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Types of Writings

Argumentative Solution


Writings Formal Letter

Informal Letter

Argumentative : A style of academic writing

Task 2 IELTS (GT where the author presents an argument of a
& Academic) happening case/ issue. The purpose is to inform
rather than to convince. Argumentative essay is
used for Task 2 in IELTS (both Academic and
Argumentative MUN Paper General Training), Paper for Model United
Nation (MUN) (normally also combined with
cause-effect & problem solution), and writings
Criticizing Policy that are used to criticize a case/policy.
Cause-Effect : A type of academic writing
Task 2 IELTS where the author presents the analysis of the
reason why a case/issue happened (cause), the
prediction of the outcome after a policy is
Essay implemented or an issue happened (effect), and
Cause-Effect/ Competition
the suggestion of solution to solve the problem
Problem- (solution). This type of essay is used in Task 2
Solution Consultant IELTS, some essay competitions, a draft of
Draft solution proposed by a consultant for a
company, and the thesis/dissertation made by
Thesis/ students.

Descriptive : A type of composition which

describes an object, a person, a process or an
Task 1 IELTS event in a detail explanation. This type of text
Academic structure features a detailed description of
something to give the reader a mental picture.
This writing type is usually used in Task 1
Descriptive Encyclopedia IELTS Academic (describing and comparing
chart, maps, or picture), encyclopaedia, or a
review of a new technology/product.

Product Review

Sequences : This text structure gives

readers a chronological of events or a list of
Task 1 IELTS steps in a procedure. Normally is it found in
Academic Task 1 Academic (telling the steps of how a
natural process happens), Standard Operating
Standard Procedures (SOP) in companies/institutions,
Sequence Operating and research methodology used in
Procedure (SOP) thesis/dissertation. The difference between
sequence and descriptive is that sequence
Research should be elaborated in a respective order,
Methodology meanwhile the descriptive does not so, as long
as the text can depict the object
Informal Letter : a type of letter sent to friends
Task 1 IELTS GT or family that express your personal matters just
as chatting with those people. As it is informal
or casual, it is up to you to write anything you
want. Informal letter is normally found in Task
Informal Letter Letter for Friend 1 IELTS General Training, letter for your
friends, and even letter for your parents when
you are away from home.
Letter for Parent

Formal Letter : This kind of letter is used for

Task 1 IELTS GT specific purpose, i.e. for professional
relationship. In this letter, people must choose
the words used carefully because in formal
letter, politeness is the top priority. It can be used
Cover Letter
in Task 1 IELTS General Training, Cover Letter
Formal Letter (A letter you send together with your
Curriculum Vitae (CV)), Internal Memo from
Internal Memo the leaders of company to their subsidiaries, and
a customer complain written on a newspaper.


Carilah contoh argumentative essay dan tandai kalimat yang termasuk ciri-ciri
argumentative essay!
Argumentative Essay

1. Definition
Argumentative  a style of academic writing where the author presents both sides of
an argument or an issue. The purpose is to inform rather than convince.

2. Topics for Writing

Here are some good argumentative essay topics to get you started:
 Apple vs. Microsoft: Which software brand is more useful for students?
 Do violent video games have a negative psychological impact on children?
 From a financial perspective, should one invest in cryptocurrencies?
 From an economic standpoint, are electric cars better overall?
 Has society become too reliant on technology?

3. Structure and Examples


Body 1:
Counter Argument
/Reason 1

Thesis Statement Conclusion
(Take a position)

Body 2:
Counter Argument
/Reason 2


(brief overview):
- Background Fact?
- Statement/Position  parents should not

Should parents be Body 1 (Reason 1):

soft on their The way to engage children’s respect  explain
children? (supporting detail)

Body 2 (Reason 2):

Children should prepare themselves in today’s
competitive era  explain (supporting detail)

Short point from body 1 & 2
Below is given an introduction paragraph of argumentative essay.
It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a good job,
while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and soft skills. In my
opinion, I believe that having university education is essential for academic jobs while soft
skills and experience are more useful in business.
- The part of “It is considered …have experience and soft skills” is a building sentence of
the introduction. It tells the debate that is going to be discussed in the paragraph.
- “In my opinion … useful in business” is the thesis statement. It shows the author opinion
and some brief explanation of the reason indicating that this is the thesis statement of
argumentative paragraph.
An example of body paragraph in argumentative essay

