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CRE0010.1177/0269215520956499Clinical RehabilitationDepiazzi et al.


Clinical Rehabilitation

Aquatic high intensity interval 1­–10

© The Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
training to improve aerobic
DOI: 10.1177/0269215520956499

capacity is feasible in adolescents

with cerebral palsy: pilot

randomised controlled trial

Julie Depiazzi1,2 , Nadine Smith2, Noula Gibson1,2,

Andrew Wilson1,3,4,5, Katherine Langdon6
and Kylie Hill1,7

Objective: To investigate feasibility of aquatic high intensity interval training for adolescents with cerebral
palsy, who can ambulate independently but may choose a mobility aid in some circumstances.
Design: Pilot randomised controlled trial.
Method: Following baseline assessments, participants were randomised to usual care or ten weeks
of twice weekly aquatic high intensity interval training. Each class comprised 10 one-minute exercise
intervals separated by one-minute rest. High intensity exercise was defined as the attainment of ⩾80% of
peak heart rate measured by telemetry.
Setting: Tertiary paediatric hospital.
Main Measures: Primary outcomes related to the feasibility of the protocol to progress to a definitive
trial. Consumer feedback was obtained.
Results: Of 119 potential participants, 46 appeared eligible and 17 consented, resulting in a recruitment
fraction of 37% (95% CI 23–52). Twelve completed baseline assessments and were randomised (5 males;
14 years 7 months SD 2 years 0 months). In the intervention group, of the 1190 exercise stations (across
all participants and sessions), heart rate data were available for 1180 stations and high intensity exercise
was achieved during 1111 stations (93%, 95% CI 92–95). All randomised participants completed the study
and reported that the intervention was fun and provided friendship opportunities. There were no major
adverse events or exacerbation of pain.

S chool of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Faculty of  aediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Perth
Health Science, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia Children’s Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Physiotherapy Department, Perth Children’s Hospital, Perth, Institute for Respiratory Health, Sir Charles Gairdner
Western Australia, Australia Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Respiratory Medicine Department, Perth Children’s Hospital,
Corresponding author:
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
4 Julie Depiazzi, School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science,
Respiratory Research Centre, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth,
Faculty of Health Science, Curtin University, GPO Box
Western Australia, Australia
5 U1987, Perth WA 6845, Australia.
Discipline of Paediatrics, University of Western Australia,
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
2 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

Conclusions: Aquatic high intensity interval training in ambulant adolescents with cerebral palsy is
feasible, while maintaining adherence and fidelity. Uncertainty remains on the efficacy of the intervention,
highlighting the need for a large definitive trial.

Cerebral palsy, group exercises, high intensity interval training, adolescents, aquatic exercise

Received: 3 June 2020; accepted: 16 August 2020

Introduction Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials

Register (ANZCTR12618001926224). Participant
Exercise training conducted in an aquatic envi-
screening commenced in December 2018 with the
ronment using a high intensity interval training
first participant enrolled in April 2019. The study
approach may be an effective and enjoyable method
was completed in August 2019.
to increase exercise capacity for adolescents with
Potential participants were identified and
cerebral palsy.1–4 The paucity of studies that have
screened by clinicians through Perth Children’s
attempted aquatic high intensity interval training in
Hospital Paediatric Rehabilitation clinics and data-
adolescents with cerebral palsy means that a num-
base, and through advertisements in social media
ber of challenges need to be considered prior to
and local community therapy agencies. Adolescents
conducting a definitive randomised controlled trial
with cerebral palsy who were able to independently
(RCT).3 For example, the ability to measure the
ambulate, but who reported difficulties with walk-
‘real time’ heart rate responses of participants in
water to titrate high intensity is unknown, as is the ing community distances, required a rail or physi-
tolerability of this type of training for this popula- cal assistance to walk up and down stairs and
tion, and effect of potential physical barriers such adaptations to participate in sport due to co-ordina-
as pain. Further, the feasibility to quantify improve- tion and balance difficulties (Gross Motor Function
ments in aerobic capacity following aquatic inter- Classification System [GMFCS] E & R Level II6)
ventions in this population using gold standard were eligible to participate in this study if they; (i)
measures; namely peak rate of oxygen uptake were aged 12 to 17 years, (ii) were born at not less
measured during a laboratory based cardiopulmo- than 28 weeks’ gestation and discharged from
nary exercise test, is unclear, making prospective hospital without an oxygen requirement7 and, (iii)
sample size calculations challenging. In these situ- had no absolute or relative contraindications to
ations, there is strong support for a pilot study.5 cardiopulmonary exercise testing as defined by the
Pilot RCTs are designed to test the feasibility American Thoracic Society/American College of
and acceptability of the study protocol.5 The aim of Chest Physicians.8 Participants were excluded if
this pilot RCT was to report on outcomes, defined they were unable to consistently follow instruc-
a priori, to determine if the study protocol was; (i) tions or had a co-existing medical condition that
feasible to progress to an RCT in its current format, limited exercise performance or safe participation
(ii) feasible to progress to an RCT but required in water based exercise.
modification, or (iii) not feasible to progress to an Information regarding the study was mailed to
RCT without substantial modification. potential participants and their parents, who were
given a two-week period to actively opt out of fur-
ther communication. Those who did not opt out
Methods were contacted. Participants who met the study cri-
This study was approved by Child and Adolescent teria attended an initial appointment during which
Health Service Ethics (2016048EP) and Curtin written consent (parent) and verbal assent (adoles-
University (HRE20170282) and registered with the cent) were obtained.
Depiazzi et al. 3

