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Dungeon Swelling

By hdalby33

Skylar knew it should’ve been harder to wrangle the map out of that dragon. He’d encountered
the fat, silver derg at a bar the night before and, after an evening of drunken revelries, managed
to get him talking. From there, the enormously built rito mage had used a combination of his
charm, perfectly chiseled figure and smooth talking to get the derg up into a room where they got
to know one another much more intimately.

The dragon had still been smiling the next morning as he lay snuggled with his nose buried deep
between Skylar’s pecs. After skillfully peeling himself off the reptile’s absurdly heavy gut and
slipping the map from their bag, the bird discovered the entrance to Glossoway’s Tomb wasn’t
more than a mile from where he’d overnighted. A quick breakfast and brisk jog through the
forest brought the bird to an arrestingly-large wall of black rock with a single, triangular door
embedded in it.

When he consulted the map, he discovered a chant he needed to utter in order to gain entry.

That had been the easy part. What came next was all together more challenging.

To start with, Skylar cursed his choice of wardrobe. As a rogue mage venturing through the
Sutherlands, he’d been accustomed to gentler climates and cozy bedmates to keep him warm.
Within that tomb, however, the temperatures seemed to plummet well below zero in the first
couple seconds, leaving Skylar clapping his wings together and longing for the blubbery embrace
of that dragon.

“Why do these drafty, miserable places always have to be so goddamned drafty and miserable?”
he muttered as cool puffs of air rose from his beak. He knew in the back of his mind this had
partially been his fault.

Skylar was a bird of pride. He loved how he looked. He fondly recalled the way he’d shown off
his body to the dragon - from his enormous biceps which curled into stunning contours to a torso
chiseled with eight gorgeous abs to thighs so thick around they could crack rocks to a pink butt
that was surprisingly soft and round to pecs that had rivaled the derg’s own pillowy, blue moobs
in size. Skylar loved to let this all ripple on display under the bare minimum of a leather chest
harness, shoulder pauldrons, and enchanted shin guards. A sleek, leather thong covered his
considerable member nicely and provided the perfect place for him to rest his only weapons: two
gleaming daggers specially made to cleave through any material they met.

Sadly, this was the extent of the bird’s wardrobe. He hadn’t even packed a decent cloak he could
wrap himself up in.

Seeing no point in lingering in his misery, Skylar decided to power forward and hope the thrill of
the quest would warm him up. Had he known what lay in store for him, the rito would’ve
laughed and laughed. But instead, he foolishly allowed himself to believe that what dwelled in
the darkness of Glossoway’s Tomb was of little threat and easy reward.

The first dungeon presented an interesting challenge for the rito: one that proved surprisingly
difficult for the first line of defense in some backwater tomb. According to the map, the colossal
hall decked out in dark, basalt columns and the coffins of Glossoway’s personal guard was said
to be haunted with the spirits of the dead.

Skylar found the dead DID indeed lurk there and they came at him ferociously. They were far
more skilled than the imps or kobolds one usually did away with at this stage. Each flickering
form of a ragged, half-rotted skeleton came at him with considerable skill and Skylar found
himself actually engaging them instead of brushing them off.

The first, a giant bear armed with a double-bladed axe, almost sliced Skylar in half on the first
swing. Fortunately, the rito’s instincts kicked in and he danced clear of the overhead swing just
as the ghostly blade smashed into the stone. Skylar responded with a quick slash across the
ghost’s nose and a stab to its neck, opening a trickle of blue blood that flowed over its armor.
When he withdrew the knife, the bear bellowed its rage and yanked its axe free, but the bird had
seen this coming.

Rather than dance away again, Skylar instead placed a foot on the axe and let the force of the
monster dislodging it send him skyward. He folded into a perfect flip and landed behind the bear,
where he drove his blades across its spine. With one final roar, the bear exploded into luminous
blue vapors that blasted Skylar back ten feet.

The pain of the explosion stunned the mage and his vision blurred. But what he failed to notice
in the melee was that the blast seemed to also add a couple inches to his waistline. Fat gathered
around his beautiful abs and began softening them up, and his pecs sagged with just a little more

Skylar had no time to notice, though, as his attention was instead further engaged by two more
warriors: a leopard and a chameleon.

