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Verb to be – Present x Past ……………...…...…………………P. 03

Numerals …………………………………...…...………………….P. 05
Genetive Case (‘s) …………………………..…………………….P. 07
Nouns …………………………………………..…………………...P. 10
Pronouns ………………………………………..………………….P. 13
Articles ……………………………………………..……………….P. 12
Quantifiers …..…………………………………….………….…….P. 16
Adjectives x Adverbs ………………………….....………………P. 22
Prepositions ………………………………………..………………P. 30
Simple Present ……………………………………..……………...P. 38
Past Simple – Regular Verbs ..…………………..……………...P. 39
Simple Past – Irregular Verbs …………………….……………..P. 43
Past Continuous …………………………………….…………….P. 48
Past Continuous x Simple Past ………………….……………..P. 49
Connectors ……………………………………………..…………..P. 50
Future (Will x Be Going To) …………………………..………….P. 55
There be (Fut.) …………………………………………….……….P. 58
Imperative Form ………………………………………….………..P. 62
Present Continuous ……………………………………….……...P. 64
Text Comprehension – Techniques …………………….……...P. 67
False Friends ………………………………………………….……P. 68
Aprofundamento – Interpretação ................…………………..P. 73

Verb to be – Present x Past

O verb be é equivalente aos nossos verbos ser/estar, portanto um verbo de ligação. Ele
pode ser o verbo principal em uma oração ou um verbo auxiliar. Neste módulo, veremos
sua função como verbo principal.

Present Past
I am
She, He, It is was
are were

 Na afirmativa, o sujeito vem na frente do verbo.

She is a high school principal, but she was an English teacher for years.
The journey was fantastic, we are so excited about that now!

 Para formarmos a interrogativa, invertemos a posição de sujeito e verbo.

Are they in the living room? / Is it a beautiful day?

Was the TV show interesting? / Were you together that night?

 Para fazer a negativa, acrescentamos o NOT.

The books were not in the classroom. / I am not a tall woman. / The ipad is not cheap.

 Podemos utilizar a forma contraída dos verbos (short form), porém na afimativa
somente contraímos o PRESENTE, nunca o PASSADO.

Afirmativa (presente):
I’m 18 years old and I’m Brazilian. (am = ’m)
They’re interested in soccer. (are = ‘re)
He’s early for school this morning. (is = ‘s)

Negativa (presente e passado):

(Não contraímos AM na negativa. = I’m not Australian.)
My brother isn't very tall. (is not = isn’t)
We aren't ready for the game. (are not = aren’t)
Those printers weren't on the table. (were not = weren’t)
The weather wasn’t nice last night. (was not = wasn’t)

 Complete the sentences with the present or past form of the verb be:

a) The weather ___________ nice today, but yesterday it ____________ veru cold.

b) Where _____you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?

c) Don’t buy this shoes. They __________ very expensive.

d) “Where _____________ the children?” “ I don’t know. They __________ in the garden
ten minutes ago.”

e) I like your jacket. __________ is expensive?

f) John ______ in New York the day before yesterday but he ______ in Chicago today.

g) They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.

h) Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______ Sunday.

i) Where ______ the Johnsons last weekend? Where ______ they today?

j) The elevator ______ out of order last night, but it ______ working well now.

k) John ______ in the office(negative) at ten this morning because he ______ at a meeting.

l) Bob ______ very sick yesterday, but he ______ much better today.


1. (EEAR – 2016 - Adaptada)

Did you remember it’s April Fools Day today? My sister loves playing jokes. At breakfast,
she said, “Robert and I _______ going to Elope!”
Select the alternative that fills in the blank in the text.
a) have
b) am
c) are
d) is

2. (EEAR - 2008) An umbrella __________ a very ordinary object.
– Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the Paragraph:
a) is c) weren’t
b) were d) are

3. (ITA) Who ______ that handsome young man and his friend?
a) is
b) was
c) wasn’t
d) isn’t
e) are

4. (EEAR) Choose the best alternative to answer the question below:

Are you a pilot?
a) No, we are.
b) Yes, you are.
c) No, I am not.
d) Yes, I weren’t.

5. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

A - Where __________ you from?

B - __________ from Australia, from Darwin.
A - Where`s Darwin? _________ it near Sydney?
B - No, it ________. It`s in the north.
A - ________ it nice?
B - Yes, it ________. It`s beautiful.

a) do – It`s – Are – are – Is – is

b) are – I`m – Is – isn`t – Is - is
c) am – I´m – Are – aren`t – Is – is
d) are – You`re – Is – Is – isn`t – i

6. (UEL - Adaptada) The point __________ exactly where you ________ now.
a) are - is
b) is - is
c) is – are
d) are – are
e) there is – there are

Gabarito: 1. C, 2. A, 3. E, 4. C, 5. B, 6. C.

Os números cardinais (one, two, three, etc.) se referem a quantidade, enquanto os

números ordinais (first, second, third, etc.) se referem a distribuição.
Número Cardinal Ordinal

1 one first

2 two second

3 three third

4 four fourth

5 five fifth

6 six sixth

7 seven seventh

8 eight eighth

9 nine ninth

10 ten tenth

11 eleven eleventh

12 twelve twelfth

13 thirteen thirteenth

14 fourteen fourteenth

15 fifteen fifteenth

16 sixteen sixteenth

17 seventeen seventeenth

18 eighteen eighteenth

19 nineteen nineteenth

20 twenty twentieth

21 twenty-one twenty-first

22 twenty-two twenty-second

23 twenty-three twenty-third
Número Cardinal Ordinal

24 twenty-four twenty-fourth

25 twenty-five twenty-fifth

26 twenty-six twenty-sixth

27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh

28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth

29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth

30 thirty thirtieth

31 thirty-one thirty-first

40 forty fortieth

50 fifty fiftieth

60 sixty sixtieth

70 seventy seventieth

80 eighty eightieth

90 ninety ninetieth

100 one hundred hundredth

500 five hundred five hundredth

1,000 one thousand thousandth

1,500 one thousand five hundred ou one thousand five

fifteen hundred hundredth

100,000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth

1,000,000 one million millionth

 There are twenty-five people in the room.
 He was the fourteenth person to win the award.
 Six hundred thousand people were left homeless after the earthquake.
 I must have asked you twenty times to be quiet.
 He went to Israel for the third time this year.
Frações em Inglês
Em inglês, expressamos oralmente uma fração utilizando cardinais nos numeradores e
ordinais nos denominadores.

Forma escrita Forma oral

1/3 one third

3/4 three fourths

5/6 five sixths

1/2 one half

3/2 three halves

Porcentagens em Inglês
Forma escrita Forma oral

5% five percent

25% twenty-five percent

36.25% thirty-six point two five percent

100% one hundred percent

400% four hundred percent


Read the text and answer question(s).

The Phoenix airport has introduced new technology that can see through a person's
clothes. The new machine costs $100,000 to make and is designed to find out if a
passenger is carrying a weapon or explosives. Critics of the new X-Ray scanner, however,
say it takes away a person's privacy.

(adapted from

1. (Eear 2019) The number 100,000, in bold in the text, is expressed in words as
a) a million
b) one hundred
c) one thousand
d) a hundred thousand

2. (G1 1996) Write these dates as you say them.

1. August 4th 1952.


2. May 21st 1810.


3. February 12th 1995.


4. October 30th 1996.


3. (G1 1996) Write about your daily routine.

a) I usually get up at__________. I__________ breakfast at__________.
b) I__________ to school in the__________ and I__________ home at__________.
c) I do my homework at__________ and sometimes I___________ TV.
d) I usually__________ __________ bed at__________.

4. (G1 1996) What time is it? Write the time.

a) 7:30 It's

b) 8:15 It's

c) 4:00 It's

d) 6:45 It's

e) 12:00 It's

Resposta da questão 1: [D]
A alternativa [D] está correta, pois o número é cem (hundred) mil (thousand).

Resposta da questão 2:
1. August, fourth, nineteen-fifty-two.
2. May, twenty-first, eighteenth-ten.
3. February, twelfth, nineteen-ninety-five.
4. October, thirtieth, nineteen-ninety-six.
Resposta da questão 3:
a) I usually get up at SEVEN. I HAVE breakfast at TEN PAST SEVEN.
b) I GO to school in the MORNING and I COME BACK home at ONE P.M.
c) I do my homework at THREE and sometimes I WATCH TV.
d) I usually GO TO bed at 9 O'CLOCK.

Resposta da questão 4:
a) half past seven.
b) fifteen past eight.
c) four o'clock.
d) fifteen to seven.
e) twelve o'clock.

Nouns são os substantivos em inglês e agem como sujeito ou objeto de uma frase.

 Gender:
Os substantivos em ingles não variam em gênero. Exemplo:
She is a doctor. He is a doctor.
Porém, existem alguns substantivos (nouns) que tem formas diferentes para feminino e
masculino. Seguem alguns exemplos:
actor/actress man/woman brother/sister
waiter/waitress gentleman/lady son/daughter
prince/princess uncle/aunt nephew/niece
king/queen father/mother etc.
boy/girl grandfather/grandmother

 Plural
Existem nomes que são contáveis (cadeira, bola, espelho) e nomes que são incontáveis
(tempo, dinheiro, clima). Neste módulo, focaremos nos nomes contáveis e seus plurais.
Em inglês, temos plural regular e irregular.

Plural Regular
As palavras que são plurarizadas com S pertencem a esse grupo.
1 dog – 2 dogs
1 egg – 2 eggs
1 bed – 2 beds
1 air conditioner – 2 air conditioners

Porém, existem regras para algumas dessas palavras:

o Terminadas em: consoante + Y  retiramos o Y e adicionamos IES
activity - activities
strawberry – strawberries
study – studies

o Terminados em: s, sh, ch, x, z: adicionamos ES

bus – buses fox - foxes
brush – brushes blitz - blitzes
church – churches

 Existe uma exceção: quando o /ch/ é pronunciado como /k/:

stomach – stomachs
monarch – monarchs

o Terminados em F ou FE: retiramos F/FE adicionamos VES

knife – knives
wife – wives
half – halves
wolf – wolves

 Existem algumas exceções a esta regra. Alguns exemplos: chief – chiefs, safe –
safes, chef – chefs, belief – beliefs.

 Nouns que terminam em FF também não se aplicam a esta regra. Exemplos: sheriff
- sheriffs, handcuff - handcuffs, etc.
o Terminados em O: como regra geral, adicionamos ES
tomato – tomatoes
potato – potatoes
hero – heroes
mosquito – mosquitões

 Se tivermos uma vogal antes do O, adicionamos apenas S

studio – studios
zoo – zoos
video – vídeos

 Existem algumas palavras que não utilizamos ES no final. Seguem alguns

photo – photos
kilo – kilos
avocado – avocados
piano – pianos

 Existem palavras que podem ser pluralizadas com S ou com ES:

volcano – volcanos or volcanoes
cargo – cargos or cargoes
mango – mangos or mangoes
motto – mottos or mottoes

Plural Irregular
Palavras que mudam sua forma. Nestes casos, não existe uma regra; existe uma lista e é
necessário que ela seja memorizada. Alguns exemplos:

child – children fish – fish

mouse – mice sheep – sheep
person – people tooth – teeth
man – men foot – feet
woman – women goose – geese


 Complete the text using the words in their plural form:

[...] Linguistic - using ___________ (word) effectively. These ____________ (learner) like
reading, taking notes in their ________ (class), making up poetry or ___________(story).
Interpersonal - understanding, interacting with others. These ______________ (student)
learn through interaction. They like group ___________ (activity), ____________ (seminar),
__________ (debate), _________ (interview). Logical-Mathematical - reasoning,
calculating. __________ (Person) who excel in this intelligence like to experiment, solve
____________ (puzzle) play with logic __________ (game), read about ___________
(investigation), and solve ___________ (mystery).

 Write the plural:

1. tree -
2. dress -
3. child -
4. fish -
5. mouse -
6. people -
7. man -
8. foot -
9. sheep -
10. knife -
11. strawberry -
12. holiday -
13. city -
14. address -
15. housewife -

Personal Pronouns – Subject and Object

Utilizamos os pronouns para substituir um ou mais nomes em um texto. Este(s) nome(s)

pode(m) ter sido citado(s) no texto anteriormente ou não.

Subject Pronoun Object Pronouns

- Utilizado antes de verbos, com função de - Utilizado depois de verbos e
sujeito. preposições, com função de
I (eu) me
Singular She (ela), He (ele), It (ela/ele)* Her, him, it
You (você) you
We (nós) us
Plural They (eles/elas) them
You (vocês) you

 IT – utilizado para falar sobre coisas, países, animais.

 YOU – não difere em sua forma singular e plural.
 THEY – não se difere em gênero. Se não houver certeza se estamos falando de
um homem ou uma mulher, utilizamos THEY.


This is Jack. He’s my brother. I don’t think you have met him.
Subj.– antes do verbo. Subj. – antes do verbo Obj. – depois do verbo.

Talk to a friend. Ask them to help you.

Obj. – depois do verbo

You could go to a doctor. They might help you.

She is waiting for me. Obj. – Depois de prep.
Possessives – Possessive Adjective x Possessive Pronoun
A forma mais comum de indicar posse em inglês é por meio dos Possessive Adjectives
(my, your, etc.). Eles são chamados assim pois modificam o nome, da mesma forma que
um adjetivo. Você pode falar que o carro é azul ou grande. Mas pode falar também que o
carro é seu. Exemplo:
This is my car.

 Os Possessive Adjectives irão sempre vir a frente do substantivo.

Possessive Adjectives
I This is my brother.
She That’s her dictionary.
He His name is Kevin.
It The cat is playing with its ball.
You (sing.) Is that your newspaper?
We Our car is broken
You (plu.) Kids, don’t forget to drink your juice.
They Their grandmother is in the garden.

Temos também a possibilidade de utilizar um Possessive Pronouns para substituir algo

que já foi mencionado no contexto. Se eu pergunto: “de quem é aquele carro?” não é
necessário alguém responder “o carro é meu”, pois, no contexto, todos sabemos de que
objeto estamos falando. Neste caso, utilizamos um pronome para substituir um nome.

 Os possessive pronouns não acompanham substantivos (pois eles o


Possessive Pronouns
I Stay at your home, and I stay at mine. (my home = mine)
She My camera is broken, so I’m going to use hers. (her camera = hers)
He This is not my problem. It’s his. (his problem = his)
It Look for vulnerabilities—its and ours (its vulnerability = its) *não
muito utilizado como possessive pronoun.
You (sing.) That’s not my book. It’s yours. (your book = yours)
We He’s is a friend of ours.
You (plu.) I forgot my notebook and you forgot yours. (your notebooks = yours)
They That’s not their house. Theirs is blue. (their house = theirs)

 Complete with the correct pronoun (subject or object pronoun):

a) Sandy and ___ are going to the café.

( )I ( ) me ( )she ( ) her

b )These are your sister’s paintings. ___ are very good.

( ) She ( ) Her ( ) They ( ) them

c) The invitation was for Jane and ___

( )I ( ) me

d) Listen, here's my number. Call ___ if you need any help.

( )I ( ) me

e) Don't worry, he's a bit strange sometimes. Just ignore ___

( ) He ( ) him ( )she ( ) her

f) She is taller than ___ is.

( ) He ( ) him

 Choose the right word

a) It’s their/theirs problem, not your/yours.

b) This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours?
c) That’s not my/mine umbrella. My/Mine is blue.
d) Whose books are these? Your/Yours or my/mine?
e) Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
f) Our/ours room is bigger than her/hers.
g) I’m going out with a friend of my/mine.
h) So yo know those people? Are they friend of your/yours?

 Complete with Possessive Pronouns or Possessive Adjectives:

a) Where are my keys? = Where are ___________?
b) ”I can’t find my pen. Can I use __________?” “Yes, of course!”
c) I’m calling to John, but he doesn’t answer _________ calls.
d) Some people talk about ___________ jobs all the time.

1. (EPCAR – 2018) “Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the
world” (lines 2 and 3). The highlighted words can be substituted for _____.
a) them
b) theirs
c) their
d) they

2. (CBM-BA – 2017 - ADAPTADA) Chosse the option with the correct pronouns:

I. I need to see the doctor. I’ll call ____ to make an appointment.

II. Pancreatic cancer is the 4th overall cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S.
because ____ is relatively symptom-free in the early stages.
III. My grandfather has always believed that a strict diet and daily exercise help avoid
diseases. It seems to work for ____. _____ is 80 and healthy.
IV. Dr. Jack created a test to diagnose pancreatic cancer more quickly. _____ detects
an abnormal protein that’s an indicator of the disease.
Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e respectivamente as lacunas.

a) her - it - him/He - it
b) she - it - him/He - it
c) her - he - him/He - it
d) her - it - he/Him - it
e) her - it - him/He - he

3. (EsPCEx – 2015) Choose the correct option to complete the text.

“Lily is worried about her boyfriend, Jamie. She calls _______ every day, but he doesn´t call
_______. When she wants to talk to Jamie, _______ always says he`s busy. She waits for
_______ after work, but he`s usually with some friends. Jamie`s friends don`t like Lily, and
she doesn`t like _______. Lily says hello, but _______ won`t look at her. Now she knows
that Jamie doesn`t love _______. But she`s happy because she knows that _______ can
find a new boyfriend.”

a) him – her – she – he – they – they – her – she

b) he – she – they – her – he – he – them – he
c) him – her – he – him – them – they – her – she
d) her – he – his – she – she – them – she – them

4. (EsSEx – 2009) I gave ____ a book for his birthday.

a) her
b) he
c) him
d) his
5. (EPCAR – 2015) In the sentence, “Many countries have organized campaigns to make
adults and children informed of its dangers.” (lines 29-30), the underlined expressions can
be substituted for
a) it – they.
b) they – it.
c) they – them.
d) them – they.

6. (EsFCEx – 2009) Choose the answer that appropriately completes the sentence: “Maria
wants to talk to me but I don’t want to talk to ____.”
a) she
b) he
c) her
d) hers
e) him

7. (EEAR – 2010)
A place of superlatives
Antarctica is a place of superlatives: it is the coldest, windest, driest, highest and most
remote continet on earth. The continent’s large mass of snow and ice contains around 85
percent of all freshwater in the world. The first tourists to reach it arrived in 1957.
Nowadays, the variety of Antarctica travel itineraries, activities and prices is wider than ever
“it”, underlined in the text, refers to
a) Antarctica.
b) freshwater.
c) place.
d) 1957.

Gabarito: 1. A, 2. A, 3. C, 4. C, 5. C, 6. C, 7. A.

Pronouns: Reflexive and Reciprocal

● Reflexive Pronouns - Quando o sujeito e o objeto da ação são iguais. Observe:

I cut my finger. (eu cortei meu próprio dedo. Sendo assim) = I cut myself (eu cortei a mim

Observe mais exemplos:

I looked at myself in the mirror. I enjoyed myself at the movies.

Personal Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns


My mother was talking to herself when I got home.
He cooked the dinner himself.
We were studying by ourselves.
The kids cleaned the house themselves.
Are you going to do it yourself? (singular)
You are going to do it yourselves. (plural)

Podemos, também, utilizar o pronome reflexivo para:

● enfatizar que o sujeito pratica a ação por ele mesmo.

She lives by herself in that huge house.

She walked home by herself.

● dar ênfase ao sujeito ou ao objeto na frase.

I liked the book itself.

Vinhedo itself is a small town.
Hitler poisoned his dog himself.

Temos também expressões idiomáticas com os pronomes

Enjoy yourself Behave yourself
Spread yourself to thin Help yourself

Quando NÃO usar o pronome reflexivo:

● Após preposição de lugar (preposition of place) - Usar OBJECT PRONOUN
He had a suitcase beside him.
She put the chair near her.

● Utilizar PERSONAL PRONOUN com a preposição WITH quando esta quer dizer
She had a few friends with her.

Reciprocal pronouns: Each Other / One Another

Each Other é o pronome que passa a ideia de reciprocidade. Observe:
They were in love. They looked at each other for a long time.
A Ideia, neste caso, é que um olhou o outro, simultaneamente.

Podemos também utilizar one another para passar a mesma ideia.

