Communication in The 21 Century

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BS ECE 9:00-10:00 AM


Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life skills. It is what
enables us to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said to us. Communication
is our companion in dealing and facing our everyday life. We are using our language to communicate
to others. There is a different type also of communication that we can use effectively in talking to
someone that is far away with us. Social media becomes a necessity to each one on us because we
can communicate to others via online. We can access information especially when someone is needing
our answer through delivering and receiving messages. You only have to watch a baby listening
intently to its mother and trying to repeat the sounds that she makes to understand how fundamental
the urge is to communicate. Communication skills may take a lifetime to master if indeed anyone can
ever claim to have mastered them. There are, however, many things that you can do easily to
improve your communication skills and ensure that you are able to transmit and receive information
effectively. Through communication we learned many things. We can learn from our experiences and
that experiences happens with communication physically, verbally, socially, online, etc.

In my perception, communication is important in our society for us to be united and to

understand everybody who can socialize with us. Communication is the foundation for sharing
information between people to ensure that everything is understood and can be acted upon.
Communication is highly necessary for our society, as it is suite hard to imagine a life where there is
absolutely no communication. In fact, maybe it is not even possible to lead a life without
communication. So, we can surely say it is a most important aspect of our lives because it is only
through exchange of ideas and cooperation that a society can grow and develop. Through
communication, a beautiful society can grow, and it will maintain its peaceful and organized society by
the help of those people who is responsible to take care with their environment especially to their
barangays who gave loyalty, care and love on their community. Rules and regulations also are the
important information that many people in the society need to know. They will inform through
communication. As a result, this is the reason why communication is very important in the society.

Communication skills are essential and can make you a good citizen because communication is
the key to success and understanding of all people in any aspect whether business, technology,
politics, or career. Those speakers and the honored person that has right to speak in front of many
people to deliver information is a person with great communication skills because he can diverse
themselves to give facts and ideas to the receiver or listener. A wise person who communicates
effectively can get what he wants. Having strong communication skills aids in all aspects of life from
professional life to personal life and everything that falls in between. This communication skills also
are needed in finding a job, it can help you to apply easily with their company especially when you are
good in speaking while you are asking for your job interview. Communication skills are needed to
speak appropriately with a wide variety of people whilst maintaining good eye contact, demonstrate a
varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen effectively, present your ideas
appropriately, write clearly and concisely, and work well in a group. Many of these are essential skills
that most employers seek.

When there is communication breakdown, the message may misunderstand of the receiver and
that is what we mean, and the message will be destroy because the message main purpose was
unsuccessful. The message or information that needs to convey will be destroy. Communication
breakdown causes misunderstandings, disagreements, hurt feelings, and can end in destroyed
relationships on personal and professional level. It is hard to get information from others and you can
experience difficulties to talk and communicate with him/her. The conversation will be interrupt with
those communication hindrances or what we called barriers.

We are teaching a way of experiencing the world, a way of ordering and making sense of it. What
the environment gives or what we encounter/experience in our daily lives, either positive or negative,
we take it into heart, reflect upon it and learn from it. There is a quotation saying that "Experience is
the best teacher", and I agree on that. I discovered that all our experiences will be the guide for us to
teach our mind and ourselves to conquer all the problems and challenges in our life. We learned from
our mistakes and we realize something in every move we take. In the composition classroom, this
means that instructors provide students with techniques to discover knowledge and to create and
express their understanding of that knowledge.

Written communication involves any type of interaction that makes use of the written word.
Communication is a key to any endeavor involving more than one person. Communicating through
writing is essential in the modern world and is becoming more. So, as we participate in what is now
commonly called the information age. It is true that communication is also happens sometimes
through writing. Compare from the past, online gadgets and social media are not trends for them to
use so the tendency is to write using pens and paper and bring it to the post office to send their
message through messenger.