Though they lacked the bear’s strength, both of these monsters possessed their own unique
abilities. The leopard, whose face was stuck in a perpetual roar on account of her jaw being
slashed back to the spinal column, moved with the grace and effusiveness of a dancer. Skylar
prided himself on his speed, but this cat had him majorly concerned.

The chameleon was almost worse in a way. The cretin carried no weapon, but instead used its
unnaturally long tongue as a sort of magical flail. As Skylar engaged the leopard’s short sword in
a dizzying set of jabs, blocks, and slashes, the lizard unfurled his maw to send a wicked, spiked
mess of ghostly plasma into Skylar’s side.

The rito gasped softly as he slashed the leopard’s shoulder with a blade, briefly sending her
spinning away. Pain lacerated his side and he looked down in horror to see it rip away with a
light stain of red. Oddly, he again failed to notice his stomach bulk up another several inches,
turning it into a jiggling potbelly. A soft sigh from his loincloth made it known that the rito’s ass
had plumped up as well.

But Skylar’s attention remained focused on the chameleon, who had hopped up on one of the
pillars and now looked down at him while venom dripped from its mouth.

“C’mon, you long-tongued bastard. Take another shot. See where it gets you.”

Skylar didn’t have to wait long. He tensed as the chameleon unfurled its jaw and that jagged blob
of a tongue shot out at him again. At the same time, the leopard had recovered enough from her
shoulder wound to lunge forward and tackle Skylar from the opposite side.

Skylar squawked as things slowed down. The tongue punched into his wobbling abdomen once
more, but this time he dropped his dagger and grabbed the taut, quivering appendage in his wing.
As he slammed into the ground, he drove his other dagger up under the leopard’s ribs, earning a
piercing scream from her. She responded in turn by scraping her sword over his back, making
Skylar absolutely furious.

He wasn’t sure where he found the strength, but in that moment, the rito ripped the chameleon’s
tongue out and rammed his dagger into the leopard’s heart simultaneously, dispelling them both
in blasts that almost concussed the rito. Skylar laid there for a second, his stomach heaving and
his sides throbbing. Unbeknownst to him, the impact of the ghosts’ weapons on his middle had
taken a heavy toll.

His belly surged out into a thick overhang that now smothered his cock. His pecs were glorified
moobs which quivered with each gasping pant, and his ass spread over the cold stone floor in
waves of rosey-pink feathers. And still, he didn’t seem to notice it.

Instead, Skylar felt rather good; warmer and more energized. Especially after whispering a quick
healing spell to close up his wounds. When he stood and slid his daggers into their sheathes, he
found himself looking forward to the next dungeon.

As the ever-expanding rito waddled into the next cavern, his ass jiggling and his shaft stiffening
against the flop of his belly, some part of the bird’s mind wondered if he wasn’t wandering into a
trap. But Skylar felt too good to want to go back now.

The next room the soft, scantily-clad bird wandered into was lacking in ghosts, thankfully.
Though the air had grown even colder, Skyler found himself standing in an underground garden
filled with ghostly, glowing plants. Fantastically-sized mushrooms grew from the walls, their
green glow lighting up the cavern like specters. Nebulous, purple flowers sprouted around the
bird’s ankles, opening up to him like exploding stars. And all around the bird dangled pale white
vines that snaked along the walls and swayed ever so lightly in the breezeless tunnel.

That probably should’ve been the first indication that something was wrong. Had the chubby rito
been paying closer attention, he might’ve noticed the vines weren’t actually swaying. They were
twitching. Like the feelers of some enormous, deep-water fish. It was only after the bird sliced
through one of the vines that he realized he’d made a huge mistake.

In a heartbeat the vines all flexed and retracted into the sides of the cave walls. Skylar raised his
daggers defensively, but it didn’t matter. As he turned around in a slow circle, four much thicker
vines suddenly shot out of the wall, lashing onto his wrists and ankles and lifting him into the air.
The bird squawked and wobbled in protest, but he was stuck fast. He felt the ones around his
wrists begin squeezing until his fingers sprang open and his daggers clattered to the ground.