How long have you known one another? = How long have you known each other?
Sue and Ann don’t like one another. = They don’t like each other.


SOME/ANY/NO são utilizados como determinantes, seja para substituir um nome, seja
para dar ideia de uma quantidade não específica.

● SOME: comumente utilizado com afirmativas e ofertas. Também utilizado em

perguntas que esperamos que a resposta seja afirmativa.
“Do you want some cake?”
“I’d like some cake.”
“Can I have some soda, please?”

● ANY: comumente utilizado com negativas e interrogativas.

“Do you have any money?”
“I don’t have any money.”

Exceções: I’m starved. I’d like to eat anything. (na afirmativa indicando: “qualquer”)

● NO: indica uma ideia negativa, porém não pode ser utilizado com verbos na
negativa (double negative). Observe:
I have no money in my pocket. (não “I don’t have no money”)
She had no difficult finging a job. (não “She didn’t have no difficult”)


Podemos, também, ter complementos com os pronomes indefinidos. Observe:

THING - coisas, objetos WHERE - lugares ONE/BODY - pessoas

Somebody broke the
I want something to eat.
They live somewhere window yesterday.
SOME near the beach.
There’s something in my eye,
I saw someone in the
but I don’t know what it is.
ANY You can tell me anything. I’m going to stay at Do you know anyone
home tonight. I’m not at the company?
“What did you say?” “I didn’t going anywhere.
say anything.” Did you see anybody
in the company?
This house is empty.
I’m going to the supermarket. Nobody lives here.
This town is so small.
NO There’s nothing to eat in the
There’s nowhere to go.
fridge. I’m lonely. I have no-
one to talk to.

● ONE/ONES: pronomes utilizados para substituir substantivos que já foram

mencionados anteriormente, para evitar repetição. Observe:

1- “Which car is yours?” “This car or that car?” “Mine is the blue car.”
2- “Which car is yours?” “ This one or that one?” “Mine is the blue one."

1- “Which keys are hers?” “The keys on the table.”

2- “Which keys are hers?” “The ones on the table.”

Nos casos 1, as palavras car e keys se repetem, tornando o discurso cansativo. Nos
casos 2, substituímos os substantivos para evitar a repetição de termos. Atente para o
singular (one) e plural (ones).


Complete with the correct Pronoun:

a) George cut ________________ while he was shaving this morning.
b) Bill fell down some steps but he didn’t hurt ___________________ badly.
c) It’s not your fault. Don’t blame ____________________
d) I need you and you need me. We need ______________________
e) People usually give _____________________ gifts at Christmas.
f) Some people are very selfish. They only think of ___________________
g) If somebody attacks you, you need the be able to defend ____________________
h) You can take whatever you want. Help _____________________!
i) His grandpa built the table ____________________
j) They had an argument. They’re not speaking to ________________________ now.

Complete with SOME, ANY or NO, and -body, -where or -thing, if necessary.
a) There’s __________________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
b) I wasn’t feeling hungry, so I didn’t eat ____________________
c) I didn’t have _________________ money, so I had to borrow _________________.
d) I was too tired to do _______________________ work.
e) I couldn’t make an omelette because there were ________________ eggs.
f) There was a complete silence in the room. _____________________ said
g) If __________________ calls me, tell them I’m out, but I’ll be back soon.
h) Can I have _____________________ milk in my coffee, please?
i) This city is still the same. ______________ changed.
j) I couldn’t answer _________________ of the questions they asked me.

1. (EPCAR - 2014) Read the sentence.
“Nowadays, any artwork I do is in a digital method [...]" (lines 5 and 6).
The word any has the same idea in
a) Can you create any digital art?
b) Artists can draw any pictures using a digital method.
c) Some artists don't use any kind of models when they paint.
d) There isn't any type of digital method in traditional art.

2. (EEAR - 2015) Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate quantifiers:
Dear Sam,
I’m having a wonderful time in Paris. I didn’t have _______ time to write last week
because I took a tour of some flea markets. I bought _________ beautiful vintage
clothes. I also got some interesting old books for you.
a) any – a
b) any – some
c) some – any
d) some – some

3. (EPCAR - 2015) “There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying” (line 31) is the
same as
a) There are some ways to prevent cyberbullying
b) There are many ways to prevent cyberbullying.
c) There are lots of ways to prevent cyberbullying.
d) There are no ways to prevent cyberbullying.

4. (FMU–SP - Adaptada) Would you like ___ wine ? You don’t to accept if you don’t
a) any
b) some
c) any
d) some
e) some

5. (UBC – SP) Is there ______________ in the bottle ? No, ______.

a) anything – something
b) anything – anything
c) something – nothing
d) anything – nothing
e) something – anything
6. (FMU – SP) My friend never buys ______ books at the bookshop.
a) any
b) anything
c) no
d) nothing
e) something

7. (ITA – SP) He doesn’t want ______ fruit.

a) some
b) none
c) not
d) no
e) any

8. (CARLOS CHAGAS – SP) Nowadays, ___________ wants to work anymore.

a) none
b) somebody
c) some
d) anybody
e) nobody

9. (IBFC - 2013) “It seems that American patriotism measures itself against an outcast
group. The right Americans are the right Americans because they're not like the wrong
Americans, who are not really Americans". Eric Hobsbawm The word “itself" refers to:
A) Americans.
B) American patriotism.
C) Outcast group.
D) Against.

10. (ACAPLAN - 2010)Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

To understand your parents` love you must raise children _____.

a) yourself
b) themselves
c) myself
d) itself
e) ourselves

GABARITO: 1. B, 2. B, 3.A, 4. B, 5. D, 6. B, 7. E, 8. E, 9. B, 10. A.

WH Question Pronouns
 Pronomes interrogativos. Resposta para essas perguntas não podem ser YES ou
NO. Eles DEVEM ser seguidos com ponto de interrogaçãoao final da frase. São eles:
Who (person) – Who is at the door? What (things/general information) – What
Where (place) – Where do you live? do you do in the morning?
When (date/non-specific time) – When areWhich (things; options) – Which book is
you leaving? yours: the new one or the old one?
Why (reason; answer with ‘because’) –What (description) – What’s your
Why were you there? mother like? “ She’s beautiful and nice.”
Whose (possession) – Whose sneakersHow (manner)* - How are you? / How do
are these? you go to work?
* Podemos utilizar How + adjectivos/advérbios. Sendo assim, cada complemento
altera seu significado.

Example: How old is you dog? (age) / How long do you take to get here? (period of
time)/ How often do you study English? (frequency) / How much is that car?
(price) / How many people are there in the classroom? (quantity)

 Estrutura: WH + auxiliar + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento

Where do you study?
Who is your teacher?
Why does she go to school by bus?

 Em alguns casos, o WH necessita de um complemento

Which school does your cousin study?
What band is your favorite?

Genetive Case (‘s)

 Utilizamos o ‘s para indicar posse. É utilizado com pessoas, animais, lugares,
organizações e expressões de tempo.

Estrutura: possessor + ‘s + objeto possuido.

The boy’s name / the woman’s daughter / my father’s motorcycle / the government’s
decision / the bird’s egg / Mr. Smith’s car / today’s newspaper / the dog’s ball

 Em alguns casos, podemos utilizar a estrutura possuidor + of + objeto. É mais

utilizada com objetos e com coisas abstratas.
the name of the book / the back of the car / in the name of love
 Quando um nome próprio termina com S, temos a opção de acrescentar ‘s ou
apenas ‘ (apostrofo).
Mr. Jones’s book ou Mr. Jones’ book.
Marcos’s eyes ou Marcos’ eyes.
Mrs. Williams’s office ou Mrs. Williams’ office.

 Quando temos um substantivo no plural, terminando em S, SÓ

ACRESCENTAMOS ‘ (apostrofo).
The students’ uniform. / the companies’ staff / the nurses’ wordplace.
 Quando temos um substantivo de plural irregular (que não termina em S),
acrescentamos o ‘s.
The women’s closet. / the children’s toys. / men’s restroom.
 Utilizamos ‘s também para denotar duas posses. Podemos utilizar um ou mais ‘s
para expressar posse. Compare:
(1) Jim e Jill’s father. X (2) Jim’s and Jill’s fathers.
No primeiro caso, entendemos que Jim e Jill são irmãos, uma vez que father está no
singular e só existe um ‘s denotando posse, ao final do último nome.
Já no segundo, temos dois ‘s ao final de cada nome, e fathers está no plural.
Portanto, um pai para cada pessoa.
- Compare novamente:
(1) Jim and Jill’s house. X (2) Jim’s and Jill’s cars.
No primeiro caso, Jim and Jill moram juntos, portanto uma casa para duas pessoas.
No segundo, Jim and Jill possuem 2 carros, uma para cada.

- Mais exemplos:
(1) Charles an Susan’s wedding. X (2) John’s and James’ invitation.
(1) Jackie and Nicole’s parents. X (2) Jackie’s and Nicole’s rooms.

- Sendo assim:
Muitos possuidores + uma posse = 1 ‘s, no elemento final.
Muitos possuidoes + mais de uma posse = ‘s em todos os elementos.


 Complete with the correct form of the verb.

a) Ann _________ Japanese very well. (speak)
b) I never ___________ soda. (drink)
c) The mall ____________ at 8 a.m. and _______________ at 10 p.m. (open-close)
d) My relatives ______________ in a small town. (live)
e) The Olimpic Games ________________ every four years. (happen)
f) James ___________________ coffee every day. (not/drink)
g) Luke ________________ the guitar but ________________ play the piano. (play –
h) A vegan ___________________ animal protein. (not/eat)
i) “Where is Martin?” “I’m sorry. I ________________.” (not/know)
j) How often _______________________ your hair? (you/wash
k) “__________________________ English?” “Yes, they do.” (you parents/speak)
l) I ______________________ tv very often. (not/watch)

 Organize the words to create questions:

a) your sister/what/does/do/? __________________________________________
b) your class/what time/is/?____________________________________________
c) where/live/you/?___________________________________________________
d) how often/the dentist/go to/you/do/?___________________________________

 Organize the sentences to create affirmative and negative forms:

a) frequently/Sue/arrive late _____________________________________________
b) every day/get up early/They ___________________________________________
c) rain/it/always/in the afternoon __________________________________________
d) Tom/always/eat/breakfast _____________________________________________

 Choose the correct WH:

a) __________________ school is yours?
( ) which
( ) why
( )how

b) _____________ old are you?

( ) why
( ) which
( ) how

c) ____________________ does you class start?

( ) what time
( ) where
( ) why

d) _____________ do you say ‘livro’ in English?

( ) what
( ) how
( ) when

e) ________________ is your teacher?

( ) whose
( ) what
( ) who

f) “________________ car is blue?” “Mine.”

( ) what
( ) whose
( ) where

 Complete with ‘s or ‘.
a) These are my sister__ toys. d) Where is the manager____ office?
b) Jim ___ and Jason___ house ise) These are my sisters____ rooms.
beautiful. f) James____ car is a Camaro.
c) Clothes for children = children__ clothes


1. (EPCAR – 2015) Mark the correct question to the sentence below. “Dance training
helps you to lose weight.”
a) When do you lose weight? c) How does dance training help you to
b) What does dance training do? lose weight?
d) Who helps you to lose weight?

2. Which option completes the sentence “She __________ early” correctly?

a) getting usually up c) gets usually up
b) usually gets up d) gets up usually

3. (EsSEx – 2009) ____________ dinner at 7 o'clock?

a) Do he always has c) Does he always has
b) Does he always have d) Is he always have

4. (EEAR – 2010) Choose the best alternative to answer the question below:
What is Antarctica like?
a) It is a cold, windy and dry continent. c) Its exploration started in 1957.
b) Its tourism is wider than ever before. d) It is far from other continents.

5. (CONSULTEC – 2014) Fill in the blanks with interrogative words (WH-questions)

A. “____ was Voyager 1 sent into space?” “Thirty-six years ago.”
B. “____ was Voyager 1 sent into space?” “To study other planets.”
C. “____ is it from Earth now?” “Twelve billion miles.”
D. “____ is it expected to last?” “Ten years at the most.”

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is

a) When/Why/How far/How long. d) When/How far/How often/What.
b) Why/Where/How often/ When. e) How far/Why/How long/Why
c) How long/What for/Where/How old.
6. (UNESP) __________ farm is that large one? It is __________.
a) Which – Peter's d) Which – for Peter
b) Whose – Peter's e) What – Peter's
c) Whose – of Peter

7. (EsSEx – 2010) “_____ do you drive?” “ Very fast.”

a) What. c) How.
b) Who. d) Where.

8. (EPCAR – 2015) The opposite of never is.

a) seldom. c) usually.
b) always. d) often.

9. (EEAR – 2015) In “ I rarely feel hungry...”, the underlined word is closest in meaning
a) never. c) seldom.
b) often. d) definitely.

10. (EsFCEx – 2009 - Adaptada) Which alternative best completes the dialogue below:
A. ________ do you do?
B. I am a student.
A. ______ do you go to school?
B. I am studying law at UFRJ.
A. ______ much do you like it?
B. I like it very much, it is a great course.

a) What – Where – How d) What – When – What

b) How – When – What e) How – What – When
c) When – Where – Which

11. (CN – 2018) Read the sentence in order to answer the question below:
This is my friends’ car and that one is my car.

Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the correct possessive:
a) This car is theirs and that one is mine. d) This car is them and that one is my.
b) This is theirs cars and that is my car. e) This is theirs car and that one is mine.
c) This is their car and that one is my.

12. (CN – 2017) Mark the INCORRECT option according to the Genitive Case.
a) The door’s car is open. d) Which are Fred's and Eric’s cars?
b) The world’s population is increasing. e) This is my mother-in-law's house.
c) I’m going to Grandma’s.
13. (PUC-SP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Ben and Bill are brothers. Do you know _______?
a) Ben and Bill’s parents d) Ben and Bill parents’
b) Ben’s and Bill parents e) Ben and Bill parents’s
c) Ben’s and Bill’s parents.

14. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna:

The __________ uncle was dead.
a) writer
b) writers
c) writer of
d) writer's
e) writers of the

15. (AFA) Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

The __________ offices are very modern.
a) businessmen’
b) businessmens’
c) businessmans’
d) businessmen’s

Gabarito: 1. A, 2. B, 3. B, 4. A, 5. A, 6. B, 7. C, 8. B, 9. C, 10. A, 11. A, 12. A, 13. A,

14. D, 15. D.


Em inglês temos um artigo definido (THE) e dois artigos indefinidos (A e AN)

 Indefinite Article: são usados SOMENTE no singular e com nomes contáveis.
There is a man at the door. (1 homem)
Do you want an apple or a pear? (1 maça ou 1 pêra)

o An: utilizado antes de sons vocálicos em inglês.

Mary is an English teacher. She’s a good employee.
Joseph is an actor and works at Globo.
Give me an eraser, please.
She takes an hour to get to the college. (som de vogal. Não pronunciamos o h)

o A: utilizado antes de sons de consoante.

I have a question.
I’m looking for a doctor.
She is now in a European country. (se pronuncia /yu/, portanto, som de consoante)
She went to a university in the States. (se pronuncia /yu/, portanto, som de consoante)

 Definite article (THE): pode ser utilizado com substantivos no plural ou no singular.
Give me the apples. I need them to make a cake.
The man at the door is my father.

o Utilizamos o artigo definido quando o ouvinte/leitor sabe a que elemento estamos

nos referindo.
I bought a dress and a shirt (Indefinidos.Primeira vez que foram mencionados no
The dress was expensive but the shirt was cheap (O ouvinte já sabe que estamos
falando do vestido e a camisa que foram compradas).
Can I ask a question? x Can you repeat the question?

Temos, também, alguns casos em que o THE se faz necessário.

 Quando nos referimos a uma parte de um todo; damos características a um grupo
The students at Matriz, the boys in the classrooom, the dogs in my neighborhood
 quando o substantivo é único, como áreas geográficas, lugares famosos, obras de
arte, monumentos, etc.
The earth goes around the sun. / The moon goes around the eart. / The pacific is a
vast ocean.
The Louvre, The Mona Lisa, The Eiffel Tower, the sky, the world, the environment
 depois de GO TO , quando não temos um nome próprio.
go to: the beach, the mall, the bank, the park, the university, etc. (com artigo)
I’m going to Village Mall, Matriz, UERJ, etc. (sem artigo)
 com instrumentos musicais e com os substantivos radio, internet
The piano, the guitar, the drums, the radio, the internet
 Antes de títulos de livros, filmes, jornais, etc.
The Three Musketeers, The Divine Comedy, The New York Times, The Avangers.
 países com nomes no plural e que incluam palavras como “republic”, “kingdom” ou
The Netherlands, The Philippines, The United States of America, The United Kingdom,
The Republic of Ireland.
 quando nos referimos a um sistema ou serviço
The public system can be a bit confusing.
You have to call the police.
 quando utilizamos um substantivo no singular, porém nos referimos ao grupo.
The dog is the man’s best friend. (= all dogs are men’s best friends)
Life is difficult for the poor.
She works for a group to help the disabled.
 com nomes de universidades, escolas, etc. com a estrutura THE + substantivo +
of + nome
The University of California, The School of Management
 antes de superlativo, números ordinais, décadas, séculos e eras.
the smallest river, the best song, the first place, the second son, the 90’s, the Middle


 Complete using articles: A, AN or THE.

1. Don’t forget to turn off ________ lights when you get out.

2. John and Mary are my friends. They have two children, ______ boy and ______
girl. _______ boy is nine years old and ______ girl is seven. John works in ________
factory and Mary is _______ private teacher.

3. “Where is James?” “He’s at ____________ movies”

4. Are you coming to_______ party next Saturday?

5. I think _______ man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.

6. He was wearing _______ ugly shirt when I saw him.

7. Paris is ______ interesting city. It’s _______ capital of France.

8. “Is there _______ hotel near here?” “Yes, ______ hotel is right on ____ corner of
the street.”

9. I’m going to ______ concert tonight because my friend is going to play _____

10. ______ European girl is now studying at my school.

11. Next year she is going to find _______ university she likes,

12. “Do you know where Sarah is?” “She will be here in ____ hour.”


1. (UNIBAN) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase "In _____

Brazil, if you want to enter _____ university you have to take _____ exam which
normally takes more than _____ hour.
a) the /an /an /a
b) the / - / - / -
c) - / a / an / a
d) - / a / a / a
e) - / a / an / an

2. (UEL) Marque o item que melhor preenche as lacunas abaixo.

As her birthday is on the 25th, I’ll make ______ effort to buy her a gift: she dreams of
being _______ pianist, she plays the piano extremely well and it will be ______ honor
for me to buy her _____ European musical instrument.
a) an / a / a / an
b) a / an / an / a
c) an / a / an / a
d) a / a / a / an

3. (AFA) Mark the item that completes the following passage with the appropriate
missing articles when required.
"For ____ amateur athlete, winning in ____ Olympics is ____ great achievement. ____
games are not easy to win, whether _____ athlete competes in ____ Summer or in
_____ Winter."
a) the / a / a / X/ an / X / X
b) the / an / the / The / the / X / X
c) an / the / a / The / an / the / the
d) X / the / X / X / X / the / the

4. (CN - 2018) Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or Ø (no
___________ Brazil is a huge country. In,___________North, there
are____________rain forests and ___________ longest river is also situated there. In
___________ South, ____________ climate is more European. ___________ Brazil
also has many social differences.___________ rich own most of____________
country’s wealth and ___________ poor often live on minimum wage.

Now mark the option which completes the gaps respectively.

a) Ø - the - Ø - a - the - the - Ø - a - the - a
b) The - the - Ø - a - Ø - the - the - The - Ø - the
c) Ø - the - Ø - the - the - the - Ø - The - the - the
d) The - Ø - Ø - a - Ø-the- The - Ø - a - Ø
e) The - Ø - the - a - Ø - the - The - a - a - a

5. Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks in the text.

I am from New Zealand, which is _____ country that is in _____ Pacific Ocean.
Wellington is _____ name of _____ capital of my country. 

a) a – a – a – the
b) the – a – a – the
c) a – the – the – the
d) the – a – the – the

Gabarito: 1. E, 2. C, 3. C, 4. C, 5. C.


