Ceramics & Glass: A Tribute To Sarah Jennings: Edited by Julie Edwards & Sarah Paynter

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Ceramics & Glass: A tribute to Sarah Jennings

Edited by Julie Edwards & Sarah Paynter

Ceramics & Glass:
A tribute to

Sarah Jennings (1947- 2009) inspired and encouraged many in the study of
ceramics and glass. This volume is a tribute by some of Sarah’s colleagues and
friends working in Europe and the Middle East on material of the Roman,
medieval and post-medieval periods. It includes papers from a conference held
in Sarah’s memory at the Wallace Collection in 2012 by the Association for the
History of Glass and the Medieval Pottery Research Group.

MPRG Occasional Paper 8 in association with AHG

Edited by Julie Edwards

& Sarah Paynter

MPRG Occasional Paper 8

in association with AHG
Ceramics & Glass
A tribute to Sarah Jennings
edited by Julie Edwards and Sarah Paynter



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Published by The Medieval Pottery Research Group (www.medievalpottery.org.uk)

The Medieval Pottery Research Group is a Registered Charity,

No 1018513

Copyright Individual authors 2019

ISBN 978-1-5272-3770-4

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

This volume is published with the aid of a grant from Historic England

Edited by Julie EC Edwards and Sarah Paynter

Cover design Maria Geals

Designed and typeset by Short Run Press Ltd


Printed by Short Run Press Ltd, Exeter, Devon EX2 7LW

Front cover Archaic Maiolica jar from All Saints Green, Norwich, UK. Photo: Norfolk Museums Service
Islamic-style glass from Plantation Place, City of London, UK. Photo: Andy Chopping © MOLA

Opening page Sarah Jennings working on glass in Beirut, Lebanon. Photo: Helga Seeden
and back cover

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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

This paper explores the use of perfume at Pompeii through the evidence of the perfume bottles made in glass, pottery
and alabaster from the excavations in Insula VI.1 at Pompeii. It is possible to use these to show an increase in use early
in the 1st century AD. The reasons for this are explored and it is suggested that this was to do with changes in the ways
perfume was used in dining and worshipping. The data will be useful to those who study the Augustan consumer boom,
site formation processes in Pompeii and the vessels themselves.1

Introduction 71 and the second in 1783–9 (Fiorelli 1860, 236-57, Part 2

18-46). When first uncovered, those fortunate enough
Since its rediscovery in the 18th century, Pompeii has to gain permission to visit marvelled at the elegance
exerted a great fascination on many types of people. of the houses. The Marquis de Sade, who visited whilst
Scholars and tourists, artists and novelists have all been staying in Naples during the winter of 1775–6, especially
inspired by the idea of a city brought to a sudden end approved of the delicacy of the paintings in the Casa
by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. Understandably del Chirurgo (Thomas 2008, 276). At that time only the
it has always been that city which has attracted the areas around the Porta Ercolano and the theatres in
most attention, with its streets, houses and bars that the south of the town were uncovered. Visitors had
can be visited. Below the eruption level though, earlier to take a carriage ride through vineyards and fields of
cities exist and over the past few decades stratigraphic lupins to move between the two locations, a trip vividly
excavations have started to bring these to light. These described by François de Paule Latapie in a letter he sent
produce a wealth of material culture that has the home which was read to the Académie de Bordeaux in
potential to illuminate the impact of the Augustan 1776 (Barrière et al. 1954, 233-5).
consumer boom. Any archaeologist working with the As more of Pompeii was uncovered, Insula VI.1 on the
Imperial period is familiar with the volume of things an edge of the town became less frequently visited in its
excavation will produce; why people started to decide own right. People merely passed by as they walked to
they needed them in such quantity is a question that is the tombs beyond the gate, and later to the Villa of the
not asked often enough. Mysteries. As the centuries passed, the coloured walls
In an attempt to explore the phenomenon, this that had so entranced the Marquis de Sade faded to
paper will take one category of find and explore its become ghosts of their former glory. The dilapidation
trajectory in the centuries leading up to AD 79 using was further advanced during the Second World War
material from Insula VI.1. The category chosen consists when two of the many bombs dropped by the Allies
of perfume bottles, and by extension perfume. The on Pompeii in 1943 landed in the Insula. So when in
bottles are made in a variety of materials, and so raise 1995 the University of Bradford was invited by the
interesting methodological problems of how they can Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei to conduct
usefully be compared. sub-surface excavations, this long-overlooked insula
was an ideal choice. Many of its mosaics had been
removed, or had weathered away, allowing access to
Insula V1.1 the pre-AD 79 stratigraphy. The excavations known as
Insula VI.1 lies in the north of Pompeii, by the Porta the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii (AAPP) ran from
Ercolana. It was one of the earliest areas to be cleared 1995 to 2006 as a summer school for students. All of the
by the Bourbon excavators searching for works of art available spaces in the insula were excavated, and the
for the king’s collection. The first campaign was in 1770– spoil was sieved resulting in a very thorough recovery

1 This paper was originally written in 2014. It has been updated in the summer of 2017 to take into account the additional work
on the archive that took place after that date and which was incorporated into the final publication (Cool 2016a; 2016b).