Table 1.  Outcome measures to evaluate feasibility of using this study protocol to progress to a definitive
randomised controlled trial.

Feasibility outcome Method used to calculate Target

Recruitment fraction The number who provided consent and assent, expressed ⩾75%
as a percentage of those who met study criteria and were
approached to participate.
Completion fraction for baseline Of those who agreed to participate, the percentage of ⩾70%
assessment participants who complete all baseline assessments.
Adherence fraction to intervention Of those randomised to intervention, the percentage ⩾80%
of classes attended and participated in expressed as a
percentage of total classes expected to attend.
Intervention fidelity fraction The percentage of exercise intervals where target heart ⩾85%
rate was reached, expressed as a percentage of the total
number of exercise intervals completed during the classes.
Completion fraction for all Of those randomised, the percentage of participants who ⩾70%
components of the study protocol completed all aspects of the study.

Only participants who could achieve a peak per- pain (using Bath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire-5,9
formance during a baseline exercise test proceeded and the Modified Brief Pain Inventory).9 Health
to randomisation. Those randomised to control con- related quality of life across activity and participa-
tinued with their usual therapy and physical activity tion domains of the International Classification of
participation. Group allocation was assigned using Function were collected using the fatigue and phys-
a computer generated random number sequence, ical activity modules of the Paediatric Quality of
stratified for age (12–14 and 15–17 years) and Life Inventory (PedsQL™v4.0)10 – adolescent ver-
blocked every four allocations to achieve similar sion and the Canadian Occupational Performance
numbers in the intervention and control groups. Measure.11 The validity and reliability of these
Concealment was achieved using sequentially outcome measures are described in the online
numbered opaque envelopes. The investigator who supplement.
opened the envelope was not involved in partici- The exercise testing was conducted on a cycle
pant recruitment or generation of the random num- ergometer using an incremental protocol based
ber sequence. on previous studies in adolescents with cerebral
Measures collected during baseline and follow- palsy.12 A test was considered peak if participants
up assessments were collected at Perth Children’s met two of three criteria; physical signs of peak
Hospital using standardised protocols by experi- performance, peak heart rate >90% age-predicted
enced clinicians, who were blinded to group allo- or peak respiratory exchange ratio ⩾1.0. Peak
cation. Standardised definitions of the outcomes exercise responses were collected over 20 seconds
used to assess feasibility of study protocol are prior to exercise cessation and comprised rate of
presented in Table 1. Baseline assessments across oxygen uptake, rate of carbon dioxide production,
all levels of the International Classification of respiratory exchange ratio, minute ventilation, tidal
Function were conducted over one to two sessions volume, respiratory frequency, heart rate and oxy-
within a four-week period. Follow up assessments gen pulse.
were repeated within two weeks of completing the Participants in the intervention group completed
intervention period. aquatic high intensity interval training twice a week
At the body structure and function level, meas- for 10 weeks. The intervention took place in a hos-
ures were collected of exercise capacity (via car- pital variable depth hydrotherapy pool (mean tem-
diopulmonary exercise testing), body composition perature 33.6, [SD] 0.2○C) during a school term.
(using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scan) and Classes were offered on Monday and Wednesday
4 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

