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Gastronomia: The cuisine of New Zealand is characterized by fresh and

younger elements. The diversity is due to their relative youth, in global terms,
as it brings with them a willingness to experiment with the dishes. The
freshness is due to its surrounding ocean and fertile lands. His most relevant
distinction about eating style is the way New Zealand residents eat: generally
preferring to be relaxed and as leisurely as possible.
The cuisine of New Zealand has been described as Pacific Rim, taking
inspiration from the peoples of Europe, Asia, Polynesia as well as their
indigenous ethnicities, the Maori.
In New Zealand homes, dinner is the main meal of the day, when families get
together and share the evening. Restaurants and take-out food provide a
growing portion of the diet.
Cultura: The culture of New Zealand is essentially a Western culture
influenced by the unique environment and geographic isolation of the
islands, and the cultural input of the indigenous Māori people and the
various waves of multi-ethnic migration which followed the British
colonization of New Zealand.
More recently, New Zealand culture has been broadened by globalization
and immigration from the Pacific Islands, East Asia and South Asia. Non-
Māori Polynesian cultures are apparent, with Pasifika, the world's largest
Polynesian festival, now an annual event in Auckland.

Politica: New Zealand is an independent parliamentary democracy. The

country is officially a constitutional monarchy, whose head of state is Queen
Elizabeth II, represented by the Governor General, currently Lady Patsy
Historically, New Zealand followed the British "Westminster" system of
parliamentary government, but there is no longer a high chamber since the
abolition of the Legislative Council, an un-elected body, in 1951. The
Parliament is now composed solely of the House of Representatives, formed
by 120 members elected by a proportional representation system since 1996.

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