Lesson For History: Isabel Villarroel Mur

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Lesson for History

Isabel Villarroel Mur

Until the third century B.C. Carthage has been powerful city
which control most Mediterranean Sea. For the previous one
hundred years the Carthaginians have been training with
people India and the Mediterranean area. There are many
battles between the romans and Carthaginians to try the control
the area.
Other Carthaginians taking control many important places, they
had managed to take successfully, the island the door step.
So, when the Roman wanted the control successfully,
Carthaginians decided attack Rome.
The leader of the attack was a brilliant young warrior named
Hannibal, he had 40 elephants all trained to
crush enemy
As Hannibal Army was marching to the north to the Alpes.
Soldiers from Spain and other areas join them.
The ice with difficult across whatever and by the time each and
218 B.C, many soldiers and elephants were died.
The famously Three Battles, but in the end the roman was more
stronger and they took the City of Cartage in one the world

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