Quantificadores (quantifiers) - Expressões utilizadas para indicar a quantidade de

objetos, pessoas ou animais em uma frase.
Os quantificadores mais utilizados são: much, many, a lot, some, any, a few e a

 Much
Pode significar muito/grande/porção de algo. Utiliza-se normalmente
com substantivos incontáveis (uncountable nouns) em frases negativas e perguntas.
How much rice do you eat every day? (Quanto arroz você come todo dia?)
There is not much salt in the bowl. (Não há muito sal na tigela)
Our band didn’t earn much fame last year. (Nossa banda não ganhou tanta fama ano

 Many
Significa muitas/muitos. Utiliza-se o many para indicar substantivos contáveis
(countable nouns).
Thiago took his sister many times to the school . (Thiago levou sua irmã muitas vezes
à escola.)
Cadu eats many packed lunchs in a day. (Cadu come muitas marmitas em um dia.)
Many men wish to have a bigger beard l! (Muitos homens desejam ter uma barba

 A lot of
O a lot of é usado para descrever quantias grandes (mas não especificadas) de algo:
I used to have a lot of time in the past. Now not so much. (Eu costumava ter muito
tempo no passado. Agora nem tanto)
João have lost a lot of weight. (João perdeu muito peso)
Militaries have a lot of friends. They should work together. (Militares tem muitos
colegas. Eles devem trabalhar juntos.)

 Some
Pode significar algum ou um pouco de . Utiliza-se some com substantivos
I have some money in my wallet. (Eu tenho algum dinheiro na minha carteira)
Can I have some cake, please? (Pode me dar um pouco de bolo, por favor?)
Would you like some Whey protein? (Você gostaria de um pouco de Whey protein?)

 Any
Em sentenças positivas, any tem o significado de qualquer. Em frases negativas,
assume o significado de nenhum/nenhuma. Nas interrogativas, assume o significado
de algum/alguma.
I don’t have any traffic ticket. (Eu não tenho nenhuma multa de trânsito)
You can have any car you like. (Você pode ter qualquer carro que quiser)
Can you speak any other language? (Você consegue falar algum outro idioma?)

 A few
Pode significar algum/algumas ou pouco/poucas. Usa-se o a few com substantivos
contáveis no plural.
I stayed at my girlfriend’s house for a few days. (Eu fiquei na casa da minha
namorada por alguns dias)
A few people asked for you. (Algumas pessoas perguntaram por você)
I like a few houses near by Leblon. (Eu gosto de algumas casas próximas ao Leblon.)

 A little
Significa um pouco de. Utiliza-se o a little substantivos incontáveis.
I love a little cream in my coffee. (Eu amo um pouco de creme no meu café)
Have a little beer with me. It’s delicious! (Beba um pouco de cerveja comigo. Está


1. (Fuvest) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

Give me..........tea with..........sugar.

a) many - much
b) some - a lot of
c) short - many
d) bit - a lot of
e) some - many

2. (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa correta:

How_________ shoes are there in the shop windows?

a) much
b) many
c) few
d) a few
e) a lot of

3. (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a


Do politicians work..... and

a) little - many
b) very - much
c) much - few
d) little - much
e) hard - many


Motion picture is one of the almost popular forms of art and entertainment throughout
the world. Every week, millions of people go to the movies. Many millions more watch
movies in television. In addition, TV networks use motion-picture techniques to film
many program that appear on television each week.
Motion pictures are a major source of information as well as of entertainment. Movies
can take us back into history. They can recreate the lives of great men and women.
Motion pictures can introduce us to new ideas and help us explore serious social
issues. Students learn from educational films in school. Industries use movies to train
employees and to advertise their products.
issues = questões

(THE WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA. Vol.13. Chicago, World Book Inc., 1988)

Na(s) questão(ões) a seguir, escreva no espaço apropriado a soma dos itens


4. (Ufpr) "............... of our history and the lives of............... of our great men and
women are recreated by the movies."

Choose the alternative(s) that can complete the sentence above correctly.
01) much - much
02) much - many
04) many - much
08) a lot - a lot
16) a lot - much
32) a lot - many

5. (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa correta.

It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires __________ years of study.

a) many
b) much
c) little
d) lot of
e) any

6. (G1) Preencha os espaços com Few ou little:

1- __________ dollars
2- ____________ bread
3- __________ tea
4- ____________ information
5- __________ hours
6- ____________ teachers

7. (G1) Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form replacing "lots of" and "a
lot of" by "many" or "much". (Reescreva as seguintes sentenças na forma negativa
substituindo "lots of" e "a lot of" por "many" ou "much")

a) There are a lot of new students in our school this year.


b) There's lots of money in the safe now.


c) There was a lot of food on the table.


d) There were lots of people at the theater last Saturday.


e) There was a lot of traffic on the roads last weekend.


f) There were lots of cars in the parking lot this morning.


g) There's a lot of sugar in the juice.


h) There are lots of children in the park on Sunday mornings.


8. (G1) Fill with MUCH or MANY. (Preencha com MUITO, MUITA ou MUITOS,

a) _______________ children
b) _______________ women
c) _______________ information
d) _______________ bread
e) _______________ policemen
f) _______________ cheese
g) _______________ pieces of bread
h) _______________ slices of cheese
i) _______________ money
j) _______________ dollars

9. (G1) Preencha os espaços com Many ou Much:

1- __________ women
2- __________ money
3- __________ people
4- ____________ water
5-__________ time
6- ____________ teeth

10. (G1) Rewrite the following sentences in the interrogative form replacing "a lot of"
and "lots of" by "many" or "much". (Reescreva as seguintes sentenças na forma
interrogativa substituindo "a lot of" e "lots of" por "many" ou "much")

a) There's a lot of pollution in big cities.


b) There were lots of mice in the kitchen.


c) there was a lot of time to solve the problems.


d) There are lots of women working nowadays.

e) There were a lot of car accidents on the roads last Sunday.

f) There's a lot of milk in the bottle.


Resposta da questão 1: [B]

Resposta da questão 2: [B]

Resposta da questão 3: [D]

Resposta da questão 4: 02 + 08 + 32 = 42

Resposta da questão 5: [A]

Resposta da questão 6:
1- FEW dollars
2- LITTLE bread
3- LITTLE tea
4- LITTLE information
5- FEW hours
6- FEW teachers

Resposta da questão 7:
a) There are not many students in our school this year.
b) There is not much money in the safe now.
c) There was not much food on the table.
d) There were not many people at the theater last Saturday.
e) There was not much traffic on the roads last weekend.
f) There were not many cars in the parking lot this morning.
g) There is not much sugar in the juice.
h) There are many children in the park on Sunday mornings.

Resposta da questão 8:
a) MANY children
b) MANY women
c) MUCH information
d) MUCH bread
e) MANY policemen
f) MUCH cheese
g) MANY pieces of bread
h) MANY slic
es of cheese
i) MUCH money
j) MANY dollars

Resposta da questão 9:
1- MANY women
2- MUCH money
3- MANY people
4- MUCH water
5- MUCH time
6- MANY teeth

Resposta da questão 10:

a) Is there much pollution in big cities?
b) Were there many mice in the kitchen?
c) Was there much time to solve the problems?
d) Are there many women working nowadays?
e) Were there many car accidents on the roads last Sunday?
f) Is there much milk in the bottle?

Adjectives x Adverbs
Adjectives caracterizam/modificam um nome (noun) ou um pronome (pronoun).
This classromm is huge.
Babies are cute.

 Não diferem em número e gênero.

Blond boy/ blond girl
One small cup/ two small cups

 Posição: ANTES do nome.

Hard lesson
Clean fork

 Normamente, utilizado depois de verbos de ligação (stative verbs): BE, BECOME,

Our baby is healthy. The girl sounded disappointed.
They became rich. She seems hungry.
She feels sick. The pizza smells delicious.
Are you getting tired? The sauce tastes spicy.
The river looks deep.

 Caso sejam muitos em uma frase, existe uma ordem específica. Começamos pela
opinião. Depois, seguimos dos fatos mais gerais para os mais específicos.
A classy big oval wooden table.
A fat old brown bull.

Podemos, também, seguir a regra do OSSACOMP.

1. OPINION: beautiful, efficient
2. SIZE: big, small, tall, short
3. SHAPE: round, rectangular
4. AGE: old, young
5. COLOR: blue, red, yellow
6. ORIGIN: Brazilian, Chinese
7. MATERIAL: wooden, plastic, metal
8. PURPOSE: sleeping, cooking, cleaning
This is an efficient1 big2 rectangular3 new4 blue5 Chinese6 cotton7 sleeping8 bag.


Existem adjetivos formados pelo gerúndio (-ing) e pelo particípio (-ed) de um verbo.
boring – bored
tiring - tired
A terminação –ing possui sentido ativo indicando atributo de alguma coisa ou
That TV show is boring. Turn off the TV.
A terminação -ed possui sentido passivo e refere-se ao sentimento de alguém por
alguma coisa ou pessoa.
I’m bored. Let’s do something different.
The concert was fascinating. / I was fascinated by the concert.
I don't understand these confusing rules. / I was confused about the rules.
This song is exciting. / I’m excited about the song.

Adverbs caracterizam/modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros advérbios. Eles mostram

como, quando, onde, porque, com que frequência, etc., algo acontece. Exemplo:
The ten most frequently asked questions are listed below.

 Apresentam ideias de: manner, frequency, time, place, degree

I never get up early on weekends. (when) It’s very cold, isn’t it? (how)
Walk across the road carefully! (how) I’m always losing my keys. (how often)
When we got there, the tickets had sold
out. (where)
 Grande parte dos advérbios terminam em –ly, porém essa não é uma regra.
I try to eat healthily when I travel. (advérvio)
They created a lively discussion. (adjetivo)
 Alguns adjetivos e advérbios têm a mesma forma. Porém, quando adicionamos –ly,
o sentido muda. Observe:
Adjetivo Advérbio -ly: mudança de sentido
John can hardly wait.
The teacher is a hard worker. She worked hard. (hardly: modifica wait.
(hard: modifica worker) (hard: modifica work) sentido: mal consegue
The boxer watched his
Come close, I need to tell you
Harry is a close friend of mine. opponent closely.
(close: modifica friend) (closely: modifica watched.
(close: modifica come)
sentido: com atenção)
Dr Gómez is a highly
respected surgeon.
Mike likes to climb high
The bird flew very high. (highly: modifica
(high: modifica flew) respected. sentido:
(huhj: modifca mountains)
altamente; o quão
respeitado ele é.)
A late applicant suddenly came I usually get up late on sundays Have you seen Ed lately?
into the room mornings. (lately: modifica seen.
(late: modifica applicant) (late: modifica get up) sentido: ultimamente)
He was proud of his new
I hope we're doing We answered the house, and rightly so.
the right thing. question right. (rightly: modifica proud.
(right: modifica thing) (right: modifica answered) sentido: corretamente, com
Her English is really good. She speaks English very well.
(good: modifica her English) (well: modifica speaks)


 Complete the text using the words in their plural form:

[...] Linguistic - using ___________ (word) effectively. These ____________ (learner)

like reading, taking notes in their ________ (class), making up poetry or
___________(story). Interpersonal - understanding, interacting with others. These
______________ (student) learn through interaction. They like group ___________
(activity), ____________ (seminar), __________ (debate), _________ (interview).
Logical-Mathematical - reasoning, calculating. __________ (Person) who excel in this
intelligence like to experiment, solve ____________ (puzzle) play with logic
__________ (game), read about ___________ (investigation), and solve
___________ (mystery).

 Write the plural:

1. tree - ___________ 6. people - ___________ 11. strawberry - ________
2. dress - ___________ 7. man - ___________ 12. holiday - ___________
3. child - ___________ 8. foot - ___________ 13. city -___________
4. fish - ___________ 9. sheep - ___________ 14. address - __________
5. mouse - ___________ 10. knife - ___________ 15. housewife -_________

 Complete using articles: A, AN or THE.

1. Don’t forget to turn off ________ lights when you get out.

2. John and Mary are my friends. They have two children, ______ boy and ______
girl. _______ boy is nine years old and ______ girl is seven. John works in ________
factory and Mary is _______ private teacher.

4. “Where is James?” “He’s at ____________ movies”

4. Are you coming to_______ party next Saturday?

5. I think _______ man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.

6. He was wearing _______ ugly shirt when I saw him.

7. Paris is ______ interesting city. It’s _______ capital of France.

8. “Is there _______ hotel near here?” “Yes, ______ hotel is right on ____ corner of
the street.”

9. I’m going to ______ concert tonight because my friend is going to play _____

10. ______ european girl is now studying at my school.

11. Next year she is going to find _______ university she likes,

12. “Do you know where Sarah is?” “She will be here in ____ hour.”

 Complete with adjectives or adverbs:

1. She reads the book _____________. (quick)
2. Mandy is a ______________ baby. (beautiful)
3. She dances ______________. (beautiful)
4. Max is a ____________ singer. (good)
5. Jane sings ______________. (good)
6. The dog barks ______________. (loud)
7. The students speak ______________. (loud)
8. Don’t speak so ____________. I can’t understand you. (fast)
9. This steak smells _____________ . (good)
10. James looks _______________. What’s the problem? (sad)

 Choose the correct option:

1. I am ______. Let's do something fun! 4. He is _____ by the psychology lesson.
( ) bored ( ) fascinated
( ) boring ( ) fascinating

2. This lesson is _________. 5. Doing all this work is very _________.

( ) bored ( ) tired
( ) boring ( ) tiring

3. I am very ____________ in learning how 6. The room is very _________. There is

to speak German. no room to move.
( ) interested ( ) crowded
( ) interesting ( ) crowding


1. (ITA) O plural dos substantivos abaixo:

I. knife
II. tooth
III. woman
é, na ordem:
a) knifes – teeth – womans
b) knifes – teeths – women
c) knives – tooths – women
d) knives – teeth – women
e) knive – teeth – women

2. (ESPCEX) The plural of wife, goose, mouse and hero are:

a) wifes, gooses, mouses, heroes.
b) wifes, geese, mice, heroes.
c) wives, geese, mice, heros.
d) wives, geese, mice, heroes.
e) wifes, gooses, mouses, heros.

3. O plural de sister – in – law, child e armchair é:

a. sisters – in – law, childs, armchairs
b. sister – in – laws, children, armchairs
c. sister – in – law, children, armchairs
d. sisters – in – law, children, armchairs
e. sister – in – law, children, armschair
4. The plural of louse and mouse is:
a. lice – mice
b. louses – mouses
c. lice – mouses
d. louses – mice
e. a and b are corrects

5. O plural de buzz, country e shelf é:

a. buzz, countres, shelfs
b. buzzes, countries, shelves
c. buzz, countres, shelves
d. buzzes, countrys, shelves
e. buzzes, countres, shelves

6. (UNIBAN) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase "In _____

Brazil, if you want to enter _____ university you have to take _____ exam which
normally takes more than _____ hour.
a) the /an /an /a
b) the / - / - / -
c) - / a / an / a
d) - / a / a / a
e) - / a / an / an

7. (UEL) Marque o item que melhor preenche as lacunas abaixo.

As her birthday is on the 25th, I’ll make ______ effort to buy her a gift: she dreams of
being _______ pianist, she plays the piano extremely well and it will be ______ honor
for me to buy her _____ European musical instrument.
a) an / a / a / an
b) a / an / an / a
c) an / a / an / a
d) a / a / a / an

8. (AFA) Mark the item that completes the following passage with the appropriate
missing articles when required.
"For ____ amateur athlete, winning in ____ Olympics is ____ great achievement. ____
games are not easy to win, whether _____ athlete competes in ____ Summer or in
_____ Winter."
a) the / a / a / X/ an / X / X
b) the / an / the / The / the / X / X
c) an / the / a / The / an / the / the
d) X / the / X / X / X / the / the
9. (CN - 2018) Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or Ø (no
___________ Brazil is a huge country. In,___________North, there
are____________rain forests and ___________ longest river is also situated there. In
___________ South, ____________ climate is more European. ___________ Brazil
also has many social differences.___________ rich own most of____________
country’s wealth and ___________ poor often live on minimum wage.

Now mark the option which completes the gaps respectively.

a) Ø - the - Ø - a - the - the - Ø - a - the - a
b) The - the - Ø - a - Ø - the - the - The - Ø - the
c) Ø - the - Ø - the - the - the - Ø - The - the - the
d) The - Ø - Ø - a - Ø-the- The - Ø - a - Ø
e) The - Ø - the - a - Ø - the - The - a - a - a

10. Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks in the text.
I am from New Zealand, which is _____ country that is in _____ Pacific Ocean.
Wellington is _____ name of _____ capital of my country. 

a) a – a – a – the
b) the – a – a – the
c) a – the – the – the
d) the – a – the – the

11. Read the text and answer questions

Ursula! I whispered
Yes, my darling, she said, without opening her eyes.
What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her eyes, startled, and looked
at me.
What do you mean? she said defensively.
There is something moving in your basket, I said.
Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said.
Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read for Meaning, Comprehension tests for
First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first Published 1975.

The word “darling”, line 2, in the text refers to

a) an adjective.
b) an adverb.
c) a noun.
d) a verb.

12. Which sequence best complets this paragraph from a recomendation letter?
John is a very ________ teacher. Attractive and professional-looking, he has ______
interpersonal skills and is __________ understood by students and parents alike. He
carries out every responsibility ___________ and in a timely manner.
a) committed / good / easy / good
b) committing / good / easily / well
c) committing / well / easy / good
d) committed / well / easy / well
e) committed / good / easily / well

13. (EEAR - 2014- Adaptada) Read the text:

The sun and the moon
The sun is a star. It’s a ball of fire. The moon is rocky and hard. It’s not hot. The sun
sends out light, but the moon reflects teh light.
The underlined words, in the text, are
a) adjectives.
b) pronouns.
c) adverbs.
d) nouns.

14. (EEAR) “...wives...” (line 2), have the same plural form as, except
a) life
b) shelf
c) thief
d) belief

15. (ITA) Marque a opção em que o item sublinhado denota um qualificador.

a) Most digitally minded people continually post and update pictures...
b) For those of us seeking to appear friendly and...
c) More importantly, the research also revealed the unexpected finding…
d) An analysis revealed that participants generally ranked people...
e) Surprisingly, participants did not rank faces as indicative of physical strength…

1. D 6. E 11. C
2. D 7. C 12. E
3. D 8. C 13. D
4. A 9. C 14. D
5. B 10. C 15. B

Prepositions (Preposições)
Preposição é uma palavra ou grupo de palavras que liga(m) dois ou mais termos da
oração e que estabelece(m) entre si algumas relações.
Abaixo temos as principais preposições da Língua Inglesa:
Lugar ou Posição
He must be somewhere about the office. (Ele deve estar em algum lugar perto do
There is a moat about the castle. (Há um fosso ao redor do castelo.)
Referente a determinado assunto (acerca de, relativo a):
Tell me more about your trip. (Fale-me mais sobre sua viagem.)
Lugar ou Posição
Read the text above. (Leia o texto acima.)

Lugar ou Posição
Look! There is a camel across the street! (Olhe! Há um camelo do outro lado da rua!)
Movimento ou Direcionamento
There are a lot of bridges across Tietê river. (Existem muitas pontes que atravessam
o rio Tietê.)

She is going to a party after dinner. (Ela vai a uma festa depois do jantar.)
Lugar ou Posição
They were running after him! (Elas estavam correndo atrás dele!)

Lugar ou Posição
The man leaned against the tree. (O homem apoiou-se junto à árvore.)
Movimento ou Direcionamento
She was against the wall. (Ela estava contra a parede.)

Lugar ou Posição
There is milk all over the kitchen! (Tem leite por toda a cozinha!)
Lugar ou Posição
There are trees along the road. (Há árvores ao longo da estrada.)
Movimento ou Direcionamento
The runners were running along the street. (Os maratonistas estavam correndo
pela/ao longo da rua.)

Lugar ou Posição
There was a hut among the trees. (Havia uma cabana entre as árvores.)