In my opinion, whether reading high level of education or skills and experience, depends
on the position being applied for. Take for example law, medicine or teaching, it is
impossible to be considered for a position without the required educational background. In
contrast, in business, it would be more important for a candidate to have soft skills and
experience in that line of business so they can step into a position without further training
and be of immediate benefit to the company.
- The part of “In my opinion, … being applied for” is a topic sentence of the body paragraph.
It becomes main idea of the whole paragraph.
- “Take for example …benefit to the company” is the supporting sentences of the body
This is an example of conclusion in argumentative essay.
In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in experience or
education depending on the type of work and field. People should make sure that they attain
the necessary skills or degree before applying for a job in order to be sure of success.

- The part of “In conclusion, getting … work and field” is the summary of all previous body
- The last sentence is the author’s opinion related to the topic given.

A full version of the argumentative essay

It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a good job,
while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and soft skills. In my opinion,
I believe that having university education is essential for academic jobs while soft skills and
experience are more useful in business.
On the one hand, many think that it is easier for most people to find a good job if they are
university graduates with a good degree. In other words, having tertiary education puts people one
step ahead of others who do not and this can be the deciding factor in getting a good job. The
competition to get into universities and the increasing number of graduate shows just how
significant this level of education is for people’s future work opportunities.
On the other hand, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership skills and other
interpersonal skills, can also throw the balance in favour of the applicant, according to some. For
many positions there are an overwhelming number of applicants and, therefore, it is often thought
that having relevant experience that line of work or having acquired useful soft skills that can be
valuable to a company, can put one ahead of the game when applying for a position.
In my opinion, whether reading high level of education or skills and experience, depends on
the position being applied for. Take for example law, medicine or teaching, it is impossible to be
considered for a position without the required educational background. In contrast, in business, it
would be more important for a candidate to have soft skills and experience in that line of business
so they can step into a position without further training and be of immediate benefit to the
In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in experience or
education depending on the type of work and field. People should make sure that they attain the
necessary skills or degree before applying for a job in order to be sure of success.

a. Suggestion Topic for argumentative essay
Can students evaluate and critique their teachers?

b. Brainstorming (Mind map/Outline)

Cause-Effect/Problem Solution Essay

1. Definition
 Cause Effect  the cause is the reason for something to happen. The effect is the
outcome and the impact it makes.

 Problem Solution  the essay gives information about a problem and explains
one or more solutions.

2. Topics for Writing

a. Cause Effect
 The causes and effects of slavery in America.
 Early divorce in families, how does it affect developing children?
 Escapism. Who do certain people have a stronger addiction to drugs?
 What are the effects of Apple releasing the same product every year?
 The causes and effects of students hating school.

b. Problem Solution
1. Bullying on social media has caused lots of teens to get depressed. How can we
address cyberbullying in your school/hometown?
2. What is the best way to drag a friend out of depression?
3. Smoking is highly addictive and extremely hard to quit. How can we address
the smoking problem and educate teens that it isn't cool to smoke?
4. People can often be manipulative and Machiavellian, getting into other
peoples’ way. What is the best way to deal with such people?
5. People litter without thinking of environmental consequences. How can we
educate these people?

3. Structure and Examples

 Cause Effect
a. Structure 1
Body 1: Cause 1
Thesis Statement Conclusion
(Intro the effect)
Body 2: Cause 2

Body 1: Effect 1
Thesis Statement Conclusion
(Intro the cause)
Body 2: Effect 2

b. Structure 2
Cause 1
Body 1
Introduction Cause 2
Thesis Statement
Information) Effect 2
Body 2 Effect 2


Cause 1
Body 1
Introduction Effect 1
Thesis Statement
Information) Cause 2
Body 2
Effect 2

 Problem Solution

1. Structure 1
Problem 1 +
Introduction Solution 1
Thesis Statement
Information) BODY 2:
Problem 2 +
Solution 2

2. Structure 2

Introduction Problem(s)
Thesis Statement
Information) BODY 2:
3. Structure 3

Body 1: Causes of Problem(s)

Thesis Statement Body 2: Consequences of Problem(s)

Body 3: Solution(s) 3

Below is given an introduction paragraph of cause-effect paragraph.

