2C Expressions With Prepositions: About of To With

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2C Expressions with prepositions

1 2.4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. Pay attention to the adjectives in bold. Listen and check.

about ​of ​to ​with

1 I’m addicted coffee, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give it up.
2 I’m going to work next year instead of starting college, and I’m very comfortable my decision.
3 I don’t know why people are suspicious me. I’m a very nice person!
4 Young people today seem to think they’re entitled high salaries, even if they have no experience.
5 I’m so anxious my exam tomorrow. I really hope I don’t fail.
6 We’re all very concerned the high cost of living here. We might have to move.
7 Most millennials are obsessed technology. It’s a problem!
8 I’m really fed up the term “generation gap.” I feel I’m a lot like my parents.
9 Sarah was late for the concert because she was confused the time. She thought it started at 8 p.m.
10 I’m sympathetic my boyfriend’s need for attention, but he’s driving me crazy!
2 2.5 Read Marcy’s e-mail and her friend Laura’s response. Complete them with the prepositions in the box. Listen and check.

about ​against ​for ​in ​of ​on ​to

Hi Laura, Hi Marcy,
I was accepted into a theater program this summer, but I’m not Wow! We all want to 7congratulate you
sure if I should go! The main 1advantage going is that it your exciting news! I’d really 8advise
will be an incredible experience, but the 2disadvantage you saying no. It’s a wonderful
attending the program is the expense. Maybe there will be the opportunity! They can’t 9criticize you
3possibility getting a scholarship. being worried about the cost, or 10accuse you
I don’t want to 4insist any help with the program fees, not being interested. I think you should
though. They might not approve that. explain everything honestly. I’m sure they
Anyway, what’s your 6reaction all of this? Please answer believe 11 their work and will 12care
soon! your situation.
Love, Love,
Marcy Laura

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3A Collocations with attend, get, make, and submit

1 3.1 Complete the collocations with attend, get, make, and submit. Listen and check.
1 an application, a paper, a proposal, a report
2 college, classes, a lecture, a conference
3 a big difference, matters worse, the most out of, a living
4 something across, ahead, hold of somebody/something, somebody’s attention
2 Complete the sentences with collocations from exercise 1.
1 My grandfather used to by working as a bus driver.
2 You have to take risks if you want to and succeed in business.
3 I last night that was so popular I had to stand up! The speaker was great.
4 Thelma would be a very good politician. She’s a very convincing speaker, and she’s so good at her message .
5 There are so many places I’d like to see when I go to Italy next summer. I’ve decided to rent a car so I can of my stay.
6 I’m going to to start a school newspaper to the principal. I hope she won’t think the budget’s too high.
7 I was already an hour late, and, to , I got stuck in the elevator!
8 I on the west coast – at UCLA, in fact. That’s how I have so many friends in Los Angeles.
9 I’m not sure where I’ll end up going to college, but I’m going to to Harvard.
10 Maybe Teresa is away. I tried calling her at least five times, but I couldn’t her.

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3B Ability
1 3.4 Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the expressions in the boxes, making sure the entire paragraph is logical.
Use each expression only once. There may be more than one correct answer. Listen and check.

be capable of ​can’t seem to ​have a talent for ​be pretty/reasonably successful at ​struggle to/with

Not everyone 1 learning foreign languages. Some people really

2 them and 3 remember anything they’ve learned. But, with
motivation and practice, even they can 4 mastering a language. With
enough effort, everyone 5 learning!

find it hard to ​succeed at ​be pretty good/bad at ​fail to ​can’t quite manage to

Some of us 6 sports. We 7 keep up with our teammates and may

8 win even a single game. But even if we 9 hit the ball very far
or do a high jump, we can all find a sport we’re able to 10 . Some don’t
require strength or endurance at all!

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3C Mind and memory ▲

1 3.8 Which option, a or b, provides the correct interpretation? Listen and check.
1 I tried to remember his name, but my mind went blank. 4 I’m seeing The Lion King tomorrow with my nephew. I’m not into
a I’m glad I didn’t have to ask him. musicals, but I’ll try to keep an open mind.
b In the end, I had to ask him. a I’m sure I’ll hate it.
2 Keep in mind that you won’t be allowed in the theater after the b Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
performance begins. 5 At first I thought Jack was unfriendly, but I’ve changed my mind.
a So please don’t be late. a He’s really nice.
b But you can arrive late. b He’s really rude.
3 It never crossed my mind that Maria had learned English as a 6 I can’t make up my mind which suit I like better.
foreign language. a Definitely the blue one.
a She sounds like a native speaker. b Maybe the blue one.
b She’s not very fluent.

2 Complete each sentence with the correct form of a verb from exercise 1. You may have to change the tense.
1 So you’re not joining us for dinner? What a shame! But text me if you your mind, OK?
2 My mind always blank when I’m speaking in public. I don’t know why I get so nervous!
3 I might spend New Year’s Eve in London, but I haven’t up my mind yet.
4 If you want to invite Ann for dinner, in mind that she’s a vegetarian.
3 3.9 For 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the words and expressions in the box.
Listen and check.

boost your memory ​have a good/bad memory ​learn something by heart ​memorable ​recall ​remind

1 I memorize irregular verbs, so I never have to look them up. 4 You won’t forget this experience.
I , and now I never have to look them up. This will be a experience.
2 Please don’t let me forget to water the plants. 5 I haven’t forgotten my wedding day. I remember it perfectly.
Please me to water the plants. I can still my wedding day perfectly.
3 They say fish oil can improve your memory. 6 I never seem to be able to remember people’s names.
They say fish oil can . I’ve always for people’s names.

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