AppSyllabusSecond2020 2021

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Instructors Information

Name Saleem Ramadan, PhD., CSCP,

Office Number C133
Phone Number 06-429-4500
Office Hours Sunday&Wed 9:30 am –11:00 am
Course Information

Course Name Engineering Applied Statistics

Course Number IE212
Perquisites MATH 231/ IE211
Credit Hours 3
Semester Second 2020-2021
Class Meeting Section 1: ST 8:00-9:30
Section 2: MW 11:00-12:30
Section 3: MW 8:00-9:30

Course Description

Course Understand the fundamentals of: Test of hypothesis, regression analysis, analysis of
Objectives variance, and design of experiments.
Introduce the students to R language
Text Books 1. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5th or 6th ed., by: D.
Montgomery and G. Runger.
2. Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th ed., by D. Montgomery
References - Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, by: J. Devore, 5th ed.
- Applied Regression Analysis, by: N. Draper and H. Smith, 3rd ed.
- Design and Analysis of Experiments, by: D. Montgomery, 5th ed.

Course Assessment
In class work and attendance 10%
Quizzes 15%
Term project 5%
Midterm 30%
Final exam 40%
Course Contents

Review of Statistics & Probability Basics
Point and interval estimations for single sample.
Test of Hypothesis for a Single Sample
Tests on Mean (known and unknown variance).
Tests on variance and standard deviation.
Tests on population proportion
Statistical Inference for Two Samples
Inference for difference in means of two normal distributions.
Inference on the variances of two normal distributions.
Inference on the variances of two populations proportions
The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Single factor experiments.
The random effect model.
Randomized complete block design.
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Factorial Experiments (two and general factorial experiments).

Simple Linear Regression Analysis

Introduction (11.1).
Least Square estimation (11.2).
ANOVA to test regression significance (11.4.2).
Coefficient of Determination (11.7.2)
Correlation (11.8 & ch5 review)
Transformation (11.9)
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple linear regression.
Least squares estimators.
Hypothesis tests in multiple linear regression.
Variables Selection
Model Adequacy

Expected Course Outcomes

At completing this course the student should be able to:

- Make inferential decisions for a given set of data regarding single or multiple samples.
- Model a simple linear and multiple regression patterns for a given data.
- Implement the ANOVA approach for real-life applications.
- Apply the DOE methodology toward processes improvement.

Regulations & Grading

I. Minimum Student Materials

Text book, engineering calculator, internet, and an access to a PC with camera and mic.
II. Instructional Methods: Lectures presentations, Open discussion, and Reading current literature
related to the materials.
III. Attendance:
Attendance of classes is obligatory. Absence must be verified according to the university’s
IV. Assignments:
The homework must represent an individual work of a student. Assignments should be collected at
the beginning of the class on the due date. No Late work will be accepted Copying any text or
graphics from another person’s homework may be viewed as an attempt of plagiarism, and will be
heavily penalized.
V. Pop quizzes will be frequently given.
VI. Extra work is always an option for grade improvement.
Good Luck

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