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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

of material. The post-excavation work on the archive together with those from a sub-set of the excavated
has been problematic and is fully considered elsewhere areas in the Inn to be extracted. These have been
(Cool 2016a, 6). recorded by the small finds team, with David Griffiths of
The insula can be divided into a number of separate the pottery team describing the fabrics.
properties (Fig. 1). At the time of the eruption it
contained a mixture of property types. There was an
Inn, two substantial town houses, four roadside bars,
a Shrine, a workshop area known erroneously as the The stratigraphic narratives and associated phasing
Soap Factory, and a public water supply. This functional available are of variable quality. Again this is considered
make-up had not always been the case; although the in more detail elsewhere (Cool 2016a, 6-16). Despite this
houses were established early, the areas of the Inn and it is possible to assign all the material discussed in this
bars had first been used for industrial purposes, whilst paper to broad chronological bands though naturally
the establishment of the Shrine was a very late, mid 1st- some remains un-phased.
century AD development. Dating is provided by various sources. In the north,
All of the vessel glass and the small finds from the lead sling bullets provide a very useful indication that
entire insula have been recorded which means that all any context which contains them must belong to 89 BC
of the glass and alabaster bottles can be considered. or later as they are derived from the Sullan siege (Jones
A smaller sub-set of the pottery ones is also available. and Robinson 2004, 114-5). The coins are fully published
Pottery processing associated with the VI.1 work (Hobbs 2013). The bulk-sorted pottery quantifications
was a two stage process. First it was bulk-sorted and can provide indications of likely date. Thin-walled wares
quantified in broad ware categories. Then there was appear first in the 2nd century BC and are very common
full specialist recording of the diagnostic sherds, and from the 1st century BC up to the eruption. The terra
this stage has only been completed for the Casa del sigillata has been studied by Jaye McKenzie Clarke who
Chirurgo. The bulk sorting elsewhere is sufficiently has very kindly made her database of the material
advanced for all of the ceramic unguent bottles for from the Casa delle Vestali, the Casa del Chirurgo and
the two southern bars, the Triclinium and the Shrine, the southern bars available. The presence of Italian

Figure 1. The properties

of Insula VI.1 at Pompeii.
The location of the insula
within Pompeii is shown in
the inset.

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H E M Cool

sigillata indicates a terminus post quem of c. 25 BC (see then there would be a link. For the purposes of this
also Mackenzie Clark 2012). In addition the screening of paper, this issue is not too much of a problem because
the deposits has meant that there is a full record of the the main questions being asked need data that can be
presence of blown vessel glass, providing another t.p.q. placed in a chronological sequence. There are some
of the very late 1st century BC. patterns in the data that suggest the most economical
All of the areas for which there is phasing have their hypothesis to explain them would be a derivation
own individual phasing and histories, but it is possible associated with activity on the site, rather than as
to group the individual phases into broad bands that brought-in rubbish. This subject will be returned to
allow comparisons to be made. The earliest is the 3rd- at the end of this paper, as this is likely to be a useful
to 2nd-century BC contexts, followed by 1st-century contribution to the site formation process debate.
BC ones. The Augustan period was one when there Having now provided the background to the data,
was considerable redevelopment in the insula. It is the unguent bottles themselves can be examined,
possible to group contexts into three broad, and in part starting with the glass ones.
overlapping bands, as follows.

• Augusto-Tiberian – broadly the very late 1st The glass bottles

century BC to the middle years of Tiberiau (AD The earliest glass unguent bottles found are
20s). represented by four relatively small fragments from
polychrome core-formed vessels and one fragment
• Augusto-Neronian – broadly the very late 1st
from a gold-in-glass vessel. Where dateable all are from
century BC and the first two thirds of the 1st
1st-century AD contexts where they may be residual,
century AD ceasing with the earthquake activity
but they do point to earlier use of these vessels in the
of the early AD 60s.
• Tiberio-Neronian – broadly the AD 20s–60s. Fragments from blown unguent bottles, by
contrast, are extremely numerous, and were indeed
Finally the earthquake activity that is conventionally the commonest vessel category found in the entire
placed in c. AD 62 caused considerable damage (see assemblage. They will be described using the Isings
Cool 2016a, 7, for a discussion of the date and length of (1957) typology with four types being recognised; the
the episode). The alterations and repairs undertaken tubular Isings Form 8, the bulbous forms including
as a consequence of this mean that in some areas it is Isings Form 6, the pointed base Isings Form 9a and a
possible to assign material to the final years of Pompeii’s single complete ovoid Isings Form 26. The vessels are
existence, between that date and the eruption. Material summarised in Table 1 and typical examples are shown
from ‘modern’ contexts can be taken as a proxy for in Fig. 2.
the eruption level of AD 79 as it represents material The classic tubular unguent bottle is a form which,
discarded by the original Bourbon excavators. unusually for a glass vessel, can be identified from body
Although some of the items to be considered here do and base fragments as well as rim and upper body
come from primary use deposits, such as the contents fragments. It also has a thick and relatively heavy base.
of drains and cess pits; most come from what may be It can thus be anticipated that Table 1 will be biased
considered secondary ones such as make-up, sub-floor towards the tubular form at the expense of the thin-
deposits for opus signinum and mosaic floors, and the walled bulbous forms. That said, there can be no doubt
infill of pits dug for building material. The natural at that the tubular form was by far the commonest blown
Pompeii was sought after by Pompeii’s builders as it was glass vessel form recovered during the excavations.
a very good source of aggregates. Pits were frequently The non-diagnostic category generally consists of
dug down when a building was being renovated to rim and neck fragments which retain no part of the
acquire it. These were then re-filled with building debris body, but most have features such as the sheared rim
and rubbish. There is a developing debate about the finish that would be consistent with the two main
extent to which rubbish was brought back into Pompeii forms represented. The bulk are blue-green, suggesting
to be used for these types of fill deposits (Dicus 2014). that most are likely to have come from the tubular form
That Pompeii had an organised rubbish disposal system (see Table 1), and amongst all of these fragments there
is seen from the rubbish dumps that ring its walls, like is only one example of a rim with a true rolled edge.
that outside the Porta Capua (Etani 2010). If rubbish The dating of these various types can be quickly
was being brought back in to act as fill, then clearly summarised. The earliest is the thin-walled, brightly
there is a limit to what types of questions the material coloured bulbous form. These appear regularly in
culture can be used to answer; in that case there would Augustan graves carrying on into ones dated to the
be no link between the type of activity undertaken in Claudio-Neronian period. Occurrences of the tubular
a space and the rubbish incorporated in deposits that form are sometimes claimed in Augustan contexts,
marked the end of the space’s use prior to renovation but its principle floruit is generally from the Tiberio-
and rebuilding. Conversely if material that had been Claudian into the early Flavian period. The relationship
generated during the use of the space was used as fill, between the two forms is well demonstrated by the

