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Installation and

Operation Manual

RPD 1000
Return Path Demodulator

ON 00
U FI 0
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E 3.
FA PO >R 0
M 1
M 2
M 3 10
DE OD 00
M 4
MO 5


/O R
These servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not perform any servicing other
than that contained in the Installation and Troubleshooting Instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Different types of line cord sets may be
used for connection to the main supply circuit and should comply with the product safety requirements of the country of use. Refer all servicing to
qualified service personnel.
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Installation
Manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by General Instrument could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment under the rules and regulations of the FCC.
Canadian Compliance
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respects toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.

Special Symbols That Might Appear on the Equipment

This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage levels are present within the equipment. These voltages are not
insulated and may be of sufficient strength to cause serious bodily injury when touched. The symbol may also
appear on schematics.

The exclamation point, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of important
installation, servicing, and operating instructions in the documents accompanying the equipment..

This equipment operates over the marked Voltage and Frequency range without requiring manual setting of any
selector switches. Different types of line cord sets may be used for connections to the main supply circuit and
should comply with the Product Safety requirements of the country of use. This equipment requires a grounding
conductor in the line cord. The line cord provided with the equipment is acceptable for use with NEMA Style
5-15R ac receptacles supplying nominal 120 Volts.

For continued protection against fire, replace all fuses only with fuses having the same electrical ratings marked
at the location of the fuse.

Copyright © 2003 by Motorola, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as
translation, transformation or adaptation) without written permission from Motorola, Inc.
Motorola reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of Motorola
to provide notification of such revision or change. Motorola provides this guide without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Motorola may make improvements or
changes in the product(s) described in this manual at any time.

MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of
their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2003

Section 1
Using This Manual ..................................................................................................................................................................1-2
Document Conventions ..........................................................................................................................................................1-2
Related Documentation ..........................................................................................................................................................1-2
If You Need Help .....................................................................................................................................................................1-3
Calling for Repairs ..................................................................................................................................................................1-3

Section 2
Functional Overview...............................................................................................................................................................2-1
Demodulator Board ........................................................................................................................................................2-2
FEC Board.......................................................................................................................................................................2-2
CPU Board ......................................................................................................................................................................2-2
Physical Overview...................................................................................................................................................................2-3
Front-Panel Controls and Indicators..............................................................................................................................2-4
Rear-Panel Features .......................................................................................................................................................2-6

Section 3
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................................................................3-1
Mounting the RPD 1000 ..........................................................................................................................................................3-2
Installing the Demodulator Board(s) ......................................................................................................................................3-3
Connecting Interface Cables ..................................................................................................................................................3-4
Connecting the Ethernet and Coaxial Cabling...............................................................................................................3-4
Cascading the Demodulator Boards..............................................................................................................................3-6
Supplying Power to the RPD 1000..........................................................................................................................................3-6
Verifying the Installation.........................................................................................................................................................3-7

Section 4
Setup and Operation
Using the Front-Panel Operator Interface ..............................................................................................................................4-1
Configuring the RPD 1000 ......................................................................................................................................................4-2
Setting Up the Demodulator Boards ..............................................................................................................................4-3

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

ii Contents

Establishing Ethernet Communications ................................................................................................................................ 4-7

Setting Destination Controller Communications .......................................................................................................... 4-7
Setting TCP Controller Communications ...................................................................................................................... 4-8
Defining the Error-Packet Threshold............................................................................................................................4-10
Saving and Implementing Changes..................................................................................................................................... 4-12
Rebooting ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4-12

Section 5
Replacing the Fuse................................................................................................................................................................. 5-2

Appendix A
Input Signal ............................................................................................................................................................................A-1
Operating Environment..........................................................................................................................................................A-2
Physical Specifications..........................................................................................................................................................A-2
Interconnection ......................................................................................................................................................................A-3
RF In/Out Interface Cabling Guidelines .................................................................................................................................A-3
Ethernet 10 Base-T Interface Cabling ....................................................................................................................................A-3

Appendix B
Initialization Information
Self-Boot Option.....................................................................................................................................................................B-1
Bootp Server Download Option .............................................................................................................................................B-1
Bootp Request and Reply Format .................................................................................................................................B-1
RPD 1000 Bootp Request........................................................................................................................................B-2
RPD 1000 Bootp Reply............................................................................................................................................B-2
Boot File Format ............................................................................................................................................................B-2
Executable Code File...............................................................................................................................................B-4
Dynamic Configuration File ......................................................................................................................................B-5
Ethernet Communications Parameters .....................................................................................................................B-6
Error-Handling Parameters ......................................................................................................................................B-7
UDP Datagram Parameters .....................................................................................................................................B-7
FEC Parameters......................................................................................................................................................B-8
Static Configuration Files .........................................................................................................................................B-8

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Contents iii

7Appendix C
Menu System
Main Menu Options................................................................................................................................................................ C-1
ID Menu Options .................................................................................................................................................................... C-2
Unit Menu....................................................................................................................................................................... C-3
Software Menu............................................................................................................................................................... C-4
Location Menu ............................................................................................................................................................... C-5
CONFIG Menu Options........................................................................................................................................................... C-6
Demod Menus................................................................................................................................................................ C-7
FEC Menus..................................................................................................................................................................... C-9
Suppression Menu....................................................................................................................................................... C-12
Destination (DEST) Menu ............................................................................................................................................ C-14
Control (CTRL) Menu................................................................................................................................................... C-15
SNMP Menu Options.................................................................................................................................................... C-16
STATUS Menu Options ........................................................................................................................................................ C-17
NET Menu Options............................................................................................................................................................... C-20
OAM&P Menu............................................................................................................................................................... C-21

Abbreviations and Acronyms.................................................................................................................................................0-1
Definitions of Terms................................................................................................................................................................0-2

Figure 1-1 RPD 1000 Return Path Demodulator ....................................................................................................................1-1
Figure 2-1 RPD 1000 block diagram ......................................................................................................................................2-1
Figure 2-2 RPD 1000 dimensions...........................................................................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-3 RPD 1000 front panel............................................................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-4 RPD 1000 rear panel .............................................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 3-1 Rack mounting......................................................................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-2 Installing modules ................................................................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3-3 Ethernet and coaxial connections........................................................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-4 Cascading demodulator connections ..................................................................................................................3-6
Figure 4-1 Sample RPD 1000 configuration menu.................................................................................................................4-1
Figure 4-2 RPD 1000 main menu............................................................................................................................................4-2
Figure 4-3 Setting up the demodulator boards......................................................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-4 RPD 1000 Configuration menu .............................................................................................................................4-4
Figure 4-5 Demodulator menu ...............................................................................................................................................4-5
Figure 4-6 Demodulator Tuning menu...................................................................................................................................4-5

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

iv Contents

Figure 4-7 Setting destination controller communications .................................................................................................. 4-7

Figure 4-8 DEST menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-9 Setting TCP controller communications.............................................................................................................. 4-8
Figure 4-10 TCP Controller Interface menu .......................................................................................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-11 Setting up the error-packet threshold.............................................................................................................. 4-10
Figure 4-12 Suppression menu........................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Figure 4-13 Extended Suppression menu........................................................................................................................... 4-12
Figure 5-1 Fuse block............................................................................................................................................................ 5-2
Figure B-1 Sample RPD 1000 boot file..................................................................................................................................B-4
Figure B-2 Sample RPD 1000 dynamic configuration file (partial file) .................................................................................B-5
Figure C-1 RPD 1000 main menu ..........................................................................................................................................C-1
Figure C-2 ID menu................................................................................................................................................................C-2
Figure C-3 Unit menu ............................................................................................................................................................C-3
Figure C-4 Extended Unit menu ............................................................................................................................................C-4
Figure C-5 Software menu.....................................................................................................................................................C-4
Figure C-6 Location menu.....................................................................................................................................................C-5
Figure C-7 RPD 1000 Configuration menu............................................................................................................................C-6
Figure C-8 Demod menu .......................................................................................................................................................C-7
Figure C-9 Demod Tuning menu ...........................................................................................................................................C-7
Figure C-10 Demod Setup menu ...........................................................................................................................................C-8
Figure C-11 FEC menu ..........................................................................................................................................................C-9
Figure C-12 FEC Randomizer menu....................................................................................................................................C-10
Figure C-13 FEC Decoder menu..........................................................................................................................................C-11
Figure C-14 FEC Slot Parameters menu .............................................................................................................................C-11
Figure C-15 Suppression menu ..........................................................................................................................................C-12
Figure C-16 Extended Suppression menu ..........................................................................................................................C-13
Figure C-17 Destination menu.............................................................................................................................................C-14
Figure C-18 CTRL menu......................................................................................................................................................C-15
Figure C-19 SNMP menu .....................................................................................................................................................C-16
Figure C-20 Status menu.....................................................................................................................................................C-17
Figure C-21 Statistics menu................................................................................................................................................C-18
Figure C-22 Background Noise menu.................................................................................................................................C-19
Figure C-23 Power Level menu ...........................................................................................................................................C-19
Figure C-24 Packet Statistics menu....................................................................................................................................C-19
Figure C-25 Burst Noise menu............................................................................................................................................C-19
Figure C-26 NET menu ........................................................................................................................................................C-20
Figure C-27 OAM&P menu ..................................................................................................................................................C-21

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Contents v

Table 2-1 Front-panel controls and indicators ......................................................................................................................2-4
Table 2-2 Rear-panel features................................................................................................................................................2-6
Table 3-1 Initialization .............................................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 4-1 Main menu options.................................................................................................................................................4-2
Table 4-2 Configuration menu options ..................................................................................................................................4-4
Table 4-3 Demodulator menu options ...................................................................................................................................4-5
Table 4-4 Demodulator Tuning menu options .......................................................................................................................4-6
Table 4-5 DEST menu options ...............................................................................................................................................4-8
Table 4-6 TCP Controller Interface menu options .................................................................................................................4-9
Table 4-7 Suppression menu options..................................................................................................................................4-11
Table 4-8 Extended Suppression menu options .................................................................................................................4-12
Table 5-1 Troubleshooting guidelines...................................................................................................................................5-1
Table B-1 Ethernet 10 Base-T interface connector pinout ................................................................................................... A-3
Table B-1 Parameters available from the dynamic configuration file .................................................................................. B-5
Table C-1 Main menu options ............................................................................................................................................... C-1
Table C-2 ID menu options.................................................................................................................................................... C-2
Table C-3 Unit menu options ................................................................................................................................................ C-3
Table C-4 Extended Unit menu options................................................................................................................................ C-4
Table C-5 Software menu options......................................................................................................................................... C-4
Table C-6 Location menu options......................................................................................................................................... C-5
Table C-7 Configuration menu options................................................................................................................................. C-6
Table C-8 Demod menu options ........................................................................................................................................... C-7
Table C-9 Demod Tuning menu options............................................................................................................................... C-7
Table C-10 Demod Setup menu options............................................................................................................................... C-8
Table C-11 FEC menu options .............................................................................................................................................. C-9
Table C-12 FEC Randomizer menu options........................................................................................................................ C-10
Table C-13 FEC Decoder menu options.............................................................................................................................. C-11
Table C-14 FEC Slot Parameters menu options ................................................................................................................. C-11
Table C-15 Suppression menu options .............................................................................................................................. C-12
Table C-16 Extended Suppression menu options.............................................................................................................. C-13
Table C-17 Destination menu options ................................................................................................................................ C-14
Table C-18 CTRL menu options.......................................................................................................................................... C-15
Table C-19 SNMP menu options ......................................................................................................................................... C-16
Table C-20 Status menu options......................................................................................................................................... C-17
Table C-21 Statistics menu options.................................................................................................................................... C-18
Table C-22 NET menu options ............................................................................................................................................ C-20
Table C-23 OAM&P menu options ...................................................................................................................................... C-21

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Section 1

The Motorola RPD 1000 Return Path Demodulator receives, demodulates, and processes
upstream data from DigiCable Consumer Terminals (DCTs). It receives data bursts from one to
six channels and then demodulates and multiplexes them into a single datastream. The
datastream is transferred to a controlling processor via an Ethernet port.
The RPD 1000:

 Demodulates the quadrature phase shift key (QPSK) signal.