after school, and on Saturday morning. In the event There was no further interaction with the research
a class was missed, participants were encouraged to team during the intervention period.
attend an additional class the following week.
Parents were reimbursed for travel and parking
Statistical analyses and sample
A circuit-based exercise class was conducted by size calculations
two to three experienced physiotherapists and Data are expressed using descriptive statistics such
overseen by a research assistant. Classes were as means and standard deviations or 95% confi-
40 minutes in duration and comprised 20 minutes dence intervals (CI) unless otherwise stated.
of high intensity interval training. High intensity Categorical data are reported as frequencies and
interval training involved participants exercising proportions. Estimates of the effect of the interven-
and moving between 10 separate exercise stations tion were expressed as unstandardised beta coeffi-
at two different intensities; ‘high’ defined as exer- cients, calculated using linear regression analyses
cise that elicited a heart rate response ⩾80% of which were conditioned on results of the baseline
individualised peak heart rate determined during tests. For this study, we sought a sample size of 20.
baseline exercise testing and; ‘low’ defined as rest This is consistent with recommendations made by
with minimal movement and progression to the experts in the design of pilot studies and was large
next exercise station. The ratio of high to low enough to inform all aspects of the study being
intensity exercise was 1 minute: 1 minute and this assessed for feasibility.13
two-minute cycle was repeated 10 times. Of the 10
separate exercise stations, four were kept consist-
ent across every class and six were selected from a
bank of 26 exercises developed by the researchers Of 119 screened participants, 17 (7 males) con-
(JD and NS) (online supplement). Videos demon- sented and attended baseline assessments. Flow of
strating the exercises to participants were posted on participants through the study is presented in
a private web platform at the beginning of each Figure 1. The recruitment fraction was 37% (95%
week. CI 23–52). The most common reason for exclusion
During every class, participants had their heart was cognitive impairment (n = 21, 33%) and the
rate continuously monitored using chest strap most common barrier to participation was travel
telemetry (Polar® Australia, HR10) linked by (n = 11, 32%). The mean (SD) age of participants
Bluetooth and ANT+ connectivity to two apps who consented was 14 years 6 months (2 years), with
(Polar Club® v:; Polar Beat® v:3.3.4) via two a lean mean mass of 31.5 (8.1) kg and body fat per-
tablet devices (iPad Pro and Samsung Galaxy). For centage of 33.9 (12.0) %. Characteristics of those
each participant, the heart rate recorded during who proceeded to randomisation, and those who
exercise, expressed as a percentage of their peak did not, are presented in Table 2.
heart rate, was digitally projected onto a wall using The completion fraction for baseline assess-
Polar Club® and colour coded to provide feedback ments was 71% (95% CI 44–90). All participants
as targets were reached (e.g. ⩾80% peak heart rate). attempted baseline cardiopulmonary exercise test-
Participants were enthusiastically encouraged to ing; 11 required foot taping onto the cycle and seven
reach targets by clinicians, family and peers. When required physical assistance, for example, balance
needed, the intensity of an exercise station was support. Twelve participants achieved a peak per-
increased by adding resistance or increasing speed formance with a respiratory exchange ratio of
of movement. Participants and their families were 1.18 (range 1.03–1.24). All participants completed
asked to offer feedback and share their experiences the baseline dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
at an exit interview conducted by an associate scan. All participants attempted the Modified
investigator (see online supplement). Brief Pain Inventory and Paediatric Quality of Life
Participants allocated to the control group were Inventory; four required coaching from a parent
asked to continue with usual care and activities. and one was unable to complete one element of the
Depiazzi et al. 5

Potential participants identified

n = 119
Excluded after clinical screen n = 33
• Regional/interstate = 20
• Did not meet criteria = 13

Excluded n = 20
Invitation letters • Opt out = 7
n = 86 • Not contactable = 10
• Moved interstate/regional = 3

Excluded n = 20
• Unable to follow instructions = 8
Participants contacted • Medically unfit/undergoing procedures = 5
n = 66 • Incorrect diagnosis or classification = 3
• Premature birth = 4

Declined n = 26
Eligible participants • Time and travel commitments = 18
n = 46 • Child commitments = 4
• Not interested = 4

Withdrew prior to consent n = 3

Agreed to enrol
• Parental time commitments = 2
n = 20 • Child withheld assent = 1

Completed baseline assessments Unable to complete assessments n = 5

• Unable to complete CPET due to
n = 17
physical/cognitive reasons = 3
• Submaximal CPET = 2

n = 12

Intervention Control
n=6 n=6

Completed post intervention assessments

n = 12

Figure 1.  Consort diagram.

