved! Trust me.” Bisou looked positively giddy. She was bouncing on the
couch slightly (causing the springs to creak in protest) and, in turn, bouncing her short girlfriend
atop her barely-contained junk.
“Ok, ok, ok! Alright! I trust you, haha.” Soleil propped herself up on Bisou’s tummy with
one hand, just trying to keep herself from toppling facefirst into the yawning chasm of Bisou’s
cleavage. “What do you need me to do? I’m all ears.” She grinned and twitched her cute bunny
ears to demonstrate just how “all ears” she was, and Bisou laughed.
“All I need you to do is keep sitting right there, and… maybe keep your arms at your
sides? It’ll probably go smoother that way.” A puzzled look appeared on the rabbit’s face,
followed by a sudden flash of realization. “Smoother? Wait, are you gonna -??”
Soleil didn’t get to finish before her mouth (and entire face) were lurched forward and
planted in the space between Bisou’s tits, muffling the rest of her question quite thoroughly.
Bisou even used her arms to squeeze them together around the bunny, making her cleavage
even tighter and deeper as Soleil’s entire head became submerged in slippery magenta
boobflesh. All that remained visible were the tips of her long ears and a bit of her ponytail;
everything else above her shoulders had completely vanished in under a second.
Plunged into the slick pink depths, Soleil struggled instinctively for a moment, before
calming down when she realized what had happened. She was fine, she was safe, she was in a
place she’d frankly always wanted to be. And now she was… turning upside down? And starting
to slide further forward?? Wait, that couldn’t be right. Just how deep was Bisou’s cleavage??
From Bisou’s perspective, it was possible to see that Soleil’s shoulders had now started
to slip between the dragon’s melons, slowly following the path her head had so bravely forged
between them. Bisou giggled - it tickled a bit - and she wiggled from side to side to shimmy the
rabbit’s torso inside quicker. She smiled and noted how willing Soleil was to trust her and see
where this was going, not fighting to escape at all.
Soleil wasn’t in any rush to get out, but she also wasn’t sure how she was still moving
along. From where she could feel the air on her own torso, she definitely should’ve had her face
smushed into the top of Bisou’s belly by now. Her tits were big, sure, but they weren’t that big!
But as Soleil started paying a little more attention to her somewhat jiggly surroundings, she
realized that the goo ahead of her seemed to be parting and stretching as gravity gently pulled
her into it. It seemed as though Bisou’s malleable body was actively making space for her,
displacing its mass outwards as she squeezed further inside. Sweet-scented goo soaked into
her shirt and bra and coated her head and arms, slicking down her hair and fluff to reduce
friction. Calling it “cozy” might be a tad strange, but admittedly it also wasn’t the strangest
situation Soleil would’ve described as “cozy” before.
Bisou, meanwhile, was getting excited as she realized her idea seemed to be working...
or at least, so far. She continued to wiggle and shift, lifting her smaller partner up by the legs to
let gravity continue its work. Soleil had now sunk in past her bellybutton, and it was at this point
that Bisou noticed the bunny’s fluffy tail drawing near. As her round hips and ass became gently
lodged in the entrance to the dragon’s squishy cavern, halting her progress, Bisou lit up with
another very good idea.
Somewhere deep within the slimy cavity of the goodra’s torso, Soleil shivered slightly as
she felt her comfy leggings being pulled down past her asscheeks and tugged over her shapely
thighs. This was followed by a similar sensation as Bisou did the same with her blue-and-white
striped panties, freeing her [very noticeably erect] cock and exposing her puffy, shiny pink
butthole. Soleil closed her eyes and braced herself. At least she knew where this part was
going... Bisou certainly knew how to make a girl feel special, and she took the enthusiastic
fluttering of a bunny tail in her face as her signal to proceed.
For a moment, all Soleil felt was the cool, moist sensation of the tip of a goodra’s tongue,
pressing gently against the rim of her pucker. Swirling around the outside of the squishy pink
opening for a few moments, it traced a slippery little circle around her hole several times,
causing the hole’s owner to quiver and bite her lip. It was hard to see from Bisou’s vantage
point, but the rabbit’s hard little cock was drooling slightly, a shimmering thread of clear precum
dangling delicately from its tip.