Lugar ou Posição
They were walking around the lake. (Eles estavam caminhando ao redor do lago.)
Movimento ou Direcionamento
Stop spinning around, you'll feel dizzy. (Pare de girar. Você vai se sentir tonto.)

Lugar ou Posição
They walked as far as the lake this morning. (Eles caminharam até o lago essa

1. (Fuvest 1983) Complete com as preposições corretas:

She smiled .......... him because she was .......... love .......... him.


Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, in 1889. He was the most famous
comic actor of the history of the cinema. Chaplin's first films were in the age of silent
films. He died in 1977.

2. (G1 1996) Vamos completar com IN, ON ou AT.

a) Chaplin was born ______ England.
b) Chaplin was born ______ London.
c) Suzan's house is ______ Madison Avenue.
d) The restaurant is ______ Lincoln Street, ______ number 250.
e) Mr. Brown is not ______ work now. He is ______ church.

Resposta da questão 1:
at / in / with

Resposta da questão 2:
a) Chaplin was born IN England.
b) Chaplin was born IN London.
c) Suzan's house is ON Madison Avenue.
d) The restaurant is ON Lincoln Street, AT number 250.
e) Mr. Brown is not AT work now. He is IN A church.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda à(s) questão(ões) a seguir.

Many graduates earn ‘paltry returns’ for their degree

Mr Halfon, a former skills minister, stated in his speech that the nation has “become
obsessed _____(1)_____ full academic degrees”.
“We are creating a higher education system that overwhelmingly favours academic
degrees, while intermediate and higher technical offerings are comparatively tiny. The
labour market does not need an ever-growing supply of academic degrees. Between a
fifth and a third of our graduates take non-graduate jobs. The extra return for having a
degree varies wildly according to subject and institution. For many, the returns are
Mr Halfon said that there is a strong need for intermediate skills. “There are skills
shortages in several sectors. And there are millions _____(2)_____ people who want
to get on in life – preferably without spending £50,000 on academic degrees,” he
added. “There has been growing concern about the amount of debt students are
accumulating and the interest being charged on that debt.”
A spokesman for UUK (a representative organisation for the UK’s universities) said:
“Official figures are clear that, on average, university graduates continue to earn
substantially more than non-graduates and are more likely to be in employment. A
university degree remains an excellent investment.”
“We must, however, be careful to avoid using graduate salaries as the single measure
of success in higher education. Many universities specialise in fields such
_____(3)_____ the arts, the creative industries, nursing and public sector professions
that, despite making an essential contribution to society and the economy, pay less on

Adapted from

8. (Espcex (Aman) 2019) Choose the alternative containing the correct words to
respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3).
a) at, of, to
b) to, on, a
c) by, on, that
d) in, with, an
e) with, of, as

9. (Esc. Naval 2016) Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

International Congress

Join us _____ our 2016 International Education Conference _____ Orlando, at the
Disney’s BoardWalk Inn! The BoardWalk is located within the Walt Disney World
Resort and 10 minutes away _____ the Epcot Theme Park. In addition to the
Education Conference, we are also hosting a Business Conference that will be held on
the same days, at the same venue.

(Abridged from http://www,

a) in – in – at
b) on – in – under
c) at – at – under
d) at – in – from
e) in – at – from

10. (Esc. Naval 2016) Analyze these sentences.

I. The boss discussed about the new sales report.

II. Does the coefficient of kinetic friction depend on speed?
III. My son finally succeeded in finding a new job.
IV. Some people still blame the driver on the accident.
V. He apologized for his girlfriend to being late.

Choose the correct option.

a) Only I and II are grammatically correct.
b) Only II and III are grammatically correct.
c) Only II and IV are grammatically correct.
d) Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
e) Only II and V are grammatically correct.

11. (Esc. Naval 2016) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

25 simples well-being tricks to health-proof your body

Let’s be honest, we could all do with looking _____ ourselves better. And if you follow
these simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body, you’ll soon feel the benefits.
Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.

a) for
b) up
c) to
d) after
e) into



Twilight is a 2008 American romantic vampire film based ______ Stephenie Meyer’s
popular novel of the same name. It is the first film in The Twilight Saga film series. This
film focuses on the development of the relationship between Bella Swan and Edward
Cullen (a vampire), and the subsequent efforts of Cullen and his family to keep Swan
safe ______ a coven of evil vampires.
The project was in development for approximately 3 years ______ Paramount
Pictures, during which time a screen adaptation that differed significantly from the
novel was written. Principal photography took 44 days and the film was primarily shot
in Oregon.
Twilight was theatrically released ______ November 21 2010, grossing over US$392
million worldwide and became the most purchased DVD of the year. The soundtrack
was released in the same year. Following the success of the film, New Moon and
Eclipse, the next two novels in the series, were produced as films the following year.

Adapted from Wikipedia

12. (Epcar (Afa) 2012) Choose the correct prepositions to fill in the gaps above.
a) of – off – at – in
b) about – to – over – at
c) under – for – off – in
d) on – from – at – on


Read the text and answer the question(s):

Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the days after a dam burst at an
iron ore mine this month __________ Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, according
to tests by a state water agency, the Institute for Water Management in Minas Gerais.
The agency found arsenic levels more than 10 times above the legal limit in one place
__________ the river, the Rio Doce, after the dam burst on Nov. 5, killing at least 13
people. Mercury slightly above the permitted level was also found in one area.
Samarco, the mine operator, and its co-owners, BHP Billiton and Vale, have
repeatedly said that the water and mineral waste unleashed by the dam burst were not
toxic. On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights agency said “new evidence”
showed that the mud dumped by the flood “contained high levels of toxic heavy metals
and other chemicals.”

(Adopted from

13. (Eear 2019) Fill in the blanks with the option that best completes the text.
a) over / in
b) in / along
c) at / along
d) on / across

14. (Eear 2016) Select the alternative that best completes the sentence below giving
idea of comparison.

He is a good artist and he sings __________ a professional when he is on stage.

a) as
b) like
c) such
d) as if


Read the text and answer the question(s).

Will’s experience at the airport

After his return __________ Rome, Will couldn’t find his luggage in the airport
baggage area. He went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that his
bags 1hadn’t arrived on the carousel.
She smiled and told him not to worry because they were trained professionals and he
was in good hands.
Then she asked Will, “Has your plane arrived yet?”

(Adapted from

15. (Eear 2016) The correct preposition that fills in the blank in the text is
a) at
b) by
c) for
d) from

16. (G1 - col. naval 2017) Complete the paragraph with a proper preposition.

I’m Hannah and I work __________an office in London. During the week, I get up
__________ six-thirty. I go __________ work by subway, but __________ Sundays I
like waking up late because I don’t work __________ weekends.

Choose the right option to fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
a) in / at / to / on / on
b) at / at / to / in / at
c) on / about / at /at / on
d) at / about / at / on / at
e) in / about / to / in / at

Resposta da questão 8: [E]

A expressão to be obsessed exige a preposição with.
O numeral millions exige a preposição of.
A expressão such exige a a preposição as, pois transmite a ideia de exemplificação.

Resposta da questão 9: [D]

A primeira lacuna deve ser completada por at, pois se trata de um evento específico.
A segunda lacuna deve ser completada por in, pois se refere a uma cidade.
A terceira lacuna deve ser completada por from, pois o trecho possui a noção de
distância (10 minutos de distância do parque temático Epcot).

Resposta da questão 10: [B]

[I] Gramaticalmente incorreta. O verbo to discuss não deve ser seguido de
[II] Gramaticalmente correta. O verbo to depend exige a preposição on.
[III] Gramaticalmente correta. O verbo to succeed exige a preposição in.
[IV] Gramaticalmente incorreta. O verbo to blame exige a preposição for.
[V] Gramaticalmente incorreta. A preposição to não deve ser usada.

Resposta da questão 11: [D]

A alternativa correta é a [D], pois o phrasal verb to look after significa tomar conta,
cuidar. Tradução do trecho: Sejamos honestos, todos nós poderíamos cuidar melhor
de nós mesmos. E se você seguir esses truques simples de bem-estar para encher
seu corpo de saúde, você em breve sentirá os benefícios.

Resposta da questão 12: [D]

A expressão to be based exige a preposição on. A preposição from confere à oração
a noção de distanciamento, uma vez que Swan deve ficar longe dos vampiros (far
from). A preposição at pode ser usada para falar sobre locais específicos (Paramount
Pictures). A preposição on deve ser usada quando falamos de datas em que pelo
menos o dia e o mês são mencionados.

Resposta da questão 13: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois as preposições completam corretamente as
lacunas. O uso de in (em, no, na) se justifica pela presença do substantivo disaster
(desastre). Com relação à preposição along (ao longo de), seu uso é justificado pela
presença do substantivo river (rio).

Resposta da questão 14: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois a preposição like confere a ideia de similaridade,
comparação. Tradução: "ele é um bom artista e canta como um profissional quando
está no palco". Isso significa que ele não é um profissional, porém quando está no
palco se comporta de modo semelhante a um.

Resposta da questão 15: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois o verbo to return forma uma colocação com a
preposição from, podendo ser traduzido como "retornar de".

Resposta da questão 16: [A]

A alternativa [A] está correta, pois completa as lacunas com as preposições
adequadas. A primeira lacuna deve ser completada por in, pois Hannah trabalha
dentro do escritório. A segunda lacuna deve ser completada por at, pois há referência
a um horário. A terceira lacuna deve ser completada por to, pois refere-se ao verbo
go. A quarta lacuna deve ser completada por on, pois se refere a um dia da semana.
Por fim, a última lacuna deve ser completada por on, se trata do fim de semana.

Simple Present
Tempo verbal utilizado para falar sobre rotina, verdades universais.
Examples: Doctors and nurses work at hospitals. – verdade universal.
I usually travel on weekends. - Rotina
 No Simple Present, só conjugamos o verbo na 3a pessoa do singular afirmativa
(he, she, it).
Examples: I speak Portuguese, but she speaks German.
The shopping mall opens at 10 a.m. (the shopping mall = it)
His brother lives in Canada. (his brother = he)
Estrutura dos verbos – 3ª pessoa do singular no presente simples
- A maioria dos verbs, acrescentamos apenas S.
My brother works in Canada./ It rains a lot in March. / She eats ice cream after
- Verbos terminados em -S, -SH, -CH, -X, -O e -Z = acrescentamos ES
She passes in every exam. / The janitor washes the floor./ My father watches the
game. / Bella fixes her radio. / She goes to the beach. / The bee buzzes all day long.
- Verbos terminados e – Y, precedidos por consoante: substituimos o -Y por IES
She studies hard. X She plays hard.
- O verbo HAVE tem sua forma irregular também no presente: HAS
I have a car and she has a motorcycle.

 Os demais pronomes (I, you [sing./plu.], we, they) mantém o verbo no infinitivo sem
o TO.
I get up early on Monday.
My friends drive very well. (my friends = they)
We drink a lot of coffee every morning.
You play basketball.

 Na forma interrogativa, acrescentamos DO (I, you, We, They) ou DOES (she, he,
it). Esses irão à frente do sujeito. Não conjugamos o verbo na 3ª pessoa do sing.
Do you have relatives in Italy?
Does he understand Spanish?

 Na forma negativa, devemos acrescentar DO NOT = DON’T (I, you, we, they) ou
DOES NOT = DOESN’T (he, she, it). Neste último caso, não conjugamos o verbo!
I don’t get up early.
The shopping mall doesn’t open at 8.
His brother doesn’t live in Canada.
We don’t drink a lot of coffee.

 Quando falamos de rotina, é comum utilizarmos advérbios de frequência. (As

porcentagens são para referência, somente)
100% Always – I always study for tests.
90% -70% Usually – She usually works on Saturdays.
Normally – He normally gets good grades.
Often – It often stops working in the Summer
50% Sometimes – They sometimes arrive late for meetings.
30% Occasionally – She occasionally reads in the library.
10% - 5% Seldom – I seldom cook on Sundays.
Rarely – He rarely gets sick.
Hardly ever – I hardly ever get out on the weekends.
0% Never – Vegetarians never eat meat.

 Existem, também, expressões que denotam frequência. Esses vão ao final da

Every day/week/month/etc. – She goes shopping at the supermarket every week.
Once/Twice/Three times a day/year/etc. – I have to take this medicine twice a day.
Every other week/month/hours. – We travel to São Paulo every other month.

Past Simple - Regular Verbs

Já falamos sobre o passado do verb be em módulos anteriores. Agora, vamos olhar
para outros verbos no passado.
O auxiliar do passado é o DID. Utilizamos ele para fazer negativas e interrogativas.
Não utilizamos auxiliar na forma afirmativa.
I didn’t call you to talk about problems. (did + not)
Did she travel with her family?
Na forma afirmativa, utilizamos os verbos conjugados. Em inglês, existem verbos
Verbos regulares - seguem uma regra específica. na maioria dos casos,
acrescentamos apenas -ED. Exemplos:
I called my brother yesterday. (call + ed)
I remembered her phone number. Let’s call her. (remember + ed)
I watched an amazing movie last night. (watch + ed)
 Terminados em E: acrescentamos apenas D.
I lived in the USA, but I moved to Brazil last year. (live + d)
John loved the surprise party! (love + d)
We danced all night long. (dance + d)
 Terminados em CVC (consoante+vogal+consoante): duplicamos a útima
I planned this surprise party for him. (plan + n + ed)
They stopped at the drive-through because they were hungry. (stop + p + ed)
Attention: Só dobramos os verbos cuja última sílaba é tônica. Se não for tônica, não
dobramos a última letra.
I listened music to relax. (listen + ed)
The offered me a position at the company. (offer + ed)
They entered in the wrong building. (enter + ed)
Também não dobramos a última consoante se o verbo terminar em W, X ou Y.
They fixed my car last month. (fix + ed)
It snowed all morning yesterday. (snow + ned)
They enjoyed their time at the university. (enjoy + ed)

 Terminados em consoante + Y: trocamos o Y por -IED

The students studied hard for the test. (study + ied)
The day I married Sarah was the happiest day of my life. (marry + ied)
I tried to call you, but nobady answered. (try + ied)
Attention: verbos terminados em VOGAL + Y: acrescentamos ED.
I played the guitar in the concert last Summer. (play + ed)

 Para formar perguntas, acrescentamos DID antes do sujeito e alteramos o verbo

para o infinitivo sem o TO (só conjugamos o verbo no passado na forma
She watched a movie last night. -> Did she watch a movie last night?
They finished their homework. -> Did they finish their homework?
 Para formar negativas, acrescentamos DID + NOT (didn’t) antes do verbo principal.
They opened the book on the wrong page. -> They didn’t open the book on the wrong
John cleaned his car last Sunday. -> John didn’t clean his car last Sunday.

 Change the sentences into question forms:
1. She watched TV yesterday. ___________________________________________?
2. I finished work early. ________________________________________________?
3. I liked the party. ____________________________________________________?
4. I turned the air conditioner off. _________________________________________?
5. I lived in Canada. ___________________________________________________?

 Change the sentences into affirmative.

1. I didn’t work on Saturday. ______________________________________________
2. She didn’t study French in the college. ____________________________________
3. I didn’t enjoy this place. _______________________________________________
4. Martha didn’t use the computer yesterday. ________________________________
5. They didn’t plan the trip. _______________________________________________

 Change into negative:

1. She talked to me about the incident. _____________________________________
2. They showed us the house. ____________________________________________
3. Did the mechanic fix your car? __________________________________________
4. Did your brother wash the dishes? _______________________________________
5. They sufed in Hawaii. _________________________________________________
1. (PUC-CAMPINAS) Assinale a alternativa que traz os verbos entre parênteses em
sua forma correta para preencher a seguinte frase:
“The dinosaur (live) 100 million years ago. It (walk) on two legs. Its arms (be) very
small. Its mouth (be) very big. It (have) long teeth.
A alternativa correta é:
a) lived, walked, were, was, had
b) was living, was walking, was, were, had
c) lived, walked, was, were, was having
d) lived, was walking, was, were, were having
e) lives, were walking, was, were, had

2. (ESFCEX - 2016) Which of the alternatives below best completes the dialogue?
• John:_______you watch the soccer game on channel 4 last night?
• George: No: _____ it good?
• John: Awesome! The visiting team_______score a single goal.
• George: I'm glad I _______ there. I hate to see a visiting team lose.
• John: I _____ _know you were that crazy !!!! Why should the visiting team win?
a) Do - Is - don’t - isn’t - don’t
b) Did - Did - didn’t - didn’t - didn’t
c) Did - Was - didn’t - wasn’t - didn’t
d) Do - Do - don’t - don’t - don’t
e) Were - Was - wasn’t - wasn’t - wasn’t

3. (EEAR - 2015 - Adaptada) Read the text:

Until the 1960’s, team sports were not played on a global scale. In Europe, people
__________ European games, and in North America we played American games. The
only real “global” sports _______________ individual sports, such as golf and tennis.

Fill in the blanks with the correct options.

a) play – is
b) plays – are
c) played – were
d) play – was

4. In “Brazil used to be one of the most unequal countries in the world”, the underlined
words are closest in meaning to
a) was.
b) governed.
c) belonged to.
d) refused to be.

5. (ITA) Dadas as sentenças

I. I stayed at the Menezes for only two days.
II. When she cried, her eyes used to get swollen.
III. He arrived and saw the patient.
Constamos que está (ão) correta (s):
a) apenas a I
b) apenas a II
c) apenas a III
d) apenas a II e a III
e) todas estão corretas.

Reading Comprehension
(CN - 2017 - Adaptada)
The Vikings
Raiders, travelers or brave explorers?
The Vikings ___1___ the seas, attacked towns, and stole treasures all over
Europe between 800 and 1100. They 2 from Scandinavia and attacked
many countries in Europe. They 3 in Britain, Ireland and France. They also
crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Iceland and Greenland. They 4
North America but they also traveled east to Russia and south to Arabia.
They 5 good farmers and excellent shipbuilders. They used their ships for
war. They also used them to carry people and goods to new lands. In winter, when
there was not much farm work to do, they stayed home and did other interesting jobs.
Men made swords to use them in battle. The Vikings liked swords so much they often
decorated them with gold and gave them names. Women cooked and made clothes,
shoes, and jewelry for themselves,___6___ children and husbands.
In 866 the Vikings captured an Anglo-Saxon town. They called it Jorvik and it was
the capital of the Viking kingdom for 200 years. They made Jorvik rich and one of the
most famous cities in Britain. Some years ago, archeologists discovered part of that
Viking town in York, the modern city of Jorvik. They found many things such as
jewelry, coins and clothes. If you ever go to York and you want to travel back in time
and see how the Vikings lived, visit the Jorvik Centre!

6 - Comple gaps 1 to 5 with the correct options:

a) sailled - startted - settled - discovered - was
b) sailied - startied - settled - discovered - were
c) sailed - started - settled - discover - are
d) sail - start - settle - discover - are
e) sailed - started - settled - dicovered - were

7 - The Vikings used their ships to

a) steal Scandinavia's treasures.
b) become good shipbuilders.
c) build villages all over Europe.
d) sail the seas, to carry people and goods and for war.
e) stay inside them during the cold winter.
8 – Which possessive form complete the gap in the text
a) their
b) her
c) his
d) hers
e) theirs

9 - All the statements below are correct about the Vikings, EXCEPT that they
a) were good at farming and shipbuilding.
b) were a people who enjoyed traveling by ship.
c) liked jewelry and swords.
d) were in the Américas before Columbus.
e) all lived in Jorvik from 866 to 1066.

10 - The text is, maily:

a) descriptive, in the simple present.
b) descriptive, in the simple past.
c) argumentative, in the past simple.
d) fictional, in the past simple.
e) narrative, in the simple present.

GABARITO: 1. A, 2. C, 3. C, 4. A, 5. E, 6. E, 7. D, 8. A, 9. E, 10. B.

