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Student Success Statistics

& Stories on Forage!

Did you know students are more likely to land jobs when
they're on Forage? Here are some of the statistics and stories
of students, from all backgrounds, and how they moved
forward with their careers by being part of a Forage

Some of the top employers on Forage

Table of contents

3. Meet Forage & What is Virtual Work Experience?

5. What is our mission at Forage?
6. Students Success Stats!
8. Student Stories

9. Nana Kessie
J.D. Candidate at Howard University, Nana Kessie, joined White & Case as a Summer Associate after
meeting the team through Forage. US Law.

11. Neissa Dorsinville

Neissa Dorsinville shares her story on how she landed a full-time offer with JP Morgan Chase in a
greater attempt to represent women of color in the tech industry. US Software Engineering.

14. Alvin Fan

Alvin landed a summer analyst role at Citi Hong Kong in their Markets Division after completing their
virtual experience program with Forage. US/Hong Kong Investment Banking.

17. Alex Aristides

Meet Alex Aristides, a law student who completed Hogan Lovell's law virtual experience program and
landed both a vacation scheme and training contract offer. UK Law.

19. Yasmin Ibrahim

Incoming Expedia Group Intern & Computer Science Student at George Mason University (Graduating
Spring 2022). US Software Engineering.

At Forage we work directly with over 80 top-tier

global employers, their recruitment teams &
heads of HR to help them reach students like you
21. Edwin Gonzalez
Ex-school teacher who is now an Incoming Summer Associate at Latham & Watkins; J.D. Candidate at
UC Berkeley School of Law. US Law.

24. Andrea Rivers

Incoming Associate Attorney at Boutique Antitrust Firm; May 2021 Graduate of American University
Washington College of Law. US Law.

26. Alex Kat

Ex-general manager at Panera. Returning Paul, Plevin, Sullivan & Connaughton Intern; Second Year
Law Student at the University of San Diego School of Law. US Law.

29. Julian Savelski

Government and politics undergrad - now Incoming Summer Associate at Latham & Watkins; JD
Candidate at The University of Chicago Law School. US Law.

32. Tani Hasson

Investment Banking Summer Analyst, Commerce and Law Student from Sydney University. Australia,
Investment Banking.

34. Onose Ogberbor

Onose was over the moon when she was accepted as a trainee solicitor with White & Case in the UK.
UK/Nigeria Law.

36. Cliff Asiedua

Cliff networked with the Global Head of HR at General Electric from the other side of the world.UK/US
Human Resources.

38. Jerry Lee

"My dream is to become a trader one day" - Incoming Markets Summer Analyst at Citi Hong Kong,
Master of Finance Student at Tsinghua University. China/Hong Kong Investment Banking.

41. Natalie Wells

Mother of two uses Forage to stand out in the legal profession. Australia Law.

43. Arnav Mathur

Arnav is an incoming Markets Summer Analyst at Citi Hong Kong. He's an international Student
studying Computer Science Student at UCLA. USA Investment Banking.

46. Andrea Contenta

Coming from a lesser-known university in southern Italy, Andrea landed a role as an Incoming
Markets Summer Analyst at Citi Hong Kong with Forage. Italy/Hong Kong Investment Banking.
Meet Forage

Forage was founded in 2017 as a startup to help students of all backgrounds

discover different careers and land them. In that process, we found free and
open-access virtual work experiences were the most impactful way to achieve

So we went all-in on them, and have been investing in them non-stop to make
them the best tool in the world for students to land jobs. As a result, our
student community has grown all around the world to over a million members
and over 100 corporate and university partnerships.

To support this, the company went through the Y Combinator program (which
have AirBnB, Reddit & Coinbase as alumni), raised over $10m from top venture
funds like Lightspeed Ventures (who count Snapchat as one their investments),
and have over 50 team members all around the world working on making the
platform better for you, the student.

Virtual Work Experience

Forage is the first company to create virtual work experiences in a way that help
students become more employable. Our programs are different from normal
online courses, or the theory you learn at school because the tasks in them
actually reflect the work graduates do day-to-day.

So when you do a Forage program - you actually get better at the job itself,
without having even started the job.

Recruiters love this because it helps students decide whether they really want to
work in the industry, and when they do meet someone who has done a Forage
program, they know they can actually do the work. Most firms have a Forage flag in
their ATS's because it helps them with recruiting!
What's our mission

at Forage?

We want to enable anyone the chance to upskill and

land great careers - regardless of your background,
school, or ethnicity.

We do this with our free and 'do it in your own time'

virtual work experiences that allow busy students to
upskill by trying out tasks graduates actually do at our
partner companies.

Forage makes money by making companies pay for these

programs. Companies use us to help their recruiters identify
and connect with top talent based on their ability.

And the actual data of Forage students is showing we're

making a real difference for our community:

Did you know our logo represents two things? Firstly. our logo

represents the diamond in the rough - the idea we help firms find

talent regardless of their background. Secondly, the lines represent

the varied career journeys people can have throughout their lives!
Success Stats for

students on Forage

On average, a Forage Program takes 4 hours to do. With only 4

hours of work (in your own time) - here's the advantage you get:

Various top tier firms have
found Forage students are 2
to 5 times more likely to land
a job with them than the
average applicant. More likely to land
Source data: firm ATS's and recruitment teams for the specific
the job
divisions they work with Forage on. These firms include top
banks, law firms, engineering firms and more.

+31% 99%
of students reported they were more
More likely to get an interview
confident in their application to a firm
than the average applicant
because of Forage

You get to put the program and

company on your resume - making
More likely to pass the interview
it easier to pass ATS scans and with various firm if they complete a
stand out to recruiters Forage program
You're missing out on an

obvious advantage when you

apply to a firm and don't

start their virtual experience

Student Stories

Here are stories of amazing students that show you

how they've used Forage to land internships, figure

out what career they wanted, overcome systemic

barriers in hiring and give themselves the confidence

they needed to take the next step in their career.

At Forage, we back students like you to land your

dream job and give back to the world. We hope these

stories give you the inspiration you need to stand out

in your journey.
J.D. Candidate at Howard University, Nana Kessie, joined
White & Case as a Summer Associate after meeting the
team through Forage
When Nana Kessie first decided he wanted to be a lawyer - he thought it sounded
like a cool career with great opportunities for personal professional development.
However... when he accepted a position at Howard University Law School, he
realized a career in the law could be so much more...