The next thing Soleil felt was Bisou adjusting her grip. She released the rabbit’s legs -
using her upper arms to keep her boobs pressed tightly together and hold Soleil in place - and
then spread those fuzzy cheeks wide open with her freed hands. What followed was several
inches of thick green goop-tongue, sliding right into the bunny’s backdoor with an
embarrassingly loud SCHLORP! sound. Soleil yelped in surprise (and pleasure) as she was
penetrated by her girlfriend’s slippery tendril, but it was muffled by several layers of dense
goodra fat. Nonetheless, Bisou could tell she was hitting the right spot simply based on the
erratically-twitching tail that tickled her chin. Without hesitating, she began to bob her head back
and forth, stretching out the helpless bunny’s little donut hole as the dragon pulled in and out,
pillaging Soleil’s booty with her thick, throbbing, gooey mouth-meat. They continued like this for
a few minutes, with Bisou gradually building up the speed and intensity as she went along (and
also subtly channeling a little more goop into her tongue, to increase its size). As the dragon felt
her girlfriend starting to tremble a little more than usual, she knew the climax was coming soon.
It was then that Bisou let her squeezing boob-grip loosen slightly, just as she gave one
last thrust into Soleil’s rear end. The combination of force and freedom had exactly the effect
Bisou was hoping for - Soleil’s hips and ass were slurped down into her cleavage, vanishing
between the two glistening pink globes as the tongue popped free from her butthole. The
bunny’s cock throbbed and squirted an adorable little load of bunny cum onto Bisou’s belly
before it, too, disappeared inside the dragon’s bust. With her widest point now inside, the rest of
Soleil’s body was quick work to slip between her tits, and Bisou gently guided the rabbit’s legs
and paws as gravity greedily pulled them down into the deep pink abyss. In a matter of seconds,
there was no evidence that there had just been a short yellow bunnygirl here at all... save for a
few splatters of white splooge, on top of a big pink belly that seemed to protrude a little more
than usual. Bisou leaned back on the couch and sighed. The hard part was over. Now she could
relax and let her strange body (hopefully) accomplish its task.
Soleil wasn’t sure exactly where she was. This wasn’t her first time being swallowed by
Bisou in one way or another, but as the rabbit’s paws slipped inside and her knees were pulled
up under her chin, she had a distinct impression that her location was slightly different from
Bisou’s stomach (or whatever part of her gooey, shifting insides was equivalent to a stomach,
anyways). For starters, it was much less wet. The walls around her still had a certain slick
moisture to them, but it was closer to how Bisou’s boobs had felt on the outside - somewhere in
the range between “sweaty” and “lubricated”. Soleil didn’t seem to be completely immersed in
glow-in-the-dark turquoise slime either - her current surroundings were mostly dark, and she
definitely wasn’t suspended in fluid. Had Bisou’s body created some kind of unique space to
store her, above the gut and behind the breasts? It was hard to say, considering the dragon’s
vague approximation of any kind of recognizable anatomy. But wherever Soleil was, it was
warm, slippery, tight, and tingly.
Wait.... tingly?
Soleil recognized that feeling.
She was beginning to melt. But not exactly in the same way as she had in the past.
Soleil had been swallowed, and even digested, a handful of times (regeneration was one of the
tricks in her relatively small bag), and it had been an enjoyable experience, but in a different
manner than what she was now experiencing. This melting process was less like being broken
down and absorbed into her surroundings, and more like... changing, transforming, converting
into a different material entirely that was smoother, looser, more fluid, more… gooey. Liquid
began to pool underneath her, but it wasn’t Bisou’s usual bioluminescent goo. The rabbit’s form
was rapidly trading its usual firmness for a swirling, sloshing, creamy yellow soup that filled up
the space she was in, just as quickly as her solid body could vacate it. As Soleil slowly parted
with her solidity, most of her senses also gently abandoned her, and she was overwhelmed by
warmth and comfort and relaxation in their place. Her mind was all over the place, yet oddly
focused at the same time - each ripple and swirl and splash and gloop reverberating through her
consciousness with a clarity that just felt right. It was almost like a lovely dream. And as Soleil
started to drift off and let her thoughts melt away with her body, to her it was a dream - the kind
of dream you wake up from and perhaps don’t recall all the details, but can’t help but wish that
its calm sweetness might envelop you a few minutes longer all the same.
Bisou closed her eyes and relaxed as the mass inside her torso softened. It was a cozy,
pleasant process for both parties, and Bisou was so comfortable that she nearly dozed off. But
then, something shifted within her, causing the dragon to sit up straight and look down at
herself. She felt as though a weight within her was pushing forward. And then, seemingly all on
its own, Bisou’s body began relocating her girlfriend - straight into her jiggling bosom.