 Decodes forward error correction (FEC) in the upstream channels.
 Performs power-level measurements on the received data bursts.
 Demodulates one to six 256 kbps upstream channels from DCTs.
 Provides upstream data transfer over User Datagram Protocol (UDP), configuration over
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), status alarming over Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP), and initialization using bootstrap protocol (bootp) functions over the
Ethernet port.
 Selects one frequency from 36 upstream channels for each demodulator board.

Figure 1-1
RPD 1000 Return Path Demodulator

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

1-2 Introduction

Using This Manual

This manual contains the following information and instructions necessary to install, configure,
and operate the RPD 1000:
Section 1 Introduction provides an overview of the RPD 1000, phone numbers to call for
assistance, and return instructions.
Section 2 Overview describes the function of the RPD 1000 and its front- and rear-panel features.
Section 3 Installation contains procedures used to install and set up the RPD 1000.
Section 4 Setup and Operation provides information on the RPD 1000 initialization process and
instructions for operating the equipment.
Section 5 Troubleshooting contains guidelines for troubleshooting the equipment and for
replacing the fuse.
Appendix A Specifications provides the technical specifications for the RPD 1000.
Appendix B Initialization Information provides special information on the RPD 1000 initialization
Appendix C Menu System provides information about the RPD 1000 menu system.
Glossary The Glossary provides the full spelling of the abbreviations and acronyms and
definitions of the special terms used in this manual.

Document Conventions
Before you begin using the RPD 1000, familiarize yourself with the stylistic conventions used
in this manual:
SMALL CAPS Denotes silk screening on the equipment, typically representing front- and rear-panel
controls, input/output (I/O) connections, and LED indicators.

Related Documentation
The HCT 1000 Headend Configuration Tool Users Guide and the Return-Path Transmission
Requirements for Cable-TV Digital Networks (GI Document #ENB-0046) provide additional
information required to properly install the RPD 1000.
Although the following manuals contain information about equipment that can be used with
the RPD 1000 and may be of interest to you, they are not required to install or operate the
RPD 1000:

 ACC-4000D Addressable Controller System Documentation Operations Guide

 DCT 1000 Cable Terminal Installation Manual

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Introduction 1-3

If You Need Help

If you need assistance while working with the RPD 1000, contact the Motorola Technical
Response Center (TRC):
 Inside the U.S.: 1-888-944-HELP (1-888-944-4357)
 Outside the U.S.: 215-323-0044
The TRC is open from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday and
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Saturday. When the TRC is closed, emergency service only
is available on a call-back basis. Web Support offers a searchable solutions database, technical
documentation, and low priority issue creation/tracking 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Calling for Repairs

If repair is necessary, call the Motorola Repair Facility at 1-800-642-0442 for a Return for
Service Authorization (RSA) number before sending the unit. The RSA number must be
prominently displayed on all equipment cartons. The Repair Facility is open from 8:00 AM to
5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday.
When calling from outside the United States, use the appropriate international access code and
then call 52-631-311-1100 to contact the Repair Facility.
When shipping equipment for repair, follow these steps:
1 Pack the unit securely.
2 Enclose a note describing the exact problem. Complete and enclose the checklist provided
with the unit.
3 Enclose a copy of the invoice that verifies the warranty status.
4 Ship the unit PREPAID to the following address:
Motorola, Inc.
Broadband Communications Sector
c/o Excel
Attn: RSA #_________
6908 East Century Park Drive
Suite 100
Tucson, AZ 85706

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Section 2

This section provides an overview of the RPD 1000, its function within the Cable Access
Television (CATV) system, and the front- and rear-panel features.

Functional Overview
The RPD 1000 is the upstream communications link between DCTs and the digital CATV
headend. The RPD 1000 receives from one to six upstream RF carriers from the DCTs. The
signals include critical data used in billing the customer for services, such as Impulse Pay-Per-
View (IPPV) purchases and opinion-poll responses. The RPD 1000 demodulates the input data
streams and multiplexes the individual streams into one aggregate datastream. This
equipment provides the following functions:

 Support for six upstream data channels

 Power, timing, and packet-error measurements of each upstream channel
 Multiplexing of up to six demodulated data streams into a single stream for delivery to the
controlling processor via Ethernet

The RPD 1000 incorporates three separate subsystems into one functional unit: a demodulator
board, an FEC board, and a central processing unit (CPU) board, as displayed in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1
RPD 1000 block diagram

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

2-2 Overview

Demodulator Board
The demodulator board demodulates the QPSK signal and transmits the data to the FEC
decoder for error correction. The CPU board configures and monitors the demodulator board.
Each demodulator also provides the following functions:

 Determines the beginning of the upstream burst data packet from the DCTs
 Tunes to one of 36 upstream frequencies in the 8 MHz to 15 MHz range
 Supports typically 500 DCTs per board, depending on the quality of the cable network
 Measures the received signal power level from the DCTs and sends the levels to the
controlling processor, which keeps the levels constant for all DCTs

The flexibility of multiple demodulator boards enables you to configure the RPD 1000 in several
ways. For example, a single input cable can carry multiple upstream channels. By cascading
the demodulator boards as described later in this section, two or more boards can monitor
different channels from the same input cable. This feature also increases reliability. By
configuring the RPD 1000 with two linked or cascaded demodulator boards, both boards can
monitor the same input stream for backup capabilities. The RPD 1000 can also monitor various
channels using one demodulator board, which can be dynamically retuned by the controlling

FEC Board
The FEC board combines the output of the six demodulated channels into a single datastream.
It performs FEC on the demodulated data and appends packet-error status in the datastream
before transmission to the CPU.
Error processing is important to maintain robust communication when upstream channel
interference exists on the cable network.

CPU Board
The CPU board arranges the processed data from the FEC board into Ethernet packets. It then
transfers the packets to the controlling processor via an Ethernet port. The CPU board also
communicates with the controlling processor via the Ethernet port to provide operation and
maintenance information and to receive system commands. The CPU configures and monitors
all elements in the RPD 1000.
The CPU board also performs the following functions:

 Configures and controls the FEC and demodulator boards

 Monitors status from the FEC and demodulator boards
 Supports LED and LCD front-panel operations
 Supports an optional second Ethernet interface (to be implemented in a later revision)

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Overview 2-3

Physical Overview
The RPD 1000 chassis can be mounted in a standard 19-inch equipment rack in a digital
headend, network hub office, or network end office. Each unit contains from one to six
demodulator boards, an FEC board, a CPU board, an AC power supply, and a front-panel
display. Refer to Appendix A, “Specifications,” for complete physical, electrical, and
environmental specifications.

Figure 2-2
RPD 1000 dimensions

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

2-4 Overview

Front-Panel Controls and Indicators

The main controls and indicators on the RPD 1000 are located on the front panel. Figure 2-3
illustrates the front-panel controls and indicators, and Table 2-1 summarizes the function of

Figure 2-3
RPD 1000 front panel

Table 2-1
Front-panel controls and indicators

Key Item Description

A DEMOD boards: The first six board locations can be populated with either
demodulator boards or blank spacers (see B). A minimum of one
demodulator board is required and can be installed in any of the first six
locations. The remaining five locations can be populated with any
combination of optional demodulator boards and blank spacers.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Overview 2-5

Key Item Description

B BLANK spacers: A spacer is a panel that covers a slot where a

demodulator board is not installed.

C FEC board: The seventh board location must be populated with an FEC
board, which performs the FEC function.

D CPU board: The eighth board location must be populated with a CPU

E SLOT CONFIGURATION: This label identifies the board layout.

F Eight bicolor LEDs indicate the following states:

POWER Green = +5 V is applied
FAULT SUMM Green = operational Red = fault
DEMOD 1 Green = operational Red = fault Off = not installed
DEMOD 2 Green = operational Red = fault Off = not installed
DEMOD 3 Green = operational Red = fault Off = not installed
DEMOD 4 Green = operational Red = fault Off = not installed
DEMOD 5 Green = operational Red = fault Off = not installed
DEMOD 6 Green = operational Red = fault Off = not installed
G The status display features a two-line, 40-character-per-line, dot-matrix,
high-contrast, backlit LCD.
H Five-key keypad: The keypad consists of four arrow push buttons used
to navigate through the menus with an enter key (ENT ) that implements
changes made to the menu items.
I POWER ON/OFF: This is the power control switch.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

2-6 Overview

Rear-Panel Features
The RPD 1000 rear panel consists of the AC and DC power connections, two Ethernet ports,
the external clock, and the RF connections for the demodulator boards. The rear panel is
illustrated in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4
RPD 1000 rear panel

Table 2-2
Rear-panel features

Key Item Description

A and fuse: This EIC320 connector accepts 105 to 125 and 210 to
250 VAC at 50 or 60 Hz. The fuse is a 2 A, slow-blow type.

B DC POWER connection: This universal eight-pin mate and lock connector

provides +5 V, +12 V, and -12 V to the backplane.

C O ENET and D ENET : These are the primary and secondary RJ-45 Ethernet
ports. In the current version of the RPD 1000, O-ENET , the primary
Ethernet port, is used for all transfers. The maximum data rate is 10
D EXT CLOCK: This is a BNC-type connector (reserved for future use).

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Overview 2-7

Key Item Description

E RF IN connectors, one for each demodulator board: These F-type

connectors receive a QPSK modulated signal from an input cable or by
cascade from another demodulator.
F RF OUT connectors, one for each demodulator board: These F-type
connectors are used only to cascade demodulators. If the demodulators
are not cascaded, the connector requires a 75-ohm terminator. The RF
signal has a data transmission rate of 256 Kbps.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Section 3

This section provides instructions for installing the RPD 1000 in a digital CATV headend. The
installation process involves:

 Mounting the RPD 1000 in an equipment rack

 Installing the demodulator board(s)
 Connecting interface cables
 Supplying power to the equipment
 Verifying the installation

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation process:

1 Verify that you received the following items included with the RPD 1000 shipment:

Item Quantity Description

RPD 1000 chassis 1 Cabinet housing the demodulator and related

Demodulator board Depends on the Each kit contains:
kit(s) configuration  1 demodulator board
 1 cascade cable
 1 terminator
Power cord 1 Acceptable for use with NEMA-style 5-15R AC
receptacles supplying nominal 120 V
Mounting screws with 4 Provided to mount the unit in the equipment rack
plastic washers

2 Acquire the following items that are not included with the RPD 1000, but are required to
complete the installation:

Item Description

RJ-45 crimping tool This hand tool for crimping RJ-45 connectors is required to fabricate the
Ethernet cable to connect the RPD 1000 to the Ethernet LAN hub.
Headend Configuration This special PC-based tool is required to set up the RPD 1000 operating
Tool (HCT 1000) configuration and download the configuration to the RPD 1000.

3 Obtain or fabricate any necessary cables. Refer to the cabling guidelines provided in
Appendix A, “Specifications,” for the length restrictions, connector, and cable or wire type
for each connection required for your system. The number of cables and the lengths depend
on the number and configurations of demodulator boards.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

3-2 Installation

Mounting the RPD 1000

Mount the RPD 1000 in a standard 19-inch rack (or a 23-inch rack with optional mounting
brackets). Provide 1.75 inches of open space above and below the unit to allow free airflow. If
the equipment operates continuously in a closed cabinet, provide forced-air circulation to
ensure maximum equipment life and optimum performance.