A couple moments of frantic struggling made it clear that the bird wasn’t going anywhere.
Instead he had to watch as several more vines crept from the walls. One slid up around his curvy
thighs like a boa constrictor, squeezing the soft, pink flesh beneath his shapely cheeks. Another
crept around his middle, sinking into his ample stomach and rippling along his sagging pecs.
And a third - the largest by far with a huge, Venus flytrap sort of mouth - lowered itself level
with his beak.

Skylar whimpered to himself as its petals spread out, sending a sweet, honey-like scent washing
over his nose. As he gazed into that pit of plant life, he remembered thinking one thing to
himself. ‘This isn’t good.’

But it was good.

At least in a different way. As the bird struggled, the fly trap gently wrapped its petals around his
beak and pushed a vine down his throat. A moment later, the avian felt a sweet gooey liquid pour
down his throat and into his belly. Skylar grunted softly as he felt his already achingly full
stomach begin to fill and then bulge out even more.

To make matters even worse, the vine snaking its way up his leg began to seep under those tail
feathers and brush up against the plump, pink pucker buried deep between the bird’s cheeks. A
squawk and ruddy blush from the swelling rito were all that passed before the vine sank inside
him, where it deposited its own elixir.

The bird knew how the next part would go. He’d endured it before and, as a proudly buff rito,
felt his insides flip flop between hating the expansion and secretly loving it. As his feathery bulk
surged over his crotch, another vine snaked its way over his leather-clad bulge and gave it a
teasing squeeze.

“Rrrrg,” Skylar mumbled through the thick draught of honey slime pouring down his throat. He
meant to say “Fuck off” but somehow it didn’t sting as much when you were suspended in
midair being force fed. Predictably, the invasive tendril ignored him. It caressed his junk with
suspicious care, gliding over his pearl-pink balls and squeezing his shaft just tight enough to
make it hard against the ever looming fold of his belly.

When the bird struggled, a quiet slosh echoed over the cavern. Apparently he’d already sucked
down a decent amount of honey. His hips were rapidly filling up all the slack in his leather
thong; overriding the sturdy straps and sucking them into his pliant thighs. Around back, pounds
continued to pour onto his ass as the tendril settled tight inside his warm, pink pucker generously
continued to fatten the birb up. His rear soon began to resemble a pair of medicine balls barely
restrained by the leather struggling to hold them in place.

Skylar jumped when he heard a SNAP! and his belly suddenly lurched forward a couple inches,
juggling against his knees. He realized his thong had finally snapped, completely smothering his
cock in lard. The sensation of that feather fat bouncing against his rock-hard bulge almost proved
too much for him to handle. He wanted so badly to come, but the vines seemed insufferably
skilled at keeping him from doing so. A little pre dribbled from his pink shaft, melting into his
soft feathers, but nothing more came forth. Skyler whimpered as he felt his balls swell from the
internal pressure, ripening from oranges to sloshing grapefruits. These plants were cruel.

Eventually, the vines seemed to all consecutively agree the bird had had enough. It was only
after Skyler’s gut drooped nearly to his clawed feet and his ass resembled a pair of ale barrels on
the verge of bursting that he felt them slip out. The big one released his beak from its petaled
grasp and the one enveloped in his blubbery cheeks slid free, though it gave a couple extra
wiggles for good measure.

After letting the enormous bird settle, Skylar was gently set down on the cavern floor where he
almost beached himself. With a pair of feathered tits the size of watermelons overhanging his
gut, he had to struggle to even stand upright. He wiped his forehead with the back of his wing as
sweat rolled down his face.

Who knew just standing upright would be the toughest part of the quest?

Of course, that included the massive, pink tummy sagging almost to his feet and the gallons of
honey slime sloshing over his frame. Glaring up at the plants, Skylar was tempted to insult them
but thought better of it. Instead he carefully grabbed his knives and wobbled forward into the
final dungeon.

As the bird made his way down a long, winding corridor, he discovered the path wasn’t
completely free of enemies. A mishmash of undead warriors, howling ghosts and demonic
phantoms preceded whatever lurked in the final chamber.

But Skylar defeated them with ease. He discovered his additional heft made for a pretty nice
bunker which crushed the old skeletons rather effectively. His rounded cheeks acted as makeshift
mufflers against the howling ghosts as they rolled over his ear slits and drowned out the noise
enough to let him jab each one with his enchanted blades.

