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Junior Java Developer

Full Name: Nguyen Minh Trang

D.O.B: 30.08.1999
Gender: Female
Phone: +84 588 080 288 (VN)

I am a web developer with about 2 years' experience in analysis, design, developing user interfaces,
testing, debugging, and deployment of application software in web-based environments and client/server
architectures. Experience in building the Framework using Spring Boot.


Operating System     macOS, Ubuntu, Windows

Languages Java, JavaScript, Python, C/C++
Databases Microsoft SQL, MySQL
Web Technologies Spring Boot, JavaEE, Servlet, JSP, JDBC, ReactJS,
React Native, NodeJS, JQuery, RestfulAPI, Django,
Version Control Git (Git Shell & GitHub)


● Understanding OOP
● Restful API
● Presentation and teamwork Skills
● Web Design with XD Adobe and Figma
● Good understanding about the Agile and Scrum process


BKACAD Instructor
11/2019 - PRESENT ● Promotes student success by showing
flexibility in style and work schedule
● Designing training content and updating
training documentation
● Working directly with the organization’s
FPT SOFTWARE Web Developer
10/2019 - 10/2020 ● Opportunity to work in a fun, open, casual,
and creative working environment
● Strong ability with JS Framework such as
React, jQuery
● Working knowledge of front-end
optimization and performance techniques
● Work with micro-services teams on RESTful
API designs
● Handle development tasks using the Java
Spring framework.
● Experienced in Scrum Methodologies
● Good knowledge of software design and
development process
TINHVAN GROUP Machine Learning Research Intern
01/2019 - 10/2019 ● Engineered a Face-ID system for recognition
and face detection
● Develop new deep learning networks
● Research and develop Machine Learning


1. Build Image Recognition System Applied in A Fashion Shop

● Language: Python, JavaScript.
● Library:  ReactJS, ReactNative, Flask.
● Database: Firebase.
● Description: Our system allows them to snap photos of grocery products around their
houses and have those items recognized at once. From there, the user can add the items to
the user's grocery shopping list.
● Team Size: 2
● Member: Nguyen Minh Trang (Developer), Nguyen Viet Dung (Tester).

2. Build Music Website for Celebrity

● Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP.
● Description: The main goal of this project is to develop a music platform for celebrities. My
website supplies a good insight into how systems work as well as an intuitive graphical user
interface. Crew can learn and understand the system function by trial-and-error method.
● Team Size: 2
● Member: Nguyen Minh Trang (Leader), Tran Van Ha Son.

3. Speech To Text
● Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python.
● Library: jQuery.
● Description: Speech to text conversion powered by machine learning and available for
short-form or long-form audio.
● Team Size: 1.
● Member: Nguyen Minh Trang.

4. Que Boi – Fortune Telling

● Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
● Library: jQuery.
● Team Size: 1
● Description: Using FaceID core to predict your destiny
● Responsibilities: Apply Face-ID System to predict the fate of a person’s future.
● Accomplishments: Using TensorFlow.js to Face Expression Recognition.
5. Welcome App using ReactJS and NodeJS:
● Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
● Framework: ExpressJS.
● Library: ReactJS for frontend, NodeJS for backend.
● Team Size: 1.
● Description: An app using FaceID core to display information of all people entering and
leaving at that moment.
● Responsibilities: Learning ReactJS and NodeJS to create a welcome app for the FaceID
● Accomplishments: Learned ReactJS, NodeJS and ExpressJS to write API

6. HiFace – Face ID CMS

● Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP.
● Framework: Laravel.
● Library: jQuery.
● Team Size: 2.
● Description: A CMS using a FaceID system to recognize and face detection.
● Responsibilities: Using API to create a Course Management System. Prepare a document
and technical guide for developers joining in the middle of a project.
● Accomplishments: Learned API, Restful API, Laravel Framework. Got experience in
working/communicating with other companies.


● Bachkhoa Information Technology Academy - BKACAD: from 09/2017 – 09/2020

● Hanoi University of Science and Technology – HUST: from 09/2017 - Now


● Hardworking
● Honest
● Willingness to learn
● Ability to cope up with the changing environment
● Critical thinking
● Interpersonal skill


● IELTS: 6.5


● Intermediate Photoshop, Illustrator skill. I can do plain design: logo, banner, poster, …
● Basic knowledge of After Effect and Premiere.


● 2nd place in the “IT Start-Up” contest with a project called Student Classification System.

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