Howard’s strong emphasis on community left a lasting impression on Nana. He

learned from amazing and inspirational professors and fellow students - and felt
his experience fundamentally changed his perception about his career goals and
pathway. In the way that all university and coming of age experiences should be -
Nana felt he grew and matured into the person he wanted to be.

Nana is now motivated by what he can give back to society. He wants to be

remembered not for his achievements, but for the positive impact he has on his
community. Particularly as a black man pursuing a career in the law, Nana reflects:

“It takes you one day to realize that it’s not about you anymore. It’s about everybody
else that looks like you, it’s bigger than you.”

This is why Nana is so supportive of the open access education opportunities on

Forage. In completing the White & Case virtual experience program he explains

He gained practical corporate experience that he hadn’t learnt as a paralegal or

at law school;
He gained insight into practice areas of interest; and
The program debunked the myth that he needed a science or technology
background to pursue a role in intellectual property.
“I didn’t have any corporate experience… so it took me from a point of not having any
experience or not even knowing the basic terminology, to feeling a bit more
comfortable as I actually had participated, and I had done work that they would have
done for their clients.”

He advocates for Forage programs as a no-brainer opportunity for students to

explore and discover what they like and dislike, to learn and contribute to their
professional development, and to better prepare themselves for interviews with
employers. In his eyes, why wouldn’t you take advantage of free content that will
actively help you in your career?

Most importantly, when reflecting upon underserved communities Nana also

recognizes that taking advantage of these opportunities is a chance to have a seat
at the table and to make an impression:

“You can't have a say at the table if you don’t have a seat at the table. So these
programs and these opportunities for people who look like me, act like me and
think like me, are an opportunity to have a seat at the table so we can have a
better future for the people behind us.”

Forage is delighted to share that through his participation in our program, Nana
was invited to attend a focus group with the White & Case recruitment team. He
left a lasting impression and was accepted as a Summer Associate in 2020. He is
a rockstar - and the teams at Forage & White & Case are so excited to watch him
change the world.

Nana is J.D. Candidate at Howard University School of Law

Neissa Dorsinville shares her story on how she landed a
full-time offer with JP Morgan Chase in a greater attempt to
represent women of color in the tech industry

As a black woman studying computer science, Neissa Dorsinville wants to elevate

women and represent women of color in the tech industry. In order to stand out
in a male-dominated field, women have to work harder to be better. This fuels her
drive to take any opportunity that comes her way to build her experience and
skills. While in university, she completed a virtual experience program, worked as
a computer science tutor, and completed a Software Engineering internship with
Altcoin Advisors.

Describing herself as shy, Neissa also pushed herself to leave her comfort zone
through extracurricular activities, such as joining a public speaking club and
stepping up to take leadership roles. The culmination of her drive and
experiences secured her a job offer as a Software Engineer with JP Morgan Chase
before graduating. Neissa credits her career success to Forage and Rewriting the
Code for giving her opportunities and helping her along the way – although we
credit her success to all the work she has put in to get here!

Leveraging Forage

As a computer science student, Neissa was interested in gaining software

engineering experience. Before Forage, she was most familiar with Java, a
programming language commonly taught in her classes. Completing JP Morgan
Chase’s Software Engineering Virtual Experience Program helped her broaden
her knowledge of coding languages. She learned to work with Python and React
which she found most useful for the job search. Although Neissa may have come
across these languages at a further point in time, Forage helped her to discover
them before she encountered them in coding assessments and interviews when
applying to internships.
Neissa credits Forage with narrowing down her career path; she said it “helped
me with knowing exactly what I want to do”. Completing projects that are typical
for a Software Engineer to work on provided her with the experience that
solidified her career choice. Neissa also noted how the typical recruiting process
is draining as they just send back a rejection letter rather than giving any actual
feedback. At Forage, this unhelpful cycle is broken. Neissa was able to gain
experience and feedback on her work for free which resulted in her honing her

Joining Rewriting the Code

Neissa was recommended to check out Rewriting the Code, a non-profit

preparing women to grow in their tech industry careers, by a peer in her
computer science club. Through this organization, she was able to find a
community that she felt represented in. As a black woman, Neissa is
underrepresented in the tech industry. As an organization that supports
intersectional groups, Rewriting the Code helped her see her future by arranging
events where black women leaders in the tech industry are represented.

Rewriting the Code also provides Neissa with a sense of community that supports
her to grow professionally. Her favorite part of joining is having “the possibility to
just reach out to anyone from the community”. No matter if she had a question
about school or career opportunities, there was someone in the network to turn
to for guidance. “Rewriting the Code has taught me to support women in any way
possible and showed me that any goal is possible to achieve with the help of the
Advice for Female Students in Tech

“I started a project at Forage and look at me now. If it wasn't for that one feeling to just
apply… I wouldn't have all these experiences”

Neissa highly encourages students to put themselves out of their comfort zones.
By doing so herself, she has become the VP for her school’s women in computer
science club and treasurer of the computer science club, and Secretary of
“Smooth Talkers”, a public speaking club. Through these clubs, she received
additional opportunities such as joining Rewriting the Code.

Another piece of advice she offers students is to “explore as much as they can
because you never know what you can get into by just doing that one project”. By
completing the program with Forage, she was able to put the experience on her
resume and make companies, such as JP Morgan, interested in connecting with
her. By joining Rewriting the Code, she found a community of women in tech that
supported her goals. Since Forage and Rewriting the Code opened doors to a
plethora of opportunities for her, she highly recommends for other students to
not only use Forage, but to also find a community that lifts them up.

Neissa is a senior at CUNY Brooklyn College Studying Computer Science and

Alvin landed a summer analyst role at Citi Hong Kong in
their Markets Division after completing their virtual
experience program with Forage.

Finding a job was not as easy as it seemed…

Alvin is an intellectually curious and motivated Economics and Philosophy

student. Like many, Alvin chose his degree out of an interest in learning rather
than with a specific career in mind. He spent his early university years exploring
what career opportunities might be available through chatting with other
students, participating in clubs and societies, and engaging with his professors.