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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

Table 1. Blown unguent bottles by type and colour quantified by weight (g).

Type Polychrome Deep blue Yellow/ Yellow/ Pale green Colourless Blue/ Total
brown green green

Tubular – 11.0 2.4 1.6 18.7 – 208.9 242.6

Bulbous 9.7 1.4 4.8 – 6.2 – 1.2 23.3

Pointed base – – – – – – 6.7 6.7

Ovoid – – – – – – 32.6 32.6

Non-diagnostic – 0.7 0.2 – 3.4 0.4 20.3 25.0

Total 9.7 13.1 7.4 1.6 28.3 0.4 269.7 330.2

large numbers found in the graves at Lyons (France). Bulbous and conical-bodied unguent bottles with
In the Augustan graves, all of those found are of the rims folded or rolled in (Isings Forms 26 and 28) are a
bulbous Isings Form 6. That form continues to dominate later development, first appearing in the third quarter
in the graves assigned to the first half of the 1st century of the 1st century AD and becoming the dominant forms
AD. Three quarters of them belong to Isings Form 6 by the end of it. The pattern seen in the eruption level
and only 10% to the tubular variety. Moving onto the finds at Pompeii provide an interesting contrast to the
second half of the 1st century, bulbous unguent bottles VI.1 assemblage which effectively comes to an end with
have virtually disappeared whilst 60% of the glass vessel the deposits following the AD 62 earthquake. Tubular
assemblage is made up of the tubular form (Robin and unguent bottles form nearly 30% of the complete
Silvino 2012, 182-4, fig. 3). eruption level corpus. Those with folded rims (Isings 26
Dating information for the Isings 9a form is much and 28) form a little over 20%. The bulbous form provides
sparser as examples are less common. Isings noted a only c. 3% and ones with pointed bases are extremely
few examples from dated graves starting in the Tiberio- rare with only two examples known (Scatozza Höricht
Claudian period and one that might have been as late 2012, 36 table B, 51, see also Cool 2016a, Appendix 3).
as the Neronian period (Isings 1957, 25). To these may It is clear that both the tubular Isings Form 8 and the
be added one from the cremation burial at Wederath- folded rim Forms 26/28 were in wide use at AD 79. The
Belginium near Trier (Goethert 1989, 276, e; Goethert- effective absence of the latter from Insula VI.1 suggests
Polaschek 1977, 95, no. 448) where the latest coin was that the form was coming into wide use during the last
one of AD 37. One was also found in a chamber burial at decade of Pompeii’s existence.
Stanway just outside of Colchester dated to the period Table 2 shows the distribution of the unguent bottles
c. AD 40–45 (Crummy et al. 2007, 140, no. BF24.23, fig. through time. As can be seen they appear first in the
63). They are absent from the very large numbers of Augusto-Tiberian levels but in numbers sufficient to
unguent bottles found on post-conquest, Claudio- indicate that they were in widespread use.
Neronian British sites suggesting the form was not In general the relationship between the globular
still in use by then. It seems likely that it was primarily and the tubular forms is what might be expected. The
a Tiberio-Claudian form, with most out of use by the globular form is predominantly in the contexts relating
middle of the 1st century AD. to the development of the insula up to the earthquake

3.4 3.27

Figure 2. A selection of the blown glass unguent bottles from the insula. Globular – 3.4; tubular – 3.27, 3.40, 3.48,
3.49; pointed base – 3.50; ovoid – 3.53. Numbering as in Cool 2016a, 2016b.