The phantoms proved a little more troublesome. Unlike the undead, they were quicker and
sturdier and quieter than the ghosts. Skylar managed to defeat most of them, but one slipped past
his blades and into his stomach where its cackles resonated through his skull like a war drum.
Growling, Skylar wrapped the flat of his blade against the side of his cavernous gut.

“You better get outta there or I’m gonna dissipate you into an outhouse breeze.”

“Good luck,” the phantom cackled as it bounced and shifted about against his stomach walls,
making them slosh and creak. “This is the nicest body I’ve possessed in centuries! So much
room! And very cushy.”

Skylar sighed. Resting a paw on his vast middle, he continued to waddle forward while thinking
of ways to get rid of the troublesome phantom. During his thinking, he sliced two more howling
ghosts into steam and encountered three more zombies. The first he simply hacked the head off
of it with his dagger while slashing his other blade across the throat of dirt-walker number two.
While the two of them crumbled to dust, three actually managed to get the jump on him, clawing
at his stomach and making him huff.

“I JUST preened my feathers!” he shouted as he grabbed the zombie with his fat paws and tore it
in half. “Go fuck a gravestone.”

After splattering the final zombie against the wall, the bird turned a corner only for the phantom
to squeal “Duck!” just as a massive blade swung out from the wall.

Skylar ducked at the last moment, his body sloshing. “Th-thank you,” he gasped, his heart
lurching in his ribcage.

“Don’t mention it,” the phantom purred. Skylar felt it rub itself against the walls of his burdened

“Why’d you save me?” he asked.

“Gotta protect my domain,” came a reply. “You’re prime real estate as far as adventurers go.”

“Is that so?” the bird hummed, stroking his chins. “Interesting. Say, do you have a name?”

The phantom paused for a moment. “Buck,” it said finally.

“Buck,” Skylar snorted. “Buck the phantom.”

“Hey,” the phantom huffed, bumping the bird’s stomach around. “Don’t make me torment you
with nightmares of exercising and dieting.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Skylar said. “But, given that it’s in your best interest to protect me, do
you think you could tell me about the final boss?”

“Hmm,” Buck considered it. “S’pose that’s a fair point. Not like it’ll do any good for your

Skylar felt the feathers along the back of his fat neck stand up on end. “Why do you say that?”

“Well,” the phantom purred, making that pink belly vibrate. “He’s a demon of unfathomable
power for starters. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone even coming close to beating him.
Honestly, I’m not even sure you CAN. He’s one of those whatchamacallits? OPs, I think?”

The bird’s blood ran cold, making the phantom huff a little. “Oi, you mind warming yourself
back up a little, you feathery tart?”

Skylar shook his head. “He’s OP. So what’s he doing sitting in a dungeon under a mountain?”

Buck laughed. “Beats me, fatass. Why don’t you go ask him?”

“I think I will.”

For a moment, the phantom seemed at a loss for words. Then his laugh came back a bit more
nervously. “I admire the spirit, kid. But you sure you don’t wanna get outta here? Go back to the
bar, find that nice soft dragon to fuck you and keep you warm?”

“Tempting,” Skylar sighed. “But you stirred my curiosity.”

“Well at least you’re interesting,” the phantom grumbled, before going silent.

Skylar took that to mean that whatever lurked behind the massive door he was approaching had
to be seriously powerful. Oddly, he didn’t feel frightened at all. Instead, he felt ready for the
challenge. Taking a breath, he slammed his stomach against the door and barged into the largest
chamber of all.

Upon entering, Skylar almost went back on his sudden burst of bravery. All around him rose a
pit of sheer, black walls ringed by the largest columns he’d ever seen. Skulls of every sort
decorated the walls, peering down at him through lifeless sockets. They seemed to judge him and
his ridiculously overfed body, as if to say: “Seriously? We await one adventurer every couple
years to prove themselves worthy and this sumo waddles in?”