The number of overweight people is right now constantly increasing. Inactive lifestyle and
unhealthy eating habits are the causes this epidemic while the effects are physical health
problems and loss of productivity.
- The part of “The number of…increasing” is a building sentence of the introduction. It tells
the overweight problem as the main issue that is going to be discussed
- The next line is the thesis statement. It shows that the inactive lifestyle and unhealthy
eating habit as the possible cause of obesity case thought by the author indicating that this
is the thesis statement of cause-effect paragraph.
An example of body paragraph in cause-effect paragraph.
The main causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today more
and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and
prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight.
Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly
and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult
population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.
- The part of “The main cause, …unhealthy eating habit” is a topic sentence of the body
paragraph. It becomes main idea of the whole paragraph and underlines that the whole
paragraph will discuss the mentioned two causes.
- The following paragraphs are the supporting sentences of the body paragraph. They
elaborate the topic sentence with more detailed explanation, a sample, and a reason.
This is an example of conclusion paragraph in cause-effect paragraph.
In summary, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It is mainly
caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and
loss of productivity.

- The part of “In summary, obesity…and eating disorders” is the restatement of thesis statement.
- The next words are the brief summary of all previous body paragraphs
A full version of the cause-effect essay
The number of overweight people is right now constantly increasing. inactive lifestyle and
unhealthy eating habits are the causes this epidemic while the effects are physical health problems
and loss of productivity.

The main causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today more and
more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer
inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight. Moreover, the
problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large
portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-
called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity.
First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk
of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s
metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases. Secondly, overweight
people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work
capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person
needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

In conclusion, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It is mainly caused
by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of

a. Suggestion Topic for essay
How peer learning can be a solution for improving English ability.

b. Brainstorming (Mind map/Outline)

Descriptive (Data Description Task 1 Essay)

In this module the description will only be explained for Task 1 IELTS Academic (Chart or
graph). It is because everyone will likely describe a graph either in school assignment, thesis,
research, competition, or even work report. However before learning the outline, we need to know
the type of data and graph.

Type of Data

Type of Data

Analytical Data
Descriprive Data
(Statid and Dinamis)

Bar Chart Line Graph Pie Chart

There are three basic things :

1. Introduction (paraphrase Sentence) : 1 sentence

2. Overview : 2 sentence
3. Detail (Body Paragraph) : 6 or 7 sentence

1. Introduction
a. Type
b. Topic
c. Place (If Any)
d. Unit of Measurement (If Any)
2. Overview
a. General Trend/Change
b. Contrasting Points
c. Main Stages
3. Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence
b. Supporting Sentence

This is the example of how the data are read.

Example :
1. The water use Domestic at Bahrain about 55 %
2. In Agriculture, the use of water at Saudi Arabia is more than 80 %
3. At UAE, The percentage of water use Industrial is slighty above 0 %.

Example :
1. Coca-cola’s sales was approximately $38 per share in 1996, the lowest between 1996 and
2. In 1998, coca-cola share price is around four-fifths.
3. There was a steady drop in the sales of coca-cola’s in 2000.
Example :
1. In Malaysia the proportion of expenditure (34%) was on housing while in Japan housing
accounted for just 21% of the total.
2. Food came in Japan at 24% while in Malaysia the actual proportion was higher (27%).
3. In Japan another major expense was transport at 20%, but this was much lower in
Malaysia (10%).
Writing Structure

An example of introduction in data description essay.

The diagram illustrates how gold sales in Dubai changed from January to
December 2002.

The introduction of this writing contains several points below :

- What is the information shown in the graph? The sales of gold
- When is the time frame? During the year of 2002
- Where does the data measurement take place? In Dubai

An example of overview in data description essay.

Overall, the figure fluctuated widely before returning to its original level at the end
of the year. Besides, gold sales were at their highest in March, while the weakest figures
could be observed in July and September.
Overview shows the most significant information from the line graph.
- The overall trend : It fluctuated, but mainly the figure returned to its original point
- The highest figure : In March
- The lowest figure : In July and September

An example of body paragraph in data description essay.

