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Fitriana Putri Anggraini/6411420034

Answer the following question according to the report text reading on “Obesity”
1. Can you find the definition of obesity? Please mention
Yes i can, Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poorer mental
health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death in the U.S. and
worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.

2. What does the text discuss about?

This text discuss about the factory that influence obesity. Such as Behavier,
Community environment, Genetic.

3. What is the propose of the “Obesity” text?

Propose of the teks is to infrom readers about the factory influence obesity.

4. Mention some of the following in the text…

a. General nouns
• Obesity is a complex health issue to address.
• Obesity results from a combination of causes and contributing factors,
including individual factors such as behavior and genetics.
• Healthy behaviors include a healthy diet pattern and regular physical
• Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poorer mental
health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death in
the U.S. and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some
types of cancer.
• Energy balance of the number of calories consumed from foods and
beverages with the number of calories the body uses for activity plays a
role in preventing excess weight gain.
• Community, home, child care, school, health care, and workplace settings
can all influence people’s daily behaviors.
• People and families may make decisionsbased on their environment or
b. Relating verbs
• Obesity is a complex health issue to address.
• Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poorer mental
health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death in
the U.S. and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some
types of cancer.
• Having a healthy diet pattern and regular physical activity is also important
for long term health benefits and prevention of chronic diseases such as
Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
• Therefore, it is important to create environments in these locations that
make it easier to engage in physical activity and eat a healthy diet.
• Genes give the body instructions for responding to changes in its
• Studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to
obesity by increasing hunger and food intake.
• Rarely, a clear pattern of inherited obesity within a family is caused by a
specific variant of a single gene (monogenic obesity).
c. Action verbs
• Behaviors can include dietary patterns, physical activity, inactivity,
medication use, and other exposures.
• Energy balance of the number of calories consumed from foods and
beverages with the number of calories the body uses for activity plays a
role in preventing excess weight gain.1,2 A healthy diet pattern follows the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans which emphasizes eating whole grains,
fruits, vegetables, lean protein, low-fat and fat-free dairy products and
drinking water.
• The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends adults do at
least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous
intensity activity, or a combination of both, along with 2 days of strength
training per week.
• People and families may make decisions based on their environment or
• Learn about strategies for a Healthy Food Environment and strategies to
improve the environment to make it easier to be physically active.
• Nevertheless, the variation in how people respond to the environment that
promotes physical inactivity and intake of high-calorie foods suggests that
genes do play a role in the development of obesity.
• Studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to
obesity by increasing hunger and food intake.
d. Timeline present tenses
• The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends adults do at
least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous
intensity activity, or a combination of both, along with 2 days of strength
training per week.

e. Technical terms

• Healthy behaviors include a healthy diet pattern and regular physical

• Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poorer mental
health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death in
the U.S. and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some
types of cancer
• Having a healthy diet pattern and regular physical activity is also important
for long term health benefits and prevention of chronic diseases such as
Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

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