Alvin describes himself as a ‘wide-eyed freshman’ who didn’t think finding a job
would be too hard… until it was time to find one. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

“Getting that first internship was already very difficult - that was the first shock to me - I
thought I knew what I was doing and I didn’t - I didn’t know what people expected, and
there was a lot of experimentation and experience on the go…”

He gradually developed an interest in banking and went looking for internships in

the sector. He felt confused by the process, ambiguous job descriptions, and
jargon of the financial world. In his words:

“It is an unfortunate problem within the hiring process across the industry that there is
an expectation that you already know what you’re doing. Because I didn’t study finance
or go to a business school, there is a lot of extra preparation that you have to do
before you are on equal footing to other applicants - rather than being able to
showcase that I have a different degree and different perspectives to bring.

… It’s so difficult to understand what the roles are like - when they say we are hiring
analysts - what does that actually mean?”
Alvin needed opportunities to find out what he loved

Through cold outreach, Alvin was really excited to secure an investment banking
internship in Hong Kong during the summer of his Freshmen year.

He enjoyed the experience, but still had little insight into other divisions that
might suit his skillset or pique his interest… enter the Citi Markets Virtual
Experience Program on Forage.

A contact referred Alvin to the Citi program and he immediately saw the
opportunity as a no brainer. It was the perfect way to gain insight into a day in the
life of a Markets Analyst - bridging the huge gap between what you learn at
university and preparing yourself for the world of work:

“I took a look at the modules and they were really interesting to me [e.g. running a
Markets morning meeting]... I was able to sit back and have a think: what are they
asking me to do, and how can I excel with these modules?... I felt like a lot of it relied on
storytelling, and I realised that these are the sort of skills that someone who works as
an analyst needs. These are the sorts of tasks that people at Citi are actually doing. It
wasn't abstract, it was concrete things.

… This program on Forage is like having binoculars - you aren’t experiencing the entire
environment yet, but you get to peer across and see what it’s like - piecing together
what you have read about”.

The program showcased Citi’s great culture and passion for education

After completing the Virtual Experience Program, Alvin was delighted and
surprised to be invited to an exclusive networking event with senior members of
the Markets team after a Citi team member had reviewed his work.

In the session, he was inspired by Citi’s genuine passion for educating and sharing
insights about the Markets division with the event attendees.
He now felt confident that Markets was the right division for him and that Citi was
a progressive and interesting company.

Through his experience, not only was Alvin able to demonstrate his genuine
interest in the firm by committing time to the program, but he also feels
convinced that the work he put in helped him along the process - particularly in
being able to more clearly understand the skills required for the job, and then
demonstrate these skills in his application and interview.

“After the Citi program, I knew what skills I needed to focus on - that is what stood out
for me in completing it. It helped me to understand what I need to work on and what I
might be good at….

It made me really interested in the [Citi Markets] internship program, because I really
enjoyed [the virtual experience] and felt I was well aligned with Markets.”

Alvin had applied to a number of other firms - however, when he was offered a
position at Citi as a 2021 summer analyst - he made the impactful decision to
start his career with Citi.

He was really happy with the experience he’d had with the bank so far and felt
reassured to be entering his first job with a connection to Citi’s culture. He had
practised solid skills to allow him to confidently step in and be work-ready on Day

Congratulations Alvin for all your hard work in the program and securing a
position with Citi!

Alvin is an incoming Citi Markets Summer Analyst, Bachelor Economics and Philosophy
at Brown University
Meet Alex Aristides, a law student who completed Hogan
Lovell's law virtual experience program and landed both a
vacation scheme and training contract offer

Alex’s Journey

After completing his undergraduate degree in History at University College

London, Alex decided to go see the world and spent a gap year in Hong Kong. He
used this as an opportunity to work on his personal and professional

During his year in Hong Kong, he worked full-time as a Gap Tutor at Harrow
International School and traveled whenever he could. Recognizing the connection
between the law systems of Hong Kong and the UK, Alex decided to give law a try
and completed a legal internship at MinterEllison’s Hong Kong office.

As someone who has always been set on pursuing an intellectually stimulating

career, this was the perfect step for him before returning home to the UK to start
law school. Back home, Alex completed the GDL with a high Distinction grade and
completed law programs with Forage to keep up with his progression in law.

The combination of his ambitions and experiences set him on the path to
eventually accept a training contract offer with Hogan Lovells.

Forage’s Impact

During the Covid-19 lockdown, Alex found Forage through a friend and
completed both the Hogan Lovells UK and Latham & Watkins M&A virtual
experience programs to keep himself productive and prepare himself for
upcoming vacation scheme opportunities.
It allowed him to experience the typical training tasks of a Trainee Solicitor and
develop the skills that would help him to succeed with law firms. Forage gave Alex
the chance to further cultivate his skills. He became comfortable with legal jargon,
discovered the best practices for problem-solving, and polished up his work by
comparing them to model work done by real lawyers.

By utilizing Forage’s virtual experiences, Alex had an edge in the hiring process for
Hogan Lovells’ Winter Vacation Scheme. “Forage gave me the chance to get to
know a firm beyond their website and promotional materials.” Specifically, by
completing the experience with the firm he hoped to work at, Alex was able to
bring up his knowledge about their pro bono initiatives that he had not previously
known about. Thus, proving to the firm that he went the extra mile. Alex landed
the role for the vacation scheme with Hogan Lovells and after completing it, he
also landed a training contract offer at the firm.

Alex’s Advice for Aspiring Lawyers

For those who are on a similar career path as him, Alex offered useful advice on
how he became a Trainee Solicitor. He stressed the importance of gaining
experience living abroad as it boosted his maturity levels, making him ready for
the Hogan Lovells position. Also, he noted that Forage is “an excellent way to
differentiate yourself from other candidates” and would recommend it to other
aspiring lawyers.

More specifically, Alex advised that students should meet with the firm they hope
to work for before applying. Going to an open day allows for a direct line of
communication with graduate recruiters and an opportunity to ask questions
about the firm. If attending an open day is not possible, Alex suggested other
avenues through which students can engage with their target firms. For example,
whilst in the application process for Hogan Lovells, he often tuned in to the firm’s
‘Straight Talking’ podcast on Spotify. Alex stresses the importance of being
yourself to ensure your personality matches that of the firm.

Finding your career fit is the key to having a happy and successful career.
Incoming Expedia Group Intern & Computer Science Student
at George Mason University (Graduating Spring 2022)

When you’re young, still in school, and lack work experience, how do you
figure out what your dream career looks like?

