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(page 15- EBW book- Activity J)

understand when to use a comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), and apostrophe (‘).
Write a business letter using the three steps of prewriting, writing, and revising.

Activity J-a

How well do you know your writing abilities?

Before you begin, take a minute to asses your writing style. You may discover that you know a
lot more than you think, or you may discover specific areas where you need to improve. Either
way, this exercise will help you assess your writing ability. Read each statement and mark the
response that applies to you.

Yes no I don’t know

1. I keep my readers’ perspective in mind when I’m X
2. I have no problem with the basics: grammar, X
spelling, and punctuation.
3. I know the difference between active and passive X
4. I try to choose simple words to communicate X
5. I make it a point to state clearly the specific X
purpose of my letters or memos.
6. I ruthlessly edit everything I write. X
7. I’m confident I can communicate persuasively X

Activity J-b

Pair up and talk about your strengths and weaknesses in writing.

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