WARNING! Improper grounding may damage the RPD 1000. Refer to national electrical code (NEC)
guidelines or local standards for the proper grounding of the RPD 1000 to equipment racks and to the building
grounding system.

To mount the equipment in the rack:

1 Insert four screws with plastic washers through the mounting holes in the front panel and
into the mounting holes in the rack, as shown in Figure 3-1.
2 Tighten all screws.

Figure 3-1
Rack mounting

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Installation 3-3

Installing the Demodulator Board(s)

WARNING! To avoid damage to the RPD 1000, make sure that the power cord is disconnected before adding
or removing boards.

To install a demodulator board:

1 Verify that the power is off.

2 Remove one of the BLANK front panels. The slots correspond to the LEDs on the front panel,
.from left to right respectively: DEMOD 1, DEMOD 2, DEMOD 3, DEMOD 4, DEMOD 5, and DEMOD 6.

WARNING! Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the RPD 1000 circuit card assemblies. Wear an
antistatic wrist strap attached to a chassis ground to prevent esd damage.

3 Remove the demodulator board from the ESD protective packaging.

4 Align the board with the slides provided in the demodulator board slots, as shown in
Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2
Installing modules

5 Press the board firmly in place and make sure that it is seated properly in the slot.
6 Tighten the thumbscrews on the front of the board to secure it.
7 Repeat steps 3 through 6 until all demodulator boards are installed.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

3-4 Installation

Connecting Interface Cables

The following standard cabling is required:

 Connect the RPD 1000 Ethernet interface to the Ethernet LAN hub. This connection
carries the RPD 1000 output signal to the controlling processor.
 Connect the coaxial cable carrying input signals from the set-top terminals to the
RPD 1000.

Connecting the Ethernet and Coaxial Cabling

Figure 3-3 shows typical RPD 1000 input and output connections. The illustration displays a
configuration using a single demodulator board located in slot 3. Install the RPD 1000 in
accordance with the guidelines in GI document ENB-0046, Return-Path Transmission
Requirements for Cable-TV Digital Networks. Refer to Figure 3-4 for information on connecting
multiple cascaded demodulator boards.
Check cabling guidelines provided in Appendix A, “Specifications,” for length restrictions,
connectors, and cable types for each connection required for your system.

WARNING! To avoid possible damage to the RPD 1000, make sure that the AC power cord is disconnected
before connecting any I/O cables.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Installation 3-5

Figure 3-3
Ethernet and coaxial connections

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

3-6 Installation

Cascading the Demodulator Boards

If a single coaxial cable carries the input frequencies for multiple demodulator boards, then
either the signal must be split, or the demodulator boards must be cascaded. To cascade the
demodulator boards, connect the input coaxial cable to the first demodulator board RF IN
connector, and connect RF OUT to RF IN of the next demodulator board. Connect a 75-ohm
terminator to the RF OUT of the last demodulator in the cascade.
Figure 3-4 displays an RPD 1000 configuration with six demodulator boards installed. Note
that one input coaxial RF IN A cable feeds demodulator boards 1 and 2, while a second input
coaxial cable RF IN B feeds demodulator boards 3 through 6.

Figure 3-4
Cascading demodulator connections

Supplying Power to the RPD 1000

Connect the AC power cord only after all I/O connections are complete. The power supply
automatically senses and adapts to input between 105 to 125 VAC and 210 to 250 VAC, at 50 or
60 Hz.

DANGER: To prevent electrical shock, do not use the polarized power cord with an extension cord,
receptacle, or other outlet unless all blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade exposure.

Turn on the power switch at the front panel to apply power to the RPD 1000. The RPD 1000
begins to initialize automatically.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Installation 3-7

Verifying the Installation

The initialization sequence is described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1

Bootp w/file Bootp w/o file Boot from flash LED Display RPD 1000 function
LCD Displays LCD Displays LCD displays

<ver.> Green
LEDs off
BOOT PROGRAM <ver.> BOOT PROGRAM <ver.> BOOT PROGRAM All LEDs–Green Initializes file system
BOOT PROGRAM <ver.> BOOT PROGRAM <ver.> BOOT PROGRAM POWER LED– Initializes file system
<ver.> Green
LEDs off
MAC=00:20:40:xx:xx:xx: MAC=00:20:40:xx:xx:xx: MAC=00:20:40:xx: FAULT SUMM address for the unit
xx:xx: LED–green
LEDs off
SERVER: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx SERVER: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx SERVER: Green server; displays IP
DEVICE: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DEVICE: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx FAULT SUMM addresses for device
DEVICE: LED–green and server E-net
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Remaining communications
LEDs off
LOADING .RPD 1000 Green Trivial File Transfer
/<pathname>/rpd1000 FAULT SUMM Protocol (TFTP)
LEDs off
/<filename>/ Green Sequence repeats for
FAULT SUMM every file downloaded
LEDs off
COMMITTING IN Green files to flash
/config=#) LED–green
LEDs off

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Section 4
Setup and Operation

At power-up, the RPD 1000 operating configuration is determined by data either internally
stored in flash memory or downloaded from a bootp server on the headend LAN. The particular
method used to set up initial operation depends on your system configuration.
After the initial operating configuration is set, you can modify it by:

 Entering new parameter settings at the RPD 1000 front panel

 Forcing a reboot to download a new configuration from the bootp server
 Sending commands from an SNMP network manager

This section provides information to help you operate the RPD 1000 using settings entered at
the front panel. For information on downloading data from a bootp server, refer to Appendix B,
“Initialization Information.” Note that controlling the RPD 1000 using an SNMP network
manager is not currently supported.

Using the Front-Panel Operator Interface

The RPD 1000 front-panel interface includes an LCD and cursor control keys used to set and
change operating parameters. The LCD displays a series of menus showing specific RPD 1000
parameter settings. Within a menu, you might find:

 Information-only displays that you cannot select or change

 Parameter settings that you can select and modify
 Navigation tools that branch to other menus when you select them

For example, the configuration menu in Figure 4-1 includes the information-only label
STATUS MENU in the upper-left corner that identifies the menu. The STATISTICS and
UPDATE INTERVAL options are changeable parameter settings, the UP option is a navigation
aid to proceed to another menu, and default settings are in boldface type.

Figure 4-1
Sample RPD 1000 configuration menu

In general, changeable parameters are indicated by a greater than symbol (>) preceding the
parameter value, and valid options are contained in scroll lists. You can navigate from option to
option within a menu using the left/right arrow keys on the cursor control keypad. Select an
option using the ENT key. The selected option is enclosed in brackets. Use the up/down arrow
keys to scroll through the available selections, and then use the ENT key to implement the new

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-2 Setup and Operation

CAUTION! Any changes you make to operating parameters apply only to the current rpd 1000 operating
cycle and will be lost when the RPD 1000 is powered down. To save changes to flash memory, making them
the default settings to be used at subsequent power-ups, select SAVE from the main menu. (refer to
Figure 4-2.)

Configuring the RPD 1000

To properly configure the RPD 1000, you must perform the following tasks to process and
transfer upstream packets:

 Set up the demodulator boards

 Set up the Ethernet communications

In the course of operation, you may also need to perform the following optional tasks:

 Set up the error-packet threshold

 Save configuration changes to flash memory using the SAVE option on the front panel
 Reboot the RPD 1000

You can complete all of these tasks through settings accessible from the RPD 1000 main menu.
The main menu displays after completing initialization. Figure 4-2 contains the main menu,
and Table 4-1 explains the labels and available options.

Figure 4-2
RPD 1000 main menu

Table 4-1
Main menu options

Key Description

A Main menu label. This information-only label identifies the menu.

B Software revision level label. This information-only label identifies the software version.
C Unit identification option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the unit
identification menu.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-3

Key Description

D Config option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the configuration menu items.
E Status option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the STATUS menu items.
F Network option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the menus for the Ethernet
port setup.
G Save option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to confirm that the current configuration
changes are saved to flash memory.
H Reboot option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to confirm a reboot of the system.

Setting Up the Demodulator Boards

Figure 4-3 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to set up the
demodulator boards. Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the diagram.

Figure 4-3
Setting up the demodulator boards

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-4 Setup and Operation

To set up the demodulator boards:

1 Select CONFIG from the main menu and press ENT to display the configuration menu.
Figure 4-4 shows the configuration menu, and Table 4-2 explains the available options.

Figure 4-4
RPD 1000 Configuration menu

Table 4-2
Configuration menu options

Key Description

A CONFIG MENU label. This information-only label identifies the menu.

B DEMOD option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the DEMOD menu items.
C FEC option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the FEC menu items.
D SUPPRESSION option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the suppression menu
E UP option. Choose this option and press ENT to return to the main menu (Figure 4-2).
F DESTINATION option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the destination menu
G CNTRL option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the control menu items.
H SNMP option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the SNMP menu items.
I CONTRAST option. Choose this option and press ENT to change the contrast setting. Use the
up/down arrow keys to increase and decrease the settings. Confirm and implement the setting
by pressing the ENT key.

2 Select DEMOD and press ENT to display the demodulator menu. Figure 4-5 shows the
menu, and Table 4-3 describes the available options.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-5

Figure 4-5
Demodulator menu

Table 4-3
Demodulator menu options

Key Description

A DEMOD MENU label. This information-only label identifies the menu.

B UP option. Choose this option to return to the CONFIG menu.
C TUNING menu option. Choose this option to display the TUNING menu items.
D SETUP option. Choose this option to display the SETUP menu items. Configuration of items in
this menu are not necessary for RPD 1000 setup operations.

3 Select TUNING and press ENT to display the demodulator tuning menu. Figure 4-6 shows
the menu, and Table 4-4 describes the available options.

Figure 4-6
Demodulator Tuning menu

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-6 Setup and Operation

Table 4-4
Demodulator Tuning menu options

Key Description

A DEMOD>1 board selector. Choose this menu option to select the demodulator board being
configured. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the available demodulator boards.
B 8096000 Hz to 1500800 Hz Frequency option. Choose this option to tune the demodulator
board to a specific channel. The frequency is displayed in Hz. All demodulator boards are tuned
to 8096000 Hz (channel 1) by default.
C UP option. Choose this option to return to the demodulator menu (Figure 4-5).
D OFF DATA_ONLY DATA+NOISE NOISE_ONLY Mode option. Choose this option to set up
the return path data mode. Possible modes are:
 OFF. With the return path data mode off, no datagrams are transmitted, and no
background noise measurements are taken between the RPD 1000 and controller.
 DATA_ONLY. With the return path data mode set to data, only datagrams are sent
between the RPD 1000 and the controller, no background noise measurements are taken.
 DATA+NOISE. With the return path data mode set to data and noise, datagrams are
transmitted between the RPD 1000 and the controller, and background noise
measurements are taken.
 NOISE_ONLY. With the return path data mode set to noise, only background noise
measurements are taken. No datagrams are sent to the controller.
Note that this option cannot be set to OFF or NOISE_ONLY for normal operation.
E COMMIT option. This is a dynamic field that appears when the frequency and/or mode
parameters are altered. Choose this option to save the current configuration changes to volatile
memory, which is valid for the current operations cycle only. Use SAVE on the main menu to
store current configurations to flash memory as the defaults for subsequent power ups.