As a computer science student, Yasmin knew of her interest in engineering and

software development, but she was uncertain of what she was passionate about.
Internships often serve as a proving ground to help students find their career fit,
but it’s difficult for students to land offers in the first place without prior

Ironically, internship interviewers often look for ambitious students who “have it
figured out.” Let’s not forget all the issues that Covid-19 brought for students

This conundrum led to Yasmin discovering Forage at a time when she

was searching for ways to improve her resume.

As she began to look more into it, she realized she could complete these
programs and put them on her resume as a way to build her skills. As Yasmin was
trying to prove her skills, she saw this as an opportunity to show employers, “I
completed this virtual program on Forage, I have some experience” to bring to
the table.

After completing both the Accenture Consulting and the JP Morgan Chase
Software Engineering virtual experience programs, she learned a new
programming language not taught at her university and the importance of
debugging code.
On top of building her skills, her experience with Forage opened her eyes to the
possible internship and career pathways she could take as a computer science
major. As she had the opportunity to learn about different positions, the
experience allowed her to “look more into my career and what I’m looking for in a

With the help of Forage, Yasmin progressed in her career path to a place where
she had multiple options where she could discover her true passion.

She utilized these programs to pitch herself to the companies she was
interested in.

To her surprise, she ended up receiving summer internship offers from four
companies: Carmax, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Expedia Group, and Capital One. This
presented her with a variety of opportunities to choose from in her pursuit to
figure out her dream career.

Ultimately, Yasmin decided to accept the offer to work with Expedia Group which
complemented her growing interest in the travel industry.

Yasmin’s Advice to Fellow Students

Yasmin recommends students to use Forage. “I showed employers that I put in

the effort to improve myself.” She noted that it is all about putting in the effort as
you get what you put into it.

Communication and networking was also a key skill in her successfully receiving
multiple internship offers. Yasmin deeply advises students to always reach out to
people and have conversations as they can lead to referrals or connections. By
following her own key pieces of advice, Yasmin got one step closer to finding her
true passion and dream career path.
Incoming Summer Associate at Latham & Watkins; J.D.
Candidate at UC Berkeley School of Law

Reading his way through a career change

After being a teacher for six years, Edwin was ready for a career change.

When trying to figure out his next step, Edwin did what he always does when
facing a problem:

“I just read my way out of it. I went to Barnes & Noble’s self-help career section,
and found a book which gave me a bunch of different options that I could look

He realized he loved working collaboratively on projects and interacting with a

diverse group of people and felt that law best aligned with his skill sets and

So off he went to Law School at Berkeley.

He needed opportunities to see what transactional practice was like

Edwin reflects that while law school provides a strong theoretical foundation for
law, the assignments and case studies aren't always true to life. In his words, “the
most challenging part is having law school education and training that mirrors the
kind of practice opportunities that are out there.”

While trying to decide what area of the law he was interested in, Edwin was
looking for more practical and tangible experiences that showcase transactional
practice in more detail and what exactly it involves.
Enter Forage: an opportunity to gain direct insight and showcase his commitment

Edwin came across Forage’s virtual experience programs after a friend posted
about it on LinkedIn and immediately saw the programs as an opportunity to
upskill and learn more about what a lawyer does.

He completed two programs: the Latham & Watkins Banking Virtual Experience
Program and a program from a different law firm.

The benefits of completing the programs were multi-faceted:

It solidified his interest in Lathams: Edwin really liked being able to

compare the work of two different law firms and was impressed by Latham in

He noticed the firm had a really detailed approach to producing high-

quality outputs and was dedicated to achieving excellence. He loved
the challenge of the tasks and felt confident the culture of Latham was right
for him.

He gained direct transactional experience: “Of all the things that I had
done so far in my first year, it kind of gave me the most direct experience with
transactional practice.”

He felt better prepared for interviews and was able to showcase his
interest in the industry: “In future interviews with other law firms, I think
that the certificate of that program was a really great way to kind of
externalize my commitment to transactional practice.”
His advice for future students

Edwin recommends Forage programs to all students – he describes it as a great

opportunity to connect directly with firms you are interested in and allows you to
put yourself in the shoes of a summer associate.

A great way to experience a guided walk-through of what it is like to practice as a


He is really appreciative of the team at Latham and Forage for facilitating the
experience. He loved being able to connect more directly with the firm, explore
his career options and learn through the process.

Congratulations to Edwin for being offered and accepting a position with Latham
as a Summer Associate in 2021!
Incoming Associate Attorney at Boutique Antitrust Firm;
May 2021 Graduate of American University Washington
College of Law

Searching for Insight

After successfully securing a legal summer associate position, Andrea was

searching for a way to prepare herself for the role. She said, “at the time, I was
really concerned about preparing for a Summer Associate position”. She
wondered, “what the assignments were like”, “I needed to figure out exactly what
it was going to be like so I could mentally prepare myself.”

Passion for Representation in Law

As a Black woman in a field that lacks diversity, Andrea said, “wanting to give back
to my community and help my family at the same time was what drove me to law.
Now it’s just trying to help people who look like me and going into a field that
there’s not a lot of Black people in”. She emphasizes one of her main drives to
becoming a lawyer is to “make sure that more diverse people enter the legal

Andrea started her legal journey by working at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
LLP as an administrative coordinator and legal receptionist for five years.

Throughout her time as a law student, she has interned with a plethora of firms
and government agencies including the Montgomery County State’s Attorney
Office, Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP, Federal Trade Commission, Potkin,
Williamowsky & Pillay PLLC, and currently, the House Judiciary Committee.

All of these experiences have led her to accept a full-time offer at a boutique
antitrust firm.
Preparing for the Role

In preparation for one of her internships, Andrea found Forage and decided to
complete the White & Case US Virtual Learning Program which offered her a
general idea of the skills she needed to excel in a summer associate position.

Through the program, she realized “the [high] expectations for legal writing skills”
that were required for legal work. It made her realize that she needed to start
exploring more internship opportunities to gain more experience rather than just
working full-time.

“It was a good primer”

Although Andrea had experience in a law firm, she did not have the specific
preparation.“Working in a firm, you think you know what it’s going to be like but I
think the virtual experience was a lot more helpful in terms of knowing what the
assignments would be like for a summer associate”.

She recommended it to other students as “it was a good insight to have before I
went into the role”.