It started slowly at first, hardly even noticeable. Her boobs increased in size very, very
slightly, almost hesitantly. It would’ve been barely enough to notice, if she hadn’t already been
watching expectantly. But then, as though twin floodgates had been thrown open, the entirety of
Soleil’s body mass (now in liquid form) suddenly surged forward, the slight bulge in her torso
deflating as Bisou’s jugs ballooned out to twice their usual size and filled up with sloshing,
creamy bunny soup. The shift in weight nearly pulled her to the floor, but she braced herself just
in time as her ridiculous breasts flopped into the combined support of her fumbling hands and
her ever-faithful tummy.
Catching her breath, Bisou sat there on the couch, holding her massive magenta water
balloons and wondering if her plan had, indeed, worked. It certainly seemed that way, but she
had no way of knowing if the bunny had simply been digested into more body mass, more
boobfat to pad out her already-generous bosom. Tentatively, she gave one of her breasts a
slight squeeze… and with a rush of pressure and pleasure, her nipple answered her question
with a creamy squirt of opaque light-yellow fluid that quickly became a steady dribble over her
hand. She released the boob and tasted the mess on her fingers.
She’d turned Soleil into milk! She’d done it! Excitedly, without really even thinking, Bisou
craned her neck and lifted the nipple to her lips. As she slurped, more of the sweet, creamy,
bunny-flavoured drink sprayed into her mouth and ran down her throat. It tasted somewhat like
bananas, much like Soleil herself did, and Bisou found it absolutely delicious. She gulped down
several mouthfuls of the stuff, before suddenly remembering that she was supposed to share.
Soleil would definitely want to try some of this once she’d regenerated!
Releasing her nipple from her mouth, Bisou let it fall. The flavor of her partner was still
on her tongue, and she savored it for a moment, then reached a hand down in between her
colossal milk tanks. Her arm slipped down inside the pink goo much like Soleil had, but unlike
Soleil, it soon emerged again, with Soleil’s milk-drenched t-shirt in hand. Reaching in again,
Bisou retrieved the bunnygirl’s bra as well, and she placed both articles of clothing on top of the
leggings and panties that were already piled at her feet. But when she went back one more
time, she couldn’t find anything else. Bisou felt around with her hand, but the space really wasn’t
very big now that it didn’t have an entire person to stretch it out, and it seemed that it was now
fully empty. She pulled her hand out again and raised it to her chin, confused. “Where did…?”
Suddenly, she felt a bubble rising in her chest, and as it reached her throat she realized
there was something else rising too. Her cheeks puffed out for a moment, and she let out a burp
that was a bit longer, louder, and sweeter than she expected - and as her mouth was open wide,
Bisou’s peripheral vision caught a purple shape flying out, accompanied by two smaller objects
that glinted briefly in the light. Clearing her throat and blushing a little, the dragon leaned
forward to see that she’d burped up Soleil’s favourite scrunchie (also soaked in
banana-flavoured milk) and two small barbell piercings that had, until very recently, occupied
Soleil’s nipples. Bisou chuckled to herself, a tad embarrassed. Clearly she’d been more
preoccupied with guzzling her cream than she realized, if she hadn’t even noticed herself
swallowing those accessories in the midst of it. She patted her chest affectionately, causing it to
wobble gently. “What can I say, hon? You’re just so sweet, can you really blame me?”

------- ♥ -------

After resting a little longer, Bisou decided that she probably shouldn’t let Soleil’s clothes
dry on the floor, so (with considerable effort due to her awkward sense of balance) she got to
her feet, bundled up the wet clothing, and took them down the hall to toss them in the washing
machine. Bisou smiled in satisfaction. Now they’d be nice and clean for when Soleil woke up!
Just because the dragon liked to swallow people, that didn’t mean she couldn’t also be
considerate about it. She knew Soleil would do the same for her if their positions were reversed.
Speaking of Soleil’s position, though: the next order of business was to transfer all this
sloshy goodness into a container or something! As much hot as it might be to think about her
girlfriend sloshing around in her boobs every time Bisou moved, it could be any number of hours
before Soleil poofed back into existence in her bed, and the goodra wanted her tits to at least fit
inside her shirt again in the meantime. Wobbling and jiggling her way to the kitchen, she opened
a cupboard and pulled out two large pitchers - the kind they usually used for things like
lemonade. Placing them on the counter, Bisou plopped a shiny green nipple on the rim of one
pitcher and began to gently squeeze her boob. After a moment of building pressure,
yellowish-white cream began issuing forth from her gooey teat and filling up the pitcher. As she
began running out of room, she switched to her other boob and repeated the process with the
other pitcher. Soon, both jugs were filled to the brim, and she covered them with lids and placed
them in the fridge.