Physical Functioning component of the Paediatric Assessors remained blinded to group allocation
Quality of Life Inventory. Sixteen participants com- during post assessments.
pleted the Canadian Occupational Performance Regarding the feasibility of the intervention,
Measure as one declined to do so. No adverse travel time for families ranged from 18 to 62 min-
events occurred during the baseline assessments. utes. Data were collected across 119 classes and
6 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

Table 2.  Participant characteristics.

Parameter Intervention group Control group Nonrandomised group

(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 5)

Age (year, months) 14.10 (1.6) 14.7 (2.5) 13.10 (1.9)
Females: Males 3:3 4:2 3:2
Weight (kg) 60.7 (13.6) 43.2 (10.4) 62.5 (19.1)
Height (cm) 161.4 (6.7) 155.2 (16.2) 162.3 (7.2)
Lean muscle mass (kg) 35.5 (6.2) 27.2 (9.2) 31.8 (7.6)
Total body fat (% body weight) 33.2 (11.6) 28.7 (10.5) 41.0 (12.7)
Involved with school educational 3 4 5
support programs (n)

Mean (SD), Anthropometric measures obtained from DEXA.

1190 exercise intervals. Five of six participants holidays, flexible days, the novel assessments and
allocated to the intervention group attended all providing parking and travel costs were all cited as
classes. One participant missed a single session advantageous to retention in the study. Nevertheless,
due to illness. The adherence fraction to the inter- access to intervention at local venues was reported
vention was 99% (95% CI 95–100). Four minor to be preferable. No changes to the intervention
adverse events were recorded during the interven- were suggested.
tion which did not require medical attention (e.g. Measures related to estimating the effect of the
stubbed toe, stomach pain). Prior to commencing a intervention collected during baseline and follow
class, musculoskeletal pain was reported by par- up assessments are presented in Table 3. Of the 17
ticipants on 22 occasions and resolved upon class who undertook baseline assessments, serendipi-
completion on 14 occasions. An exacerbation of tous findings were; (i) 13 (76%) had an area iden-
back pain was reported on one occasion. tified as low bone density or at risk of osteopenia
Regarding training intensity, heart rate data on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scan with a
were collected across 1180 intervals; data were Z-score of –1.0 or below,14 and 11 (65%) partici-
lost on 10 (1%) intervals due to monitor failure. pants described pain in one or more regions.
The intervention fidelity fraction was 93% (95%
CI 92–95) across all intervals. The average exer-
cise heart rate achieved during the exercise inter-
vals, expressed as a percentage of the peak heart This aquatic high intensity interval training proto-
rate was 94 (0.1) % (Figure 2). A heart rate peak col was delivered in a standardised, reproducible
⩾80% was achieved by at least one participant in way that was feasible to measure, safe and toler-
all 26 different types of exercises selected for the ated well in adolescents with cerebral palsy,
exercise stations. The completion fraction for all GMFCS II. This study provides comprehensive
components of the study protocol following ran- information regarding the feasibility of undertak-
domisation was 100%. ing a novel intervention for people with disability.
During exit interviews, participants and families Our data suggest modification of the protocol used
reported the intervention was age appropriate, fun, for recruitment is required, but overall feasibility
and felt it improved function, was family centred and tolerability of assessment and intervention
and encouraged friendships. All families and par- were acceptable.
ticipants expressed a desire to continue with a simi- Recruitment to this study was more challenging
lar program despite the substantial time commitment than expected with less than half of those screened
and travel. Organising appointments in school meeting eligibility criteria. Cognitive impairment
Depiazzi et al. 7