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H E M Cool

Table 2. Distribution by broad chronological bands of the blown glass unguent bottles (weight in g and EVE
measures). The table excludes the complete ovoid bottle with rolled rim. This is a corrected version of Cool 2016,
Table 3.3).

Phase Globular Pointed Tubular Undiag. Total


Augusto-Tiberian 0.1 0.4 – – 32.8 1.8 – 0.2 32.9 2.4

Augusto-Neronian – – 0.5 0.2 16.7 1.4 4.6 1.4 21.8 3

Tiberian-Neronian – – 6.2 0.8 37.4 2.8 3.9 1.2 47.5 4.8

Post AD 62 17.1 1.6 – – 73.4 5.2 4.7 2.2 95.2 9

Modern 1.8 0.6 – – 58.3 4.6 4.8 2.2 64.9 7.4

Unphased 4.1 0.6 – – 10.7 1.2 7 2.6 21.8 4.4

Total 23.1 3.2  6.7 1.0  229.3 17 25 9.8  284.1 31

episode conventionally dated to AD 62, whilst the emporaneously, and some features which are early
tubular form continues to have a strong presence in at one site, may not have the same chronological
contexts related to re-organisations after that. The significance at another. Dealing with an assemblage of
globular total in the post-earthquake phase is accounted fragments from a domestic site, rather than complete
for by a single vessel. This stands apart from the normal profiles from burials, adds other problems. For this
Isings Form 6 in that it is bichrome. The marvered white reason here the assemblage will be simply divided
decoration on a deep blue ground is typical of a style between the fusiform and the globular forms. Fig. 3
of decoration much favoured during the mid-third of shows some of the more complete examples of the
the 1st century AD (for summary see Cottam and Price types present.
2009, 205). Normally it was more regularly applied to The bulk of the assemblage came from the fusiform
tablewares than small perfume containers, and so this type, with a long neck, expanded body and slender
is a useful addition to the corpus known. solid pedestal foot. Nearly all of these are of the same
fabric (U01, see the end of the paper for a description)
and are red/brown in appearance. Where present, the
The ceramic bottles slip varies from black to brown or reddish. Most of the
Ceramic unguent vessels have attracted considerable rim fragments had a triangular collared rim form. It has
attention in the literature because they are a very been noted that there seems to be a regular movement
frequent find in grave assemblages. There are numerous from the 3rd to the 1st century from out-bent rims to
typologies and these have been usefully synthesised by those with a solid triangular section (Camilli 1999, 33),
Camilli, whilst proposing one of her own (Camilli 1999, which would suggest that the VI.1 fusiform unguent
11-27). Of those present within Insula VI.1, all authors bottles are more likely to belong to the latter part of
make a fundamental division between those with the form’s floruit than the earlier part.
fusiform bodies and pedestals, and those with globular, Those with a broadly globular body have a simple
flat-based bodies. There is a chronological difference out-turned rim and a cylindrical neck. The securely
between them with the fusiform appearing in the 4th identified examples are again made in Fabric U01 and
century BC, becoming common in the 3rd and 2nd the slips vary from black to orange. One was found
centuries. Many authors would see them disappearing complete and has a slightly biconical reservoir, and
in the early 1st century BC, but there is evidence of in two cases complete egg-shaped reservoirs are
use into the 1st century AD (see Cool 2016a, 68 for preserved. Slipped rim and neck fragments, where
discussion of this). There is evidence that some globular the rim is simply out-turned are normal for globular
unguent bottles were present in the middle part of the unguent bottles but do occur on a minority of fusiform
1st century BC, but if the context dates are examined in examples. Four fragments where the neck is long fall
detail, overwhelmingly they are from Augustan or 1st- into this less diagnostic category. There are also sixteen
century AD contexts (Camilli 1999, 118-45). lower body and base fragments from small vessels with
Sub-dividing the fusiform series chronologically is globular bodies, which seem likely to belong to globular
far from simple. As has been pointed out (Anderson- unguent bottles given their shape and fabric, but which
Stojanović 1987, 109), grave assemblages have lack any traces of slip that would help confirm this.
shown that very different forms can be in use cont­ The third group that has been tentatively identified

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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