Simple Past - Irregular Verbs

No módulo anterior, vimos como funcionam os verbos regulares no passado. Agora,

vamos observar os verbos irregulares.
Verbos Irregulares: mudam sua forma e não seguem a regra do ED. Precisamos
Alguns exemplos:
I went to a party last Saturday. (Pres: GO - Past: WENT)
She wrote an email talking about the accident. (Pres: WRITE - Past: WROTE)
I did my homework yesterday, but Sarah didn’t. (Pres: DO - Past: DID)
My dad made an excellent cake for my mom’s birthday. (Pres: MAKE - Past: MADE)
Quanto mais verbos irregulares você memorizar, melhor será sua interpretação de

Past Simple - Estrutura:

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
Affirmative I started an English I forgot to call you. I’m
- somente course. (start + ed) sorry! (forget - forgot)
alteramos os I finished the book you You told me the truth.
verbos no (tell - told)
lent me. (finish + ed)
passado na I woke you up early
She painted the room
forma afirmativa. because we are going
yellow. (paint + ed)
- não utilizamos o to travel today.
auxiliar (wake - woke)
I didn’t forget to call
Negative I didn’t start an English
- Adicionamos o course.
You didn’t tell me the
auxiliar DID + I didn’t finish the book you
NOT (didn’t) lent me.
I didn’t wake you up
- Não conjugamos She didn’t paint the room
early because we are
o verbo yellow.
going to travel.
Interrogative Did you forget to call
Did you start an English
- Adicionamos o me?
auxiliar DID na Did you tell me the
Did you finish the book I
frente do sujeito truth?
lent you?
- Não conjugamos Did you wake me up
Did she paint tje room
o verbo early because we are
going to travel?

Alguns verbos irregularres:

be was/were know knew
begin began leave left
break broke lead led
bring brought let let
buy bought lie lay
build built lose lost
choose chose make made
come came mean meant
cost cost meet met
cut cut pay paid
do did put put
draw drew run ran
drive drove say said
eat ate sell sold
feel felt send sent
find found set set
get got sit sat
give gave speak spoke
go went spend spent
have had stand stood
hear heard take took
hold held teach taught
keep kept tell told
think thought win won
understand understood write wrote
wear wore


 Complete with the irregular and regular form of the verbs:

live:_____________ find:_____________ rain:_____________
have:_____________ know:_____________ buy:_____________
go:_____________ pay:_____________ eat:_____________
play:_____________ study:_____________ say:_____________
try:_____________ read:_____________ hear:_____________
give:_____________ dance:_____________ fix:_____________
see:_____________ stay:_____________ speak:_____________
think:_____________ take:_____________ stop:_____________
work:_____________ get:_____________ sleep:_____________
clean:_____________ open:_____________ plan:_____________
walk:_____________ make:_____________ leave:_____________

 Transform the sentences:

a) He took a train to the mall.

b) They didn’t give me their presents.


c) Did Sue see her brother last Summer?


d) Jake read that book last month.



1. (CN - 2017) Mark the option in which all the verbs are written in the Simple Past.
a) put - drank - ate - heard - taken
b) knew - brought - wanted - made - was
c) wrote - come - felt - had - flew
d) told - were - begun - gave - read
e) left - spent - slept - swum - traveled

2. (CN - 2017) Read the text II in orderto answer item.

My name is Patrick. I ___________ on vacation to Brazil last Summer, and I
___________ in a five-star hotel in front of the beach in Rio de Janeiro.
I went to Rio by plane and I___________ a month there, I ___________ a lot of
people and we____________a great time! I want to go back to Brazii as soon as
Choose the option which completes the gaps in the text, respectively.
a) traveled / stayed / spend / knew / had
b) traveled / were / spent / knew / did
c) went / stayed / spent / met / had
d) went/were/spend/met/did
e) were / went / stayed / knew / have

3. (ESFCEX - 2011) Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:
As they _________ down the street they _________ Amelia.

a) walked – saw
b) were walking – saw
c) walked – were seeing
d) was walking – was seeing
e) were walking – were seeing

4. (EEAR - 2009 - Adaptada) The correct verbs to fill in the blanks are, respectively:
A long time ago, people ___________________ a way to create a nice smell. They
put nice-smelling wood or leaves into a fire. A nice smell _____________ through the
smoke. That’s how we got the word perfume. In Latin “per” means “through”, and
“fumus” means “smoke”.

a) find / comes
b) found / came
c) has found / came
d) had found / comes

5. (ESFCEX - 2015) Read the sentence below.

Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image
from them.

The alternative that correctly transforms the sentence above to the simple present is:
a) Scientists take digital photographs of the footprints and create a 3D image from
b) Scientists tooks digital photographs of the footprints and creates a 3D image from
c) Scientists takes digital photographs of the footprints and create a 3D image from
d) Scientists tooks digital photographs of the footprints and create a 3D image from
e) Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and creates a 3D image from

Reading Comprehension
(EPCAR - 2014 - Adaptada)
Offshore English is a term used by many people for international English (I). It is the
English spoken and written by non-native speakers in international communication (II).
Many in business are starting to worry that native speakers are actually at a
disadvantage in international communication. A good example of this situation was
when a company tried to sell flight simulators to South Korea, where a French
company won the contract because the buyers found it easier to understand the
English that the French people spoke than the English spoken by the British company.
Many native English speakers feel little necessity to learn foreign languages, so they
often don’t understand the difficulties and problems learners have. They also don’t see
(1) the need to modify their language for a foreign audience, so they use (2) idioms,
synonyms, colloquialisms, phrasal verbs, etc, and don’t think (3) of the impact this has
(4) on a foreign businessperson.
The English studied by non-native speakers tends to use a more simple vocabulary,
and considering the similarities in courses in many parts of the world, emphasized by a
small number of course books (Headway Series) and the domination of a few
examinations, for example TOEFL, etc. This means that non-native speakers from
different countries and cultures sometimes understand each other more easily than the
native speaker. Few native speakers outside the world of ESL (English as a Second
language) teaching have much idea of what non-native learners assimilate, and think
that as their English is native speaker level, they speak it better than their non-native
counterparts. Because of this, companies are offering courses in
Offshore English to native speakers to train them to speak the type of English that will
make it easier for non-native speakers to understand. So they will gain more contracts.
Adapted from
Acessado em 14/03/2013

6 - (EPCAR - 2013) Consider the underlined verbs (1 to 4) in the text. Mark the
alternative in which they are changed into the Simple Past Tense. They are,
a) did not see / use / did not thought / had.
b) not saw / did use / not thought / did had.
c) did not saw / used / did think / have.
d) didn’t see / used / didn’t think / had.
7 - “Native speakers are at a disadvantage in international communication”. The
negative form of this sentence is “Native speakers .................. at a disadvantage in
international communication”.
a) not are c) do not are
b) isn’t d) aren’t

8 - The underlined word in the sentence “native speakers to train them to speak” refers
a) native speakers.
b) courses in Offshore English.
c) the kind of English.
d) Offshore English.

9 - Select the question(s) below that have (has) answer(s) in the sentences I and II
(lines 1 - 4).
I. How does the speaker use Offshore English?
II. Who speaks Offshore English?
III. What is the term Offshore English?
IV. Why is Offshore English spoken and written?

Mark the right option.

a) Only II and III. c) Only IV.
b) Only I d) Only I, II and IV.

GABARITO: 1. B, 2. C, 3. B, 4. B, 5. A, 6. D, 7. D, 8. A, 9. A.

Past Continuous

Usamos Past Continuous para enfatizar uma ação que estava em progresso e um
determinado momento no passado, porém já está finalizada. Observe:

I was jogging this morning.

The kids were doing the homework in the afternoon.

● Estrutura: verb be no passado + verbo com -ING (as regras de ING são as
mesmas apresentadas no módulo 4)
They were watching TV.
Jannet was eating popcorn during the movie.
Afirmativa: My friends and I were studying for the test.

Subj. + verb be (past) + main verb(ING) The teacher was explaining the topic.
My friends and I weren’t (were not) studying
for the test.
Subj. + verb be + NOT + main
The teacher wasn’t (was not) explaining the
Were your friends and you studying for the
Interrogativa: test?

Verb be + Subj. + main verb(ING) Was the teacher explaining the topic?

Past Continuous x Simple Past

● Usualmente, o passado contínuo é utilizado para contrastar com o passado simples

quando estamos em uma narrativa. Observe:

I was walking down the street when I saw the accident.

Temos dois momentos nessa sentença. O primeiro é uma ação longa, e o segundo é

I was walking down the street. (long action) x

I saw the accident. (short action)

Temos, então, o contraste de uma ação que estava em progresso (past continuous)
quando foi interrompida por outra (past simple). Utilizamos o conector WHEN.
Observe mais exemplos:
I was watching TV when the phone rang. = When the phone range, I was watching TV.
They were driving home when they heard the news. = When they heard the news, the
were driving home.
A ordem das orações pode ser invertida, sem alterar o seu sentido.
● Podemos, também, descrever ações que estavam em andamento simultâneo.
Susan was playing video games while Mary was studying for her test.


Nesta sentença, temos ambas as ações ocorrendo ao mesmo tempo. Neste caso,
utilizamos o conector WHILE. Observe mais exemplos:

My father was reading while my brother was washing the car. = While my father was
reading, my brother was washing his car.
He was cooking dinner while I was taking a shower. = While I was taking a shower, he
was cooking dinner.
Novamente, a mudança da ordem das orações não altera o sentido.

Connectors (1)

Como mencionamos no módulo anterior, marcadores de discurso são essenciais para

o entendimento de um texto. Como exemplo de marcadores, temos os conectores,
também chamados de conjunctions.
Connectors são palavras ou expressões que ligam duas palavras ou orações
distintas. Observe:
I - I like TV series and movies.
II - I love cartoons, but I don’t like soap operas.
III - I love netflix because I can watch movies all the time.

Na frase I, o termo AND liga duas palavras (TV series AND movies).
Nas frases II e III, as conjunções BUT e BECAUSE estão ligando orações distintas.

Podemos classificar as conjunções pelas ideias que elas transmitem. Abaixo, iremos
citar alguns exemplos:
● Adição: and, besides, in addition to, moreover, as well, too, also
I don’t want to go shopping. Besides, I haven’t got any money.
We bought lots of ice cream for the party, and sweets too. (sempre no final)

● Adversativas: but, however, although, even though, despite, in spite

I’m afraid I can’t come to your wedding. However, I’m going to send you a present.
Although the car was destroyed, no one was injured in the crash.

● Conclusivas: so, thus, therefore, as a result

There weren’t enough beds, so I had to sleep on the floor.
The new boots are lighter and softer, and therefore more comfortable to wear.

● Explicativas: because, since, due to

He almost died due to lack of oxygen.
Since there’s no more business, we can all go home.

● Complete the sentences with Past Continuous
a) Tom burnt his hand while ______________________________________________
(he / cook dinner)
b) The doorbell rang while _______________________________________________
(I / have a shower)
c) We saw the accident while _____________________________________________
(we / drive)
d) Mary fell asleep while _________________________________________________
(she / read)
e) The TV was on but ___________________________________________________
(They / not / watch)

● Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Continuous or Past Simple.
a) Jane _______________________ (wait) for me when I
_______________________ (arrive).

b) “What _______________________ (you/do)? this time yesterday?” “I was asleep.”

c) _______________________ (you/go) to the party last night?” “No, I was too tired.”

d) “Was Carol at the party last night?” “Yes, she _______________________ (wear) a
really nice dress.”

e) How fast _______________________ (you/drive) when the accident


f) That was I very difficult test. I _______________________ (know) what to do.

g) When I was young, I _______________________ (want) to be a scientist.

h) I ___________________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I ______________

(hear) footsteps behind me. Someone ___________________ (follow) me. I got
scared and I _________________(start) to run.

i) I ___________________ (see) Sue in town yesterday but she

____________________ (not/see) me. She _______________________ (look) the
other way.

j) I _______________________(meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago.

They _______________________ (go) to Berlin and I _______________________
(go) to Madri. We _______________________ (have) a chat while we
_______________________ (wait) for our flights.

● Choose the best option
1. Luke was late to the party ______ his car broke down on the highway.
A. if B. because C. while D. although E. where

2. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly.
A. and B. or C.but

3. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building.
A. and B. yet C. nor

4. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late.

A. and B. nor C. for

5. She really wanted to eat ice cream; _________, she had a salad.
A. however B. likewise C. instead

6. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four.

A. but B. so C. yet

7. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late.

A. so B. but C. for

8. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere.
A. but B. yet C. so

9. Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts
on display. A. but B. for C. yet

10. Bianca wore her rain boots; _________, her feet stayed dry during the storm.
A. however B. therefore C. on the other hand

1. (CN - 2017) Complete the sentences with the correct use of the Simple Past and the
Past Continuous.
- I was waiting for the bus when I___________ (see) her.
- The children ___________ (argue) when the teacher arrived.
- Everyone___________ (listen) to music when the lights ___________. (go) out.

To fill in the gaps respectively, mark the right option.

a)saw / was arguing / were listening / went
b) was seeing / was arguing / listened / were
c) were weeing / argued / listenned / were
d) saw / were arguing / was listening / went
e) was seing / argued / listened / were going
2. (EEAR - 2014 - Adaptada) Investigators trying to find out what happened to a
Malaysia Airlines jet that disappeared en route to Beijing on Saturday morning were
examining the causes of plane crashes: mechanical failure, pilot error, bad weather.
But the discovery that two of the passengers were carrying stolen passports also
raised the possibility of criminal violence.
(Adapted from “Passport Theft adds mystery of missing Malaysia Airlines Jet”)
raised – aumentou, ampliou

The underlined verbs in the text are, respectively

a) present progressive - simple past
b) past progressive - simple past
c) simple present - simple past
d) Future form - simple present

3. (EEAR - 2009 - Adaptada)

The Grasshopper and the Ants
(...) When the winter _____________ and there was snow on the ground, the
grasshopper had nothing to eat. He was very hungry so, he went and asked the ants
to give him some food.
“We worked all summer to collect our food. What did you do?” said one of the ants.
“I _____________,” replied the grasshopper.
“Well, if you sing all summer and do no work,” said the ant, “then you must starve in
the winter.”
Fill in the blanks with the suitable verb forms, respectively

a) is coming / sing
b) comes / is singing
c) was coming / sang
d) came / was singing

4. (ESFCEX - 2011) Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:
As they _________ down the street they _________ Amelia.
a) walked – saw
b) were walking – saw
c) walked – were seeing
d) was walking – was seeing
e) were walking – were seeing

5. (ESPP - 2013) The verb tense of the verb in bold type in the extract ”It hit the
headlines in March this year after Hector Xavier Monsegur, one of the groups
ringleaders and an influential member of Anonymous, turned fellow hackers over to
authorities” is:
a) Simple past.
b) Simple present.
c) Present perfect.
d) Past perfect

6. (CPTM - 2012) Which of the following alternatives has the same verb tense as the
sentence:”Generation Y grew up with technology”?

a) She is going to school by car.

b) She goes to school by car.
c) She was going to school by car
d) She went to school by car.
e) She had gone to school by car.

7. (CBM - 2017) An anyone who has begun an exercise program knows, the
relationship between exercise, appetite, weight control and hunger are complex and
often counterintuitive. The arithmetic involved seems straightforward. You burn
calories during exercise and, over time, should drop kilos. Yet the reality is more
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
In the context, the word “Yet" conveys the same idea as the expression up until now.
( ) Errado
( ) Certo

8. (TCE-PR - 2016) The security and trust of digital transaction systems have become
of critical importance as more and more organizations and businesses join the e-
commerce train. The very future of global commerce is at stake in this new information
society unless the security of e-commerce can be guaranteed.
In text, the word “unless” conveys the idea of
a) addition.
b) condition.
c) comparison.
d) contrast.
e) purpose.

9. (CESPE - 2011 - Adaptada) But what makes this interaction more relevant today is
the growing evidence that greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions have contributed and
will continue to contribute to long-term or permanent changes to our ecosystems and
landscapes and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme events. This
amplifies existing social risks and vulnerabilities and will therefore increase the
pressures faced by many disadvantaged individuals and populations in Canada and
The conjunction therefore (L.17) expresses an idea of consequence.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado

10. (CESGRANRIO - 2010) The expression in bold type introduces a consequence in

a) “But what began 150 years ago...”
b) “Thus, we need to aggressively look to the future... “
c) “If that search goes poorly”
d) “Yet human with an economic incentive to be optimistic... “
e) “On the other hand, so could advanced biofuels... “
11. “Recycling saves energy __________ less energy is used to recycle than to turn
new raw maTerials into new products.”
What is the best word to complete this sentence?
a) Although.
b) Because.
c) Besides.
d) However.

Gabarito: 1. D, 2. B, 3. D, 4. B, 5. A, 6. D, 7. ERRADO, 8. B, 9. CERTO, 10. B, 11. B.

Future (Will x Be Going To)

Podemos expressar o futuro de diversas formas em inglês. Neste módulo vamos
analisar as formas mais comuns: WILL e BE + Going to
Podemos utilizar ambas as estruturas na maioria dos casos, sem diferença no
You are going to love Rio. It’s a great city. = You will love Rio. It’s a great city.

Porém, existem casos específicos para cada uma das formas de futuro.

Estrutura: Affirmativa: Subject + will + main verb Affirmativa: Subj. + verb
be + going to + main
I will go to the drugstore verb
She will drink soda
They are going to travel.
- Não difere com diferentes pronomes John is going to move to
- Não conjugamos os verbos após WILL São Paulo.
- Podemos utilizar a forma reduzida: ‘LL
- O verbo BE é
She’ll drink soda. conjugado de acordo
I’ll go to the drugstore. com os pronomes.
- Não conjugamos o
Negativa: will not = won’t verbo após GOING TO
She won’t drink soda.
Negativa: BE + NOT ou
a forma reduzida

They aren’t goint to

I will not go to the drugstore.
John isn’t going to move
to São Paulo.
Interrogativa: will + subj. + main verb
Will she drink soda?
Interrogativa: BE + subj.
Will you go to the drugstore?
+ going to + main verb
Are they going to travel?
Is John going to move to
São Paulo?

- Previsões: - Planos/Intenções

I think Brazil will win the World Cup. I’m going to drive to work
You will enjoy the movie. It’s amazing! today because it’s
- Fazer promessas e ofertas, expressar raining. (tomei essa
desejos decisão antes)

He’ll send me an email tomorrow. They’re going to study in

I will help you with the chores. Canada. (já é um plano
Usos: I hope you will come to my party. em andamento)

- Previsões baseadas
- Decisões tomadas no momento de em fatos no presente.
Jane is pregnant. She is
I’m hungry. I’ll have a sandwich. going to have a baby.
You need help now. I’ll help you. There are many black
clouds in the sky. It’s
going to rain.

Can - Ability, Permission, Prohibition, Possibility and Request

Can é um vebo modal que pode transmitir diversas ideias. Tudo dependerá da
intenção do locutor e o contexto da frase.

Can - Estrutura:
Afirmativa: Negativa: Interrogativa:
Subj. + can + main verb cannot ou can’t Can + Subj. + main verb

James can ride a bike. James can’t ride a bike. Can James ride a bike?
You can drive to school. You cannot drive to Can you drive to
school school?
- Can não difere com os
diferentes pronomes - A forma cannot é mais
- Não conjugamos os formal ou mais enfática.
verbos após Can

 Ability - habilidades gerais de uma pessoa.
She can speak Italian and French.
I can’t dance very well.
Can you swim?

 Permission - pedir/dar permissão.

Can I go to the bathroom, please?
Can we talk to you?
You can stay up late today.
You can borrow my cellphone.

 Prohibition - Na negativa, temos uma proibição.

You can’t go to the bathroom.
I can’t talk to strangers.

 Posibility - indicar possibilidades gerais sobre o presente e futuro.

It can be very cold in the winter.
Exercise can help you lose weight.
She can travel with us because she will be on vacation in July.

 Request - pedidos/solicitações.
Can you sign here, please?
Can you lend me you pen, please?

There be (Fut.)

Como já vimos no módulo 2, utilizamos a estrutura THERE + BE para descrever um

lugar ou situação. Podemos também utilizar esta strutura para fazer previsões futuras,
seja com BE GOING TO seja com WILL. Observe:
In 2050, there will be a huge problem with plastic in the ocean.
In October, there will be a music festival in Rio.
I think there is going to be a party on my street this evening.
- Não conjugamos verbos após WILL /BE GOING TO, portanto o verbo BE fica no
bare infinitive (infinitivo sem o TO).
- Na forma negativa, acrescentamos o NOT na estrutura WILL e GOING TO.
In 2050, there won’t be a huge problem with plastic in the ocean.
In October, there won’t be a music festival in Rio.
I think there isn’t going to be a party on my street this evening.
- Na interrogativa, mudamos a ordem do WILL e do VERB BE.
Will there be a huge problem with plastic in the ocean in 2050?
Will there be a music festival in Rio in October?
Is there going to be a party on your street this evening?