“Just Prepare Yourself”

Andrea directs her advice towards fellow Black law students as she notes the
importance of “staying open to opportunities and staying open to meeting people
and having them know who you are”. “

Once you’re in law school, it’s a networking game. Having a successful career is
about being open and making connections with others. She encourages students
to “find opportunities like Forage where you can use that as an in with companies
who are hosting the program”.
Returning Paul, Plevin, Sullivan & Connaughton Intern;
Second Year Law Student at the University of San Diego
School of Law

“Law has been exactly what I was looking for”

Alex started his career pursuing Kinesiology at San Diego State University while
simultaneously working full time at Panera Bread. For five years post-
undergraduate, he worked his way up to becoming the General Manager at
Panera. Working at Panera made Alex feel like he was on autopilot, making him
realize that he wanted a career that intellectually challenged him.

“Well, what am I going to do? I have nothing to do.”

Inspired by his wife, Alex made a complete career change and the decision to go
back to school to pursue law, something he was more passionate about. Then,
the pandemic hit. “[The pandemic] had pushed back my internship, it was about a
month between when I should have started and when I did start. So in that month I
thought ‘well, what am I going to do? I have nothing to do.’” Thus, he wanted to fill
the gap between school and his internship with something fulfilling and

Finding a fulfilling way to spend his time

He decided to focus his new found time and energy on the Forage’s Latham &
Watkins virtual experience programs on Mergers & Acquisitions and White Collar
Defense & Investigations. Alex valued the flexibility Forage provided when
comparing it to an in-person internship, “I love the fact that you can just do it at
your own pace.”
He said the virtual experiences were helpful for “exposing him to different areas
of the law,” For instance, Alex really enjoyed the Mergers & Acquisitions
experience which sparked more of an interest in the area.

On the other hand, through the White Collar Defense program, he was able to
explore an area of law that he previously knew nothing about.

This experience allowed him a greater understanding of what other lawyers are
experiencing in their respective practice areas.

“Having that practical experience, you don't really get that in law school
classes so that is what I enjoyed the most about Forage”

When it came to applying for jobs, having this virtual work experience on his
resume helped him as “it was a big talking point” in interviews.

As his experience was with a prestigious law firm, it showed employers that he
had a practical and impressive law practice.

For Alex, it was an opportunity to gain experience he was not getting elsewhere,
“being able to add something else law related makes your resume look that much
better when you have these experiences especially in your first year where you have not
had the opportunity to get any experience.”

“If you’re not happy with what you’re doing, find something else”

Alex’s advises everyone to go after a career they are passionate about. He notes,
“You have the time, it just comes down to organizing and wanting to improve.”
One of the ways to improve is through Forage, as it is free and on your own time,
Alex mentions it is a low-risk platform to explore your interests. “That’s what I love
about Forage, it gives you access to a whole bunch of different career
opportunities that you may not even know about.”

Another piece of advice he offered was to network with people to ensure you are
on the right path.

Connecting with people through Linkedin and getting an idea of what they like
and dislike about their current job is an insightful way of determining a career
path that works for you.

Alex’s advice is essentially to find and chase the career you are passionate about.

Congratulations to Alex on accepting a returning summer internship

offer with Paul, Plevin, Sullivan & Connaughton, an employment defense
firm in San Diego!
Incoming Summer Associate at Latham & Watkins; JD
Candidate at The University of Chicago Law School

Finding a job requires a lot more than just good grades

Prior to attending law school at the University of Chicago, Julian attended the
University of Maryland – a large public school where he studied government and
politics. With government and politics being a pretty general subject, when
considering future career paths, Julian felt that law best suited his skill set. He
liked philosophy and was a logical thinker.

During his undergraduate studies, Julian discovered the importance of gaining

experience and building a personal network: “I thought that I could get good
grades and it would be fine, but when it comes to finding a job, I realized there is
so much more to it”. Julian reflects this was such a valuable lesson to learn, and
when starting his JD, he explains that “everything I did in law school was geared
towards getting a job at a top firm”.

Without existing personal connections, Julian had to work hard to build a


Julian didn’t know any lawyers and lacked a personal network to provide insight
into the industry. He set to work researching each top firm, analyzing the work
they did, their performance, and their culture. With an interest in technology,
start-ups, and Silicon Valley, Julian discovered Latham & Watkins had a fantastic
offering in this space.

He leveraged the community at his university including careers services, his

peers, and alumni to figure out what he needed to do to land a job with Latham.
He was committed to attending recruitment events and started to reach out to
practicing lawyers to learn more and hone his skills.
Conflicting advice can make knowing what to do challenging

While Julian found his networking efforts to be incredibly helpful, a challenge he

faced was the conflicting advice offered by different people.

In his words, “this probably goes for any profession, but when you talk to people,
everyone gives you a different answer about what law firms are looking for.
People assume what works for them works for everyone.

Trying to decipher that information, and trying to figure out what is actually the
case vs. what is an anecdote is difficult”.

He realized that to put his best foot forward in his applications, he had to do
everything in his power to be prepared.

While perfect grades might not be realistic, Julian knew there were multiple other
opportunities to showcase his skill set, interest, and passion for the law.

Forage provided another opportunity to gain practical experience and

prepare for his application

The Latham & Watkins Emerging Companies program caught Julian’s attention as
a way to learn additional practical skills to prepare for his application, especially
considering that law school is often quite theoretical. “I thought it was cool they
had actual attorneys in the videos.

It was clear that the opportunity was there to just learn things… law school
doesn’t teach you how to be a practicing lawyer, so getting to learn about what
actual attorneys do is great”.
Julian felt fortunate to have had in-person internships throughout his degree,
however, reflects that Latham’s virtual experience programs are a really
important resource for students without experience.

“It’s great in showing you what the work is, learning the lingo and the terms that
are used – all the things that are so important when heading into a job interview.
You know what the practice areas are, and you have some idea about what the
person in the interview is asking you and talking about.”

Finally, the program further confirmed Julian’s interest in Latham. He recognized

the firm put in a lot of effort into the experience and felt they were genuinely
interested in helping students out.

A parting piece of advice to future students…

Julian recommends Forage programs to future students because “it gives you
exposure - and that is so important.”

He advocates students do everything they can to learn more about their area of
interest – this involves a combination of doing programs like those on Forage,
connecting with people in the industry, being involved at university, and learning
as much as possible to prepare.

A huge congratulations to Julian for being accepted as an incoming

Summer Associate at Latham in 2021!
Investment Banking Summer Analyst, Commerce and Law
Student from Sydney University

Covid-19 railroaded plans for work experience

As a penultimate university student, Tani could sum up 2020 as one that was
“filled with stress and anxiety” about getting relevant work experience and making
herself employable.

