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Se eae Cee eee eee RN cosmic order on earth, to put things to order and above all to affirm humanity's capacity for Ce ee ee en ee chitecture will be created with a single act, from a sin capable of clarifying once and for all the motives which have induced man to build dolmens, menhirs, pyramids, and lastly to Sex nO ea ee ‘The Great Wall of China, Hadrian’s Wall, motorways, like parallels and meridians, are the t gible signs of our understanding of the earth. We believe in a future of “rediscovered architec- ture”, in a future in which architecture will regain its full power, abandoning all ambiguity of design and appearing as the only alternative to nature. Be nd or ura naturata, we choose the lat Eliminating mirages and will-o'-the-wisps such as spontancous architecture, sensitive archi tecture, architecture without architects, biological architecture and fantastic architecture, |e move towards the “continuous monument”: a form of architecture all equally emerging from a single continuous environment: the world rendered uniform by technology, culture and all eae ect ‘We belong to a long history of black stones, rocks fallen from the sky or erected in the earth ‘meteorites, dolmens, obelisks. Cosmic axis, vital elements, elements reproducing the relation- Ships of sky and earth, witnesses to marriages celebrated, the tablets of the law, final acts of CR a Oe co a ea ets A square block of stone placed on the earth is a primary act, itis a testimonial that architecture is the centre ofthe relationships of technology, sacredness, utilitarianism. It implies man, ma. chines, rational structures and history. The square block is the first and ultimate act in the his tory of ideas in architecture. Architecture becomes a closed, immobile object that leads eet ea SS NT ofthe earth and the now nearby prospect of “standing ‘oom only” we can imagine a single architectural IEE construction with which to occupy the optimal al model of total urbanization is rapolation of “oriented history scott The continuous monument is the extreme pole of a series of projecting operations centred round a design which the idea of the “single desi another. ccan be transferred from one areca remaining unchanged: an impassible, unalterable whose static perfection moves the world Through the love of itself that it ere into possession of reality and reaches serenity: thus is understanding of the world and of oneself. Tat are oft tin ery . . bs # hs ER 1 wae tgs Seer ae ty NATURE, Some random images, disquieting Architecture f Se Cee ered roe Taj Mahal ANCIENT MONUMENTS: ‘The Holy Kaaba substituted by an jous block of black marble with holes, and no one knows where ly stone is any longer: but this, no obstacle to true faith. aryatid Porch as the facade. protected and climatized A classical garde additional layer all operations p grandiose style. Yew °F Tburepmay 0 Oh Sov

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