But her own jugs were still visibly larger than usual, and Bisou sensed that she’d only
dispensed about a third of their capacity so far. She stood in the kitchen for a minute, hands on
her sizable hips, trying to think where else she could store this stuff… Aha! She opened another
cupboard and procured a large soup pot. Setting it on the floor, Bisou knelt down and aimed
both teats into the pot, then began milking herself with both hands. Splurts and sprays of
banana-flavoured fluid were pumped from her overflowing breasts, pattering loudly against the
bottom of the metal pot like rain as it, too, began to fill up. Bisou let her longue green tongue loll
out of her mouth with pleasure as her tits drained, slowly but surely, into the container. Finally it,
too, was full… but clearly it wasn’t as big as she’d thought. The goodra’s breasts looked quite a
bit more manageable now, but there was definitely a bit of Soleil’s gift still swirling inside them.
Oh well, she thought, I guess that just means there’ll be a little left if she wants to drink straight
from the tap later, haha!
Standing up again, Bisou pulled open the door of the refrigerator and veeeeery carefully
hefted the heavy soup pot, sliding it onto the bottom shelf. Thankfully they were about due for a
grocery run, so the fridge had plenty of free space. Satisfied with her handiwork, Bisou let out a
deep sigh of relief. What a busy afternoon this had turned out to be!
She was just about to go sit down again, when the dragon suddenly heard a shuffling
sound and the jingling of keys by the door of the apartment. Bisou glanced at the clock on that
wall; it was now about 6:15pm. Fuck. She’d completely forgotten about Morgan. Their human
roommate wasn’t usually the type to pry (honestly, probably one of the best traits Bisou and
Soleil could’ve asked for in a roommate), but Bisou was still unsure what would happen if they
found the stuff in the fridge before Soleil woke up from her nap. She was so preoccupied, she
almost forgot to hurriedly stuff her oversized melons back into her shirt. Taking a deep breath,
Bisou tried to look casual while pretending to be VERY invested in the sudoku puzzle someone
had left on the countertop.
Moments later, Morgan walked into the room. The top two buttons of their light-blue work
shirt were undone, and sweat had soaked through the fabric enough that the outline of their
black sports bra was semi-visible. They looked exhausted from a long day of work (and
presumably walking home in the sun too) and all they could really muster was an out-of-breath
“Hey.” Morgan set down their bag on a chair and pushed their hair off their forehead.
Bisou avoided making eye contact, continuing instead to stare at a puzzle that she
absolutely did not understand. “Hey! How was your day?”
Morgan sighed. “Not... terrible? Work was pretty quiet actually, but this summer heat is
killing me. I should’ve taken the bus today, dunno why I decided not to… Thank god we’ve got
AC, at least.” They stretched, then stepped around Bisou’s bulky tail (which took up half the
kitchen area) and went to open the fridge. “Do we have anything to drink? I would’ve stopped on
the way home, but I really didn’t wanna be out any longer than I needed to.”
Bisou continued to not turn around, but a bead of sweat rolled cartoonishly down her
brow. She braced herself for their reaction, searching her gooey brain for an excuse she would
likely need any second now.
Sure enough, a moment passed before she heard Morgan ask, “Any idea what this
yellow stuff is?” Bisou gulped, composing herself, and then slowly faced them with what she
hoped was an innocent expression on her face.
“Oh! Yeah, that’s mine,” the dragon admitted sheepishly. “I was trying to make
milkshakes, but it didn’t really work…”
Her roommate raised an eyebrow. “Milkshakes? Bisou, we don’t own a blender.”
Bisou chuckled awkwardly. “Right, yeahhh… That’s kinda why it didn’t work, haha. But it
still tastes fine, at least! ...Which is good, cuz I made a lot.”