But not all of the eyes in the cathedral of stones and skulls were unwelcoming. Seated atop a
throne carved from the same rock as the cliffs sat the largest horse Skylar had ever seen. And he
didn’t mean one that stood a bit taller than his fellow comrades. This one had to be well over
fifteen feet in height. Hooves the size of shields rocked from his throne and clopped against the
stone, filling the room with thunderous booms. Each leg rippled with muscle and was coated in
thick, silvery fur. Steam bellowed from the beast’s nostrils and instead eyes, the beast possessed
two glowing, purple flames, which were fixated intently on the obese bird. The horse’s chest
rolled out into a heavy set of moobs crisscrossed by a length of spiked chain which Skylar
imagined wasn’t the most comfortable chest support in the world. A great belly rolled out over
the demon’s lap and formed a giant overhang that draped itself against the largest, darkest cock
Skylar had ever seen. The thing had to be over five feet long, its bowing head dipping toward the
floor while deep black balls the size of hay bales swayed below it, each one gleaming and
undoubtedly eager to fill the bird. When the stud shifted his weight, the very air around him
seemed to vibrate with energy.

Skylar was beginning to see why Buck had referred to this guy as OP. Even though he had
considerable bulk, the demon horse didn’t wear it the same way the bird did. When he sat
forward, he didn’t have to heave himself into a sitting position. He knew how to handle it.

Raising a hand large enough to level a house, the horse beckoned him forward.

“Welcome, fat one,” the demon growled in a voice that cut Skylar to his core. “I am Knox. Dark
god of these mountains. Approach me.”

Despite every instinct in his body screaming at him to do the opposite, Skylar felt compelled to
obey. A warm, irresistible energy tugged at his sides and he found himself waddling toward the
hefty titan.

When he got close enough to see the scars crisscrossing the immense horse’s belly, Knox raised
his hand.

“Let me ask you a question, fat one. Do you believe you can defeat me?”

Skylar thought for a moment. “I mean, not in a hand-to-hand brawl. But if you gave me a
handicap, maybe. I don’t know, honestly. I haven’t seen you fight.”

For a brief moment, the horse looked confused. Then an amused grin spread over his dark face
and he brought his hands together. Between them the air distorted and crackled, before splitting
apart into a pitch black portal. “I could suck you into this pit,” he warned. “Crush every molecule
in your being into a single atom. It would be agony.”

The bird laughed awkwardly and slapped his belly. “I mean, as long as I don’t get stuck in there
first, you know?”

Under his breath, he muttered to his phantom. “Hey, Buck. Got any advice on this guy?”

“Nada,” the phantom said, then after a pause: “Well there is one thing. But it’s suicide.”

“Just tell me,” the bird huffed as the horse slid off his throne, sending that oversized member
swaying about like a dowsing rod.

“He’s insanely proud of his junk. Don’t ask me why, I think it’s some sort of fertility thing. If you
compliment it, he might be flattered.”

“Are you serious?” Skylar squawked as Knox stopped just above him. He leaned back as the
wall of horse flesh and equine cock towered over him.

“You got no other choice!” was the last thing Buck said before falling silent.

Clearing his throat, Skylar grinned up at the obese titan and lifted a hand to gingerly pat the
horse’s member. “Boy, you uh… sure do like running around in your birthday suit, huh? That’s a
very nice erm… thing you got there.”

“Very smooth,” Buck muttered.

Skylar whapped his belly to silence the phantom.

“You flatter me with false words?” Knox asked as his eyes burned into the bird’s soul.

“N-n-no!” Skylar stammered. “On the contrary! I find it… uh… very refreshing when I meet a
dark god who isn’t afraid of airing out his laundry a little.”

The horse chuckled, evidently not convinced as he knelt down and ran his hand through the
bird’s feathery stomach. “You are remarkably soft for an adventurer,” he murmured, tweaking
Skylar’s bulging rolls. “No doubt thanks to the minions that guard this place. Do you know why
they’re there?”

“No?” Skylar whimpered. “Why?”

“To see who is worthy,” Knox growled, his paws suddenly tightening around the obese avian’s
middle and lifting him skyward.

Skylar squawked and struggled, but it was of no use. He watched the ground sway beneath him
as Knox carried him to the far side of the cavern where four chains attached to a complicated
leather contraption hung from the ceiling. The bird wobbled as he was settled into the
contraption belly first, his stomach bulging around the straps as Knox began securing in place. A
horrible thought occurred to the avian as he began to put the pieces together.

