Assignment 12 Answer The Following Questions With A Paragraph or Two Each

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Assignment 12

Answer the following questions with a paragraph or two each.

● Consider the following scenario. You are married and have no kids. Your house and your
neighbor’s house are both on fire. Your neighbor has a spouse and six kids. You can only
run into one house and save the people inside (you can either save your spouse or the
eight people who live next-door). You don’t really know your neighbors. Who do you save
– your spouse or the eight strangers who live next-door? What would consequentialism
tell you to do? Why?
● Consequentialism states that it’s not the decision that matters (in terms of morality) but
instead what happens because of the decision. Do you agree with this idea? Write about a
time when you (or someone you know) made a decision that seemed morally wrong but
actually had the better moral outcome.
1. My husband is a firefighter, so if a fire were to break out he would save people after
making sure I was okay. In this scenario I am going to assume my husband is not a
firefighter. I would save my spouse above anyone else (as long as my kids are not in
danger). My husband is my husband and a major part of my life and happiness. I know
consequentialism tells you to make choices that would benefit the most people in the end,
but I can not choose to save strangers over a loved one first. If I had time after I made
sure my spouse was safe then I would try to save the other people.
2. I actually play video games that are based on consequentialism. The company that made
the games was called TellTale, they are sadly out of business but made some fantastic
games. This company made their video games in a story fashion that was based on your
choices you made. In the Walking Dead video games you come face to face with a ten
second choice in who lives and dies. If you choose to side with one character then you are
also blamed when that character kills someone, when there is a zombie horde you have to
choose who to save. Because of who you save they affect the story either positively or

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