Morgan squinted at Bisou briefly, then at the pitcher of yellow cream in their hand, then
back at Bisou. After what felt like an eternity, they shrugged. “Cool, fair enough! Maybe I’ll give it
a try later.” Morgan slid the jug back into the fridge and closed the door, then picked up their bag
and headed down the hall to their room. Bisou tapped her fingers on the counter nonchalantly
until she heard Morgan’s bedroom door click shut, then let out a deep sigh of relief. Absolutely

------- ♥ -------

Soleil groggily sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. There was soft, warm light coming from
the lamp beside the bed, but the sky outside the window was almost dark. The rabbit blinked,
confused. Sheesh, what time did I fall asleep? Must’ve tried to take a nap and overslept.
Happens every time, I swear…
Yawning and stretching, Soleil pulled back the sheets and hopped out of bed. There was
a chair on the other side of the room, and on it were her clothes, neatly folded and stacked. As
she moved closer, she saw that her favourite scrunchie was on top, and… were those her
piercings, too? Soleil glanced down at her bare chest in surprise, realizing that her nipples were
indeed missing their usual ornamentation. She raised an eyebrow. Something was up.
Slipping into her comfy outfit (which she noticed was still warm from the dryer, and
smelled fresh and clean), the bunny headed for the door. She made her way down the hall and
into the living room to find Bisou sitting on the couch, playing a game with the volume turned
down and seemingly not noticing as her girlfriend entered.
Soleil snuck up behind Bisou and gave her a little kiss on the top of her head - gently
startling the unsuspecting goodra, who blushed a little. She paused her game and reached over
her shoulder to hold Soleil’s hand.
“Oh! Hey hon, you’re up! Feeling alright?”
“Think so, yeah! Still a bit sleepy, but that’s basically just a personality trait for me these
days, haha.” Soleil rested her head on top of Bisou’s, and squeezed her hand lightly. “Have you
been out here the whole time?”
“Mostly, yeah,” her partner replied. “Just waiting for the other load of laundry. Had to
wash *ahem* a couple things, so I decided to just take care of all of it! Might as well, right?”
“Aw, well thanks for taking care of that for me. I was gonna do it myself tonight, but i
guess I must’ve just really needed a good long nap, haha…” Soleil mused. Then she
remembered what she’d wanted to ask. “Hey, I noticed my piercings were out when I woke up...
You wouldn’t happen to remember anything about that, would you?”
She felt Bisou stiffen a little, just briefly, before the dragon changed the subject
somewhat abruptly.
“H-hey, since you’re here now, I have something cool I was waiting to show you!” Bisou
stood up, moving around the couch surprisingly gracefully without letting go of Soleil’s hand.
“C’mere, it’s in the kitchen!”
She led the smaller woman by the hand to the other end of the apartment. “Check this
out,” Bisou said, pulling open the fridge with her free hand. A moment later, she produced a
half-filled pitcher of creamy yellow fluid. “Ta-daaa!” she proclaimed proudly, setting it on the
Soleil was already starting to piece things together, but seeing that jug of milk made her
head go a little fuzzy, and she felt her cheeks get warm. There was something familiar about
whatever that stuff was.
“Did you... make something?” the rabbit tentatively asked.
Bisou nodded eagerly. “Mm-hmm! Well, sorta. I had help. Anyways, here, you’ve gotta
try some!” She opened a cupboard and pulled down two tall glasses. As she started to pour, she
remarked somewhat absently, “Could’ve sworn there was more of this stuff here earlier... But
that’s fine, there’s still plenty here for both of us to enjoy!”
As Soleil held the glass in her hand, she tentatively swirled it around. It seemed more or
less like regular milk, with a faint sweet scent of… banana, maybe? It seemed so frustratingly
familiar, but she just could not pinpoint why. “This isn’t gonna like, transform me into a giant
dildo or a pooltoy or something, is it? You’re being very weird about this...”
Bisou laughed sweetly. “No, no, nothing like that, I promise.”
“Like, it’s okay if it does, I guess. But I just wanna know in advance so I don’t wreck my
favourite pants, y’know?”
“You would enjoy something like that, wouldn’t you? Classic Soleil.” her partner teased.
“H-hey!” Soleil spluttered. “I’m just saying, it would probably be kinda interesting if it
happened! Purely hypothetical!”
“Sure, sure, whatever you say. I’ll have Morgan keep an eye out for Dildo TF Juice the
next time they do a grocery run, don’t you worry,” Bisou joked. “Now c’mon, drink up! I wanna
know if I got the flavour right, I need your opinion on this.”
The pair giggled together for a moment, then clinked their glasses together and tipped
them back. As the milk flowed over Soleil’s tongue, her expectation was proven correct at first -
this was, indeed, just some extra-creamy banana-flavoured milk. She’d bought a bottle of
something similar from a convenience store once or twice and it wasn’t half bad, but this was
definitely much higher quality, lacking the weird artificial aftertaste that she was otherwise
accustomed to.