Augustan levels, although interestingly the base and

lower body of one were found amongst the remains
of tableware and food debris from a funerary banquet
dated to 40–20 BC (Tuffreau-Libre 2013, 1077-83, fig. 45;
see also 1047) supporting evidence from elsewhere that
their use continued longer than is normally accepted.
The commonest form of globular unguent bottle (Type
I) had the egg-shaped body seen in the well-preserved
reservoirs. These were found in two graves dated to
20 BC–AD 30 and three of AD 40–60. Type III unguent
bottles had the slightly biconical reservoir seen on the
3.81 only complete example from VI.1, and were also present
in a grave dated to 20 BC–AD 30. Short-necked globular
unguent bottles formed Type II and were present in two
3.74 graves dated to AD 40–60, one of which also contained
another short-necked unguent bottle assigned to Type
Slip present
IV (van Andringa et al. 2013, 310, fig. 214).
Table 3 shows the distribution of the various
Figure 3. A selection of the pottery unguent bottles categories by broad phasing. The globular total
from the insula. Fusiform – 3.73-4; globular 3.81. assigned to the 3rd–2nd centuries consists of a single
Numbering as in Cool 2016a, 2016b. out-turned rim and could plausibly be assigned to a
fusiform bottle with that rim form, such as Camilli’s
Group B.12.4. This form is well represented in southern
consists of a small number of slipped rim fragments Italy, and many of the examples come from 3rd- and
with simple out-turned edges which come from short- 2nd-century BC contexts (Camilli 1999, 76-8, table 16).
necked vessels. Again three of these are in fabric U01. At first sight the chronological sequence is much as
Short-necked vessels like these are normally subsumed should be expected. A strong presence of fusiform
within the broad globular family in most typologies, bottles in the 1st century BC, tapering off in the 1st
but the ceramic unguent bottles from the Porta Nocera century AD, with the securely identified globular
cemetery provide useful additional evidence from ones appearing in the Augusto-Tiberian period and
Pompeii itself, perhaps suggesting this was a distinctive becoming more common thereafter. Most of the other
type here. categories that could belong to the globular form (rim/
The part of the cemetery excavated dated mainly neck, short-necked and base fragments) also have a
from the late Republican period until the eruption, chronological trajectory that suggest it is appropriate
and ceramic unguent bottles were common, both to consider them to be from globular unguent bottles.
as grave goods and in the enclosures where they had It is interesting to note that the short-necked forms
been part of funerary activity. Globular ones dominated are occurring in the Augusto-Tiberian phase, i.e. earlier
the assemblage. Fragments from fusiform ones were than the ones found at the Porta Nocera cemetery.
much rarer and were considered to be residual in the The figures for the fusiform ones do have to be

Table 3: Ceramic unguent bottles by category and broad phasing (weight in g).

Phase Ped. Glob. Rim neck Base Total

3rd–2nd century BC 106.1 32.4 13.7 – – 152.2

1st century BC 19.0 – – – – 19.0

Augusto-Tiberian 240.8 40.2 8.7 7.5 11.2 308.4

Tiberio-Neronian 67.8 32.4 4.2 6.9 38.7 150.0

Augusto-Neronian 68.1 – 10.7 6.9 – 85.7

Post AD 62 33.4 16.7 – – – 50.1

Modern 19.5 – – – 57.6 77.1

Unphased 95.5 31.4 29.9 5.3 14.9 177

Total 650.2 153.1 67.2 26.6 122.4 1019.5

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H E M Cool

viewed with a little caution as the strong presence in flask (broadly Taranto Tipo 4) from a Claudian or later
the 1st century BC is almost entirely accounted for by levelling deposit and a body fragment from Tiberio-
those from levelling layers in the Bar of Acisculus. Other Neronian context. A fragment of a Taranto Form 3.2
pottery in these layers suggests that a much older came from the Workshop and a pedestal base from
rubbish dump was being exploited for fill. This indicates a Taranto Tipo 3.2 from the Bar Phoebus. Only body
that the unguent bottles also could be older, and that fragments came from the Bar Asciculus but both were
certainly they are unlikely to have been used on the site. from 1st century BC contexts.
Once these are stripped out, the figures show a much The cylindrical bottles of Tipo 1.2 are the oldest at
lower pre-Augustan use for the bottles in the insula. they are conventionally dated to the late 2nd century to
early 1st century BC. The amphora-shaped Tipo 2.1 has a
mid-1st century BC currency. Pedestal-based forms are
The alabaster bottles Augusto-Tiberian and the globular Tipo 4 are Tiberio-
The alabaster bottles (see Fig. 4) are much less common Neronian. Only the latter appears to have been found in
than the ones of glass or pottery but that is to be a context contemporaneous with its date. With luxury
expected. These bottles and their contents were luxury containers such as this, however, it is possible that they
items imported from Egypt. Despite that, fragments could have been curated and re-used long after their
were found in each of the properties in the insula original contents were exhausted.
apart from the Triclinium and the Well. The typology
developed for the Taranto finds can be used for the
best-preserved ones (Colivicchi 2001). The use of the bottles in the Insula
Of those that can be assigned to shapes, the best- It is important to establish whether the chronological
preserved example was the complete reservoir of an patterns that can be seen in Tables 2 and 3 are a true
amphora-shaped one from the Vestals Bar (Taranto reflection of the use of the perfume containers, or
Tipo 2.1) found in an Augustan levelling deposit. The are a by-product of the normal pattern of recovery
Casa delle Vestali produced fragments from three of material. If all categories of material are rare in
in total, of which the identifiable ones were part of a contexts belonging to the pre-Augustan period, then
cylindrical bottle (Taranto Tipo 1.2) from an Augusto- any increase in perfume bottle use at that time is not
Tiberian context, and part of a pyxis from a mid 1st- particularly significant. This can be explored by taking
century AD context. Another fragment from a Taranto the finds from the Casa del Chirurgo as a proxy for the
Tipo 1.2 came from an unphased context in the Casa del whole insula. This is the property that is currently the
Chirurgo. best understood, and which also has had the benefit
The Inn produced another fragment of a pyxis from of full specialist inspection of all of the pottery; we can
a 1st-century BC context and two base fragments be certain that no ceramic unguent bottles might have
from other bottles from modern contexts. From the been overlooked.
Shrine there were two fragments from a large globular Table 4 compares the incidence of both pottery
and glass bottles with that of two other very common
classes of finds, ceramic loom weights and glass
counters, according to the site phase. As can be seen
whilst all categories show an increase in numbers in
contexts associated with the Augustan changes to the
house, it is not so marked for the loom weights and
counters. The former show a doubling of the numbers
3.83 in the previous two phases, the latter remain almost
at parity. The ceramic unguent bottles have a more
than fourfold increase in the Augustan contexts and
then triple again in the succeeding phase when the
blown glass bottles also come into common use. It
does appear that the rise in the quantity of perfume
containers around the Augustan period seen in Tables
2 and 3 is a real phenomenon, and is not a product of
3.82 3.87 site formation processes. Whilst there is evidence
that alabaster, core-formed glass and some ceramic
containers were present prior to that time, they would
appear to have been rare. So the figures indicate
that either people in Pompeii were engaging more
Figure 4. A selection of the alabaster unguent frequently in activities that required perfume, or that
bottles from the insula. Amphorisk – 3.82; base of established activities started to need to be perfumed
fusiform unguent bottle – 3.83; alabastron base – 3.87. more than they had before.
Numbering as in Cool 2016a, 2016b. What activities needed perfume in the ancient world?