In the first month of 2002, the figure stood at 200 million dirhams and rose slightly
to reach about 225 million in February. This was followed by another increase, although
much steeper, in March when sales hit 350 million. However, this upward trend was
suddenly broken and sales declined dramatically over the next 4 months to reach a little
over 100 million in July. August sales saw a significant rise back to January levels as the
figure nearly doubled, but it dropped again in September to the same level as it was in July.
There was a small increase of about 100 million dirhams in October, after which the figure
levelled off and remained relatively unchanged over the last two months of 2002.

A full body version of this type of writing

The diagram illustrates how gold sales in Dubai changed from January to December 2002. Overall,
the figure fluctuated widely before returning to its original level at the end of the year. Besides,
gold sales were at their highest in March, while the weakest figures could be observed in July and
September. In the first month of 2002, the figure stood at 200 million dirhams and rose slightly to
reach about 225 million in February. This was followed by another increase, although much
steeper, in March when sales hit 350 million. However, this upward trend was suddenly broken
and sales declined dramatically over the next 4 months to reach a little over 100 million in July.
August sales saw a significant rise back to January levels as the figure nearly doubled, but it
dropped again in September to the same level as it was in July. There was a small increase of about
100 million dirhams in October, after which the figure levelled off and remained relatively
unchanged over the last two months of 2002
Informal & Formal Letter

A. Informal Letter
It is a type of letter sent to friends or family that express your personal matters just as
chatting with those people. As it is informal or casual, it is up to you to write anyhting
you want. However, there are rules to follow to indicate that it is still a letter, not other
kinds of writing.

• Put the date at the upper left or right of the page. You may add your address
below the date, but it is optional.
10 October 2019
Jl Brawijaya 75 Pare
Kediri, Jawa Timur 64212

• Begin with a greeting. You can show affection or love in the greeting.
Dear Sumiyati,
Dearest Mom and Dad,
My beloved Sansa,

• Next, begin the body of your letter. The content is up to you.

I have missed you . . .
I want to end our complicated relationship . . .

• Close the letter at the lower right or left. You can express affection or love in the
closing as in the opening.
Sincerely yours,
With all my love,

• End the letter by signing your name.


• You can add a postscript with a final thought at the very end.
P.S. ..........
Look at the three possibilities for the greeting of a friendly letter. Greetings can be
friendly, affectionate, or loving:


Dear Mary, My Dearest Mary, My Beloved Mary,
My Dear Mary, Dearest Mary, My Darling Mary,
Hello, Mary, My Dearest, My Sweet,
Hi, Mary, Dearest, My Darling,

There are similar possibilities for the closing of a friendly letter:


Sincerely, Fondly, Love,
Sincerely yours, Affectionately, Lovingly,
Truly, With fond regards, With all my love,
Truly yours, With sincere affection, I love you,
Yours truly,
Yours sincerely,


June 30, 2009

2990 West Main Street
Johnstown, IL 60622

Dear Mary,

I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, but I’ve been away on the most wonderful trip.
My friend Bill and I rented a van and traveled from Johnstown to Seattle, then from
Seattle to Los Angeles, and returned home by way of the Grand Canyon.

It was the most spectacular trip. We saw mountain ranges, beautiful forestlands,
deserts, and the magnificent Grand Canyon. I never expected the Grand Canyon to
be so big or to be so breathtaking. Bill took several hundred pictures, andI, of
course, had my video camera running all the time. I’m eager to show youwhat we

The only bad moment came when Bill sprained his ankle hiking down a trail. I
carried him piggyback all the way back to the van. We must have beenquite a sight.
We both laughed for a long time, even though Bill was in a lot of pain. Two days
later his ankle was a lot better, and by the time we reached Johnstown, he was as
right as rain.

I wish you could have been with us. But you’ll have to experience our adventure
through our pictures. Let’s get together soon. I hope you’re well and that things are
going smoothly at your new job. I lookforward to seeing you.

Yours truly,

P.S. If you want to call me, I have a new cell phone number: 555-1234

EXERCISE 1. Write a letter or email to your best friend about your days in
In contrast to informal letter, this kind of letter is used for specific purpose, i.e. for
professional relationship. It can be used between company to company, company to
individuals or otherwise.


• Start with the date on the left. Then include your return address, about two lines below
the date. Your phone number is often included immediately following your address.
June 30, 2009
2990 West Main Street
Johnstown, IL 60622
(311) 555-1234

• Skip a line and then type the name of the person to whom you are writing followed by
the company name and address.
Ms. Mary Brown
Jones Medical Center
400 East Oak Street
Johnstown, IL 60634

• Give the subject of the letter on its own line.