limited participation as completion of reasonably

complex data collection procedures (e.g. cardio-
pulmonary exercise testing) and reliable communi-
cation for safety in group aquatic exercise was
required. Additional medical conditions (e.g. anae-
mia) and upcoming procedures (e.g. orthopaedic
surgery) further excluded participants. Smaller
recruitment pools than anticipated have been
described in another aquatic study in disability for
similar reasons.15
Adolescents in our study who met criteria but
declined to participate cited similar barriers to
enrollment reported in previous studies involving
young people with disability such as time, travel
and other trial involvement.15,16 Our low recruit-
Figure 2.  Heart rate achieved during each exercise
ment fraction indicates a larger screening popula-
Data are presented as mean and SD. X axis represents each tion would be required for recruitment of sample
class. Y axis represents heart exercise rate expressed as a sizes for a definitive efficacy trial in this area. This
percentage of the HRpeak determined during baseline CPET, requires multi-site collaboration and possible
average across all exercise intervals, for all participants in that
broadening of our target population to include
Dash line = predetermined definition of high intensity (i.e. GMFCS level I, posing challenges (including finan-
⩾80% of HRpeak). cial) associated with ensuring intervention fidelity.

Table 3.  Measures collected before and after the intervention period.

Parameter Intervention group Control group Group unstandardised

(n = 6) (n = 6)

Baseline Follow up Baseline Follow up B Standard error

VO2peak (mL/kg/min) 32.40 (9.35) 34.45 (13.28) 31.45 (4.55) 32.33 (5.24) 0.92 2.39
VO2peak (% predicted) 71.3 (16.9) 75.6 (26.6) 71.7 (10.7) 74.4 (9.9) – –
Heart rate peak (bpm) 175 (11.2) 185 (14.5) 176 (16.8) 181 (11.4) – –
Lean muscle mass (kg) 35.5 (6.2) 36.3 (5.9) 27.2 (9.2) 27.6 (9.4) 0.76 0.81
Fat mass (kg) 19.5 (11.0) 19.2 (10.8) 10.9 (5.2) 11.8 (6.3) –1.94 0.94
Bone density (TBLH z score) –0.83 (1.08) –1.03 (1.00) –1.55 (0.71) –1.53 (0.71) – –
PedsQL: Total 70.5 (6.4) 80.8 (4.8) 71.9 (14.9) 79.4 (10.1) 2.29 2.78
Physical health 70.4 (10.5) 81.8 (9.6) 68.2 (22.1) 72.4 (23.7) 7.69 7.23
Psychosocial health 69.7 (7.1) 80.3 (3.8) 74.4 (14.2) 86.4 (7.3) –5.39 3.51
Fatigue Total score 72.7 (17.4) 79.2 (10.9) 66.3 (10.8) 76.0 (14.1) –0.36 6.14
BAPQ (score/28) 2.8 (3.1) 3.3 (3.4) 1.7 (2.1) 2.0 (2.0) 0.39 1.13
COPM Performance 4.1 (1.0) 5.3 (2.0) 4.3 (1.6)* 5.4 (2.6)* – –
Satisfaction 4.7 (2.0) 5.5 (2.7) 4.1 (1.3) 6.5 (2.2) – –
Pain present (n, %) 5 (83%) 4 (67%) 3 (50%) 4 (67%) – –

Data are presented as mean (SD); TBLH: total body less head; *n = 5; COPM: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure;
PedsQL: Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory; BAPQ: Bath Adolescent Pain Score; n: number; Heart rate peak: peak heart rate
recorded during CPET; bpm: beats per minute.
8 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