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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

Table 4. Comparison of the presence of selected finds categories through time in the Casa del Chirurgo.

Loom Counter Ceramic Glass

Phase Date Weight Unguent Unguent
(number) (number) (weight g) (weight g)

2 3rd century BC 3 4 12.8 –

3 c. 200/150–25 BC 8 10 0.3 –

5 Augustan 22 16 58.4 0.1

6 Tiberio-Neronian 16 26 141.8 13.6

7 Post-earthquake 2 9 – –

Total 51 65 213.3 13.7

Naturally it was used by people to make themselves 5 for the plots where there are both ceramic and glass
smell nice, but there were also other occasions when data.
it was needed. A major use was in the ceremonies It is easiest to start with the properties that
surrounding the dead, not just in the preparation of consistently show low use, which are the two southern
the body and the placing of grave goods, but also in the bars. This area was used first for industrial purposes
ceremonies that surrounded the funeral and in on-going and then as bar properties. The area of the Inn, for
ceremonies of remembrance. The very large numbers which we have comparable data, equally had little use
of both glass and ceramic unguent bottles found in for these bottles. Again this was first an industrial area,
the Porta Nocera cemetery are a vivid testament of then abandoned and then used as an Inn. Plausibly
this. Perfumes were also used whilst dining and were none of these functions are ones where the use of
an appropriate offering to deities (Dalby 2000, 244-6). perfume would be expected. In contrast the Casa del
Does the distribution of the unguent bottles within Chirurgo shows a consistent use of perfume bottles;
the insula reflect the use of perfume for any of these this was a domestic living space used by a household
practices? It is at this point that the vexed issue of in comfortable circumstances from at least the 2nd
quantification and comparison must be engaged with. century BC. Dining and making offerings to the
household gods would have been regular occurrences,
and it is even possible that funerary activities could be
Quantifying the unguent bottles from
been carried out from time to time. Atria, such as the
different properties
house possesses, were the traditional location where
Up to this point weight has been used as a surrogate for bodies were prepared for burial (Šterbenc Erker 2011,
quantity, as it is a reliable unbiased measure which is not 47). Though it is not possible to compare the glass and
influenced by the special situations of particular sites or the ceramic unguent bottles from the Casa delle Vestali,
contexts. When comparing vessels that differ as much it can be noted that it had the highest quantity of glass
in weight as a fusiform ceramic unguent bottle and a unguent bottles from the insula, again reflecting the
globular thin-walled glass one however, this method range of activities to be expected within such an elite
has problems too. It is for this reason that EVEs have house.
been developed as a way of consistently estimating the The large quantity of blown unguent bottles from
proportion of a vessel present. Pottery specialists have the Triclinium is surprising given its small area, with
long worked with rim and base EVEs, but these have not occupation developing later there than it did in much
been found to be satisfactory for the examination of of the rest of the insula. It does not appear to have
vessel glass assemblages. Instead a method that counts been a domestic space and was probably an adjunct of
the zones of a vessel present has been developed, akin the Inn. The property takes its name from an outdoor
to the way that animal bone specialists quantify bone dining couch, and there was also a shrine and water
fragments (Cool and Baxter 1999). In the case of the features, all of which suggest a focus on dining. It is
pottery unguent bottles using rim and base EVEs is useful to look at the contexts producing the unguent
problematic because they are ‘chunky’ types; i.e. they bottles in some detail. During its initial development
have either a rim or a base that is much more likely to in the 1st century AD a ramp was constructed from
remain whole when broken than is the case with most material that is thought to have been brought onto
types (Orton et al. 1993, 174). For this reason the zonal the site. This accounts for 1.6 EVEs of the glass unguent
EVE method has been extended to the pottery unguent bottles and all of the pottery ones. Phase 8 is the post-
bottles. Here this is a natural step to take as the pottery earthquake activity and provided 2.4 glass EVEs in total,
globular form and the glass bulbous one are essentially the bulk coming from a cess pit and thus plausibly being
the same shape. The results of this are shown in Table associated with the dining activities being carried out

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H E M Cool

Table 5. A comparison of the occurrence of glass and pottery unguent bottles from selected plots
quantified by weight (g) and zonal EVEs. NB Those from the levelling deposit in Acisculus removed
(see p. 7).