As Covid-19 railroaded her plans to find a winter internship program in finance,

she decided to look online for opportunities to keep her options open.

Seeking opportunities to upskill

Tani wasn’t sure what to expect from an online internship experience, but she
knew that it would be worth it if it helped her understand what investment
management actually involved and learn some practical skills along the way.
Needless to say, she got all of that in spades.

She soon found herself evaluating corporate bonds, charting yields, and making
portfolio recommendations on her findings and even researching, analysing, and
interpreting financial information for the international conglomerate LVMH.

“Forage had been recommended to me as a great starting point and I can

honestly say that my experience with the Future IM/Pact Virtual Experience
Program on Forage has opened so many doors for me.”

The first step to building a technical skillset

In addition to being able to do it from the comfort of her own home, the best part
of the virtual internship experience for Tani was the “work-at-your-own-pace”
approach to learning where she could complete the modules in her own time.
“Better yet, Future IM/Pact provided me with their recommended responses to
questions after I submitted my answers, so I could compare and reflect on my own
work before moving on to the next module.”

For Tani, completing the program cemented her keen interest in the
investment management space.

“Even if you’re uncertain, the Future IM/Pact Virtual Experience is a great way to
introduce yourself to the world of investment management. This experience made me
realise that the work involved in a role in investment management does genuinely
excite me.”

Once students complete the Future IM/Pact program, they’re invited to

networking sessions, mentoring circles, and one-on-one conversations with some
senior investment managers.

This provided Tani with further opportunities to learn and grow her skills and

The confidence to take a step in the right direction

“As university students, we live in a world where our experience and our
understanding of the companies and roles we’re applying for is potentially even
more important than our academic transcript and CV.”

Tani felt that leveraging the opportunity to undertake this non-exclusive virtual
experience was one of the best things she could’ve done to relieve her stress,
increase her confidence in her abilities, and take a step in the right direction.
Onose was over the moon when she was accepted as a
trainee solicitor with White & Case in the UK

Onose was over the moon when she was accepted as a future trainee solicitor
with White & Case in the UK (starting in 2022), though the pathway to becoming a
commercial lawyer was a time of self-discovery, growth, and hard work.

When she left school, Onose started her first degree as a Bachelor of
International Law and Diplomacy in Nigeria - it was during this time that she
discovered her passion for international affairs and development. Like any right of
passage, Onose spent her undergrad working casually, exploring her country
through volunteering, getting involved in university life, and focussing on her
studies. A wonderful time of life as a uni student! However, once she finished,
Onose left feeling a little underprepared for her next step on a professional level.

So, Onose needed to figure out how she could turn her interests into a
profession - haven’t we all been there?

That’s when she turned her attention to the idea of being an international
commercial lawyer - she realized this was the perfect way for her to have a global
focussed career and to contribute to economic and social development - a dream
combination in fact. The challenge lay in finding opportunities that would help her
achieve her goal to land a position in an international firm.

She was accepted into a Bachelor of Law program at the University of Leicester in
the UK, followed by a Masters of Law at the University College London.

She wanted to take control of her career and to find experiences to fill the gaps
on her resume. Onose started to be really proactive in finding opportunities, and
the need for more experience became increasingly evident as her applications for
legal internships were unsuccessful in the first year of her legal degree.
Onose completed a summer internship at a court of arbitration in Nigeria and
heard about the White & Case UK virtual experience program on Forage through
her university. She was already interested in applying for this firm and saw the
program as an opportunity to gain a broader picture of the organization. She also
completed the Latham & Watkins Mergers and Acquisitions virtual experience
program to further develop her corporate legal skillset.

Through the virtual experience programs, Onose learned some legal jargon and
terminology, challenged herself with new concepts in commercial law, and
became more confident that commercial law was the right path forward.

Although she thinks the real advantage lies in being able to see the connection
between the work a law firm does and its value proposition:
“Every instruction would tie back to the client, and it brought back to what the
firm says about being client-centric. So I could see that it was a really relevant and
applicable task rather than an abstract task.”

With real insight into White & Case through the experience program, Onose felt
she had more to write about and discuss during the application process as she
hadn’t simply heard about how the firm works, she had actually practiced their
approach to being client-focused. She feels the program contributed to helping
her achieve her position at the firm.

She encourages all students to be proactive in their careers and to take

advantage of the opportunities on Forage as a way to develop professionally and
personally. She left this final, heartwarming statement of advice for the Forage
community :)

“No one will be the author of your career path like you will be - so write the story
you want to see play out.”

Onose is a Master of Laws - LLM, International Commercial Law student at

University College London
Cliff networked with the Global Head of HR at General
Electric from the other side of the world

Cliff discovered an interest in Human Resources when working at Primark before

university - he was really impressed with how the HR coordinators organized the
team, ran the store, and fostered a positive experience for all staff.

He loved to help people and felt HR was a career that he could excel at – so he
decided to undertake a degree in Human Resource Management at the
University of Northampton.

To get some more practical experience, Cliff was looking forward to completing an
internship over the summer of 2020.

However... as is the familiar story of COVID...unfortunately, these opportunities

were cancelled, leaving Cliff feeling slightly panicked about what he could do

Cliff was thrilled by the opportunity to complete the General Electric HR program
on Forage.

For Cliff, the program provided him with the insight he needed into the HR
industry. In replicating real work, the tasks confirmed that he was pursuing the
right career and imparted useful skills for the workplace.

"One of the tasks was to help someone who was struggling with their confidence. As
someone who loves to help people, this program reinforced my love for HR."
Through his participation in the program - Cliff was invited to attend a networking
event with Imola Richards - Global Program Manager of HR Leadership Programs
at GE - where he had the unique and invaluable opportunity to ask questions
about the program and learn more about the HR field.

He loved that the program could be done from anywhere in his own time, and
has gone on to explore other programs to see what else he can learn.

Cliff has enjoyed the significant positive impact that the program has provided
him, allowing him to build professional connections within GE, and to confirm his
career trajectory while also upskilling.

Awesome work Cliff - both Forage and GE look forward to seeing where
your journey takes you!
Incoming Markets Summer Analyst at Citi Hong Kong,
Master of Finance Student at Tsinghua University

“My dream is to become a trader one day.”

During Jerry’s undergraduate studies in economics, he discovered a growing

interest in financial assets. He explained, “when I first approached economics, I
knew more about the macro and micro things about the economy.