4 Select DEMOD and press the up/down arrow keys as necessary to display the parameters
for the demodulator you want to configure.
5 Select FREQUENCY and set the correct frequency (in Hz) for the selected demodulator
board. To set the frequency, highlight the selection and use the up/down arrow keys to
increase or decrease the range by 192 kHz. You can also highlight each digit and increase
or decrease using the up/down arrow keys and pressing ENT before proceeding to the next
digit. Selected frequencies are rounded to the nearest 32 kHz value.
6 Select MODE and set the correct return path data mode for the selected demodulator.
Scroll through the available settings using the up/down arrow keys and press ENT to accept
the change.
7 Select COMMIT and press ENT to implement the settings and save them to volatile
8 Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each demodulator board in the unit.
9 Select UP and press ENT to return to the demodulator menu after you have tuned all
demodulator boards in the unit.
10 Select UP and press ENT to return to the configuration menu. Select UP and press ENT
again to return to the main menu.
To permanently save the changes to nonvolatile flash memory, select SAVE from the main
menu and press ENT.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-7

Establishing Ethernet Communications

Establishing Ethernet communications on the RPD 1000 requires two setup procedures: one for
the destination of the UDP datagrams and one for the TCP controller. Depending on your site
configuration, the UDP destination and the TCP controller can be the same or different
controlling processors. Regardless of the configuration, both IP addresses must be set.
Note: If these configuration changes are modified, they must be saved to flash memory, and the unit must be rebooted or power-
cycled for the new settings to take effect.

Setting Destination Controller Communications

Figure 4-7 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to set the IP address
for the destination of UDP datagrams. Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the

Figure 4-7
Setting destination controller communications

To set up destination Ethernet communications:

1 Select CONFIG and press ENT at the main menu to display the configuration menu.
2 Select DESTINATION and press ENT to display the DEST menu. Figure 4-8 shows the
menu and Table 4-5 describes the available options.

Figure 4-8
DEST menu

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-8 Setup and Operation

Table 4-5
DEST menu options

Key Description

A DEST for UDP menu label. This information-only label identifies the menu.
B HOST port option. Choose this option to scroll through the list of port identifiers listed and
stored in flash memory.
C IP address parameter. Choose this option to select the IP address for the TCP controller. Use
the left/right arrow keys to move to the field, then confirm the selection with the ENT key. Use
the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available addresses and press ENT to
D Up option. Choose this option to return to the configuration menu.
E SRVC label. Choose labels from the list of information-only labels identifying the names of the
service ports available.
F PORT/PRTCL Destination port parameter. Identify information-only labels from this field to
correspond to the service labels selected. The UDP port numbers are used to communicate
with the destination controller. Numbers should be assigned between 5000 and 9999.

3 Select HOST and press ENT. Use the up/down arrow keys to select the host required by
your configuration, then press ENT to confirm.
4 Select SRVC and press ENT. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of
available ports and press ENT to confirm.

Note: Configuration changes made to the RPD 1000 in the menus are stored in volatile memory and are valid for only the current
operations cycle. To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, select UP to return to the configuration menu, then select UP
again to display the main menu. Use SAVE on the main menu to store current configurations to flash memory and then
reboot the unit to implement the changes as the defaults for subsequent power- ups.

Setting TCP Controller Communications

Figure 4-9 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to set the IP address
for the TCP controller. Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the diagram.

Figure 4-9
Setting TCP controller communications

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-9

To set up Ethernet communications with the TCP controller:

1 Select CONFIG and press ENT at the main menu to display the configuration menu.
2 Select CTRL and press ENT to display the TCP controller interface menu. Figure 4-10
shows the menu, and Table 4-6 describes the available options.

Figure 4-10
TCP Controller Interface menu

Table 4-6
TCP Controller Interface menu options

Key Description

A CTRL TCP Controller Interface menu label. This information-only label identifies the menu.
B HOST TCP controller label. Choose this option to scroll through the list of port identifiers listed
and stored in flash memory.
C IP address parameter. Choose this option to select the IP address for the TCP controller. Use
the left/right arrow keys to move to the field, then confirm the selection with the ENT key. Use
the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available addresses and press ENT to
D UP option. Choose this option to return to the configuration menu.
E PORT/PRTCL Controller port parameter. Choose this option to change the UDP port number
the RPD 1000 uses to communicate with the TCP controller.

3 Select HOST and press ENT to confirm. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the
list of controllers, and press ENT to confirm.
4 Select SRVC and press ENT to confirm. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the
list of ports, and press ENT to confirm.

Note: Configuration changes made to the RPD 1000 in the menus are stored in volatile memory and are valid for only the current
operations cycle. To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, select UP to return to the configuration menu, then select UP
again to display the main menu. Use SAVE on the main menu to store current configurations to flash memory, then reboot
the unit to implement the changes as defaults for subsequent power-ups.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-10 Setup and Operation

Defining the Error-Packet Threshold

Figure 4-11 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to define the error-
packet threshold using the SUPPRESSION menu. Default settings are in boldface type.
Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the diagram.

Figure 4-11
Setting up the error-packet threshold

To define the error-packet threshold:

1 Select CONFIG and press ENT at the main menu to display the configuration menu.
2 Select SUPPRESSION and press ENT at the configuration menu to display the suppression
menu. Figure 4-12 shows the menu, and Table 4-7 describes the available options.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-11

Figure 4-12
Suppression menu

Table 4-7
Suppression menu options

Key Options

A YES NO suppress empty packets option. Choose YES for this option to suppress
transmission of empty data packets to the destination IP address. Choose NO to allow
transmission of empty data packets.
B YES NO suppress empty datagrams option. Choose YES for this option to suppress
transmission of empty datagrams to the destination IP address. Choose NO to allow
transmission of empty datagrams.
C UP option. Choose this option to return to the configuration menu.
D MORE option. Choose this option to display a second suppression menu with the additional
parameters described below.

3 Press ENT to select SUPPRESS EMPTY PACKETS from the suppression menu and choose
the proper setting required by your configuration. Press ENT to confirm the selection.
4 Press ENT to select SUPPRESS EMPTY DATAGRAMS and choose the proper setting
required by your configuration. Press ENT to confirm the selection.
5 Select MORE to set additional suppression parameters. An extended suppression menu
displays. Figure 4-13 shows the menu, and Table 4-8 explains the labels and available

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-12 Setup and Operation

Figure 4-13
Extended Suppression menu

Table 4-8
Extended Suppression menu options

Key Description

A YES NO suppress errored packets option. Choose YES for this option to suppress
transmission of errored data packets over the Ethernet to the destination IP address. Choose
NO to allow the transmission of error packets.
B UP option. Choose this option to return to the suppression menu (Figure 4-3).
C -13 dBmV through +19 dBmV errored packet threshold option. Choose this option to filter
out errored packets at various power levels. At +19 dBmV, no error packets pass; at
-13 dBmV, all error packets pass.

6 Press ENT to select the SUPPRESS ERRORED PACKETS and choose the proper parameter
required by your configuration. Press ENT to confirm the selection.
7 Select ERRORED PACKET THRESHOLD and choose the proper parameter required by
your configuration.

Note: Configuration changes made to the RPD 1000 in the suppression menus are stored in volatile memory and are valid for only
the current operations cycle. To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, select UP to return to the configuration menu, and
then select UP again to display the main menu. Use SAVE on the main menu to store current configurations to flash
memory, then reboot the unit to implement the changes as the defaults for subsequent power-ups.

Saving and Implementing Changes

When you change a configuration parameter using the front-panel operator interface, you must
select SAVE, press ENT, and then press the up-arrow key to store the changes to flash memory.
The SAVE option is available on the main menu, as shown in Figure 4-2.
The parameters configured under Establishing Ethernet Communications require you to save,
then reboot the RPD 1000 to implement the new settings.

To execute the startup operation of the RPD 1000, select REBOOT on the main menu, press
ENT, and press the up-arrow key. See Appendix B for more on initializing the RPD 1000.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

3-8 Installation

Bootp w/file Bootp w/o file Boot from flash LED Display RPD 1000 function
LCD Displays LCD Displays LCD displays


Green decides to load the
FLASH ... LED–green memory file system
LEDs off
RPD APPLICATION RPD APPLICATION RPD All LEDs are Initializes file system
RPD 1000 APPLICATION RPD 1000 APPLICATION RPD 1000 POWER LED– Initializes file system
LEDs off
RPD 1000 displays the main RPD 1000 displays the main RPD 1000 displays POWER, FAULT RPD 1000 is ready for
menu menu the main menu SUMM, and setup and operation
board slot LEDs
are green

Note: When the above sequence is observed, the unit is ready to be configured. Refer to Section 4, “Setup and Operation,” for
information on preparing the unit for operation. If these conditions are not observed, refer to Section 5, “Troubleshooting.”

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Section 4
Setup and Operation

At power-up, the RPD 1000 operating configuration is determined by data either internally
stored in flash memory or downloaded from a bootp server on the headend LAN. The particular
method used to set up initial operation depends on your system configuration.
After the initial operating configuration is set, you can modify it by:

 Entering new parameter settings at the RPD 1000 front panel

 Forcing a reboot to download a new configuration from the bootp server
 Sending commands from an SNMP network manager

This section provides information to help you operate the RPD 1000 using settings entered at
the front panel. For information on downloading data from a bootp server, refer to Appendix B,
“Initialization Information.” Note that controlling the RPD 1000 using an SNMP network
manager is not currently supported.

Using the Front-Panel Operator Interface

The RPD 1000 front-panel interface includes an LCD and cursor control keys used to set and
change operating parameters. The LCD displays a series of menus showing specific RPD 1000
parameter settings. Within a menu, you might find:

 Information-only displays that you cannot select or change

 Parameter settings that you can select and modify
 Navigation tools that branch to other menus when you select them

For example, the configuration menu in Figure 4-1 includes the information-only label
STATUS MENU in the upper-left corner that identifies the menu. The STATISTICS and
UPDATE INTERVAL options are changeable parameter settings, the UP option is a navigation
aid to proceed to another menu, and default settings are in boldface type.

Figure 4-1
Sample RPD 1000 configuration menu

In general, changeable parameters are indicated by a greater than symbol (>) preceding the
parameter value, and valid options are contained in scroll lists. You can navigate from option to
option within a menu using the left/right arrow keys on the cursor control keypad. Select an
option using the ENT key. The selected option is enclosed in brackets. Use the up/down arrow
keys to scroll through the available selections, and then use the ENT key to implement the new

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-2 Setup and Operation

CAUTION! Any changes you make to operating parameters apply only to the current rpd 1000 operating
cycle and will be lost when the RPD 1000 is powered down. To save changes to flash memory, making them
the default settings to be used at subsequent power-ups, select SAVE from the main menu. (refer to
Figure 4-2.)

Configuring the RPD 1000

To properly configure the RPD 1000, you must perform the following tasks to process and
transfer upstream packets:

 Set up the demodulator boards

 Set up the Ethernet communications

In the course of operation, you may also need to perform the following optional tasks:

 Set up the error-packet threshold

 Save configuration changes to flash memory using the SAVE option on the front panel
 Reboot the RPD 1000

You can complete all of these tasks through settings accessible from the RPD 1000 main menu.
The main menu displays after completing initialization. Figure 4-2 contains the main menu,
and Table 4-1 explains the labels and available options.

Figure 4-2
RPD 1000 main menu

Table 4-1
Main menu options

Key Description

A Main menu label. This information-only label identifies the menu.

B Software revision level label. This information-only label identifies the software version.
C Unit identification option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the unit
identification menu.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-3

Key Description

D Config option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the configuration menu items.
E Status option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the STATUS menu items.
F Network option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the menus for the Ethernet
port setup.
G Save option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to confirm that the current configuration
changes are saved to flash memory.
H Reboot option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to confirm a reboot of the system.

Setting Up the Demodulator Boards

Figure 4-3 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to set up the
demodulator boards. Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the diagram.