The completion fraction for individual baseline only tolerable but enjoyable. The only comparable
assessments ranged from 100% (dual energy X-ray high intensity interval training study in adolescents
absorptiometry scans) to 70% (exercise testing). with cerebral palsy was land based in which 30%
This range likely reflects the physical and cogni- did not complete the intervention.23 Furthermore,
tive requirements for the different assessments. comments from our study exit interviews were
The cardiopulmonary exercise test was novel to all overwhelmingly positive regarding the interven-
study participants and some (n = 5; 29%) were una- tion highlighting participants desire to continue
ble to achieve the criteria needed for the test to be this therapy approach, with statements encompass-
considered ‘peak’. This was largely due to underes- ing all six of the ‘F words’ of disability, function,
timation by families at enrollment of the physical family, fitness, fun, friends and future.24
and procedural learning challenges required.17 Lack of reporting of exercise intensity has been
Re-test repeatability of peak oxygen uptake in this cited as a concern of cerebral palsy exercise inter-
population is reported as excellent18 and therefore ventions.21 A novel component of this study was
in our sample it seems unlikely that those who the collection of heart rate data over 1190 intervals
were unable to complete a peak exercise test during which provided precise information related to
the baseline assessment would have been able to do exercise intensity. Previous studies have reported
so with more practice. Although achieving a ‘peak’ that achieving heart rates consistent with high
cardiopulmonary exercise test performance is an intensity exercise may be difficult during water
important consideration when exploring the effect immersion as exercising in water increases stroke
of this intervention on aerobic capacity using gold volume and diminishes the contribution increased
standard measures, in clinical practice, exercise heart rate makes to meeting the cardiac output
capacity may be assessed using less complicated required during exercise.25 Further, recording of
and more familiar field-tests, such as the modified heart rate during exercise in water is challenging as
shuttle run validated in cerebral palsy.19 the immersion interferes with Bluetooth perfor-
Despite good health related quality of life com- mance. In our study ⩾90% of exercise intervals
pletion data, some participants required coaching were high intensity. A number of factors are likely
which may be explained by cognitive fatigue to have assisted in attainment of high exercise heart
described in this population,20 induced by the num- rates. First, the majority of exercise stations did not
ber and repetitive nature of these questionnaires. involve full body immersion.26 Second, projection
Nevertheless, as the effect of aerobic exercise on of heart rate with intensity coded using bright col-
health related quality of life in adolescents with ours was used to provide real time feedback which
cerebral palsy is unknown, we feel such assess- the participants found very motivating. Third,
ments are important in these studies.21 Future stud- exercise technique was not the focus allowing par-
ies may need to consider careful rationalisation of ticipants to concentrate on speed. Finally, of the 10
the type and number of assessments to minimise separate exercise stations, four were kept consist-
cognitive fatigue and maximise data quality. ent with familiarisation of new exercises offered
We comprehensively tested the feasibility of via video demonstrations. This approach reduced
this aquatic high intensity interval training pro- the time required for procedural learning,17 allow-
gram design and successfully monitored and col- ing rapid progression to a focus on intensity. Use of
lected heart rate in the water using telemetry. We a research assistant for live heart rate recording and
anticipated for adolescents and populations with a monitoring plus backup storage optimised the data
physical disability, conventional high intensity that were available.
interval training at maximal or supramaximal work A strength of this study was that after randomisa-
rates may not be tolerable and opted for lower work tion, participant retention was high. Other studies in
rates and longer intervals.22 The excellent adher- disability have reported poor tolerance to control
ence with our intervention suggests that it was not group allocation.15,16 Enjoyment and interest in the
Depiazzi et al. 9

novel assessments for this sample possibly contrib- Declaration of conflicting interests
uted to retention in our control group. Technical The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
prowess in the intervention was neither measured with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publica-
nor a focus of participation which may have been a tion of this article.
pleasurable and novel experience for children with
cerebral palsy in a therapeutic environment. This Funding
high retention rate (n = 12, 100%) and tolerance to The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
randomisation suggests minimal inflation of the support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
sample size is required to account for attrition in of this article: Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation
any future definitive trial. This study did not inves- (Grant ID 9671).
tigate the transfer or ability of other tertiary centres
and community agencies to replicate aquatic high Ethics approval
intensity interval training for a therapy program and Child and Adolescent Health Service HREC: 2016048EP
this may be a limitation.
As this was designed a priori as a pilot RCT, Registered
inferential statistics exploring within or between Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry
group differences were not conducted. Nevertheless, (ANZCTR): 12618001926224.
the coefficients presented in Table 3 represent our
best estimate of the effect of this intervention and ORCID iDs
are likely to be of interest to clinicians. These Julie Depiazzi
results may also assist with the selection of respon- Kylie Hill
sive outcomes measures to assess efficacy of this
intervention in any future trials. Caution should be Supplemental material
taken with interpretation of these data, as they
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
were collected in a small sample with large varia-
tion between participants. References
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