Subject: Billing Problem

• The greeting is next. If you don’t know the name of the person to whom you should be
writing, just write the position name (manager, accountant, etc.) or write “To whom it may
To whom it may concern,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Mr/Mrs Art Director
Dear Ms Wanda Maximov

• Skip a line and then begin the body of the letter. Use as many lines or paragraphs as
necessary to express why you have written to this person. If you start a communicaton, just
begin with stating your purpose directly, or introducing yourself if your letter recipient
have not known you. If you reply a letter, start by thanking the recipient.
I am a student from Indonesia . . .
I am writing this letter to enquire about . . . .
Thank you for contacting me about . . . . .

• Include a polite final statement on its own line, if you wish.

Thank you.
• Close the letter and follow it with a comma.

• Skip four lines to provide a place to sign the letter.

[Your signature]

• Type your full name and title (Manager, Chairperson, etc.) after the space left for your
[Your typed name]
[Your title]
• If you are enclosing a document with your letter, skip a line and indicate that at the end
of the letter.
Enclosure (1)
Remember that if the letter is typewritten, it should always be single-spaced. Let’s look at
this sample letters.
June 30, 2009

2990 West Main Street

Johnstown, IL 60622
(311) 555-1234

Ms. Mary Brown

Jones Medical Center
400 East Oak Street
Johnstown, IL 60634

Subject: Billing Problem

Dear Ms. Brown,

I am a patient who underwent outpatient surgery on my left hand on May 3, 2009. My doctor
was Dr. Wilma Jones, and I am insured by the Johnstown HMO. My insurance number is

On June 25, 2009, I received a bill from your office in the amount of $2,500.00. It is my
understanding that my insurer will cover $2,400.00 of this amount.

Please contact Mr. Roger Smith at Johnstown HMO for confirmation of my insurance and to
adjust my bill. Inform me of any other steps I must take to correct this error. I have enclosed
a copy of my insurance policy with this letter.

Thank you.
William Green
EXERCISE 2: Write a letter to a professor overseas and ask about the requirements to apply
the course you want or write to a company asking about a job vacancy.

 Sequences  This text structure gives readers a chronological of events or a list

of steps in a procedure.


Body 1: Event/Step 1
Thesis Statement Body 2: Event/Step 2 Conclusion
(a brief overview of

Body 3: Event/Step 3

Sequence Essay Topics

 How to mow your lawn
 How to win at Texas hold 'em
 How to lose weight without losing your mind
 How to find the perfect roommate
 How to succeed in (or flunk out of) college
 How to plan the perfect party
 How to survive a night of babysitting
 How to pitch a tent in the rain
 How to housebreak your dog
 How to kick a bad habit
 How to overcome insomnia
 How to stay sober on a Saturday night
 How to rent your first apartment
Below is given the example of introduction in sequence passage.
Cooking rice does not seem that complicated. There are so many different ways to prepare
it. Each culinary tradition has varying methods on how to cook rice to perfection. For this
process essay, we will focus on three ways of preparing the best rice possible. The
differences between the methods might seem minuscule, but the taste is vastly different
with each method. We will explore Gordon Ramsay’s style of preparing rice, the magazine
Fine Cooking’s method, and Martha Stewart’s way of preparing it.
As the introduction, this paragraph explains the product which its procedure is explained. It is
important to give the reader a brief explanation

This is the sample of body paragraph in sequence essay

Body paragraph elaborates the detail and ordered procedure to cook a rice.

Gordon Ramsay is one of the most famous chefs in the world. He is popular on television
and for his restaurants. Ramsay is also known for being a great teacher. He makes videos
on how to prepare relatively simple dishes, such as rice. His method of cooking is as
follows: 1) Get 400 grams of rice (preferably basmati). 2) Use cold water to rinse the dust
and starch from the rice. 3) Place the rice in a pan. Add some cardamom pods (broken
open), star anise, salt, and pepper. 4) Add one and a half cold water. 5) Get the lid on, bring
to a boil, then turn the heat down to let it steam for about 8-10 minutes. 6) Keep the lid on
throughout the steaming process. 7) Get the cardamom pods and star anise out, and use a
fork to separate the rice a bit by running the fork through the rice a few times. 8) The rice
is ready to be served (Shukla, Pragati). This recipe makes for a fragrant and downright
delicious basmati rice dish. Serving curry on top of this rice adds to its tastiness.
The sample of conclusion in sequence essay is shown below.
In the conclusion, the body paragraphs are summarized and restated.
To summarize, three different methods of cooking rice was examined: Gordon Ramsay’s
fragrant basmati rice, Fine Cooking’s scientific way of preparing white rice, and Martha
Stewart’s simple method of cooking white rice. Each way has its own merits and only
self-experimentation will determine your favorite.