Before he could do anything else though, he felt the chains drop him down ten feet so he was
level with Knox’s prodigious package. The stallion settled his large hands on those pink cheeks
and slowly pulled them apart, revealing the fat, rosy pucker snuggled deep within that swollen

“Pristine,” the stud said, licking a finger and stroking it over Skylar’s entrance. “Such a ripe
warrior too. You might be perfect.”

Skylar was too terrified to ask what for. He felt those rough fingers tease his hole, making him
squeal and moan.

“Go ahead and oink, you feathered pig,” the horse chuckled. “Makes it more enjoyable for me.”

He straightened up again and gripped the sides of Skylar’s rolls. Pushing his enormous member
up against that pillowy entrance, he let out a feral rumble of pleasure and slid its girth a couple
inches in, stretching the bird out nice and tight.

The obese bird looked around desperately for some way to escape, but there was nothing. Instead
he felt more rigid, godly cock force its way inside of him until the tip of it could be seen bulging
against the front of his belly.

Buck stirred a little. “Oh fuck,” the phantom giggled. “Looks like it’s gonna get crowded in

“Thanks,” Skylar grumbled. “Any other pearls of wisdom?”

“Yeah,” the little demon purred. “Brace yourself.”

Before Skylar could say another word, Knox suddenly drove his full length deep inside the bird
and began to thrust. The rito gasped as his sides bloated outward immensely and sloshed
ferociously with the violence of it.

‘So this was what it was like to be fucked by a god,’ he thought to himself. His cheeks splayed
themselves out wide and his hole stretched to the endth degree to accommodate the tremendous,
throbbing pile drive that was Knox’s cock. As it jackhammered its way in and out of his ass, the
obese stud began rumbling with pleasure.

“Softer than a dream,” the equine god huffed, steam bellowing from his nose. “Perfect pet

Skylar didn’t like the sound of that. But at the moment, his mind was occupied with the
unbelievably thick shaft grinding against his insides. It would force its way first into his aching
entrance, then up along his warm walls and into his dangling belly where Buck seemed to be
having an excellent time bouncing around and even squeezing the stallion’s cock a little. The
straps holding the bird in place jangled and creaked as they struggled to contend with the force of
Knox’s thrusts.

Each one would’ve sent the bird flying into the far wall if not for the thick digits greedily
squeezing his belly.

Before long, Knox began to spurt serious amounts of pre inside his feathered toy. Each deposit
added a bit more roundness to Skylar’s bulk, enhancing his softness and secretly making the
avian yearn for more. He moaned and squawked as his belly filled with cock and cum, the deadly
combination promising a mounting load he wasn’t sure if he could take. The bird could feel
those swaying stallion balls slap up against his underbelly with each thrust, and they felt like
battering rams slamming into his figure. When the stud released, it would be seriously
detrimental to Skylar’s figure.

The only question was whether that detriment would be deadly or not.

A minute later, Knox happily provided the answer. With a piercing whinny that rattled the
stalactites overhead, the stud hilted himself in the bird’s ass and flooded that belly with seed.
Like a wineskin attached to a barrel of ale, Skylar’s belly rapidly bloated to its max capacity and
then kept right on stretching. The straps around his stomach creaked and tightened against the
feathery wave of lard before snapping completely. Buck danced around inside the bird’s stomach
singing “It’s raining! It’s pouring! This belly’s really roaring!” like the immortal little ingrate he
was as his new abode rapidly expanded into a full-sized swimming pool.

Skylar’s limbs softened and sank into his swelling bulk as pound after pound piled onto his
frame at a ridiculous rate. His ass also inflated around Knox’s cock, making the stud snort
happily while cradling his new pet’s sloshing girth in his hands. On and on, the climax went until
a long last Skylar’s chains snapped and sent the globular bird plummeting a couple feet to the
cool stone below. He grunted and belched as Knox plunged his digits into that expansive
stomach and kneaded it around.

Within, Buck burbled happily as the immortal horse’s seed rapidly began digesting and softening
into pliable fat.

“You’ll be a mound of feathery rolls in a moment,” Knox assured the bird as he wiped his cock
on those cascading chins and made Skylar kiss its tip.

“Urrrgh,” the ex-adventurer groaned. “S-so heavy.”

“Oh, you’ll get used to that,” the stud chuckled as he pushed his shaft up against that aching beak
a little more forcefully. “Now open that beak nice and wide, handsome. It’s time for seconds.”


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