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SEMESTER: 2020/21.2 (2021.1)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4131/Sociolinguistics
Tugas :2

No. Soal
1. a. Write down on your own words!
1) What is language related to dialect?
2) What is dialect?

b. Write down the differences between language and dialect!

2. Fill in the blank the words of British and American, examples are given below

1 flat apartment
2 trousers pants
3 ......... soccer
4 shop ...........
5 ......... drugstore
6 biscuit .........
7 .......... soda
8 holiday ..........
9 .......... truck
10 tyre ..........
11 ........... mailbox
12 colour ........
13 ............ catalog
14 offence ...........
15 .......... fries
16 Litre .........
17 ......... favor
18 tap ........
19 .......... cookie
20 aeroplane ..........
21 .......... line
22 nappy ..........

*) Coret yang tidak perlu

3. a. Explain the meaning of language variation and each example!

b. Explain the meaning of nature, culture, and language

4. Explain the process of language variation!

5. Write down on your own words the differences of some aspects of language variation!

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