Based on my dissertation, ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves

systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior”. And that was
literally true. Ethics is in ourselves since we have a conscious in this world. It is concerned with what
is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy. We can use ethics in
communication base on our personal behavior. Through that we can create a good conversation with
the other people who we are talking with. We can distinguish things on what we need to do and do
not need to do. Also, it makes us question communication and observes not only what drives us to do
what we do but what drives the other person in a communication situation as well. Ethics determines
how we enter situations, react to events, and ultimately carry out our daily routines. As children, we
all learn the basic mannerisms that we should abide by including stealing, cheating, and lying when
we should be learning what standard ethics are like morals, values, and beliefs.

As I have grown, I have gained insight on some of the standard ethical ways to communicate,
which is what lead me to ask how to do we use ethical and unethical communications in everyday life
and why do we use them I think there should be ethics in communication for him to convey the right
message to another. In terms of businesses, we are also do this thing because communication ethics
is an integral part of the decision-making process in an organization. Being ethical means acting
under the principles of morality or acting in good moral standards. It is important to communicate
ethically today because most people are losing sight of what is right and what hurts other people.
Other than that, there is also the thing of giving respect and being a respectable human being.
Employees need to be trained on the importance of ethics in decision making to get rid of the blame
game factor when wrong choices are made. The working place has changed, and the employees have
become more independent in the decision-making process. Having a good communication inside the
company will results better at the end.

I think the problem that is possible to arise when people are not ethical in their communication
practices is the behavior of them that will be affected in such issues. When emotions and culture are
taken into consideration, the dignity and value of the receiver will be uplifted. Sometimes, due to
unethical communication the message to be delivered could be misinterpreted. When regular people
do not use good manners when communicating, anything from an argument to a physical fight can
happen. When political leaders from different countries do the same thing, the effects may be would
be worse, from severing diplomatic ties, sanctions, trade wars even military conflicts.

In my opinion, unethical communication will affect the quality of all communication, and
consequently the well-being of individuals and the society in which we live because it is negative vibes
in having a good communication. It will bring a problem and disadvantage behind your conversation
with others. We should always consider the possible effects of having unethical in communicating with
others. Ethics serve as a guide to moral daily living and helps us to judge whether our behavior can
be justified. Ethics refers to society's sense of the right way of living our daily lives. It does this by
establishing rules, principles, and values on which we can base our right conduct, so if we are
opposite on this statement unethical will happens and it affects not only you but also other people
especially in one organization. Unethical communication threatens the quality of all human
communication and consequently the well-being of individuals and the society in which we live in
because it hinders the right way on how to resolve conflicts. Unethical behavior has serious
consequences for both individuals and organizations. You can lose your job and reputation,
organizations can lose their credibility, general morale and productivity can decline, or the behavior
can result in significant fines and/or financial loss. To sum up, look for the positive communication,
understand the consequences, in the end we build our strong communication towards others.,be%20delivered%20could%20be%20misinterpreted.,sanctions%2C%20tradewars

Is it important to be ethical in communicating today because in present days, all people need to
be practical? Practical in showing their good personality and doing good morals and behavior towards
other for having an ethical communication. Being ethical means acting under the principles of morality
or acting in good moral standards. It is important to communicate ethically today because most
people are losing sight of what is right and what hurts other people. Other than that, there is also the
thing of giving respect and being a respectable human being. Ethically communicating assumes the
speaker will avoid rudeness, be polite and professional, and have tact. The ethical communicator
knows that it is not only important what you say, but how you say it. Tone is one of the most critical
facets of communication. Ethical communicateon is how express your feelings and thoughts to the
person you've talk.

Honesty is still valued as a virtue by people to this day. Honesty is the quality of being truthful
and sincere. No matter how much wealth he/she possess or qualifications he/she has acquired, if a
person has wisdom, he/she is loved and respected by all. Thus, it can be rightly said that “honesty is
a timeless policy” Until these present days, being honest is in demand to all of us Filipino because we
need to teach ourselves in doing good attitude and practicing in having a proper behavior.