 Complete with future forms and choose teh best option:

1. We _______________ dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we don’t have a
reservation now. (have)
( ) plan ( ) decision at the moment

2. “I’m leaving to the train station now. Bye” “Wait! I __________________ you to the
station.” (drive)
( ) plan ( ) decision at the moment

3. I _______________________my sister in April. We are planning a trip together.

( ) plan ( ) decision at the moment

4. Look at the clouds - it _______________________ in a few minutes. (rain)

( ) present evidence ( ) decision at the moment

5. Listen! There's someone at the door. I _____________________ the door for you.
( ) plan ( ) decision at the moment

6. “I don’t know how to use the camera” “It’s easy. I ___________________ you.”
( ) plan ( ) decision at the moment

7. “We don’t have any milk.” “Really? No problem, I ______________________

some.” (buy)
( ) plan ( ) decision at the moment

8. I’m feeling terrible. I think I ______________________ sick. (be)

( ) present evidence ( ) decision at the moment

 Complete with CAN (affirmative, negative or interrogative):

1. Jane _______________ speak French. She lived in France for 5 years.
2. I’m sorry I ________________ come to your party. I’m really busy.
3. Where are my keys? I ________________ find them.
4. ________________ you open the door for me, please?
5. The music is too loud. I ________________ hear you.
6. I ________________ jump. My legs hurt.
7. I like this hotel room. You ________________ see the mountains from the window.
8. “Can you drive a car?” “ No, I ________________. I’m 15.”

 Complete with the correct form of the structure THERE + BE (present, past or
1. ________________ a good movie on tv yesterday evening.
2. ________________ 24 hours in a day.
3. ________________ a party at my friend’s house next week.
4. “We were in a hotel in Paraty last week.” “Amazing! ________________ a
swimming pool?”
5. My pocket is empty. ________________ any money in it.
6. I’m sorry I’m late. ________________ a lot of traffic.
7. Ten years ago ________________ few building here. Now, ________________
many skyscrapers.
8. (weather forecast) ________________ some rain tomorrow morning.


1. (CN - 2017 - Adaptada) “When I finish the two months' work, I want to travel in and
around Namibia for three weeks.” (lines 19, 20 and 21)
Because it is a plan, it is possible to rewrite the sentence substituting the underlined
part for:
a) am traveling.
b) like traveling.
c) am going to travel.
d) can travel.
e) traveled.

2. (IBFC - 2015) The negative form of the sentence “They´ll let you take it home” is:
a) They won´t let you take it home.
b) They don´t want to let you take it home.
c) They wouldn´t let you take it home.
d) They would never let you take it home.

3. (EEAR - 2016 - Adaptada) The sentence “We’re going to Robben Island” (line3), in
the text, refers to the
a) past
b) future
c) present
d) daily action
4. (AFA) Aline: “You know, my nephew Johnny ___________ take a course in Sweden
the following semester. Perhaps he____________ have time to spend his vacation
with us because the college where he studies ___________ allow him to stay out
more than a week. So, how about going there, make him a surprise, see new places
and people?”
Jennifer: “That’s great! I____________ provide my passport right away and buy some
appropriate clothes.”
The correct forms to fill in the blanks are:
a) will / will / won’t / will
b) ‘ll / isn’t going to / will not / am going to
c) is going to / won’t / won’t / will
d) isn’t going to / won’t / will / will

5 - Watch out! Mike ................. (scare) you.

a - ’s going to scare
b - will scare
c - ’ll scare
d - ’m going to scare

6. (UFSC) Assinale a alternativa correta:

a) You can’t drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.
b) You can’t to drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.
c) You can’t driving a car unless you have a driver’s license.
d) You don’t can drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.
e) You cannot to drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.

7. (STA.CASA-SP - Adaptada) She’s so good that that there isn’t anything she
a) can’t
b) can
c) don’t
d) can not
e) doesn’t

8. (PUC-SP)
Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!
Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won’t have to. There’s a lifeboat on board.
In the above dialogue, the underlined verbs express _____ and _____, respectively.
a) ability – obligation
b) permission – prohibition
c) possibility – prohibition
d) permission – possibility
e) ability – necessity
9. (EEAR - 2017 - Adaptada)
My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t.In fact, if I can be completely honest, I hate
Chirstmas. Maybe it’s because Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a
young boy.
The word “can”, in bold in the text, expresses ________.
a) quality
b) permission
c) prohibition
d) importance

9. (MACKENZIE-SP - Adaptada) In the sentence: You can be wrong, and you can be
right, “can” expresses:
a) possibility
b) permission
c) ability
d) deduction
e) obligation

10. (ETAM - 2011) The underlined word in “The Navy experience can shape your
future” indicates a(n):
a) obligation;
b) capacity;
c) prohibition;
d) permission.

11. (EEAR - 2012) Angry Birds

Angry Birds are fat and round. Angry Birds cannot fly. But Angry Birds are superstars.
Millions of people around the world are addicted to them. It’s the number one game for
(Adapted from Speak Up # 295)
The affirmative form of the underlined modal verb, in the paragraph, expresses
a) obligation.
b) necessity.
c) advice.
d) ability.

12. (FAAP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a

In my school __________ many foreign students.
a) has
b) there are
c) there is
d) have
e) there will

GABARITO: 1. C, 2. A, 3. B, 4. B, 5. A, 6. A, 7. A, 8. E, 9. B, 10. B, 11. D, 12. B.

Imperative Form
 A forma imperativa é utilizada para dar ordens ou instruções, fazer pedidos
informais e indicar sugestões. Sua estrutura não possui sujeito.
Stop! /Listen! / Silence!
 Podemos, também, dar uma ordem na negativa. Neste caso, adicionamos o
Don’t be late. / Don’t eat in this room.
 Podemos também utilizar a particula Let (let’s) para dar a ideia de convite.
Let’s seach the recipe on the net.
Let me see with my mother if I can go.
Let’s not call the director.
Let’s not wait any longer!
Present Continuous
 Forma verbal utilizada para expressar ações realizada no momento de fala ou
ações temporárias.
(on the phone) “What are you doing, Ann?” “I’m watching Netflix. And you?” – ação em
progresso no momento de fala.
(at school) “What are you doing this week, Ann?” “I’m reading an interesting book.” -
ação temporária; não rotineira.
 Utilizamos o verb be como auxiliar nesta forma verbal + o verbo principal com
I am doing my homework.
She is learning Italian.
They are working now.
Sendo assim, para fazer interrogativas, invertemos o verbo e o sujeito; e para fazer
negativas, adicionamos o NOT.
I’m not doing my homework.
Is she learning Italian?
“Are they working now?” “No, They aren’t working now.”

Estrutura: verbos com –ING – Regras gerais

- Verbos terminados em CVC (consoante – vogal – consoante): dobrar a última
We are planning our trip.
The thief is getting out of the bank now.
Attention: Só dobramos os verbos cuja última sílaba é tônica. Se não for tônica, não
dobramos a última letra.
The students are listening to music now.
My family is visiting some relatives in France.

- Não dobramos as letras y, w e x.

Joe is fixing her bike.
It’s snowing a lot this year.
The students are studying for the test.

- Terminados em -E: substituimos o -E por –ING

Johnny is writing (write) an email to his boss.
Look! The baby is smiling. (smile)
The baker is making (make) a new recipe.

- Verbos terminados em -EE, -YE, -OE: não retirar o E.

She is seeing (see) the doctor this month.
She is dyeing (dye) her hair at home.
We are tiptoeing (tiptoe) down the stairs.

- Verbos terminados em –IE: substituir –IE por – YING

The cook is tying her hair to start the show. (tie)
I know you are lying to me! Tell me the truth. (lie)

Present Continuous x Simple Present – Differences

Present Continuous Simple Present

I’m studying I study



Expressa continuidade; ações Rotina ou fatos gerais; ações

acontecendo no momento de fala ou repetidas ou verdades que não são
ações temporárias no presente. Ex: alteradas. Ex:
What language are you speaking? You speak French very well.
You are living in South Africa. You live un Brazil.
It’s raining now. It rains a lot during this month.
 Existem alguns verbos que não denotam movimento. Eles são chamados stative
verbs. Eles não são utilizados com -ING pois não são utilizados na forma
contínua. Exemplos:
I want to go home. You look very good today.
I need to drink some water. That sounds great!
I don’t understand what you are saying. It seems to be a good ideia.
 Make the negative form of the following instructions:
a) Read the book - _______________________________________________________
b) Call your mother - _____________________________________________________
c) Turn on the radio - ____________________________________________________
d) Go out -_____________________________________________________________

 Make the affirmative form of the following sentences:

a) Don’t close the window - ___________________________________________________
b) Don’t take the trash away -__________________________________________________
c) Don’t use the computer - ___________________________________________________
d) Don’t turn off the lights - ___________________________________________________

 Complete with the correct form of the verbs: Present Continuous, Simple Present or
a) Let’s go out side. It ________________ now. (not/rain)
b) Julias lives in France. She ___________________ French very well.
c) Let’s hurry! Everybody __________________ for us. (wait)
d) “________________________ to the radio?” “Not now. I’m studying.” (you/listen)
e) “________________________ to the radio every day?” “ No, just on the weekend.” (you/listen)
f) The Earth ________________ round the sun. (go)
g) We usually ____________________ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we
______________________(not/grow) any.
h) The bus is never late. It always _______________ on time. (leave)
i) “What ____________________ (your father/do)?” “He’s an engineer but he
__________________ now.” (not/working)
j) I ____________________ the computer at night but I __________________ it today because I
have some work to do.
k) Julia __________________ (study) in London this year, and she really loves ________ (be)
l) How often __________________ (Tom/play) tennis?
m) _____________________ to buy some milk! (not/forget)
n) Who us that man? Why ___________________________ at us? (he/look)
o) Are you thirsty? ________________________ something to drink?
p) “How do I get to the bank?” “ ________________ (go) straight ahead and ________________
(turn) the second left.”


1. (PUC-SP) Listen! Someone ____ upstairs. I can hear it distinctly.

a) walks
b) walk
c) is walking
d) are walking
e) to walk

2. (UFPR) A: What______________? B: Peter __________and Alice ___________.

a) are Peter and Alice doing – is working – is cooking
b) Peter and Alice are doing – is working – is cooking
c) do Peter and Alice do – is working – is cooking
d) is Peter and Alice doing – is working – is cooking
e) Peter and Alice’s doing – works – cooks

3. (CN – 2017 – Adaptada) Read the extract and answer the question.
“Mike Coleman is 19 and ____________ in Ohama, Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to
become a teacher but now he ___________ in Nambia.”
Which verb forms complete the gaps in the text, respectively?
a) is living/leaves
b) lives/is living
c) is living/lives
d) leaves/is living
e) leaves/is leaving

5. (FUNCAB – 2015) Read these sentences.

1. Laura WALKS around the airport and looks at the shops.

2. She IS WAITING for her flight now.
3. She STARTS asking people where the bathroom is.

The verbs in these sentences are in the following tenses, respectively:

a) present simple / present continuous / present continuous.
b) present simple / present continuous / present simple.
c) present continuous / present simple / present continuous.
d) present continuous / present continuous / present continuous.
e) present simple / present simple / presente simple.

6. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada:

Many countries __________ with nuclear reactors.

a) is experimenting
b) experiments
c) experimenting
d) would experiment
e) are experimenting
6. (ESC. NAVAL) Assinale o item que completa a frase: “Listen, it seems that all the birds
a) sings
b) is singing
c) to sing
d) is to sing
e) are singing

7. (UFF) Mark the correct item to complete the following sentence: “Philip_________ to the radio
while her little brother _________ outside, playing in the yard”.
a) is listening / to be
b) are listening / is
c) listens / is being
d) listen / is
e) is listening / is

8. (EFOMM) The companies are expanding their business and they need all the help they can
get. So they __________ several people.
a) employ
b) is employing
c) isn’t employing
d) employing
e) are employing

9.(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:

He doesn’t __________ anymore.
a) smoking
b) no smoking
c) smokes
d) smoked
e) smoke

11. (FAAP) Assinale a alternativa correta:

The whole world __________ against drugs now.
a) is fighting
b) fought
c) fighting
d) are fighting
e) fight

GABARITO: 1. C, 2. B, 3. B, 4. B, 5. E, 6. E, 7. E, 8. E, 9. E, 10. A

Text Comprehension - Techniques (1)

A melhor forma de estudar para interpretação de textos é lendo. Não tem muito como escapar
de ler textos, até que você se habitue a ler em inglês. Ter um caderno onde você possa fazer
seu dicionário particular também ajuda, pois o processo de escrever as palavras auxilia na
Além disso, temos também algumas técnicas gerais para interpretar textos. São elas:
- A estrutura das frases em inglês é, geralmente, sujeito + verbo + complemento. Parece
bobagem, mas em frases longas ou que apresentem muito vocabulário desconhecido pelo leitor,
ter isso em mente facilita a leitura. Observe:
Either the matches or the candles caused the fire in the settlement.

Você pode não saber que “matches” são palitos de fósforo, ou que “candles” são velas. Porém,
por eles estarem a frente do verbo, é muito provável que eles sejam o sujeito da ação.
- Se você está fazendo uma prova e seu tempo está contado, leia a pergunta primeiro. O
enunciado/as opções podem te fornecer palavras-chave, que facilitam sua leitura. Isso te faz
mais objetivo quando voltar ao texto e facilitará a leitura.
- Outra dica para hora da prova é ler a primeira frase de cada parágrafo, e em alguns casos, a
última também. Usualmente, a ideia principal do parágrafo é apresentada logo de início, sendo
sua conclusão (se houver) ao final.
- O título e a fonte do texto são importante. Ela pode te auxiliar no entendimento do texto, uma
vez que pode te dizer se é um artigo no jornal, uma receita, um artigo de opinião em um blog,
etc. Usualmente, textos mais formais tendem a apresentar mais cognatos verdadeiros (true
friends), enquanto textos mais específicos tendem a apresentar vocabulário mais complexo por
ser, bem, específico.
- Se você não estiver fazendo uma prova, leia o texto direto. Resista a tentação de parar em
cada palavra para traduzi-la. Recorra a uma leitura rápida do texto (skimming) para que você
consiga se situar em qual tipo de texto você estará trabalhando. Isso te ajudará a ter uma noção
geral e te ajuda a inferir significados para as palavras que você não conhece.
- Depois de ter lido o texto completamente, agora é hora de olhar para as informações
específicas que estão apresentadas no texto (scanning). Aqui, você já leu a questão e já sabe o
que está procurando (ex. um nome, uma data). Não esqueça de grifar o que está procurando
para não se perder depois.
- Se atente ao marcadores de discurso (conectores) palavras em destacadas, siglas entre
parênteses, datas, etc. Estas podem mudar o significado de uma sentença e, se você não
estiver atento, pode perder esta referência.

False Friends
Os falsos cognatos (false friends) são palavras que se assemelham ao português, porém seu
significado difere da nossa língua. Observe:
I don’t like chocolate. Actually, I hate it.
Nesta frase, temos duas palavras que se assemelham ao português na escrita, porém somente
uma tem o significado semelhante ao português. A palavra “actually” significa “na verdade”.
portanto, na frase, temos “Eu não gosto de chocolate. Na verdade, odeio”.
Como, então, você irá saber se a palavra é um cognato verdadeiro ou não? Bom, os cognatos
verdadeiros são mais numerosos do que os falsos. Portanto, da mesma forma que os verbos
irregulares, quanto mais você memorizar os false friends, menos você irá se enganar quando
estiver lendo um texto. Abaixo, você tem uma lista dos false friends mais comuns:
Existem, também, casos de ambiguidade lexical, onde uma palavra em inglês pode agir como
cognato em um contexto, e como falso cognato em outro. Observe a tabela:

Termo em Inglês Significado 1 Significado 2

Armar (dar armas)

Balance Balança Equilíbrio
Ball Bola Baile
Capital Capital maiúscula
Character Caráter Personagem
Cool Fresco (clima) Legal
Date Data Encontro
Interest Interesse Juros
Mark Marcar Nota
Medicine Medicina Remédio
Park Parque Estacionar
Race Raça Corrida
Record Recorde Gravar
Save Salvar Economizar
Turkey Turquia Peru


● Complete the sentences with the appropriated word from the box below:
bookstore - subtitles - polite - nice - sometimes - lately - answer - foreigner - private -
soap opera - actually - collar - eventually - fabric - intend - legendary – idioms - necklace -
occasionally - suburbs - pretend – resume - languages - sensible - sensitive - summarize –
utility - slums

1. Attend the telephone! -____________________

2. I haven’t been studying too much actually. - ____________________
3. Her new boyfriend is so educated! - ____________________
4. I eventually play soccer. Not more than twice a year. - ____________________
5. I can’t believe you watch this novel every day. - ____________________
6. I need to go to the library to buy three English books. - ____________________
7. You must watch that movie with English legends, so you’ll practice your English. -
8. Maria goes to a particular school near her house. - ____________________
9. My new girlfriend is a stranger. She was born in Italy and she came to Brazil last month. -
10. She’s sympathetic... You’ll surely like her the minute you start talking to her. -
11. Preciso comprar tecido para cortinas - I have to buy some curtain ____________ .
12. Só vou lá eventualmente - I only go there ________________ .
13. Pretendo ir a Nova York no mês que vem - I ___________________ to go to New York
next month.
14. Desculpe a interrupção, por favor, continuem o jogo - Sorry for the interruption, please
__________ the game.
15. No fim ele vai acabar cedendo - ________________ he’s going to yield.
16. Aja como uma pessoa sensata - Act like a _______________ person.
17. Comprei um colar de pérolas - I bought a pearl ____________________ .
18. Minhas contas de água, luz e gás são muito altas - My ___________________ bills are
very high.
19. I couldn’t agree more. That’s a very ________________ idea.
20. How many ________________ can you speak?
21. The poor live in the ________________

● Choose the best option to complete the sentences:

A- We___________to get married and buy a house in the next 5 years. - (Nós pretendemos nos
casar e comprar uma casa nos próximos 5 anos.)
a) pretend
b) intend

B- Let’s__________nothing happened. - (Vamos fingir que nada aconteceu.)

a) pretend
b) intend

● Read the text to answer the questions below:

The Effects of Stress
There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression
refers to a feeling of panic, or stress, that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing,
try to relax, and become calm again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most
common causes of health problems in modern life. Too much stress results in physical,
emotional, and mental health problems.
There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the
pulse rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the
respiratory system. It can lead to asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a
loss of important carbon dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomach aches and
problems digesting food. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and
symptoms resulting from stress.
Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People suffering from stress often feel anxious. They
may have panic attacks. They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they
often overreact to little problems. For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at
work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody, or
Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme
feeling of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress.
Alcoholism and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to
relieve stress. Eating disorders, such as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often
made worse by stress. If stress is allowed to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.
It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emotions.
Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health
and well-being of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds. So, reduce stress: stop the world and
rest for a while.

1 - Which of the following is not a common problem caused by stress?

a) physical problems
b) family problems
c) mental problems
d) emotional problems

2 - According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body does not have
physical problems caused by stress.
a) the arms
b) the stomach
c) the lungs
d) the heart

3 - Which of the following does not show how stress can affect the emotions?
a) it can make people feel nervous
b) it can cause panic attacks
c) it can make people feel elated
d) it can make people feel angry

4 - Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by stress.

a) alcohol is used to relieve stress
b) alcohol is popular
c) alcohol is a chemical
d) alcohol is similar to medicine
5 - Which of the following is not caused by long-term stress?
a) bloating
b) addiction
c) anorexia
d) alcoholism

6 - Which of the following cannot result from long-term stress?

a. bliss
b. depression
c. alcoholism
d. whimsy

7 - Symptoms of emotional stress include __________.

a) feeling joyous
b) feeling hungry
c) feeling thirsty
d) feeling tired

Gabarito: 1. B, 2. A, 3. C, 4. A, 5. A, 6. A, 7. A.