Then, I found out that I am more interested in financial assets so I decided to get
a master’s degree in finance”. After starting his masters, an internship in portfolio
management let him explore his career interests further.

“I found myself liking short term durations so I figured that trading

would be the right fit for me”

After figuring out his particular interest in markets and trading, Jerry ran into a
problem. In order for him to truly know if trading was the right career fit for him,
Jerry needed to get practical work experience. However, he didn’t live in a major
financial hub.

The closest financial hub to Taiwan, his home, was Hong Kong, but how was he
going to get there? Although the pandemic hurt his job search due to the
decrease in opportunities, in a strange way, it also ended up helping him. The
pandemic facilitated a “new normal” in the world of corporations by expanding
virtual opportunities regardless of location.

The transition to virtual work allowed Jerry to gain experience in

markets and trading from home.

Jerry was recommended by a friend to try a virtual experience program with

Forage. He immediately decided to complete the Citi Markets (Sales and Trading)
virtual experience program.
His motivation lied in his desire to gain more experience to become a trader. “I
want to be a trader and to gain more practical experience.

The Citi Markets virtual program really gave me a lot of opportunities to learn
more about the function and character of the trading floor.”

“I just wanted to learn more about Citi and their culture”

Jerry appreciated the ability to explore his passions through the experience and
gain more insight into the culture of the company.

“I found the Citi virtual internship really clear, clean, and straightforward”. This
appealed to him as it gave him the chance to “learn about Citi’s culture, Citi’s
function on the trading floor, and technical skills”.

He was impressed by what he saw of Citi’s trading department culture while

taking the program which encouraged him to apply.

One of the major selling points that stuck out to him was the “videos that showed
me their culture and attracted me, because they have a lot of volunteer activities”.

He mentioned another appealing factor he witnessed through Citi’s program: “I

could see a lot of the great teamwork in Citi especially in the trading division”.

Citi’s collaborative and performance-oriented nature was something that Jerry

knew he wanted to be a part of.
The program confirmed Jerry’s interest in trading, and Citi’s culture
sealed the deal.

Jerry took the leap and applied to Citi’s Markets Summer Analyst program in Hong
Kong. The in-depth knowledge and insights Jerry gained from completing their
program helped prepare him for the application process and interviews.

In a way, it was Citi’s way of better teaching him exactly what he needed to know
to pass their application process. He was ecstatic to find out that Citi extended
him his dream internship offer to work in their Hong Kong Markets Division.

Jerry’s advice for students

For students like Jerry, who hope to get their dream job, he recommends utilizing
virtual experiences like Forage and talking to superiors to progress in your career.

He said, completing an experience, like the one he did with Citi, will “get you a lot
of practical experience” which is crucial to finding your career fit and standing out
as a candidate.
Mother of two uses Forage to stand out in the legal

As a mother of two, Natalie could not drop everything to pursue a traditional

internship. However, she needed legal work experience in order to make the
transition from psychology to law.

Natalie started her career off as a psychologist and worked in the field for many
years, often with victims of domestic abuse. Her desire to help ended up pushing
her towards law, because she wanted to do more and help them fight for justice.
To do so, she went back to school at Macquarie University for her Bachelor of Law

During her studies, she worked with Levy & W. as a Legal Clerk on top of working
full-time as a Witness Assistance Officer at the Office of the Director of Public
Prosecutions, but was still looking for ways to differentiate herself.

“I wanted to do something more that would make me stand out when applying
for jobs because the legal job market is very competitive”

Natalie found this opportunity to stand out through Forage. She completed the
Leo Cussen Human Rights Law Virtual Experience Program as it dealt with the
area of law she hoped to go into.

The opportunity fit perfectly with her life as she typically felt excluded from
traditional internships as she could not drop her life to accommodate them.
Forage allowed her to do everything on her own time.

For Natalie, “Forage was all about equity for me, it was something that made an
opportunity accessible to me that ordinarily would be off the table”.
Closing the learning gap between textbooks and real-life

The skills Natalie learned from the experience helped her grow and develop in
the legal field. From the program, she learned more about legal interpretation
and drafting in terms of the amount of detail needed in different types of legal
documents. The videos, reading materials, and model answers all provided her
with beneficial information for her career. Within the program, the refugee and
immigration law unit helped her to get a better understanding of the emotional
component of law and how to handle it.

Landing her dream job

Natalie claims the program, “helped me stand out a bit more” especially in a
sector as competitive as law. With the experience on her cover letter, she was
asked about it during interviews where it acted as an engaging talking point. For
example, in her interview with a law firm, she was able to use the program as a
way to connect with the employer as they have never heard of this type of
experience before. Thus, making her a more memorable candidate. Her hard
work paid off when she landed her dream job with Sydney Family Law Specialists
as a Family Lawyer.

“It’s good to get practical skills early”

Natalie urges students to try out different opportunities as early as possible in

their educational and professional careers to ensure they are on the right path.
Completing any type of professional experience or connecting with people in the
industries helps to have a clear idea of what you want to do in the future. Natalie
noted, “Forage was an invaluable opportunity” as it allowed her an accessible way
to experience different types of work while maintaining her busy schedule. It
worked for her in a way the typical recruiting process couldn't.
Arnav is an incoming Markets Summer Analyst at Citi Hong
Kong. He's an international Student studying Computer
Science Student at UCLA.

Applying to internships as an international student

As an international student in the US, Arnav became familiar with a special kind of
pain in the application process: the lack of transparency from employers who are
unwilling to hire international students who would need sponsorship in the

Time after time, Arnav would spend ages filling out an application only to get to
that dreaded last page asking him if he would need to be sponsored. He would
tick “yes”, and after submitting the application, he would immediately receive a
rejection email citing that he was not eligible. This issue motivated Arnav to look
for other ways to advance his career and get his foot in the door at companies
beyond the application process.