Figure 4-3
Setting up the demodulator boards

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-4 Setup and Operation

To set up the demodulator boards:

1 Select CONFIG from the main menu and press ENT to display the configuration menu.
Figure 4-4 shows the configuration menu, and Table 4-2 explains the available options.

Figure 4-4
RPD 1000 Configuration menu

Table 4-2
Configuration menu options

Key Description

A CONFIG MENU label. This information-only label identifies the menu.

B DEMOD option. Choose this option and press the ENT key to display the DEMOD menu items.
C FEC option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the FEC menu items.
D SUPPRESSION option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the suppression menu
E UP option. Choose this option and press ENT to return to the main menu (Figure 4-2).
F DESTINATION option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the destination menu
G CNTRL option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the control menu items.
H SNMP option. Choose this option and press ENT to display the SNMP menu items.
I CONTRAST option. Choose this option and press ENT to change the contrast setting. Use the
up/down arrow keys to increase and decrease the settings. Confirm and implement the setting
by pressing the ENT key.

2 Select DEMOD and press ENT to display the demodulator menu. Figure 4-5 shows the
menu, and Table 4-3 describes the available options.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-5

Figure 4-5
Demodulator menu

Table 4-3
Demodulator menu options

Key Description

A DEMOD MENU label. This information-only label identifies the menu.

B UP option. Choose this option to return to the CONFIG menu.
C TUNING menu option. Choose this option to display the TUNING menu items.
D SETUP option. Choose this option to display the SETUP menu items. Configuration of items in
this menu are not necessary for RPD 1000 setup operations.

3 Select TUNING and press ENT to display the demodulator tuning menu. Figure 4-6 shows
the menu, and Table 4-4 describes the available options.

Figure 4-6
Demodulator Tuning menu

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-6 Setup and Operation

Table 4-4
Demodulator Tuning menu options

Key Description

A DEMOD>1 board selector. Choose this menu option to select the demodulator board being
configured. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the available demodulator boards.
B 8096000 Hz to 1500800 Hz Frequency option. Choose this option to tune the demodulator
board to a specific channel. The frequency is displayed in Hz. All demodulator boards are tuned
to 8096000 Hz (channel 1) by default.
C UP option. Choose this option to return to the demodulator menu (Figure 4-5).
D OFF DATA_ONLY DATA+NOISE NOISE_ONLY Mode option. Choose this option to set up
the return path data mode. Possible modes are:
 OFF. With the return path data mode off, no datagrams are transmitted, and no
background noise measurements are taken between the RPD 1000 and controller.
 DATA_ONLY. With the return path data mode set to data, only datagrams are sent
between the RPD 1000 and the controller, no background noise measurements are taken.
 DATA+NOISE. With the return path data mode set to data and noise, datagrams are
transmitted between the RPD 1000 and the controller, and background noise
measurements are taken.
 NOISE_ONLY. With the return path data mode set to noise, only background noise
measurements are taken. No datagrams are sent to the controller.
Note that this option cannot be set to OFF or NOISE_ONLY for normal operation.
E COMMIT option. This is a dynamic field that appears when the frequency and/or mode
parameters are altered. Choose this option to save the current configuration changes to volatile
memory, which is valid for the current operations cycle only. Use SAVE on the main menu to
store current configurations to flash memory as the defaults for subsequent power ups.

4 Select DEMOD and press the up/down arrow keys as necessary to display the parameters
for the demodulator you want to configure.
5 Select FREQUENCY and set the correct frequency (in Hz) for the selected demodulator
board. To set the frequency, highlight the selection and use the up/down arrow keys to
increase or decrease the range by 192 kHz. You can also highlight each digit and increase
or decrease using the up/down arrow keys and pressing ENT before proceeding to the next
digit. Selected frequencies are rounded to the nearest 32 kHz value.
6 Select MODE and set the correct return path data mode for the selected demodulator.
Scroll through the available settings using the up/down arrow keys and press ENT to accept
the change.
7 Select COMMIT and press ENT to implement the settings and save them to volatile
8 Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each demodulator board in the unit.
9 Select UP and press ENT to return to the demodulator menu after you have tuned all
demodulator boards in the unit.
10 Select UP and press ENT to return to the configuration menu. Select UP and press ENT
again to return to the main menu.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-7

To permanently save the changes to nonvolatile flash memory, select SAVE from the main
menu and press ENT.

Establishing Ethernet Communications

Establishing Ethernet communications on the RPD 1000 requires two setup procedures: one for
the destination of the UDP datagrams and one for the TCP controller. Depending on your site
configuration, the UDP destination and the TCP controller can be the same or different
controlling processors. Regardless of the configuration, both IP addresses must be set.
Note: If these configuration changes are modified, they must be saved to flash memory, and the unit must be rebooted or power-
cycled for the new settings to take effect.

Setting Destination Controller Communications

Figure 4-7 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to set the IP address
for the destination of UDP datagrams. Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the

Figure 4-7
Setting destination controller communications

To set up destination Ethernet communications:

1 Select CONFIG and press ENT at the main menu to display the configuration menu.
2 Select DESTINATION and press ENT to display the DEST menu. Figure 4-8 shows the
menu and Table 4-5 describes the available options.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-8 Setup and Operation

Figure 4-8
DEST menu

Table 4-5
DEST menu options

Key Description

A DEST for UDP menu label. This information-only label identifies the menu.
B HOST port option. Choose this option to scroll through the list of port identifiers listed and
stored in flash memory.
C IP address parameter. Choose this option to select the IP address for the TCP controller. Use
the left/right arrow keys to move to the field, then confirm the selection with the ENT key. Use
the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available addresses and press ENT to
D Up option. Choose this option to return to the configuration menu.
E SRVC label. Choose labels from the list of information-only labels identifying the names of the
service ports available.
F PORT/PRTCL Destination port parameter. Identify information-only labels from this field to
correspond to the service labels selected. The UDP port numbers are used to communicate
with the destination controller. Numbers should be assigned between 5000 and 9999.

3 Select HOST and press ENT. Use the up/down arrow keys to select the host required by
your configuration, then press ENT to confirm.
4 Select SRVC and press ENT. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of
available ports and press ENT to confirm.

Note: Configuration changes made to the RPD 1000 in the menus are stored in volatile memory and are valid for only the current
operations cycle. To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, select UP to return to the configuration menu, then select UP
again to display the main menu. Use SAVE on the main menu to store current configurations to flash memory and then
reboot the unit to implement the changes as the defaults for subsequent power- ups.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-9

Setting TCP Controller Communications

Figure 4-9 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to set the IP address
for the TCP controller. Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the diagram.

Figure 4-9
Setting TCP controller communications

To set up Ethernet communications with the TCP controller:

1 Select CONFIG and press ENT at the main menu to display the configuration menu.
2 Select CTRL and press ENT to display the TCP controller interface menu. Figure 4-10
shows the menu, and Table 4-6 describes the available options.

Figure 4-10
TCP Controller Interface menu

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-10 Setup and Operation

Table 4-6
TCP Controller Interface menu options

Key Description

A CTRL TCP Controller Interface menu label. This information-only label identifies the menu.
B HOST TCP controller label. Choose this option to scroll through the list of port identifiers listed
and stored in flash memory.
C IP address parameter. Choose this option to select the IP address for the TCP controller. Use
the left/right arrow keys to move to the field, then confirm the selection with the ENT key. Use
the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available addresses and press ENT to
D UP option. Choose this option to return to the configuration menu.
E PORT/PRTCL Controller port parameter. Choose this option to change the UDP port number
the RPD 1000 uses to communicate with the TCP controller.

3 Select HOST and press ENT to confirm. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the
list of controllers, and press ENT to confirm.
4 Select SRVC and press ENT to confirm. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the
list of ports, and press ENT to confirm.

Note: Configuration changes made to the RPD 1000 in the menus are stored in volatile memory and are valid for only the current
operations cycle. To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, select UP to return to the configuration menu, then select UP
again to display the main menu. Use SAVE on the main menu to store current configurations to flash memory, then reboot
the unit to implement the changes as defaults for subsequent power-ups.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-11

Defining the Error-Packet Threshold

Figure 4-11 provides a diagram summarizing the process you must follow to define the error-
packet threshold using the SUPPRESSION menu. Default settings are in boldface type.
Detailed procedures to complete the process follow the diagram.

Figure 4-11
Setting up the error-packet threshold

To define the error-packet threshold:

1 Select CONFIG and press ENT at the main menu to display the configuration menu.
2 Select SUPPRESSION and press ENT at the configuration menu to display the suppression
menu. Figure 4-12 shows the menu, and Table 4-7 describes the available options.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-12 Setup and Operation

Figure 4-12
Suppression menu

Table 4-7
Suppression menu options

Key Options

A YES NO suppress empty packets option. Choose YES for this option to suppress
transmission of empty data packets to the destination IP address. Choose NO to allow
transmission of empty data packets.
B YES NO suppress empty datagrams option. Choose YES for this option to suppress
transmission of empty datagrams to the destination IP address. Choose NO to allow
transmission of empty datagrams.
C UP option. Choose this option to return to the configuration menu.
D MORE option. Choose this option to display a second suppression menu with the additional
parameters described below.

3 Press ENT to select SUPPRESS EMPTY PACKETS from the suppression menu and choose
the proper setting required by your configuration. Press ENT to confirm the selection.
4 Press ENT to select SUPPRESS EMPTY DATAGRAMS and choose the proper setting
required by your configuration. Press ENT to confirm the selection.
5 Select MORE to set additional suppression parameters. An extended suppression menu
displays. Figure 4-13 shows the menu, and Table 4-8 explains the labels and available

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Setup and Operation 4-13

Figure 4-13
Extended Suppression menu

Table 4-8
Extended Suppression menu options

Key Description

A YES NO suppress errored packets option. Choose YES for this option to suppress
transmission of errored data packets over the Ethernet to the destination IP address. Choose
NO to allow the transmission of error packets.
B UP option. Choose this option to return to the suppression menu (Figure 4-3).
C -13 dBmV through +19 dBmV errored packet threshold option. Choose this option to filter
out errored packets at various power levels. At +19 dBmV, no error packets pass; at
-13 dBmV, all error packets pass.

6 Press ENT to select the SUPPRESS ERRORED PACKETS and choose the proper parameter
required by your configuration. Press ENT to confirm the selection.
7 Select ERRORED PACKET THRESHOLD and choose the proper parameter required by
your configuration.

Note: Configuration changes made to the RPD 1000 in the suppression menus are stored in volatile memory and are valid for only
the current operations cycle. To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, select UP to return to the configuration menu, and
then select UP again to display the main menu. Use SAVE on the main menu to store current configurations to flash
memory, then reboot the unit to implement the changes as the defaults for subsequent power-ups.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

4-14 Setup and Operation

Saving and Implementing Changes

When you change a configuration parameter using the front-panel operator interface, you must
select SAVE, press ENT, and then press the up-arrow key to store the changes to flash memory.
The SAVE option is available on the main menu, as shown in Figure 4-2.
The parameters configured under Establishing Ethernet Communications require you to save,
then reboot the RPD 1000 to implement the new settings.

To execute the startup operation of the RPD 1000, select REBOOT on the main menu, press
ENT, and press the up-arrow key. See Appendix B for more on initializing the RPD 1000.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Section 5

This section provides information to help you isolate and resolve error conditions reported by
the RPD 1000. The table lists error conditions, symptoms, possible causes, and corrective
actions for the RPD 1000.

Table 5-1
Troubleshooting guidelines

Problem Possible cause Corrective action

POWER LED not lit No power to unit Check AC and DC power connection.
Check the ON/OFF power switch.
Check the fuse.