Plot Fusiform Globular Glass

Weight EVE Weight EVE Weight EVE

Triclinium 27.1 0.2 25.4 1.0 109.5 7.2

Inn 83.0 2.2 – – 7.0 0.8

Chirurgo 152.6 4.0 189.0 5.8 16.3 3.6

Shrine 93.2 3.8 4.4 0.4 40.3 4.2

Bar Acisculus 53.9 1.2 12.9 1.2 – –

Bar Phoebus 15.5 1.2 39.8 0.8 – –

Total 425.3 12.6 271.5 9.2 173.1 15.8

at that time. To these can be added the 3.2 glass EVEs in that case the Porta Nocera. Though it has not been
from modern contexts which, given the vessels state suggested that this was a venue for commercial dining,
of preservation, can be interpreted as eruption level one might wonder whether the opportunity was taken
material. For comparison it can be noted that only 1 to use the well-positioned garden for this, as well as
EVE of the Inn glass unguent total came from similar, for growing flowers and olives. Certainly the threshold
possibly eruption level, contexts, and that plot covered mosaic with its inscription of CRAS CREDO has a
a much larger area than the Triclinium. So it seems sentiment which for centuries has been associated
reasonable to suggest that the dining and sacrifice more with the landlords of licenced premises than with
activities that were being carried out in the Triclinium horticulturalists, for it can be translated as ‘Tomorrow
during the last years of Pompeii’s life were indeed I will give credit’! If the evidence of the Triclinium and
influencing the volume of glass unguent bottles found. the Garden of Hercules at Pompeii can be taken to
A similar concentration of glass unguent bottle show that dining and sacrifice were important activities
fragments was reported in the garden soil excavated driving the volume of unguent bottles found, then
in the Garden of Hercules (II.viii. 6 – Jashemski 1979). perhaps it is a change in the ceremonies surrounding
It was suggested that this was a commercial flower them in the broadly Augustan period that is responsible
garden whose products may have been used in for the overall increase in use.
perfume making. The glass unguent bottles were seen This raises questions about the regular use of
as additional evidence for this. Packaging, however, unguent bottles in the Shrine area. The first identified
is to be expected in the space where perfume was use of the plot was as an industrial area with the
compounded, not in the space where the flowers normal tanks and cisterns seen along the Via Consolare
were grown. This is delightfully depicted in the wall- frontage. These were then de-commissioned and in-
paintings in the oecus of the House of the Vettii filled, walls built to sub-divide the space, and new floors
(VI.15.1). There the cupids are shown in three different laid. The nature of the occupation at this time is unclear.
activities concerned with pressing the ingredients and Finally these structures were demolished and the
compounding the perfume, before the scene with it Shrine built in the middle of the 1st century AD, possibly
being present in bottles and being sampled by a lady after the disruptions caused by the earthquake. The
cupid customer (Cantarella and Jacobelli 2011, 140-1, two best-preserved fusiform pottery unguent bottles
fig. 123; see also Mattingly 1990). Whilst the garden were found in the filling of the cisterns belonging to
could have been used for commercial horticultural the end of the industrial phase. Tubular unguent bottle
purposes, the explanation of the broken glass unguent fragments (0.6 EVE) were also found in the fill of one
bottles in the soil probably relates to other features of the other cisterns but were smaller fragments. With
in the garden. These included a triclinium, a masonry the exception of one EVE from unphased contexts,
serving table, and a lararium with associated marble the remainder of the glass unguent bottles (2.6 EVEs)
statue of Hercules and various votive items. Again this were found in the levelling material prior to the mosaic
was a dining room in pleasant surroundings and this floor of the Shrine. This also produced 1.8 EVEs of
probably explains the presence of the glass unguent the fusiform unguent bottles. The globular pottery
bottle debris in the soil. Curiously this establishment unguent bottles were un-phased. A total of 4.4 EVEs
has other similarities with the Triclinium in VI.1 in that it of unguent bottles were recovered from the levelling
was situated within the first insula on entering Pompeii, which is a much higher total than is normally seen

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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