But she’d hardly had a moment to process the flavor and texture before something
clicked, and she realized EXACTLY what she was drinking. Memories of warm, slippery
descents and soothing, melting bliss flooded back into her mind alongside the sweet milk
flooding her tastebuds, and Soleil recalled that she hadn’t just tasted this milk before - she’d
BEEN this milk, not too long ago. She had experienced every part of her body losing its shape
and function to create more and more of this simple, smooth, sublime beverage that she now
held in her hand. She couldn’t believe it. While her memory had still been hazy before, her
hunch was that Bisou had probably just swallowed her and digested her normally, as she’d done
a few times before. But this… this was definitely a new trick.
“Ohhhh my god. Bisou. Bisou, you actually… you did it? It worked? This is…” The little
bunny, amidst a dizzying mix of sudden recollection and arousal, struggled to put a coherent
sentence together. Bisou stepped forward and gently took the glass from her hand, setting it on
the countertop so Soleil wouldn’t accidentally drop it.
“Hey, I told you I had help, right? Being ingredients counts as helping in my book! And
somebunny -” she pulled Soleil into an affectionate side-hug “- makes for some damn tasty
ingredients, I’d say. Don’t you agree?” Her girlfriend was too flustered to make eye contact, but
she nodded, cheeks turning brighter red by the second. The poor girl was doing her best to
come to terms with just how much this whole scenario turned her on - it shouldn’t have surprised
Soleil that her partner knew EXACTLY what would melt her into a puddle (both figuratively and
literally), yet she was still blown away every time it happened.
Bisou set down her own glass and pulled Soleil a little tighter into the hug, turning her
body slightly so she could reach her other arm around the rabbit too. This had the [probably
intentional] side effect of smooshing Soleil’s face into one of Bisou’s slightly-enlarged tits again -
a sensation that was now vividly familiar for both of them. “Well hey,” the dragon reassured her,
“you go ahead and finish the rest of that glass when you’re ready... and then we can head to the
bedroom, and I’ll show you what I did with the stuff I couldn’t fit in the fridge. Sound good, hon?”
Soleil tried to nod with her face half-buried in boob, causing it to wobble as the liquid
inside sloshed audibly. Bisou laughed warmly, and her girlfriend planted her whole face in the
dragon’s chest to hide her embarrassment.
It was at this moment that they both were startled by the sound of someone clearing their
throat, and Bisou and Soleil pulled apart to see that Morgan had just entered the kitchen. In their
hand was the second pitcher, completely empty.
“O-oh, sorry! Just needed to, uh, put this in the sink. Lemme just sneak past you two,
don’t mind me!” they apologized, moving past the duo without meeting anyone’s gaze.
“I take it you enjoyed it, then?” Bisou asked with a sly smile. “The milkshake, I mean. It
was good?”
Morgan busied themself with rinsing out the jug, not turning around. “Yeah, it was…
really good, actually? Definitely wouldn’t call it a milkshake, haha, but… Well, whatever you did
end up making, it was so tasty that I could barely stop myself,” they turned to look over their
shoulder sheepishly, “as you can probably tell. Sorry about that. Weirdly super filling, too? I feel
like I had a whole meal; I don’t think I even have room for dinner tonight…”
The dragon laughed again. “Sounds like a winner then! I’ll have to get some more
ingredients together and see if I can’t recreate the recipe again sometime…” Bisou playfully
nudged Soleil with her elbow, as the bunnygirl turned even deeper red and did her best to hide
her erection.
Morgan dried their hands on a dish towel and started to head back to their room. “Well if
you do, lemme know! Maybe I’ll bake some cookies to go with it or something; that way we’ll be
even for the… Well, you know, me drinking all the… Yeah. You know. Cool.” They flashed a pair
of awkward finger guns before disappearing down the hallway again.
Once Morgan’s door clicked shut, Bisou loomed over her shorter partner. “What about
you, sweetheart? How soon would you like to try another batch? I don’t want to rush my, heh,
exclusive supplier~”
Soleil took a long, quiet moment to compose herself before answering.
“What time is the store open tomorrow? We’re... probably gonna need more than just
those two pitchers, I think.”
Bisou pulled Soleil close again and stroked the bunny’s soft ears affectionately, smiling.

------- ♥ -------


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