RPD 1000 fails to initialize No bootp reply received Validate that the RPD correct MAC address is
set at the HCT 1000.
Verify that the boards are installed in the
appropriate slots as shown on the SLOT
CONFIGURATION label on the front panel.

Fault summary or DEMOD Improper installation or Verify that the RPD 1000 was installed
LEDs are red internal fault properly as described in Section 3,
Verify that the boards are installed in the
appropriate slots as shown on the SLOT
CONFIGURATION label on the front panel.

Configuration settings did Changes were not saved Save the changes as described in Section 4,
not take affect through the front panel Setup and Operation.

No Ethernet port A conflict with the IP Check the destination IP address parameter
communications available address is indicated and set it to the address of the destination

No data received DEMOD mode option is off Check that the DEMOD mode is set to Data.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

5-2 Troubleshooting

Replacing the Fuse

WARNING! Unplug the AC power cord before replacing the fuse.

CAUTION! Replace the fuse only with the same type 2A, 250 VAC fuse.

To check and replace the RPD 1000 fuse:

1 Unplug the AC power cord.

2 Insert a small screwdriver into the slot to the left side of the fuse cover and pry off the fuse
cover. The cover and fuse compartment withdraw as one assembly, as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1
Fuse block

3 Examine the fuse for continuity and burn marks.

4 Replace the fuse, if necessary.
5 Replace the cover and fuse compartment.
6 Restore power to the equipment.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Appendix A

Input Signal
Modulation DQPSK
Data rate 256 Kbps, ±50 ppm
Transmission band 8 to 15 MHz
Carrier frequency 8.096 MHz + (n x 192 kHz), where n = 0,1,2,…35
Channel spacing 192 kHz
Channel tuning resolution 8 kHz
Interference and noise Less than 16.5 dBc
Input level 15 dBmV (nominal) ±5 dBmV, 60 dBmV maximum
Packet size 62 bytes + Unique Word (28 bits)

Upstream RF input
Data rate 256 Kbps
Frequency rate 8 to 15 MHz
Impedance 75 ohms
Connector F-type
Data rate 10 Mbps
Messaging TCP, SNMP, UDP
Interface IEEE 802.3
Connector RJ-45 (10 Base T)
Impedance 120 ohms

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

A-2 Specifications

Input voltage, AC 105 to 125 and 210 to 250 VAC
Input frequency 47 to 63 Hz
Output power, DC 45 W (typical)
Output voltage, DC +5 V @ 3 A, +12 V @ 2 A, −12 V@ 0.5 A
Fuse 2 A, slow-blow

Operating Environment
Ambient temperature 0 to +50°C
Ambient humidity 0 to 55% (noncondensing)
Storage temperature −40 to +75°C
Cooling convection

Physical Specifications
Dimensions 17 W x 14 D x 5.25 H inches
Weight 28 pounds maximum (with six demodulator boards)
Mounting 19-inch rack mount

Demodulator Bit Error Rate 5 x 10 @ C/(N+1) = 16.5 dB at nominal input level
Probability of UW misdetect Less than 1 x 10 @ C/(N+1) = 14.5 dB at nominal input level
Decoding method Differential decoding
Error correction Reed-Solomon (up to 4-byte errors per packet)
Accuracy of signal level ±2 dB @ input level within ±3 dB of nominal
measurement ±2.5 dB @ input level within ±6 dB of nominal
Accuracy of time measurement ±78 µs
Accuracy of noise level ±2.5 dB @ input level ±6 dB nominal

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Specifications A-3

Ethernet ports
Format TCP/IP (UDP) and SNMP
Cable Three-pair shielded twisted-pair cable
Connector RJ-45

RF In/Out Interface Cabling Guidelines

Connector type F
Cable type Use cable and terminator provided with kit
Maximum cable length Use cable and terminator provided with kit

Ethernet 10 Base-T Interface Cabling

Connector type RJ-45
Cable type UTP-5 shielded
Maximum cable length 150 feet

Table B-1
Ethernet 10 Base-T interface connector pinout

Pin Number Signal Direction Description

1 TX+ out transmit data +

2 TX− out transmit data −
3 RX+ in receive data +
4 and 5 N/C no connect
6 RX− in receive data −
7 and 8 N/C no connect

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Appendix B
Initialization Information

On power-up or reset, the RPD 1000 undergoes an automatic initialization process by which it
loads the executable software and parameter settings that will control its operation. Typically,
the RPD 1000 performs initialization by self-booting from internal flash memory. However, it is
possible to boot the RPD 1000 by downloading information from an external bootp server. This
is especially helpful when you need to reload or update the RPD 1000 executable software in
the field.

Self-Boot Option
The RPD 1000 begins initialization by broadcasting a bootp request over its OAM&P port. If no
bootp server is connected to the headend LAN to respond to the request, the RPD 1000 times
out while waiting for a reply, then self-boots from information stored in flash memory.
If flash memory is empty or the configuration information is corrupt, the RPD 1000 illuminates
its FAULT SUMM LED and displays an error message on the operator interface display. In such a
case, the RPD 1000 does not process any input signals.

Bootp Server Download Option

To initialize the RPD 1000 by download from a bootp server, the following conditions must be

 The RPD 1000 must be connected to the headend LAN via its OAM&P port.
 A bootp server must be present in the LAN.
 The bootp server must know the MAC address of the RPD 1000 OAM&P port.
 The bootp server must be running a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.

The RPD 1000 begins initialization by broadcasting a bootp request over its OAM&P port. The
bootp server receives the RPD 1000 bootp request. If the bootp server recognizes the RPD 1000
MAC address, it provides a reply from which the RPD 1000 can initialize itself.
When the RPD 1000 receives the bootp reply, it stores it and determines whether the delivered
boot information is different from the boot information stored in flash memory.
If the boot information is different, or if the RPD 1000 has no valid information in memory, the
RPD 1000 boots from the information provided by the bootp server.
If the boot information is not different, the RPD 1000 self-boots from the information it already
has in flash memory.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

B-2 Initialization Information

Bootp Request and Reply Format

The bootp request and reply messages use the same packet format. The bootp packet includes
multiple fields grouped as follows:

Standard Area Contains fields for specifying basic bootp message information, including:
 Message type (request or reply)
 MAC address of requesting device
 IP address assignment of requesting device
 Boot file name for the requesting device
Values for some standard fields must be specified and others are optional,
depending on whether the bootp message is a request or a reply.
Vendor-Specific Area Contains fields for use as defined by Motorola — for example, to set values for
operating parameters.

Bootp packet format is defined in detail in the following specifications:

 RFC 1542, Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol, by W. Wimer (10/27/93)
 RFC 1533, DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions, by S. Alexander and R. Droms

Refer to these specifications for complete information on the bootp packet format and field
descriptions. A general discussion of the RPD 1000 bootp reply and request is provided below.

RPD 1000 Bootp Request

In the bootp request, the RPD 1000 includes:

 A value indicating that the message is a bootp request

 The MAC address of its OAM&P port

The bootp request is transferred using UDP.

RPD 1000 Bootp Reply

In the bootp reply for the RPD 1000, the bootp server includes:

 A value indicating that the message is a bootp reply

 A repetition of the MAC address provided by the RPD 1000 in the bootp request
 The IP address assigned to the RPD 1000 OAM&P port
 The boot file name for the RPD 1000
 The subnet mask

The bootp reply is transferred using UDP.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Initialization Information B-3

Boot File Format

The boot file specified in the bootp reply is a “file of files”, that is, it serves as a pointer to
several other files containing configuration information for the RPD 1000. The RPD 1000 uses
the filenames in the boot file to determine whether the boot information in the bootp reply is
different from the boot information it has in memory. If a filename in the boot file is different,
the RPD 1000 downloads the boot file and reads it to obtain the names of the following other
files it requires for initialization:

Executable code file Contains RPD 1000 operating system executable and application software
Dynamic configuration file ASCII file, config.ini, containing RPD 1000 operating parameter settings
Static configuration files Multiple files to configure RPD 1000 processing tasks and messaging
queues as well as TCP/UDP port names and numbers and the names and
IP address assignments for other LAN elements and files that the SNMP
agent need to execute

After downloading and reading the boot file, the RPD 1000 in turn downloads each file
referenced in it.
Note: Like the bootp request and reply messages, the boot file and all downloaded files are transferred using UDP, which does not
include error checking. Because undetected transmission errors during the download process can cause initialization failure,
always retry the initialization at least once before searching for a specific fault.
The boot filename must have an eight-character base and a three-character file extension, and
all characters must be lowercase.
Within the boot file, all lines must be either comment lines or data lines, and each line must be
terminated with a carriage return or a carriage return+line feed. Comment lines begin with the
“#” character in the first position. Data lines define the names of referenced files using two
fields separated by any number of spaces or tabs:

 The first field identifies the file by its absolute filename as stored on the bootp server
 The second field identifies the file by its symbolic name as used by the RPD 1000

S(s) Only symbol file needs

F(f) for all the files, need only forced download is necessary

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

B-4 Initialization Information

Figure B-1 provides an example of an RPD 1000 boot file.

Figure B-1
Sample RPD 1000 boot file

# config.ini file for the RPD1000 version 2.1 software.

rpdDemodFrequency = 8096000 8288000 8096000 8096000 8096000 8096000;
# rpdDemodMode: 1 = OFF, 2 = DATA+NOISE, 3 = NOISE ONLY, 4 = DATA ONLY
rpdDemodMode = 4 4 4 4 4 4;
rpdDestinationHostName = "nohost";
rpdDestinationServicePort = "rpd2acc";
ControlHostName = "nohost";
ControlServicePort = "rpdctrl";
DefaultEM = "nohost";
rpdSuppressEmptyPacketsFlag = 2;
rpdSuppressEmptyDatagramsFlag = 2;
rpdSuppressErroredPacketsFlag = 2;
rpdErroredPacketsThreshold = 19;
rpdDatagramSize = 4;
rpdSlotSize = 2048;
rpdDemodSwapIqFlag = 1;
rpdDemodPacketLength = 62;
rpdFecDecoderEnableFlag = 2;
rpdFecRandomizerEnableFlag = 2;
rpdFecRandomizerSeed = 170;
rpdUpdateInterval = 1200;
IdentMIBVersion = "1.0.0";
IdentAgentVersion = "1.0.0";
#IdentLocationArea = ;
#IdentLocationRack = ;
#IdentLocationShelf = ;
#IdentIfIndex = ;
LCDContrast = 12;

Executable Code File

The executable code file is a proprietary file that you must obtain from Motorola. Do not
attempt to modify this file in any way.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Initialization Information B-5

Dynamic Configuration File

The dynamic configuration file is an ASCII file through which you can set application-specific
parameter values for the RPD 1000.
The dynamic configuration file must be named config.ini. Within the file, all lines must be
either comment lines or data lines, and each line must be terminated with a carriage return or
a carriage return+line feed. Comment lines begin with a # character in the first position. Data
lines specify values for RPD 1000 operating parameters and end with a semicolon.
Figure B-2 provides an example of a portion of an RPD 1000 dynamic configuration file.

Figure B-2
Sample RPD 1000 dynamic configuration file (partial file)

# Target: rpd_fild.fof
# SOURCE: any valid path
# DEST: fixed ( don't change )
# FLAG: (NULL): compare filename, load if different
# S or s: symbol file
# F or f: force download
# Revision history:
# Application, OS and Symbol File
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000 /boot/gi360
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.sym /boot/gi360.sym S
# Dynamic Configuration Files
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.ini /config/config.ini
# Static Configuration Files
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.hst /boot/hosts
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.gtw /boot/gateways
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.svc /boot/services
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.tsk /boot/task.cfg
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.msg /boot/msgq.cfg
# SNMP Files
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.adb /boot/agentdb.cfg
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.spd /boot/snmpd.cnf
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.acl /boot/acl.pty
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.agt /boot/agt.pty
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.con /boot/context.pty
/bootdir/rpd1000/03_00.000/rpd1000.vew /boot/view.pty

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

B-6 Initialization Information

Table B-1 lists the RPD 1000 operating parameters that can be set in the dynamic
configuration file and the variable names used to specify them.

