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Problem Set 7: Linear Programming

Write an LP model for the following problems:

1. A farmer has 40 hectares of farm on which to plant rice and corn. The rice needs 4 units of insecticides and
2 units of fertilizer per hectare, while corn requires 3 units of insecticides and 6 units of fertilizer. He has at
least 90 units of insecticides and at least 120 units of fertilizer available. His average profit per hectare of
rice is $15,000 and $10,000 on corn. How many hectares of each crop should he plant top maximize his
average profit?

2. The PSV Toy Factory makes two types of toy car, Type X and Type Y. Daily orders require at least 100 of
type X and at least 90 of type Y. It takes 1.5 man-hours to make a type X car and 2 man-hours to make a
type Y car. The staff can work no more than 360 man-hours per day. How many units of each type should
be produced to maximize the profit if a unit of type X give $80 and a unit of Y gives $75 profit.

3. The dean of the Western College of Business must plan the school’s course offerings for the fall semester.
Student demands make it necessary to offer at least 30 undergraduate and 20 graduate courses in the term.
Faculty contracts also dictate that at least 60 courses be offered in total. Each undergraduate course taught
costs the college an average of $2,500 in faculty wages, and each graduate course costs $3,000. How
many undergraduate and graduate courses should be taught in the fall so that total faculty salaries are kept
to a minimum?

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