Rubrics For Recitation

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Recitation Rubric

CATEGORY 100 75 50 25
Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles or
and distinctly all and distinctly all and distinctly cannot be
(100-95%) the (100-95%) the most (94-85%) of understood OR
Speaks Clearly time, and time, but the time. mispronounces
mispronounces no mispronounces Mispronounces no more than one
words. one word. more than one word.
Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often too
enough to be enough to be enough to be soft to be heard by
heard by the heard the teacher heard by the the teacher.
teacher at least 90% of the teacher at least
throughout the time. 80% of the time.
Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to
accurately answer accurately answer answer the answer the
the question about the question about question about the question about the
Comprehension the topic. Show the topic. Shows a topic. Shows a topic. Does not
full understanding good good seem to
of the topic. understanding of understanding of understand the
the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.

It was hard to
Stays on topic all Stays on topic Stays on topic
Stays on Topic tell what the
of the time. most of the time. some of the time.
topic was.

Meets the length Length is less Length is less than

Length Length is 75% of
requirements of 50%75% of the 50% of the
Requirements the requirement.
the assignment. requirement. requirement.

1. What are the essentials of including Science and Technology in your curriculum?
2. “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants” what do you think this
quote tell you about?
3. What do you mean by “human have persistently observed and studied the natural and physical world in
order to find meanings and seek answers to many questions?”
4. Explain this Science, Technology and Society Relationships.


1. What are the essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology in your curriculum?
2. Explain Homeostasis.
3. Define Anatomy and Physiology.

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