Table B-1
Parameters available from the dynamic configuration file

Parameter Variable Name Description

Demod Configuration Parameters

Demod rpdDemodFrequency Center frequency, in Hz, of the channel from which
frequency the demod board will receive input. In the dynamic
configuration file, rpdDemodFrequency is an array of
values set from left to right separated by spaces.
The array defines the frequencies for demod boards
in slots 1 to 6.
Demod mode rpdDemodMode Operating mode for the demod board. Valid modes
OFF — Corresponds to setting of 1 in the dynamic
config file.
DATA+NOISE — Data packets and background
noise values collected from demod. Corresponds to
setting of 2 in dynamic config file.
NOISE_ONLY — Only background noise values
collected from demod. Corresponds to setting of 3 in
the dynamic config file.
DATA_ONLY — Only data values collected from
demod. Corresponds to setting of 4 in the dynamic
config file.
In the dynamic configuration file, rpdDemodMode is
an array of values set from left to right separated by
spaces. The array defines the mode for demod
boards in slots 1 through 6.
Demod packet rpdDemodPacketLength Variable that determines the number of bytes in each
length packet output from the demod.
Note: This value must be set to 62.
Demod rpdDemodSwapIqFlag Boolean value that controls whether the RPD 1000
upstream transmits I before Q or Q before I in the decoding
spectrum matrix.
inversion When set to 1, the demod transmits I then Q.
When set to 2, the demod transmits Q then I.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Initialization Information B-7

Parameter Variable Name Description

Ethernet Communications Parameters

Controlling rpdDestinationIpHostName Host name of the controlling processor to which the
processor host RPD 1000 sends UDP datagrams.
Controlling rpdDestinationServicePor Service name (UDP) of the controlling processor to
processor t which the RPD 1000 sends UDP datagrams
service name
Configuration rpdControlIpHostName Host name of the controlling processor from which
control the RPD 1000 receives configuration information
processor host during operation.
name Note: If a nonzero value is specified, the RPD 1000
initiates a TCP connect to this address using
the port specified as the configuration control
processor TCP port number. The RPD 1000
retries the connect every 30 seconds until it
connects successfully.
Configuration rpdControlServicePort Service Name (TCP) of the controlling processor
control from which the RPD 1000 receives configuration
processor information during operation.
service name

Error-Handling Parameters
Empty packet rpdSuppressEmptyPackets Boolean value that controls whether empty packets
suppression Flag received in return-path data are transmitted from the
RPD 1000 to the controlling processor.
When empty-packet suppression is disabled, the
RPD 1000 transmits empty packets to the controlling
When empty packet suppression is enabled, the
RPD 1000 does not transmit empty packets to the
controlling processor.
Errored packet rpdSuppressErroredPacket Boolean value that works in conjunction with the
suppression sFlag errored packet threshold setting to control whether
errored packets received in the return path data are
transmitted from the RPD 1000 to the controlling
processor. (Errored packets are those that the FEC
board determines to be uncorrectable.)
When errored packet suppression is disabled, the
RPD 1000 transmits all errored packets to the
controlling processor.
When errored packet suppression is enabled, the
RPD 1000 transmits only those errored packets
whose power levels are at or above the
errored-packet threshold. Errored packets with power
levels below the threshold are not transmitted.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

B-8 Initialization Information

Parameter Variable Name Description

Errored packet rpdErroredPackets Signed 32-bit integer from −13 to +19 defining a
threshold Threshold power level threshold in dBmV. This threshold value
works in conjunction with the errored-packet
suppression setting to control whether errored
packets received in the return-path data are
transmitted from the RPD 1000 to the controlling

UDP Datagram Parameters

UDP Datagram rpdDatagramSize Determines the number of return-path data slots
size transmitted in each UDP Datagram.
Note: This value must be set to 4.
Return path data rpdSlotSize Determines the duration of a return-path data slot in
slot size microseconds.
Note: This value must be set to 2048.
Empty UDP rpdSuppressEmptyDatagram Boolean value controls whether empty datagrams
Datagram sFlag are transmitted from the RPD 1000 to the controlling
suppression processor. When disabled, the unit transmits empty
datagrams to the controlling processor.
When empty-packet suppression is enabled, the
RPD 1000 may transmit empty datagrams to the
controlling processor depending on the state of the
suppress empty packet flag.
Note: In order to suppress empty Datagrams, both
PACKET and DATAGRAM flags should be set to

FEC Parameters
FEC decoder rpdFecDecoderEnable Boolean value that controls whether the FEC board
enable Flag performs FEC decoding.
FEC randomizer rpdFecRandomizerEnable Boolean value that controls whether the FEC board
enable Flag performs randomization.
FEC randomizer rpdFecRandomizerSeed Value in the range of 0 to 255 used to initialize the
seed FEC randomizer.
Miscellaneous Parameters
Front panel rpdUpdateInterval Value in the range of 100 to 100,000 that determines
update interval how often, in milliseconds, statistical displays are
updated on the front-panel operator interface.

Static Configuration Files

The RPD 1000 static configuration files are proprietary files that you must obtain from
Motorola. Do not attempt to modify these files in any way.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Appendix C
Menu System

This section contains all menus as they appear on the RPD 1000 front panel. For details on how
to navigate through the menus and set up the RPD 1000 for normal operation, refer to
Section 4, “Setup and Operation.” Menus not described in Section 4, “Setup and Operation” are
shown here.
It is not recommended to change screen configurations other than those outlined in Section 4.
Changes made to the screens usually require that you reboot for the changes to take effect.

Main Menu Options

Figure C-1 displays the main menu, and Table C-1 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-1
RPD 1000 main menu

Table C-1
Main menu options

Key Description

A RPD 1000 MAIN MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B Software revision level label. This information-only label identifies the software version.
C ID option. Select this option and press ENT to display the ID menu. See Figure C-2.
D CONFIG option. Select this option and press ENT to display the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
E STATUS option. Select this option and press ENT to display the STATUS menu. See Figure C-21.
F NET option. Select this option and press ENT to display the NET menu. See Figure C-26.
G SAVE option. Select this option and press ENT to save configuration changes to flash memory.
H REBOOT option. Select this option and press ENT to reboot the system.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-2 Menu System

ID Menu Options
The RPD 1000 displays the ID menu after selecting that option from the main menu.
Figure C-2 shows the ID menu, and Table C-2 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-2
ID menu

Table C-2
ID menu options

Key Description

A ID: menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B UNIT option. Select this option and press ENT to display the UNIT menu. See Figure C-3.
C SOFTWARE Option. Select this option and press ENT to display the SOFTWARE menu. See
Figure C-5.
D LOCATION Option. Select this option and press ENT to display the LOCATION menu.
See Figure C-6.
E UP option. Select this option and press ENT to return to the main menu. See Figure C-1.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-3

Unit Menu
The RPD 1000 displays the first of two UNIT menus after selecting that option from the ID
menu. Figure C-3 and Figure C-4 show the UNIT menus. Table C-3 and Table C-4 define the
features and available options.

Figure C-3
Unit menu

Table C-3
Unit menu options

Key Description

A UNIT: menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B SN: label. This information-only label identifies the serial number for the RPD 1000.
C HW VER: label. This information-only label identifies the hardware version for the RPD 1000.
D UP option. Select this option and press ENT to return to the ID menu. See Figure C-2.
E MORE option. Select this option and press ENT to display the Extended UNIT menu. See Figure C-4.
F HW FEATURE: label. This menu only label identifies standard or customized hardware features
associated with the RPD 1000.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-4 Menu System

Figure C-4
Extended Unit menu

Table C-4
Extended Unit menu options

Key Description

A UNIT: menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B INVENTORY CODE label. This information-only label Identifies the RPD 1000 inventory code.
C UP option. Select this option and press ENT to return to the UNIT menu. See Figure C-3.

Software Menu
The RPD 1000 displays the Software (SW) menu after selecting that option from the ID menu.
Figure C-5 shows the software menu, and Table C-5 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-5
Software menu

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-5

Table C-5
Software menu options

Key Description

A SW menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.

B APP label. This information-only label identifies the software application.
C BOOTROM label. This information-only label identifies the software bootrom version.
E UP option. This information-only label identifies the software application. See Figure C-2.
D AGENT label. This information-only label identifies the RPD 1000 agent.
D MIB option. This information-only label identifies the software MIB version.

Location Menu
The RPD 1000 displays the location (LOC) menu after selecting that option from the ID menu.
Figure C-6 shows the location menu, and Table C-6 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-6
Location menu

Table C-6
Location menu options

Key Description

A LOC: menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B AREA: label. This information-only label identifies the area for this unit.
E UP option. Select this option and press ENT to return to the ID menu. See Figure C-2.
C RACK: label. This information-only label identifies the rack for this unit
D SHELF: label. This information-only label identifies the shelf for this unit

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-6 Menu System

CONFIG Menu Options

The RPD 1000 displays the CONFIG menu after selecting that option from the main menu.
Figure C-7 shows the CONFIG menu, and Table C-7 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-7
RPD 1000 Configuration menu

Table C-7
Configuration menu options

Key Description

A CONFIG MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B DEMOD option. Select this option and press ENT to display the DEMOD menu. See Figure C-8.
C FEC option. Select this option and press ENT to display the FEC menu. See Figure C-11.
D SUPPRESSION option. Select this option and press ENT to display the SUPPRESSION menu. See
Figure C-15.
E UP option. Select this option and press ENT to return to the main menu. See Figure C-1.
F DESTINATION option. Select this option and press ENT to display the DESTINATION menu. See
Figure C-17.
G CTRL option. Select this option and press ENT to display the CTRL menu. See Figure C-18.
H SNMP option. Select this option and press ENT to display the SNMP menu. See Figure C-19.
I CONTRAST option. Select this option and press ENT to confirm your selection. Press the up/down
arrow keys to change the contrast of the LCD display.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-7

Demod Menus
The RPD 1000 displays a series of DEMOD menu after selecting that option from the CONFIG
menu. Figure C-8 shows the first DEMOD menu, and Table C-8 defines the features and
available options.

