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BAILMENT AGREEMENT ‘ABAI9770402-001 Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agent. ‘This Bailment is entered into and executed as of the date affixed by the party last autographing this Bailment. This Bailment is between DISHEEN RAHIYM BINGC™ ESTATE TRUST (herein called, “Bailee”) and jaru-rahiym :el, Secured Party/Creditor Beneficiary) (TEEXUNITED STATES OF ‘AMERICA (USA) INDENTIFICATION PASSPORT Number: C19129233 (herein called, “Bailor”). Bailor hereby loans to Bailee the property/collateral described below. Herein called “Bailed Property” subject to the following terms and conditions: 1 ‘The Bailed Property consists of, but is not limited to all Collateral as stated herein and herewith, as follows: THIS IS ACTUAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE ~ DEBTORS are Transmitting Utilities. ‘The Secured Party is a Living Soul (man) and secures all Rights, Titles, and Interests to all Collateral as received by government registeries, related corporations, and pledge represented by the same, including but not limited to: pignus, hypothec, hereditament, res (and the energy), as ‘well as any/all derivatives/variations of the legal fiction/end legis/ALL CAPS name(s). All perty/asset(s), hereinafter and herein, acquired ~- nunc pro tunc - wherever property/asset(s) is located. All instruments, documents, files, records, etc. -- Accepted for Value, Exempt from Levy, with all related endorsements, and is not discharged in bankruptcy court(s), front and back [in accordance with: HJR 192, Public Law 73-10, HJR 1491 (page 83), Public Law 89-719, UCC §§ 1-104, 1-201, 1-305, 1-307, 1-308, 2A-104, 3-302, 3-402, 3-419, 8-106, 8-107, 8-302, 9-102, 9-106, 9-210, 9-314, 9-607, 9-609, etc., UNCESCR, UNCITRAL, UNDRIP, UNECOSO, A/RES/69/16, NESARA/GESARA, etc.]. For the record, on the record and let the record reflect that the following property/asset(s) regarding EST/TR -- DISHEEN RAHIYM BINGO, U/A - 1977, TTEE - [:Amaru-Rahiym :EIC)/Secured Creditor Beneficiary is hereby controlled/managed by the Secured Party. as follows: [see: AGREEMENT-ABA19770402-001-31-May-202 45?secret_password=DmVToR WOZNySHI8vxZHe] ‘The Bailed Property consists of, but is not limited to: All collateral as stated via USPS Certified Mail number: 7018 0360 0000 8116 2458 [Purchase Date: 04/08/2020]-to Derwin Clark [Fiduciary] re: commercial process(es)/setoff(s) a) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE (two leafs) dated 10 May 2021, by, Third Party Presenter/Acceptor and Custodian of Records; and b) NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND CONSENT TO STIPULATION AGREEMENT TO THE FACTS (three leafs) dated 08 May 2021, by DISHEEN RAHIYM BING, Estate; and ©) AFFIDAVIT OF NON-RESPONSE/NON-PERFORMANCE (one leaf) dated 08 May 2021, by, Third Party Presenter/Acceptor and Custodian of Records; and 4) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE (two leafs) dated 24 April 2021, by, TI Presenter/ Acceptor and Custodian of Records; and e) NOTICE OF FAULT: OPPORTUNITY TO CURE (three leafs) dated 23 April 2021, by DISHEEN RAHIYM BING, Estate; and £) AFFIDAVIT OF NON-RESPONSE/NON-PERFORMANCE (one leaf) dated 22 April 2021, by, Third Party Presenter/Acceptor and Custodian of Records; and Party 8) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE (one leaf) dated 08 Aj Presenter/Acceptor and Custodian of Records; and h) NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE (three leafs) dated Nunc Pro Tune to 07 April 2021, by DISHEEN RAHIYM BING, Estate; and i) AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIFIC NEGATIVE AVERMENT (two leafs) dated 08 April 2021, by DISHEEN RAHIYM BING, Estate; and J) copy Pay Rent of Quit dated 06 April 2021 by Derwin Clark marked "CONDITIONALLY. ACCEPTED", (Original with Derwin Clark). 2021, by Amel Wade Third Party Included herein, supporting the RECORD BETWEEN THE PARTIES are original postal records showing delivery confirmation of presentments: ) United States Postal service Certified Post article 7018 0360 0000 8116 2465 delivery receipt; and b) United States Postal service Certified Post article 7009 1410 0000 3677 7792 delivery receipt; and 2 ©) United States Postal service Certified Post article 7018 0360 0000 8116 2458 delivery receipt; and 4) Private Postmaster article PM20211505-01; and ©) Private Postmaster article PM20210805-01; and f) Private Postmaster article PM24042021DB; Bailor hereby transfers and assigns all Bailed Property to Bailee: DISHEEN RAHIYM BINGC™ {c/o: 491 Baltimore Pike, Suite 313 Springfield, Pennsylvania] [Non Domestic without the UNITED STATES] 3. Bailee may use the Bailed Property solely for the purpose of securing obligations in favor of the Bailor and will maintain in confidence such Chattel Property and Collateral as may become disclosed to Bailee as a result of inspection of said Bailed Property 4, In consideration for the use of such Bailed Property, Bailee agrees to provide copies of any and all documentation realized or developed during the aforementioned evaluation related to performance the performance of the Bailee Property. 