Advancing his career path

Despite being a computer science student, Arnav is very much interested in

working in finance. When he got to college, he decided to major in computer
science instead of finance to truly explore his career interests. He found that he
was equally interested in the tech world and wanted to find a way to do a mix of

From then on, he started taking opportunities alongside his education to

progress in his career and build his skillset. In 2019, he took on a position as a
Treasurer for his residence hall for a few months to gain some accounting
experience. Then, he began working as a tour guide for UCLA to work on his
communication and leadership skills.
When the pandemic hit, Arnav, like many others, had difficulties finding an
internship; however, he took matters into his own hands and decided to develop
a web-based platform with some of his friends to help high school students
navigate American college applications. In his experience, he found “there’s a lot
of expectations but not a lot of guidance on how to go about navigating college
applications for international students”. This project gave him experience in
building a product from the ground up, differentiating himself from other

Circling back to finance

Arnav started his internship search early in April 2020 and that continued after
the pandemic settled into the “new normal” and the new school year started in
the fall. He ended up shifting his focus from his summer project to focus more on
landing an internship. A Citi recruiter ended up giving him advice that the best
way for him to get his foot in the door was to complete Citi’s Market Division
(Sales and Trading) virtual experience program with Forage. As he did not have
direct experience working as a Markets Analyst, he said, “the pre-task content in
the experience was the best insight I could’ve gotten into being on a trading floor,
especially given the COVID-19 situation at the time”. The experience not only
helped him to upskill in this way but also provided him with valuable information
about Citi to give him an edge when applying.

Landing the internship offer

After completing the program, Arnav was surprised to hear from Citi recruiters
that they reviewed his work and invited him to an exclusive event where he got to
interact with Citi executives to learn more about their Markets division. “It was
incredible. Usually, recruiting events allow you to network with entry level
analysts, but this was different. I got to interact with senior employees in a small
group setting.”
Arnav listed many takeaways from the program that helped him get through the
rest of the application process.

“It prepared me better for going into interviews and superdays because I felt like I
knew more aptly the kind of things that take up someone on the trading floor’s
day…I could really tailor my responses for interviews and the questions I asked at
the end.”

In Arnav’s perspective, he felt like there was a higher reason for everything Citi
included in the program, as if they were telling students exactly what they need to
know to be successful in the interview and application process.

Ultimately, Arnav said that his biggest takeaway was “how to structure a morning
meeting presentation”, something he would have never learned without taking
the program. In the end, it was a no-brainer for him to accept Citi’s offer after the
positive experiences he had with them.

Arnav’s parting advice to students? Find the side doors

Arnav advises his fellow students who are looking for opportunities in their career
field to try untraditional ways to get through the recruiting process. He notes, “in
terms of recruiting, the more side doors you can find into the company, the
better.” Going to events hosted by the company or networking with someone at
the company will give you an edge in the recruiting process.

He says, “the lines are so much shorter through the side doors, therefore, you
have a better chance of getting hired.”

As someone who knows the pains of being an international student when looking
for an internship, Arnav highly encourages international students to find the side
doors and be open to opportunities outside of their host country.

Congratulations to Arnav on landing an offer with Citi!

Andrea is Incoming Markets Summer Analyst at Citi Hong

Seeking concrete work experience in the time of a pandemic

Andrea was looking forward to gaining some practical experience through an

internship over the summer of 2020. However, like many young people impacted
by the pandemic, the experience was cancelled - leaving Andrea without any
short-term objectives to accomplish.

He was on the lookout for other ways to upskill during the time before starting his
Masters in September 2020 when he learned about the Citi Markets Virtual
Experience Program. Luckily enough, the program was sent out by his university
from a former student who now worked at Citi in Hong Kong.

Andrea immediately saw the relevance and benefit of the program:

“I was interested because I didn’t have an internship at the time, and I wanted to
invest my time in doing something for my knowledge. I thought it was perfect -
the timing was perfect - because it was during summer and I could take my time
to complete it.”

Andrea immediately felt more prepared and informed

In his words, “[the program] gave me the visibility that I lacked”. Particularly, as a
student from a lesser known university in Southern Italy, Andrea only had a very
limited international exposure, and hadn’t had the opportunity to learn about
what an international career might look like. The program showcased the
interconnected and global nature of Citi and how that translated into a day-to-day
analyst role.
“Forage was really helpful, because it gave me the means to apply what I knew. I
had the desire to get involved in something concrete: Forage gave me that

When the recruitment season started, Andrea was concerned that his lack of
previous professional experience would hinder his ability to be accepted as an
intern with Citi. However, in completing the program, he was able to showcase
genuine interest to Citi, as well as demonstrate his skillset as a markets analyst:

“… the program showed that through the experience I wanted to test my

knowledge, I wanted to get involved… I liked the opportunity to demonstrate what
I was able to do, because I hadn’t any previous experience that clearly conveyed
this. I could show that I truly wanted to participate in an Morning Meeting, to talk
to a client about a specific product, and try to understand the impact of the
pandemic on trades. All in all, I think that the program really helped me to
demonstrate my passion for financial markets”.

The dedication to education shown by the Citi team was a stand out

In reviewing his work, the team at Citi could tell Andrea’s passion for finance and
his ability to perform in daily tasks of an analyst. Two months after completing the
program, he was invited to an exclusive event with senior members of the Citi
Markets team. Andrea was thrilled to have the opportunity to ask questions about
the program content and connect with the Citi team. He felt that this opportunity
would have been impossible without Forage, and that it helped him in his
application by adding unique insights on the business line.

Citi also stood out to Andrea as unique in how much the firm was giving back to
“I had an image in my mind of someone [at Citi] thinking about how to help
students who were facing a difficult time, how to solve this, and how to help them
identify a solution to demonstrate their passion for finance. All the other banks
just had a standard approach.”

When he was offered the position as a Markets Summer Analyst - Andrea had no
doubts in accepting. He was surprised and honoured:

“Given my background with my undergrad degree from the South of Italy, and
without previous experience, I was really honoured they had chosen me to take
part in a small group of students. They gave me the confidence, and opportunity
to start a true working experience.”

Before completing the program, Andrea had a broad idea that Citi was an
interesting company to work for. After the experience, he understood more
about what the role involved and what the company was like - reinforcing and
confirming his interest and desire to apply and accept.

Andrea also appreciates that the program enables Citi to make a more informed
decision about who to hire. The work submitted by students through the
program allows recruiters to see and assess ability beyond standardised testing
or what an applicant looks like ‘on paper’. Instead, through a series of video tasks,
the team at Citi could see originality, personality, and core communication skills.

Demonstrate your passion!

Andrea advises all future students to demonstrate their passion through virtual
experience programs - he sees them as the perfect opportunity to get involved
right from home, for free, in your own time. He says to believe in yourself - and
get involved!

Congratulations again Andrea for securing your position with Citi!

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