In fact, every politician communicates with the ethical manner, even all of us, when we
communicate to other were just being kind, good or etc. that lead us to have a good communication.
In politicians, they always use a political manner to encourage us or to show that they are an
educated politician. Judging from the way many of them speak these days, politicians seem totally
oblivious to what the world thinks about them and how they communicate. They are always totally
consumed by their quest to win or retain political power, that the world could well go to hell with
whatever opinions it holds about them and their manner of communicating. The obvious answer
would be our president, who, every time he opens his mouth, the truth is categorically eviscerated.
Communication used to improve interpersonal relations or to bring moral changes to society is ethical
communication. And I think, those politicians today are ethical in communicating because they are the
leader or the honored person that will handle very important information that would pass and deliver
with their netizens. Also, politicians, are the one who will decide ethically such ideas to implement to

For us, people are the one comes in my mind first when it talks about violating the ethics of
communication because some people communicate in unethical manner because it helps them get
what they want. And they might believe that this unethical way is the easiest, the fastest or even the
only way to get what they want. Sometimes people know that they are not ethical when they do what
they do, other times they do not. Some people abuse others and through that we can see the
unethical communication base on their actions and how can they talk towards to others. They are
communicating in unethical manners because people now are always following their wants, so that
they are buying some luxury things without any ethical decision-making. They only want to pleasure
themselves by giving and following what they want to do. So that they are using unethical
communication just because for this.

If a person doing unethical things there is a consequence behind it and like as the unethical
communication also have consequences, maybe it affects your personal feelings and the organization
you are belong to. Being ethical means acting under the principles of morality or acting in good moral
standards. You can lose your job and reputation, organizations can lose their credibility, general
morale and productivity can decline, or the behavior can result in significant fines and/or financial loss
in terms of business. A problem arises there, and you and your co-workers will not understand each
other and even the flows of the information in the company you are belonged to was ruin and do not
delivers efficiently.,Being%20ethical%20means%20acting%20under%20the

Based on the article (1986), nearly 2000 years ago, English did not exist then after 500 years
later, some people are currently speaking it. After a nearly thousand year, it became native speech of
5 to 7 million people. It became the second language in several countries like India, Nigeria, and
Singapore. English is become a vital language to some countries. It becomes the solution to
communicate more specially in the other countries like when we are trading or having some scientific
progress. English become the prominent language in world where it has been using in many things
not only in speaking but also in writing like in literatures and the example of it is when it uses in some
poets and the creation also of English dictionaries. People can now more explore both geographically
and socially. And that is because of the English language. English owes its language development to
its roots and history in Europe, when it was interacting with other countries, peoples, and languages.
Many words and concepts we have in English come from older languages such as Latin or Greek.
Thus, my opinion seeks that it would say that it is the environment and actual condition of the people
who use the language, meaning that immigrating and forming a colony in another continent was a
good venture for British citizens. And that after they declared independence, they had a continent
that was largely uncontested, free from conflicts, and very spacious to develop what government they
believed will become independent and powerful. This resource benefit and safety from foreign
conflicts insulated Americans for many centuries, allowed them to develop infrastructure and society,
and when they were called into world wars, were already defended, and could send troops and
resources overseas. This gave Americans much confidence, and the U.S. History shows that
presidents and congressional leaders decided to be more active in international bodies, engaged with
foreign conflicts, and seeking to set up international government.

That objective led to English taking great responsibility among countries that wanted to join
that international government and required translators to understand what English people were
saying. English language is the core of the Filipino people’s ability to go global. It improved many lives
and generations of Filipinos because an English language speaker can do more than stay at home and
do household tasks or be the keeper of the family business while those who can speak and
understand the language can be the negotiators or be able to travel and work typically anywhere.
While speaking and understanding the language is only part of a competency to any skill or form of
knowledge, then that is when we can say that the English language speaking Filipinos are a few steps
ahead in reaching the ladder of their dream stars. Therefore, the special role of the English language
in the Philippines is that it helped enrich the country with more valuable assets which is the people

McCrum says that "we should not talk of English but of many Englishes" because the English
language usage spans across multiple nations. Thus, when you plan on migrating to a country, you
ought to learn what specific kind of English language they speak. If we talk about the English that the
English speak, then it is not different English languages but the different local accents, for example:
Mancunian (or Manc) is the accent and dialect spoken in Manchester.

(1986, 09 07). Retrieved from

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