5. The Bailed Property will be assigned by Bailor to Bailee, Nunc Pro Tunc, effective as of 02, April 1977, after Bailor’s receipt of an executed/notarized copy of this Bailment. The Bailed Property will be returned to Bailor by Registered Mail via United States Post Office, Canada Post, of any internationally recognized post office as per the Universal Postal Union Constitution by the same standard of delivery (e.g., Registered Mail, Certified Mail). Baile will provide the returned goods counter tracking number upon request of Bailor for Bailed Property. 6. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute an offer by Bailor to sale, or by Bailee to buy said Bailed Property, or give rise to any obligation to pay any charge or rental whatsoever of the led Property in its possession. Bailee is not responsible for or liable for any charges, invoices, bills or debts incurred by or during the course of operation in commerce, reasonable wear and. tear, to the Bailed Property; or for Bailed Property properly or improperly used, 7. Unless otherwise authorized in writing by Bailor, Bailee shall not modify or alter the Bailed Property, collateral, property or real estate in any manner. 9. The Bailed Property is subjected to control and licensing under: ESTATE/TRUST: DISHEEN RAHIYM BINGO™/COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT (CSA) Number: SA~ (040219772016326-0SDRB; UCC number: 20167028266851. Uniform Commercial Code(s) §1- 301, 1-308 and 9-609. Under the Agreement, Bailee hereby acknowledges all obligations under Lex Mercatoria [the Law Merchant], known as the Uniform Commercial Code (reference: 1778 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union-Article XI; 1794 Jay Treaty with Great Britain; 1812 Treaty of Ghent; 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh [Morocco]; United States Constitution Article(s) IIl, and VI clauses | and II); United Nations Charter of 1948; 1913 Statute of Westminster, Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 [sections 7(c) and (e), 9 and 12}; Presidential Proclamation 7500; United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR]: and Congressional Record, page £43220, of May 11, 1953) Baile hereby agrees to adhere to the Lex Mereatoria/Uniform Commercial Code as Final Authority with regard to said Bailed Property in relation to discharge of any and all debts that Bailee may be required to commercially satisfy or any and all contraci(s), Dill(s), invoice(s), bll(s) of lading, note(s), bill(s) of exchange(s)and presentment(s) requiring. Bailee to commercially fulfill under this Agreement. 10. The parties agree that for the purpose of this Agreement, the Bailed Property has a value of more than $20 dollars silver (or an equivalent functional currency). 11. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the: ESTATE/TRUST: DISHEEN RAHIYM. BINGO™/COMMERCIAI IRITY AGREEMENT (CSA) Number: SA-040219772016326- IRB; [see: UCC 201 ; EST TA. DISHES RAHIYA orate THEE datar -pebs. SURAT ‘United Nation Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples [UNDRIPI; Universal Declaration of Human Right (UDHR; United Nations Convention on Esonomic and Cultural Right; Articles 5S and 6 forthe United Nations Charter, Presidential Proclamation 7500; House Joint Resolution 194; House oit Resolution 3; Coa Res 26; S. 1200; A/RESIGI6: Programme of Activites fr the implementation ofthe Intemational Decade for People of Afican Descent. ‘Using «Notary on this document doesnt conse any adhesion, nor ater My Status and Standing in any manner. The purpose for & Notary is for verification and ientifiestion ony; and not for entrance into any frcign jurisdiction, ‘Sworn to and subscribed before Me, es F Chyler as Notary Public witness on this date, ‘and in the year Two-Thousand and ‘Twenty-One (2021) AD. - 4 g £ ch xy SEAL [OTARY'S SIGNATURE DATE om . 2h aa eran So My commission expres: 7/29/22 coerce mL Nay Pace Delenare Coury iy Comeission Expres 27, 2022 Commision Number 128885, An 1977

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