in similar episodes. In the rear part of the Shrine plot broken fragments may also help us understand site
fragments from the largest alabaster vessel from the formation processes. Understanding these is the key if
site were found in a contemporary levelling deposit we are to use material culture to explore the past, as
which may be part of the same episode. Amongst the it only becomes useful when studied within context.
alabaster bottles, this one is distinguished by being For this category of find in Insula VI.1 there is strong
both the largest and the only one deposited at the same evidence that the material culture captured in many of
time as its conventional date. the building episodes was reflecting activity that had
Whilst it is possible the levelling activities made use gone on within the properties previously. This matches
of material brought onto the site, the fact that buildings the pattern shown by the coins, where the greatest
were being demolished to make way for the Shrine concentrations were found in precisely the type of
suggests this would have been unnecessary. Normally areas where commercial transactions were most likely
the fusiform and the glass unguent bottles would not to have taken place (Hobbs 2013, 101-103). It will not be
be expected to be in contemporary use, which might possible to interpret every layer and item in this way,
suggest the levelling deposit did contain a mixture of but this study is sufficient to demonstrate how the vast
old residual material as well as more recent rubbish. number of finds from Insula VI.1 can be used to explore
Against that it may be noted that the coinage in these just why such a major increase in consumption took off
layers is overwhelmingly of Imperial date. This must be two millennia ago.
placed within the context that the Shrine area is one of
the more prolific areas as far as coinage is concerned,
with the majority of the coins dating to the 1st century Addendum – Fabric description
BC or earlier (Hobbs 2013, 207-8). If these layers Fabric U01 – Fine, well-sorted fabric, grey-brown body
contained residual material, a different coin assemblage and orange-brown margins. Inclusions: vs: lime, vs:
could have been anticipated. Another factor to consider quartz, vs: mica (silver), some with c: black vitreous.
is that within this plot, fusiform unguent bottles in a Munsell: body – 10YR 4/2 dark greyish brown, margins –
good state of preservation that did not suggest they 7.5YR 5/8 strong brown.
were old residual pieces were found in one context that
has to post-date AD 8–10. Again this would be later than
fusiform unguent bottles are normally attributed to, Acknowledgements
though as already noted there is evidence of ongoing It is with both pleasure and sadness that I dedicate this
use into the 1st century AD. paper to the memory of my good and dear friend Sarah
There is thus the possibility, to put it no more Jennings who once spent a morning in 2006 at Pompeii,
strongly, that the fusiform and the glass unguent unwrapping the glass that this paper deals with. How
bottles were the result of contemporary use. This would sad it is that she did not live to discuss the implications
be unusual and requires consideration. Possibly what is once the cataloguing was complete.
being observed is another aspect of the role of unguent I am most grateful to the Soprintendenza
bottles played in religious activity. These deposits were, archeologica di Pompeii and its predecessors for
after all, forming the foundation of a religious building. allowing me access to the excavated material in the
Could the contents of the bottles have played a part in stores at Pompeii on which the paper is based. The
the purification of the site prior to its change of use, AAPP was directed by Rick Jones and Damian Robinson
and might this also account for the large alabaster and it was at their invitation that I started work on the
vessel? Would such purification practices have called VI.1 material.
for a special combination of perfumes, thus accounting My debt to all my fellow specialists on this project is
for the unusual range of containers? great and a special debt of gratitude is owed to Michael
Anderson, David Griffiths and Richard Hobbs for all
their work which they have generously shared with me
Conclusion over the years, and for many convivial discussions.
It is hoped that this paper has demonstrated the The team who have assisted me in the small find and
benefits of looking at categories of data in a holistic glass work over the years were Kelly Leddington, Katie
manner that crosses the normal specialist divisions in Huntley, Emma Hollaway and Elizabeth McCarthy; the
the archaeological world. It is by doing so that we can latter two are particularly thanked for all their work
perhaps start to explore why people of the Roman in illustrating and cataloguing the ceramic unguent
era were in need of so many things. Underlying these bottles in 2010.
consumption patterns are changes in behaviour and I am extremely grateful to the Society of Antiquaries
habits, which drove the production of so much material. of London, the British Academy, Nottingham Trent
Here it is likely to be changing practices around dining University (RAE funding), and the Roman Society for
and placating the gods which may be important. financial support that enabled the specialist teams to
Considering what practices may have given rise to the work in the field from 2007–2011.


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Perfume bottles at Pompeii

Cet article explore l’utilisation du parfum à Pompéi à travers les bouteilles de parfum en verre, en poterie et en albâtre
provenant des fouilles de l’Insula VI.1. Leur distribution démontre une augmentation de l’utilisation de parfum au
début du premier siècle après JC. Les mécanismes ayant mené à cet accroissement sont explorés et il est argué qu’il
est étroitement lié à la façon dont le parfum était utilisé dans les restaurants et les vénérations. Cet article offre de
nouvelles perspectives sur le boom de consommation à l’époque d’Auguste, les processus de formation archéologiques
du site l’Insula VI.1 à Pompéi et les bouteilles de parfum elles-mêmes.

Dieser Beitrag untersucht den Gebrauch von Parfüm in Pompeji anhand des Nachweises von Glas-, Keramik- und
Alabasterparfümflaschen aus den Ausgrabungen der Insula VI.1 in Pompeji. Es ist möglich, einen Anstieg in der
Nutzung von Parfüm im frühen ersten Jahrhundert n.Chr. aufzuzeigen. Die Gründe dafür werden erörtert und es wird
vorgeschlagen, dass der Nutzungsanstieg mit Veraenderungen in der Art und Weise, in der Parfüm zum Speisen und
zur Gottesverehrung verwendet wurde, zusammenhaengt. Die Angaben sind von Interesse für die Erforschung des
augusteistischen Konsumbooms, der Formationprozesse der Fundstätte in Pompeji und der Gefäβe selbst.

* H E M Cool
Barbican Research Associates,
16, Lady Bay Road,
West Bridgford



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