Slavery did not end with abolition in the 19th century. 2Slavery 3continues today and harms
people in every country in the world.
Women forced into prostitution. People forced to work in agriculture, domestic work and factories.
Children in 4sweatshops producing 5goods sold globally. Entire families forced to work for nothing
to pay off generational debts. Girls forced to marry older men.
There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern
slavery around the world, including:
10 million children
24.9 million people in forced labour
15.4 million people in forced marriage
4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation
Someone is in slavery if they are:
forced to work – through coercion, or mental or physical threat;
owned or controlled by an ’employer’, through mental or physical abuse or the 8threat of abuse;
dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as ‘ 9property’;
physically constrained or have restrictions placed on their freedom of 10movement.
Slavery has been a disgraceful aspect of human society for most of human history. However,
Anti-Slavery International has refused to accept that this bloody status quo should be allowed to
persist (Aidan McQuade, former director).
Forms of modern slavery
Purposes of 11exploitation can range from forced prostitution and forced labour to forced marriage
and forced organ removal. Here are the most common forms of modern slavery.
Forced labour – any work or services which people are forced to do against their 12will under the
threat of some form of punishment.
Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s most widespread form of slavery, when people
borrow money they cannot repay and are required to work to pay off the debt, then losing control
over the conditions of both their employment and the debt.
Human trafficking– involves transporting, recruiting or harbouring people for the purpose of
exploitation, using violence, threats or coercion.
Descent-based slavery – where people are born into slavery because their ancestors were
captured and enslaved; they remain in slavery by descent.
Child slavery – 13many people often confuse child slavery with child labour, but it is much worse.
Whilst child labour is harmful for children and 15hinders their education and development, child
slavery occurs when a child is exploited for someone else’s gain. It can include child trafficking,
child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery.
Forced and early marriage – 17when someone is married against their will and cannot leave the
marriage. 18Most child marriages can be considered slavery.
Many forms of slavery have more than one element listed above. For example, human trafficking
often involves advance 19payment for travel and a job abroad, using money often borrowed from
the traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to control of the victims. Once they arrive, victims
cannot leave until they pay off their debt.
Many people think that slavery happens only overseas, in developing countries. In fact, no
country is free from modern slavery, even Britain. The Government estimates that there are tens
of thousands people in modern slavery in the UK.
Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or race. However, contrary to a common
misconception that everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups of 21people are much
more vulnerable to slavery than others.
People who live in 22poverty and have limited opportunities for decent work are more vulnerable
to accepting deceptive job offers that can turn exploitative. People who are discriminated against
on the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more likely to be enslaved. Slavery is also more
likely to occur where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife. Anti-Slavery International
believes that we have to 23tackle the root causes of slavery in order to end slavery for good.
That’s why we published our Anti-Slavery Charter, listing comprehensive measures 24that need to
be taken to end slavery across the world.

(Adapted from

4. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad
11. exploitation – abuse, manipulation
12. will – wish, desire
14. whilst – while
15. to hinder – obstruct, stop
20. misconception – wrong idea/ impression
22. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor
23. to tackle – attack

1. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2019) Anti-Slavery International

a) persuades us to tolerate the new forms of slavery.
b) defends human rights.
c) can afford slaves’ working hours.
d) stops people from being killed.

2. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2019) The concept of slavery worked in the text is
a) a very hard work for which people are paid very little.
b) about slaves who hardly work.
c) about something that is legally owned by someone else.
d) the activity of having slaves.


Read the text below and answer the question(s) according to it.


Michael Jackson Is Still Alive

The advent of the internet hasn't just 2cooked up new conspiracy theories, it's also accelerated
existing ones. If you refuse to believe that it was the Iranians that killed him, perhaps you'll be
convinced that MJ is actually still alive. Proof? 3His own daughter Paris Jackson took a photo of
him. Seriously. What do you mean you don't see him? 4He's right there in the back seat, 5stacked
under that pile of clothes wearing his iconic hat. Believe, man. Thriller Vol.2 to drop next year.

The Moon Doesn't Exist

It's no good looking at it, night after night. The moon doesn't exist. It's a hologram, put there by
persons unknown. Of course, serial conspiracy theorist David Icke has a theory. There are also
countless YouTubers keeping an eye out, one of whom has gone as far as "looking at it regularly
for a year".
Jay Z Is A Time-Travelling Vampire
There are vast regions of the internet devoted to explaining why Jay Z is part of the Illuminati.
Hence when this photo, which was taken in New York in 1939, appeared last year, he was
accused of being a time-traveller. And a vampire. This video lists other old-time celebrity
lookalikes, as well as suggesting that 8Hollywood stars don't age because they're the immortal
bloodsucking undead. Not because they're 9stuffed with botox, then?

The Earth Is Hollow

10 11
Don't give up, readers. We're halfway through this list. We can make it to the end. Dig deep.
Well, not 12too deep. You see, the Earth is 13hollow and accessible via portals at the north and
south poles. Luckily though, it's quite habitable down there, providing excellent living 14quarters
for the lost Viking colonies of Greenland and the Nazis, while "aliens" are in fact just visitors from
the subterranean areas.

Siri Can Predict The Apocalypse

Amazing as it may seem, given that 15it can't do anything else you actually ask it to do, Siri can
predict the apocalypse. When asked "What day is 27th July 2014?", Apple's assistant replied,
"The opening of the gate of Hades", 16aka The End Of The World. That date has now passed
without 17issue. Say what you like about the maligned MS Office paperclip, but at least he didn't
scaremonger that the end was near.

We All Live In The Matrix And Billionaires Want To Break Us Out Of It
The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many people in Silicon Valley are obsessed with the
idea that we're all living in a Matrix-like simulation, and some are taking that obsession a stage
further: “Two tech billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage scientists to work on
breaking us out of the simulation.” Here's hoping Mark Zuckerberg is 'The One', yeah?

Hitler Is Still Alive

"21Hitler is still alive" rumours have circulated since the 1970s, fuelled by the fact that his crony
Josef Mengele hid in South America. Stories like this one, however, speculate the 125-year-old
Hitler has been responsible for various world disasters, including 9/11 and the 2010 Gulf oil spill,
which happened on his birthday. Other theories say he died in 1984 in Brazil, aged 94. Or in
Argentina, aged 73.

Adapted from

Acesso em: 14 de fev 2017.

2. cook up – to invent a story, a plan, etc.
5. stacked – covered with things
6. hence – the reason, the explanation for
7. lookalikes – similar in appearance
9. stuffed – filled with something
11. dig – to make a hole in the ground
13. hollow – a hole or empty space
14. quarter – a place to live
16. aka – abbreviation for also known as
17. issue – problem
18. scaremonger – a person that creates stories that cause public fear

3. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2018) According to the second paragraph, the moon
a) is not real.
b) was created by YouTubers.
c) is just one among countless moons.
d) is an hologram created by David Icke.

4. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2018) The main purpose of the text is to

a) alert people to the possibility of unexpected events.
b) inform about conspiracy theories.
c) justify how dangerous conspiracy theories are.
d) make people believe in true facts.


My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes, I think you’ve 3seen me before

If you hear something late at night

Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
Just don’t ask me what it 5was

I think it’s ‘cause I’m clumsy

I try not to talk too loud
Maybe it’s because I’m crazy
I try not to act too proud

They only hit until you cry

After that you don’t ask why
You just don’t argue anymore

Yes, I think I’m okay

6 7
I walked into the door again
If you ask that’s what I’ll say
And it’s not your business anyway

I guess I’d like to be alone

With nothing 9broken, nothing 10thrown
Just don’t ask me how I am

Access on Jul 24th, 2017.

5. (G1 - ifba 2018) Based on what you know about verbs – its tenses, forms, voices and mood –
it is correct to say, about the sentences in bold:
a) I live on the second floor (ref. 1) is in the Present Continuous Tense.
b) Yes, I think you’ve seen me before (ref. 2) is in the Passive Voice.
c) I walked into the door again (ref. 6) is in the Past Perfect Tense.
d) Just don’t ask me what it was (ref. 4) is in the Imperative.
e) If you ask that’s what I’ll say (ref. 8) is in the Future Continuous Tense.


Read the text below and answer question(s) according to it.

Most Common Prejudices

What are some of the most common ways people discriminate against each other? Some of the
areas where people show their intolerance are well-known, such as race. But 1others are less
acknowledged, even if more common:

Age: 3Ageism is more common than you think. Older people are thought to be inflexible and
stuck in the past, while younger people are seen as inexperienced and naive. 5One-fifth of
working adults say they experience ageism in the 6workplace.
Class: Classism usually takes the form of discrimination by wealthier people against those who
are less well off. However, classism goes both ways – people of lower economic status can see
the wealthy as elite snobs who, while monetarily secure, are morally 7bankrupt.
Color: Different from racism, colorism is discrimination based only on the color of a person’s
skin; how relatively dark or light they are. Colorism takes place within and between races. It is
common in multi-ethnic and non-white societies and societies with historical racial prejudice.
Ability: 8Usually called ableism, a less well-known form of prejudice is discrimination against
people with visible disabilities such as 9those in wheelchairs or with a learning disability. The
disabled face discrimination not only from their 10peers, but from institutions, schools, employers,
and 11landowners who are hesitant to accommodate the disabled.
Sex/Gender: Possibly the most universal and long running prejudice is that based on a person’s
gender or sex. Historically, sexism has placed men in a more advantageous position than
Weight/Size: In short, sizeism is discrimination based on 12a person’s body size or weight.
Sizeism works with social standards of beauty and usually takes the form of discrimination
against the overweight – anti-fat prejudice.
Religion: Religious discrimination and 13persecution has been common throughout history. But
prejudice based on religious affiliation doesn’t end with organized religion; 15atheists are 16prone
to discrimination and being discriminated against.
Sexual Orientation: Most commonly, prejudice based on sexual orientation includes
discrimination against those of a non-heterosexual orientation. Discrimination against the non-
heterosexual takes many forms depending on the society. In some societies prejudice is open
and tolerated, but in most Western societies, 17bias against the non-heterosexual is more
Country of Origin: Nativism is a common form of discrimination against immigrants to a country.
Unlike many other forms of discrimination, nativism is many times encouraged and enforced by
some public entities.
Which prejudice do you have? Which prejudice have you experienced?

Adapted from

acknowledged – reconhecidos(as)
stuck – presos(as)
bankrupt – falidos(as)
peers - pares; colegas
landowners – proprietários(as)
prone – propensos(as)
bias – julgamento ou opinião parcial

6. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2017) The author points out that

a) ableism is a kind of ability.
b) race discrimination is the worst of all prejudices.
c) sex/gender prejudice is more advantageous than other ones.
d) there are different types of discrimination.

7. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2017) Mark the INCORRECT definition of the word “ageism” (reference
a) Law against age prejudice.
b) Treating people unfairly because of their age.
c) Discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.
d) Prejudice against people's age.

8. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2017) The topic “ability” mentions people who
a) have poor sight.
b) have difficulty in learning.
c) get excited about helping the disabled.
d) face social and economical discrimination.

9. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2017) The word “others” (reference 1) refers to

a) people.
b) each other.
c) some of the most common ways.
d) areas where people show their intolerance.

10. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2017) Mark the concept that is mentioned in the text.
a) Natural selection.
b) The illegality of non-native people in a country.
c) Nature.
d) Abundance of valuable possessions or money.


Helping at a hospital

Every year many young people finish school and then take a year off before they start work or
go to college. 1Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their
time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with
Mike Coleman is 19 and __________ in Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to
become a teacher, but now he __________ in Namibia. He’s working in a hospital near Katima
Mulilo. He says, “I’m working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick people. For example, I
help carry people who can’t walk. Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There
aren’t many doctors here so they need help from people like me. I don’t get any money, but that’s
OK, I’m not here for the money.”
“I’m staying here for two months, and I’m living in a small house with five others volunteers.
The work is hard and the days are long, but I’m enjoying my life here. I’m learning a lot about life
in Southern Africa and about myself! 2When I finish the two months’ work, I want to travel in and
around Namibia for three weeks. For example, I want to see the animals in the Okavango Delta
in Botswana.”

11. (G1 - col. naval 2017) Read the statements below to check if they are true (T) or false (F),
and choose the option that respectively represents the statements.

( ) Some volunteers work with preservation.

( ) Mike Coleman often works in a hospital.
( ) Mike is happy because the work is hard.
( ) It’s a personal experience, in Mike’s opinion.
a) (T) (F) (F) (T)
b) (F) (F) (T) (T)
c) (T) (T) (F) (F)
d) (F) (T) (T) (F)
e) (T) (F) (T) (F)

12. (G1 - col. naval 2017) Mark the right option to fill in the following sentence.
Why is Mike Coleman in Namibia, South Africa?
Because ____________________.
a) he doesn’t want to go to college.
b) he wants to become a teacher.
c) money is never important.
d) it’s a cheap way to travel.
e) he believes that volunteering is nice.


Read the text to answer the question(s).

The Vikings
Raiders, travelers or brave explorers?

The Vikings sailed the seas, attacked towns, and stole treasures all over Europe between 800
and 1100. They started from Scandinavia and attacked many countries in Europe. They settled in
Britain, Ireland and France. They also crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Iceland and
Greenland. They discovered North America but they also traveled east to Russia and south to
They were good farmers and excellent shipbuilders. They used their ships for war. They also
used them to carry people and goods to new lands. In winter, when there was not much farm
work to do, they stayed home and did other interesting jobs. Men made swords to use them in
battle. The Vikings liked swords so much they often decorated them with gold and gave them
names. Women cooked and made clothes, shoes, and jewelry for themselves, __________
children and husbands.
In 866 the Vikings captured an Anglo-Saxon town. They called it Jorvik and it was the capital
of the Viking kingdom for 200 years. They made Jorvik rich and one of the most famous cities in
Britain. Some years ago, archeologists discovered part of that Viking town in York, the modern
city of Jorvik. They found many things such as jewelry, coins and clothes. If you ever go to York
and you want to travel back in time and see how the Vikings lived, visit the Jorvik Centre!

Adapted from Wilson, D. M. (1987) The Vikings, Activity Book, British Museum Press.

13. (G1 - col. naval 2017) The Vikings used their ships to
a) steal Scandinavia’s treasures.
b) become good shipbuilders.
c) build villages all over Europe.
d) sail the seas, to carry people and goods and for war.
e) stay inside them during the cold winter.



Bullying among children and teenagers is not something new but it is getting more and more
common by modern methods of communication.
Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in danger by another child or teenager by
photos or text messages sent to cell phones or posted on social networks. Sometimes
cyberbullies send mails with sexual comments or take passwords of other teenagers and log on
to websites with false identities. Children also play Internet games and make fun of each other in
many ways.
A study by a Canadian University shows that 1half of the young people interviewed said that they
suffer bullying. 2One of the reasons is the great use of cell phones over the past years. Today’s
children are connected with each other electronically. They call friends every time they want or
communicate with them on Facebook.
Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because teens can stay anonymous. 4Many
adolescents act this way because they feel frustrated or angry and want to punish somebody for
something that happened to them. 5At other times they do it just for fun or because have nothing
else to do. 6Parents usually don’t know their child is a cyberbully. 7They perceive it just when the
victim or the victim’s parents contact them.
This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many people think. In some cases it can lead to
suicide. 8Many countries have organized campaigns to inform adults and children of its dangers.
There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying. First, it is important to show children that they
have to respect others and they are responsible for what they do. For victims it is important not to
play the bully’s game or answer their emails and text messages. It is also important to get help
from parents and teachers.
Often schools get involved. 10They bring together the parents of victims and cyberbullies and talk
with them. Cyberbullying does not always end at school. Often, parents go to the police and
accuse the bullies.

(Adapted from cyberbullying/cyberbullying-on-the-rise.htm)

14. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2016) Bullying on social networks is popular because
a) the bullies don't show themselves.
b) the victims’ parents use cell phones.
c) some teens want to punish themselves.
d) teenagers like to make fun of themselves.

15. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2016) Cyberbullying is a/an

a) way to use technology for fun.
b) inoffensive kind of bullying at schools.
c) popular way to communicate with teenagers.
d) offensive use of technology to make someone angry or unhappy.

16. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2016) Bullies are

a) victims of physical attacks at school.
b) teenagers and children who are afraid of cyberbullying.
c) adolescents who treat others very badly on social networks.
d) teenagers with an aggressive attitude with their parents and teachers.

17. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2016) The text shows that schools
a) never get involved with bullying.
b) can help the victims and the cyberbullies.
c) often go to the police and accuse the bullies.
d) make the parents and the bullies become friends.

18. (G1 - epcar (Cpcar) 2016) Victims of cyberbullying

a) don’t respect other teenagers.
b) suffer bullying for different reasons.
c) are very popular adolescents at school.
d) are irresponsible and frustrated children.

19. (Eear 2019) Read the cartoon and answer question.

The word “bored”, used twice in the cartoon, is NOT closest in meaning to __________.
a) refreshed
b) impatient
c) sleepy
d) tired

20. (Eear 2019) Choose the best alternative, according to the cartoon.

According to what the boy says, he __________.

a) wants to take care of the baby
b) is asking permission to surf the internet
c) is curious to know the origin of the babies
d) will be successful in downloading a baby from the internet
21. (Eear 2019) Read the text and answer question.

This recipe for chocolate cookies was sent to The New York Times several years ago by Mari
Pfeiffer, a reader in California; it’s from the cookbook “Great Cookies,” published in 2003 by the
author and teacher Carole Walter. The cookies are filled with deep flavor from the combination of
cocoa powder, unsweetened chocolate and espresso powder. Decorate them with royal icing.
“Other icings would spoil the cookie’s simple yet amazing flavor,” said Ms. Pfeiffer, who often cuts
the dough into letters to spell out seasonal messages.

(Adapted from

Choose the correct alternative, according to the text.

a) Mari Pfeiffer has developed the recipe for chocolate cookies and shared with Carole Walter.
b) The New York Times published Carole Walter’s book.
c) New York Times received the recipe from a reader.
d) “Great Cookies” is the name of the recipe.

22. (Eear 2019) Choose the best alternative according to the text.

Sometimes you don’t have to read an article completely to get the necessary information. Often
you can move your eyes quickly over the reading to find facts, names, dates, titles. For example,
if you are looking for a date, you should move your eyes down the page looking for numbers. If
you are looking for a person’s names, you should find capital letters. Punctuation is also a clue
for finding specific information. Quotation marks (“), commas (,), parentheses ( ), and dashes (--)
all separate special information.
a) You always need to read the entire article when you are looking for information.
b) Occasionally you can get necessary information by skimming an article.
c) It’s not possible to find a person’s name if you read all the words.
d) Capital letters are not used to find specific information.

23. (Eear 2019) Choose the best alternative, according to the text.

Vidigal is Rio’s most foreigner-friendly slum, with guesthouses, coffee houses, restaurants and
even a sushi-bar aimed at the tourist market. It is relatively small and picturesque, with
spectacular views over the Atlantic, and an hour-long walking trail that winds from its upper limits
to the top of the Dois Irmãos mountain.
When pacified in 2012, Vidigal was already popular with artists, young Brazilians and foreigners.
Scottish school librarian Graeme Boyd, 34, lived there for two six-month periods, in 2009 and
2011. “As long as foreigners respect the locals, make a contribution and use the business inside
the favela, they will be welcomed,” he said. “People reacted to me as if I had lived there all my

(adapted from

slum = favela
guesthouses = pousadas
a) Foreigners are welcome as long as they contribute to the business in Vidigal.
b) Graeme Boyd was popular between Brazilian artists in 2009 and 2011.
c) Tourists cannot find Japanese food and places to rest.
d) Local residents prefer to disrespect foreigners.


Read the text and answer question(s).

Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932) was born in Brazil and educated in Paris. He made his first
balloon ascent in 1898 and, soon after that, began constructing dirigible airships. In 1901 he
won a Paris air race and international fame. (After the race, he asked Louis Cartier for a
timepiece that would keep his hands free - the first wristwatch.)
Turning to heavier-than-air machines, Santos Dumont built his 14-Bis in 1906, three years after
the Wright brothers’ initial flight. His flight was the first in Europe, and his plane was the first
anywhere to lift off the ground under its own power. In 1909 Santos Dumont designed the
Demoiselle monoplane, the first modern light plane.
In 1901 Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis and retired from flying. He returned to Brazil
in 1916. Ill and despondent over the use of aircraft in warfare, he committed suicide in 1932.

(Adapted From “Leaders of the Century”)

24. (Eear 2019) Choose the statement about Santos Dumont that is NOT correct, according to
the text:
a) He made a balloon before making a dirigible airship.
b) His plane lifted off the ground under its own power.
c) He got sick but he didn’t stop flying.
d) He became famous in 1901.

25. (Eear 2019) According to the text, Santos Dumont __________

a) developed hot air balloons, dirigible airships and heavier-than-air machines.
b) drew the Demoiselle cargo airplane, the most modern plane.
c) died of multiple sclerosis before returning to Brazil.
d) was the only man interested in flying, at the time.


Read the text and answer the question(s):

Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the days after a dam burst at an iron ore
mine this month __________ Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, according to tests by a state
water agency, the Institute for Water Management in Minas Gerais. The agency found arsenic
levels more than 10 times above the legal limit in one place __________ the river, the Rio Doce,
after the dam burst on Nov. 5, killing at least 13 people. Mercury slightly above the permitted
level was also found in one area. Samarco, the mine operator, and its co-owners, BHP Billiton
and Vale, have repeatedly said that the water and mineral waste unleashed by the dam burst
were not toxic. On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights agency said “new evidence”
showed that the mud dumped by the flood “contained high levels of toxic heavy metals and other

(Adopted from

26. (Eear 2019) Choose the best alternative, according to the text.
a) Levels of arsenic, up to ten times of above the legal limit, were found in one place beside the
b) UN Human Rights Agency said that the mud dumped actually contained low levels of
c) Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river before a dam burst in Brazil.
d) Besides the high levels of arsenic, mercury was also found


Read the text and answer question(s).

The Phoenix airport has introduced new technology that can see through a person's clothes. The
new machine costs $100,000 to make and is designed to find out if a passenger is carrying a
weapon or explosives. Critics of the new X-Ray scanner, however, say it takes away a person's

(adapted from

27. (Eear 2019) According to the text, the purpose of the new machine is to __________.
a) waste money
b) undress passengers
c) find dangerous goods
d) see what people are wearing


Read the text and answer the question(s).

Renata, from Brazil: I just kiss them on the cheek. Just one kiss, because I’m from São Paulo. I
have friends from Rio and they always kiss twice.
Guillermo, from Chile: When it’s the first time I’m meeting someone or in formal situations, I
shake hands. With my male friends, I give them a hug or a pat on the back but If I’m greeting a
female friend, it’s different: I give her a kiss on the cheek and sometimes I hug her. Women greet
each other the same way: kissing and sometimes hugging.
Marco, from Italy: I shake hands in formal situations. Where I live, kissing is acceptable. It’s OK
for men to kiss each other, for men to kiss women or for women to kiss each other. But with my
male friends I usually just give a hug or a pat on the back.
Molly, from the USA: When I greet close friends I give them a hug. For casual friends, I just say
“Hi”. For men it’s a little different. Where I live they never hug each other, it’s just “Hey, man”. In
formal situations I always shake hands, and it’s important to shake hands firmly. When I’m saying
good-bye to people I’m not very close to, I also shake hands, be it a man or a woman. Kissing is
not usual around here, unless it’s among really close family members.

Adapted from

28. (Eear 2019) According to the text, choose the best alternative.
a) Shaking hands when greeting people in formal situations is more common in various countries.
b) People greet each other the same way, in different states in Brazil.
c) If a man lives in Chile he greets males and females the same way.
d) In many countries it is normal for men to kiss each other.

29. (Eear 2019) According to the text, we can conclude that __________.
a) in Italy, people only kiss each other to greet
b) Molly shakes hands when she says good-bye to close friends
c) if someone is from São Paulo, kissing once when greeting is the usual
d) where Molly lives, men hug each other and say “Hey man” when they greet

30. (Eear 2016) Read the cartoon below and answer the question.

According to the cartoon, Garfield

a) wants to build his career.
b) intends to work hard.
c) has something in his mind as a plan to complete his studies.
d) actually wants to spend his time doing nothing but planning.

31. (Eear 2016) Read the text below and answer the question.

Economists have recognized that physical beauty affects wages, even in occupations where
appearance does not seem relevant to job performance. It seems that attractive men and women
are paid more than ordinary people for the same work.
(Taken from The International Herald Tribune)

Choose the best alternative that presents the correct verb tense and the voice of the verbs
underlined in the text, respectively.
a) present perfect/active voice; simple present/passive voice.
b) simple present/passive voice; present perfect/active voice.
c) simple past/passive voice; present perfect/active voice.
d) past perfect/active voice; simple present/passive voice.

32. (Eear 2016) Read the cartoon below and answer the question.

The verb “clear”, in the cartoon, can be replaced by

a) clean
b) bright
c) prohibited
d) authorized


Read the text below and answer the question(s).

A Region’s Soccer Strongmen are facing a hard fall

After rising as a governor under Brazil’s military dictatorship, José Maria Marin became such a
towering figure in the world of Brazilian sports that the headquarters of the nation’s soccer
federation was recently named in his honor.
Now, the United States Justice Department’s charging Mr. Marin, 83, and 13 other senior sports
officials and executives across the Americas with taking part in a sweeping bribery and kickback
scheme within FIFA, the governing body of global soccer.
Of the 14 men named as defendants in the indictment, all but two of them are citizens of Latin
American and Caribbean nations, a reflection of the investigation’s focus on corruption in the


but: exceto
bribery: suborno
headquarters: sede

33. (Eear 2016) According to the text, all the sentences bellow are correct, except:
a) José Maria Marin used to be a governor during military dictatorship.
b) Mr. Marin was accused of participating in a corruption scheme within FIFA.
c) of the 14 men named as defendants in the accusation, only two are Latin American and
Caribbean citizens.
d) the United States Justice Department is accusing Mr. Marin, among other senior sports
officials and executives of bribery.


Read the text and answer the question(s).

The story of a blind girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except
her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world,
she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including
her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take care of my
eyes dear.”


34. (Eear 2016) According to the text, all the alternatives are true, except
a) The girl could see everything because she was donated a pair of eyes.
b) The girl has unpleasant feelings for everyone but her boyfriend.
c) Her boyfriend became blind because he gave her his pair of eyes.
d) The girl refused to marry her boyfriend because he was ugly.


Read the text and answer the question(s).

Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb.
When none worked satisfactorily, his assistant complained, “All our work is in vain. We have
learned nothing”.
Edison replied very confidently, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We
know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.”

(Adapted from

35. (Eear 2016) According to the text, Thomas Edison

a) got satisfied with his new invention.
b) learned a lot from his previous mistakes.
c) used two thousand elements to create the light bulb.
d) has two thousand more elements that can be used to make the light bulb.

Resposta da questão 1: [B]
A alternativa [B] está correta, pois afirma que “a Organização Internacional de Combate à
Escravidão defende os direitos humanos”. Tal informação pode ser depreendida a partir da
leitura do texto como um todo e pelo próprio fato de a organização combater a escravidão.

Resposta da questão 2: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que a escravidão é “a atividade de ter escravos”. O
texto coloca: “Someone is in slavery if they are: forced to work – through coercion, or mental or
physical threat” (alguém é um escravo se é forçado a trabalhar - por meio de coerção, ameaça
mental ou física).

Resposta da questão 3: [A]

A alternativa [A] está correta, pois afirma que o segundo parágrafo diz que "a lua não é real". O
texto coloca: "It's no good looking at it, night after night. The moon doesn't exist. It's a hologram,
put there by persons unknown" (não faz sentido olhar para ela, noite após noite. A lua não
existe. É um holograma, colocado lá por pessoas desconhecidas).

Resposta da questão 4: [B]

O propósito principal do texto é o de "informar sobre as teorias da conspiração". A resposta pode
ser depreendida da leitura do texto como um todo. A teorias da conspiração citadas são "Michael
Jackson ainda está vivo", "A lua não existe", "Jay Z é um vampiro viajante do tempo", "A Terra é
oca", "Siri pode prever o apocalipse", "Todos nós vivemos na matriz e os bilionários querem nos
tirar dela" e "Hitler ainda está vivo".

Resposta da questão 5: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois a forma em destaque está no imperativo negativo.

Resposta da questão 6: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois o autor destaca várias formas de discriminação (idade,
classe, cor, habilidade, sexo/gênero, peso/tamanho, religião, orientação sexual e país de

Resposta da questão 7: [A]

A alternativa [A] deve ser escolhida, pois possui uma definição incorreta para a discriminação
com base na idade. A alternativa diz que ela é relacionada a “uma lei contra o preconceito de
idade”. Na verdade, o termo ageism refere-se ao próprio preconceito e não a leis.

Resposta da questão 8: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois o tópico “habilidade” menciona pessoas que “tem dificuldade
na aprendizagem”. O texto coloca: Usually called ableism, a less well-known form of prejudice is
discrimination against people with visible disabilities such as those in wheelchairs or with a
learning disability (em geral chamado de preconceito de capacidade, uma forma menos
conhecida de preconceito é a discriminação contra pessoas com deficiências visíveis tais como
aquelas que estão em cadeira de rodas ou com uma deficiência em aprendizagem).

Resposta da questão 9: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que a palavra others (outras) refere-se a “áreas onde
as pessoas mostram sua intolerância”. O texto coloca: Some of the areas where people show
their intolerance are well-known, such as race. But others... (Algumas das áreas onde as
pessoas mostram sua intolerância são bem conhecidas, tais como a raça. Mas outras...).

Resposta da questão 10: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois o conceito de “abundância de pertences valiosos e dinheiro” é
mencionado no texto. Justificativa: Classism usually takes the form of discrimination by wealthier
people against those who are less well off (O preconceito de classe em geral toma a forma de
discriminação feita por pessoas mais ricas contra aquelas que possui condição financeira

Resposta da questão 11: [A]

Primeira afirmação - Verdadeira
Tradução do trecho: "Alguns voluntários trabalham com preservação". O texto coloca: " For
example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with conservation" (Por exemplo, eles
trabalham em escolas ou hospitais, ou mesmo ajudam com preservação).

Segunda afirmação - Falsa

Tradução do trecho: "Mike Coleman frequentemente trabalha em um hospital". O texto coloca:
"He’s working in a hospital near Katima Mulilo" (Ele está trabalhando em um hospital próximo de
Katima Mulilo). Assim, o erro da frase está no advérbio frequentemente.
Terceira afirmação - Falsa
Tradução do trecho: "Mike está feliz porque o trabalho é duro". O texto coloca: "The work is hard
and the days are long, but I’m enjoying my life here. I’m learning a lot about life in Southern
Africa and about myself!" (O trabalho é duro e os dias são longos, mas estou curtindo minha vida
aqui. Estou aprendendo muito sobre a vida no sul da África e sobre mim mesmo).

Quarta afirmação - Verdadeira

Tradução do trecho: "É uma experiência pessoal, na opinião do Mike". O texto coloca: "The work
is hard and the days are long, but I’m enjoying my life here. I’m learning a lot about life in
Southern Africa and about myself!" (O trabalho é duro e os dias são longos, mas estou curtindo
minha vida aqui. Estou aprendendo muito sobre a vida no sul da África e sobre mim mesmo).

Resposta da questão 12: [E]

A alternativa [E] está correta, pois afirma que "Mike Coleman acredita que o voluntariado é
legal". O texto coloca: "The work is hard and the days are long, but I’m enjoying my life here" (O
trabalho é duro e os dias são longos, mas estou curtindo minha vida aqui).

Resposta da questão 13: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que "os Vikings usavam seus navios para navegar
pelos mares, transportar pessoas e produtos e para guerra". O texto coloca: "They were good
farmers and excellent shipbuilders. They used their ships for war. They also used them to carry
people and goods to new lands" (Eles eram bons fazendeiros e excelentes construtores de
navios. Eles usavam seus navios para a guerra. Eles também os usavam para transportar
pessoas e produtos para novas terras).

Resposta da questão 14: [A]

A alternativa [A] está correta, pois o bullying nas redes sociais é popular porque "os bullies se
mantêm no anonimato". O texto coloca: "Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because
teens can stay anonymous" (O cyberbullying está se tornando extremamente popular porque os
adolescentes podem permanecer anônimos).

Resposta da questão 15: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que o "cyberbullying é um uso ofensivo da tecnologia
para deixar alguém irritado ou triste". O texto coloca: "Cyberbullying happens when an
adolescent is put in danger by another child or teenager by photos or text messages sent to cell
phones or posted on social networks" (O cyberbullying acontece quando um adolescente é
colocado em perigo por outra criança ou adolescente por fotos ou mensagens de texto enviadas
a telefones celulares ou postadas em redes sociais).

Resposta da questão 16: [C]

A alternativa [C] está correta, pois os "bullies são adolescentes que tratam outros muito mal em
redes sociais". O texto coloca: "Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in danger by
another child or teenager by photos or text messages sent to cell phones or posted on social
networks" (O cyberbullying acontece quando um adolescente é colocado em perigo por outra
criança ou adolescente por fotos ou mensagens de texto enviadas a telefones celulares ou
postadas em redes sociais).

Resposta da questão 17: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois afirma que as escolas "podem ajudar as vítimas e os
cyberbullies". O texto coloca: "Often schools get involved. They bring together the parents of
victims and cyberbullies and talk with them" (Em geral as escolas envolvem-se. Elas trazem os
pais das vítimas e dos cyberbullies e conversam com eles).

Resposta da questão 18: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois as "vítimas do cyberbullying sofrem bullying por diferentes
razões". O texto coloca: "Many adolescents act this way because they feel frustrated or angry
and want to punish somebody for something that happened to them. At other times they do it just
for fun or because have nothing else to do" (Muitos adolescentes agem dessa maneira porque
eles se sentem frustrados ou irritados e querem punir alguém por algo que aconteceu a eles. Em
outras ocasiões eles fazem isso apenas por diversão ou porque eles não tem mais nada para

Resposta da questão 19: [A]

A alternativa [A] deve ser escolhida, pois a palavra bored (entediado) não é sinônima de
refreshed (refrescado, revigorado).

Resposta da questão 20: [C]

A alternativa [C] está correta, pois afirma que o garoto “está curioso para saber a origem dos
bebês”. O texto coloca: “Eu perguntei ao meu pai de onde as crianças vem. Ele disse que as
pessoas fazem download delas da internet!”.

Resposta da questão 21: [C]

A alternativa [C] está correta, pois afirma que o “New York Times recebeu a receita de um leitor”.
O texto coloca: “This recipe for chocolate cookies was sent to The New York Times several years
ago by Mari Pfeiffer, a reader in California” (Esta receita de cookies de chocolate foi enviada ao
New York Times vários anos atrás por Mari Pfeiffer, uma leitora da Califórnia).

Resposta da questão 22: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois afirma que "de vez em quando, você consegue obter a
informação necessária por meio de uma leitura mais superficial". O texto coloca: "Sometimes
you don’t have to read an article completely to get the necessary information" (De vez em
quando você não tem que ler um artigo completamente para conseguir a informação

Resposta da questão 23: [A]

A alternativa [A] está correta, pois afirma que “os estrangeiros são bem-vindos contanto que
contribuam com os comércio no Vidigal”. O texto coloca: “As long as foreigners respect the
locals, make a contribution and use the business inside the favela, they will be welcomed”
(Contanto que os estrangeiros respeitem os moradores, façam uma contribuição e usem o
comércio dentro da favela, eles serão bem-vindos).

Resposta da questão 24: [C]

A alternativa [C] deve ser escolhida, pois o texto não fala que "ele ficou doente, mas não parou
de voar". Na verdade, o texto coloca: "In 1901 Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis and
retired from flying" (Em 1901, Santos Dumont ficou doente devido à esclerose múltipla e deixou
de voar).

Resposta da questão 25: [A]

A alternativa [A] está correta, pois afirma que "Santos Dumont desenvolveu balões de ar quente,
dirigíveis e máquinas mais pesadas do que o ar". O texto coloca: "He made his first balloon
ascent in 1898 and, soon after that, began constructing dirigible airships. […] Turning to
heavier-than-air machines, Santos Dumont …" (Ele fez o seu primeiro voo de balão em 1898 e,
logo depois, começou a construir dirigíveis. […] Voltando-se a máquinas mais pesadas do que o
ar, Santos Dumont…).

Resposta da questão 26: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que “além do alto nível de arsênio, também foi achado
mercúrio”. O texto coloca: “Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river...” (níveis ilegais
de arsênio e de mercúrio poluíram um rio...).

Resposta da questão 27: [C]

A alternativa correta é a [C], pois afirma que o propósito da nova máquina é o de “achar objetos
perigosos”. O texto coloca: “ designed to find out if a passenger is carrying a weapon or
explosives” (...é montada para descobrir se um passageiro está carregando uma arma ou

Resposta da questão 28: [A]

A alternativa [A] está correta, pois o texto coloca: “Apertar as mãos ao cumprimentar pessoas
em situações formais é o gesto mais comum em vários países”. O texto afirma que tal gesto é
comum no Chile, Itália e Estados Unidos”.

Resposta da questão 29: [C]

A alternativa [C] está correta, pois afirma que “se uma pessoa é de São Paulo, beijar uma vez é
um cumprimento comum”. O texto coloca: “Just one kiss, because I’m from São Paulo” (Apenas
um beijo, porque eu sou de São Paulo).

Resposta da questão 30: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que "Garfield na verdade quer passar seu tempo não
fazendo nada exceto planejar". O motivo para tal decisão é que "se você passar tempo suficiente
planejando você na verdade nunca tem que fazer nada". Em outras palavras, Garfield é um
procrastinador nato.
Resposta da questão 31: [A]
A alternativa [A] está correta, pois afirma que os trechos grifados encontram-se respectivamente
no Present Perfect / voz ativa e Simple Present / voz passiva. É importante salientar que o
Present Perfect é formado pelos auxiliares have/has e o particípio passado do verbo principal.
Além disso, a voz passiva é formada pelo verbo to be mais o particípio passado do verbo

Resposta da questão 32: [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que o verbo clear pode ser entendido como autorizado.
Tradução do trecho: "Você está autorizado a fazer o que quer que...".

Resposta da questão 33: [C]

Resposta da questão 34: [D]

Deve-se escolher a alternativa com informações incorretas.

[A] Correta, pois afirma que "a garota conseguia ver tudo porque ela recebeu a doação de um
par de olhos". O texto coloca: "One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she
could see everything" (Um dia, alguém doou um par de olhos a ela e então ela podia ver tudo).
[B] Correta, pois afirma que "a garota tem sentimentos desagradáveis por todo mundo exceto
por seu namorado". O texto coloca: "She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend" (Ela
odiava todo mundo, exceto seu namorado).
[C] Correta, pois afirma que "seu namorado ficou cego porque ele deu a ela seus olhos". O texto
coloca: "The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to
marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take
care of my eyes dear.” (A garota ficou chocada quando ela viu que seu namorado era cego
também e se recusou a se casar com ele. Seu namorado foi embora em lágrimas, e mais tarde
escreveu uma carta a ela dizendo: "Apenas cuide bem dos meus olhos, querida").
[D] Incorreta, pois afirma que "a garota se recusou a se casar com seu namorado porque ele era
feio". Na verdade, o texto coloca: "The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was
blind too, and refused to marry him.” (A garota ficou chocada quando ela viu que seu namorado
era cego também e se recusou a se casar com ele").

Resposta da questão 35: [B]

A alternativa [B] está correta, pois afirma que Thomas Edison "aprendeu muito por meio de seus
erros anteriores". O texto coloca: “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We
know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.” (Oh,
nós andamos muito e aprendemos muito. Nós sabemos que há dois mil elementos que nós não
podemos usar para fazer uma boa lâmpada).

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