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for Internet Gateways Unix De

Anti-virus scan of the HTTP and

FTP traffic on a corporate Internet
gateway — proxy-server

© Doctor Web, 2013

for Internet Gateways Unix

Advantages Key features

A wide range of options for establishing comprehensive Anti-virus scan of HTTP and FTP traffic;
protection from threats lurking in inbound Web traffic; Centralized administration over the Dr.Web Enterprise
Delivery of virus-free content into the protected network; Security Suite Control Center’s Web administrator;
Efficient filtering of traffic by the ICAP server doesn’t Filtering by host name, MIME type, or file size;
delay content delivery; Web resources access control;
Protection from penetration of the defence by any type Preview technology for optimized traffic scanning;
of malware;
Support of IPv4 and IPv6;
High scalability;
Application of various actions to different types of
Ability to process huge amounts of data in real-time; scanned files;
Substantial reduction of Internet costs; Isolation of infected files in the quarantine;
Perfect compatibility – integration with any application Easy-to-read reports;
supporting ICAP, with all known firewalls;
Centralized administration of protection servers and col-
Support of virtually all Unix-based operating systems lection of reports from the servers;
currently in use;
Simultaneous processing of several requests per indi-
Low system requirements allow the product to run vidual connection;
smoothly on any server hardware;
Protection from unauthorized access;
Flexibility and easy administration; the product lets you
implement protection configurations that are in compli- Monitoring of the system’s operation and automatic
ance with your company’s security policies. restoration after a failure;
User notifications about the presence of viruses or other
malicious code in web-pages.

Supported OS
Linux with kernel 2.4.x and higher
FreeBSD 6.х and later (Intel x86)
Solaris 10 (Intel x86)
Any proxy server with the full support of ICAP such as:
Squid 3.0 or later
SafeSquid 3.0 or later

Types of licenses:
Per number of protected users.
Per server license – unlimited scanning of server traffic for as many as 3,000 protected users.
License options:
Anti-virus + Control Center

Dr.Web for Internet Gateways Unix is also available in Dr.Web bundles for small and medium companies.

Doctor Web
Doctor Web is a Russian anti-virus vendor with a software development record dating back to 1992.
3d street Yamskogo polya 2-12А, Moscow, Russia, 125124
Phone: +7 (495) 789-45-87
Fax: +7 (495) 789-45-97 | | | |

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