Figure C-8
Demod menu

Table C-8
Demod menu options

Key Description

A DEMOD MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
C TUNING option. Select this option to display the demodulator TUNING menu. See Figure C-9.
D SETUP option. Select this option to display the demodulator SETUP menu. See Figure C-10.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-8 Menu System

Figure C-9
Demod Tuning menu

Table C-9
Demod Tuning menu options

Key Description Parameters

A DEMOD (board selector) option. Select this option to choose the demodulator 1 to 6
board being configured. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the
available demodulator boards.
B FREQUENCY option. Select this option to tune the demodulator board to a specific 8096000 Hz to
channel. The frequency is displayed in Hz. At the factory, all demodulator boards 1500800 Hz
are tuned to 8096000 Hz (channel 1) by default.
C UP option. Select this option to return to the previous DEMOD menu. See
Figure C-8.
D Mode option. Select this option to set up the return path data mode. Possible OFF
modes are: DATA_ONLY
OFF. With the return path data mode off, no datagrams are transmitted and no
background noise measurements are taken between the RPD 1000 and the
addressable controller.
DATA_ONLY. With the return path data mode set to data, only datagrams are
sent between the RPD 1000 and the addressable controller. No background noise
measurements are taken.
DATA+NOISE. With the return path data mode set to data and noise, datagrams
are transmitted between the RPD 1000 and the addressable controller and
background noise measurements are taken.
NOISE_ONLY. With the return path data mode set to noise, only background
noise measurements are taken and no datagrams are sent to the addressable
Note: This option cannot be set to OFF or NOISE_ONLY for normal operation.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-9

Figure C-10
Demod Setup menu

Table C-10
Demod Setup menu options

Key Description Parameters

A DEMOD SETUP label. This information-only label identifies the current menu. N/A
B PACKET LENGTH option. Select this option to set the packet length in bytes. 4
C UP option. Select this option to return to the previous DEMOD menu. See UP
Figure C-8.
D INVERT UPSTREAM SPECTRUM option. Select this option to configure the YES
RPD 1000 to receive an alternating I and Q modulated stream at the set-top NO
Choose YES to configure Q first and then I.
Choose NO to configure I first and then Q.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-10 Menu System

FEC Menus
The RPD 1000 displays a series of FEC menus after selecting that option from the CONFIG
menu. Figure C-11 shows the first FEC menu, and Table C-11 defines the features and
available options.

Figure C-11
FEC menu

Table C-11
FEC menu options

Key Description

A FEC MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
C RANDOMIZER option. Select this option to display the FEC RANDOMIZER menu. See
Figure C-12.
D DECODER option. Select this option to display the FEC DECODER menu. See Figure C-13.
E SLOT_PARAMETERS option. Select this option to display the FEC SLOT_PARAMETERS menu.
See Figure C-14.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-11

Figure C-12
FEC Randomizer menu

Table C-12
FEC Randomizer menu options

Key Description

A FEC RANDOMIZER MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the previous FEC menu. See Figure C-11.
C ENABLE option. Select this option and choose YES to enable or NO to disable support for
randomized input data streams.
D SEED option. This option is used to vary the derandomizer seed value (in hex) which must match
the seed value of the modulator. Valid values are 000 to FFF.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-12 Menu System

Figure C-13
FEC Decoder menu

Table C-13
FEC Decoder menu options

Key Description

A FEC DECODER MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the previous FEC menu. See Figure C-11.
C ENABLE option. Select this option and choose YES to enable or NO to disable support for FEC
encoded input data streams.

Figure C-14
FEC Slot Parameters menu

Table C-14
FEC Slot Parameters menu options

Key Description

A FEC SLOT PARAMETERS MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the previous FEC menu. See Figure C-11
C DATAGRAM SIZE option. Select this option to vary the number of datagrams transmitted with
each Ethernet transfer. Valid values range from 4 to 64.
D SLOT SIZE option. Select this option to support various lengths of input data streams. Valid
values range from 00000 to FFFFF.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-13

Suppression Menu
The RPD 1000 displays the first of two suppression menus after selecting that option from the
CONFIG menu. Figure C-15 shows the first suppression menu, and Table C-15 defines the
features and available options.

Figure C-15
Suppression menu

Table C-15
Suppression menu options

Key Description

A SUPPRESS EMPTY PACKETS option. Select this option and choose YES to suppress or NO to
permit the transmission of empty data packets over the Ethernet to the destination IP address.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
C SUPPRESS EMPTY DATAGRAMS option. Select this option and choose YES to suppress or NO
to permit the transmission of empty datagrams over the Ethernet to the destination IP address.
D MORE option. Select this option to display the Suppression menu (screen 2). See Figure C-16.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-14 Menu System

Figure C-16
Extended Suppression menu

Table C-16
Extended Suppression menu options

Key Description

A SUPPRESS ERRORED PACKETS option. Select this option and choose YES to suppress or NO
to permit the transmission of error packets over the Ethernet to the destination IP address.
B UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
C ERRORED PACKET THRESHOLD option. Select this option and enter a value used to filter out
the transmission of low power errored packets caused by burst noise. Valid values range from -13
dBmV to +19 dBmV. At +19 dBmV no error packets pass and at -13 dBmV all error packets pass.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-15

Destination (DEST) Menu

The RPD 1000 displays the destination (DEST) menu after selecting that option from the
CONFIG menu. Figure C-17 shows the menu, and Table C-17 defines the features and
available options.

Figure C-17
Destination menu

Table C-17
Destination menu options

Key Description

A DEST label. This information-only label identifies the menu..

B HOST option. Select this option to select the IP address for the destination server. Use the left
and right arrow keys to move to the field. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list
of available servers by name. Select nohost if none is available. Valid IP values range from to
C IP address. This information-only label identifies the IP address of the destination server.
D UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
E SVC option. Select this option to select a destination port. Use the left and right arrow keys to
move to the field. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available ports.
Valid port values range from 0000 to 9999.
F PORT/PRTCL label. This information-only label Identifies the selected destination port for display

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-16 Menu System

Control (CTRL) Menu

The RPD 1000 displays the CTRL menu after selecting that option from the CONFIG menu.
Figure C-18 shows the CTRL menu, and Figure C-7 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-18
CTRL menu

Table C-18
CTRL menu options

Key Description

A CTRL: option. Select this option to choose the name of the TCP controller.
B HOST option. Select this option to select the IP address for the control server. Use the left and
right arrow keys to move to the field. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list of
available servers by name. Select nohost if none is available. Valid IP values range from to
C UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.
D SVC option. Select this option to select a control port. Use the left and right arrow keys to move to
the field. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available ports. Valid port
values range from 0000 to 9999.
E PORT/PRTCL option. This information-only label identifies the TCP port number the RPD 1000
uses to communicate with the TCP controller.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-17

SNMP Menu Options

The RPD 1000 displays the SNMP menu after selecting that option from the main menu.
Figure C-19 shows the SNMP menu, and Table C-19 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-19
SNMP menu

Table C-19
SNMP menu options

Key Description

A SNMP label. Identifies the current menu.

B HOST option. Select this option to select the name of the addressable controller. Select nohost if
none is available.
C IP label. This is an information only label identifying the IP address of the SNMP host. This feature
is not currently available.
D UP option. Select this option to return to the CONFIG menu. See Figure C-7.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-18 Menu System

STATUS Menu Options

The RPD 1000 displays the STATUS menu after selecting that option from the main menu.
Figure C-20 shows the STATUS menu, and Table C-20 defines the features and available

Figure C-20
Status menu

Table C-20
Status menu options

Key Description

A STATUS MENU label. This information-only label identifies the current menu. See Figure C-20.
B STATISTICS option. Select this option to display the STATISTICS menu. See Figure C-21.
C CLEAR option. Select this option and press ENT to clear all statistics from the menus.
D UP option. Select this option to return to the main menu. See Figure C-1.
E UPDATE INTERVAL option. Select this option to set the time interval (in milliseconds) in which
the RPD 1000 updates the statistical information displayed in the menus. Valid values range from
000100 to 100000 ms.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-19

Figure C-21
Statistics menu

Table C-21
Statistics menu options

Key Description Parameters

A STATISTICS menu label. This information-only label identifies the current

B BACKGROUND_NOISE option. Select this option to display the AVG
BACKGROUND NOISE Menu (see Figure C-22). In this screen, choose the MIN
average, minimum, and maximum noise measurements taken in the absence MAX
of an input signal.
C POWER_LEVEL option. Select this option to display the POWER LEVEL LAST
Menu (see Figure C-23). In this screen, choose the last measured value, MEASURED
minimum, and maximum displays of the power level of the input data measured VALUE
by the demodulator boards. MIN
 For power levels present at the rear panel, add 12 dB to the
measurements displayed in these menus.
D UP option. Select this option to return to the STATUS menu. See Figure C-21.
E PACKET_STATISTICS option. . Select this option to display the PACKET PER
STATISTICS Menu (see Figure C-24). In this screen, choose the number of COR
input data packets received as perfect, correctable, errored, and the total ERR
number of collected packets. TOT
F BURST_NOISE option. Select this option to display the BURST NOISE Menu PACKETS
(see Figure C-25). In this screen, choose the number of input data packets that
were filtered out by the errored packet suppression function.

The RPD 1000 displays the statistics described in Table C-21in the sample menus shown in
Figure C-22, Figure C-23, Figure C-24, and Figure C-25.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-20 Menu System

Figure C-22
Background Noise menu

Figure C-23
Power Level menu

Figure C-24
Packet Statistics menu

Figure C-25
Burst Noise menu

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

Menu System C-21

NET Menu Options

The RPD 1000 displays the NET menu after selecting that option from the main menu.
Figure C-26 shows the NET menu, and Table C-22 defines the features and available options.

Figure C-26
NET menu

Table C-22
NET menu options

Key Description

A NET menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B MAC ADDRESS label. This information-only label identifies the unit MAC address.
C UP option. Select this option to return to the main menu. See Figure C-1.
D OAM&P option. Select this option to display the OAM&P menu. See Figure C-27.

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

C-22 Menu System

OAM&P Menu
The RPD 1000 displays the OAM&P menu after selecting that option from the NET menu.
Figure C-27 shows the OAM&P menu, and Table C-23 defines the features and available

Figure C-27
OAM&P menu

Table C-23
OAM&P menu options

Key Description

A NET menu label. This information-only label identifies the current menu.
B IP (address) option. Select this option to set the RPD 1000 unit address. Use the left and right
arrow keys to move from digit to digit of the address. Use the up and down arrow keys to increase
or decrease digits. Valid values range from to
D UP option. Select this option to return to the NET menu. See Figure C-26.
C SUBNET option. Select this option to set the RPD 1000 Subnet address. Use the left and right
arrow keys to move from digit to digit of the address. Use the up and down arrow keys to increase
or decrease digits. Valid values range from to

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual


Abbreviations and Acronyms

BNC Bayonet, N-type, C-size connector
bootp bootstrap protocol
CATV Cable Access Television (originally Community Antenna Television)
CPU central processing unit
DCT DigiCable Consumer Terminal
DQPSK digital quadrature phase shift keying
ESD electrostatic discharge
FEC forward error correction
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
I/O input/output
IP Internet protocol
IPPV Impulse Pay-Per-View
LAN local area network
LCD liquid crystal display
LED light-emitting diode
MAC media access control (address)
MIB management information base
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
OAM&P operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning (Ethernet port)
QPSK quadrature phase shift keying
RF radio frequency
RPD Return Path Demodulator
SCC service control channel
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UW unique word

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual


Definitions of Terms
Bootstrap protocol. The communication protocol used to transfer
initialization information between digital headend network
elements and a central server. At power-up, network elements issue
a bootp request. The bootp server receives the request and responds
with a bootp reply that specifies startup information and operating
parameters for the requesting device.
An encoding technique applied to data before transmission to reduce
the number of errors introduced by transmission. The receiving
device decodes the FEC to recover the original data.
Impulse Pay-Per-View
A Pay-Per-View ordering mechanism in which subscribers place
orders directly into set-top terminals via remote control. Events are
authorized immediately for viewing.
The process by which digital headend network elements obtain
configuration information and operating parameters at power-up.
IP address
A public standard address used for packet and connection-type
MAC address
A proprietary address used for upstream/downstream
The OAM&P port is a network (Ethernet) port through which a
device communicates with the headend network. The OAM&P port
is assigned a hardware (MAC) address at the factory; this address is
used to communicate with the bootp server before the network (IP)
address is assigned to the port.
A digital modulation method that combines two carriers that are 90
degrees out of phase (in quadrature), resulting in four possible
phase states.
Reed-Solomon encoder
A block-based encoding technique used for FEC.
A transmission protocol that uses an IP address to identify the
destination host and a port number to identify the destination

RPD 1000 Installation and Operation Manual

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