This is the full version of the sequence essay.

Cooking rice does not seem that complicated. However, there are so many different ways to
prepare it. Each culinary tradition has varying methods on how to cook rice to perfection. For this
process essay, we will focus on three ways of preparing the best rice possible. The differences
between the methods might seem minuscule, but the taste is vastly different with each method. We
will explore Gordon Ramsay’s style of preparing rice, the magazine Fine Cooking’s method, and
Martha Stewart’s way of preparing it.
Gordon Ramsay is one of the most famous chefs in the world. He is popular on television
and for his restaurants. Ramsay is also known for being a great teacher. He makes videos on how
to prepare relatively simple dishes, such as rice. His method of cooking is as follows: 1) Get 400
grams of rice (preferably basmati). 2) Use cold water to rinse the dust and starch from the rice. 3)
Place the rice in a pan. Add some cardamom pods (broken open), star anise, salt, and pepper. 4)
Add one and a half part cold water. 5) Get the lid on, bring to a boil, then turn the heat down to let
it steam for about 8-10 minutes. 6) Keep the lid on throughout the steaming process. 7) Get the
cardamom pods and star anise out, and use a fork to separate the rice a bit by running the fork
through the rice a few times. 8) The rice is ready to be served (Shukla, Pragati). This recipe makes
for a fragrant and downright delicious basmati rice dish. Serving curry on top of this rice
adds to its tastiness.
Next up, the magazine Fine Cooking has its own take on cooking white rice. Though basmati
is the king of rice, white rice can be tasty as well. According to Fine Cooking, to prepare the perfect
white rice, these are the steps: 1) Rinse the rice a few times in cold water to remove starch, talc,
and to make it less sticky. You can also opt for soaking the rice for 30 minutes. 2) Add water to
the rice in a pan. “As a general rule, use 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 cups of water per cup of long-grain white
rice, but you may need to experiment a little to find the amount you like best. Keep in mind that
more water gives you softer, stickier rice—great for stir-fries. Less water results in firmer rice, a
good style for rice salads” (King, Niloufer). 3) Put the pan of rice on gentle heat with a tight-fitting
pot lid. 4) Let the rice cook and steam for about 12 minutes. By this time, the water should have
been absorbed into the rice and the rice should be firm. 5) Have the rice sit off the heat with the
lid on for 5-30 minutes. This allows all the layers of the rice to be as fluffy as the rest, as the
moisture redistributes. This may not be as tasty Ramsay’s rice, but it ensures that the rice is uniform
and fluffy (King, Niloufer).
Lastly, we have Martha Stewart’s recommended method of cooking rice. She also has a
recipe for cooking white rice. Her style of making rice is quite simple. It also does not have much
seasoning, besides salt. The process of making this variety of rice does not have many steps: 1)
Bring 1/ ½ cups of water to a boil in an average pan. 2) Stir in 1 cup of long-grain white rice and
½ teaspoon of salt, and bring it to a boil again on medium-high heat. 3) Take down the heat to
make the rice simmer. Cover the pan. 4) Cook the rice for about 16 to 18 minutes, until the rice is
tender and all the water is gone. 5) Take it away from the heat and allow it to steam while covered
for 10 minutes. 6) Run a fork through the rice to fluff it up. 7) Now it is ready to be served (“Perfect
White Rice”).
To summarize, three different methods of cooking rice was examined: Gordon Ramsay’s
fragrant basmati rice, Fine Cooking’s scientific way of preparing white rice, and Martha Stewart’s
simple method of cooking white rice. Each way has its own merits and only self-experimentation
will determine your favorite.

Brainstorm your own mind map or outline and write down your essay.
a. Suggestion Topics for sequence essay
How to submit campus admission

b. Brainstorming (Mind map/Outline)

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