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Experiment 1 : Result

Liquid A: water Density of Liquid A: 995.0 kg/m³

No Distance Mass Diameter Density Tim Velocity, Kinematics Dynamic
between of of of e (s) u (m/s) viscosity, v viscosity, µ
bends marble marble,d marble, (m²/s) (Ns/m²)
(m) (kg) (m) σ
1 1.116 0.0055 0.01064 8.5×103 0.02 55.80 8.3401×10-6 8.2984×10-3
2 1.115 0.0054 0.01078 8.5×103 0.02 55.75 8.5687×10-6 8.5259×10-3
3 1.116 0.0055 0.01076 8.5×103 0.02 55.80 8.5293×10-6 8.4869×10-3
Average 1.116 0.0055 0.01073 8.5×103 0.02 55.78 8.4849×10-6 8.4425×10-3

Liquid B: syrup Density of Liquid B: 1225 kg/m³

er as
No Distance Mass Diameter Density Tim Velocity, Kinematics Dynamic

eH w
between of of of e (s) u (m/s) viscosity, v viscosity, µ
bends marble marble,d marble, (m²/s) (Ns/m²)

(m) (kg) (m) σ
rs e (kg/m³)
ou urc
1 1.120 0.0054 0.01060 8.7×103 0.02 56.00 6.6726×10-6 8.1739×10-3
2 1.121 0.0054 0.01070 8.7×103 0.02 56.05 6.7930×10-6 8.3214×10-3

3 1.120 0.0054 0.01090 8.7×103 0.02 56.00 7.0556×10-6 8.6431×10-3

aC s
v i y re

Average 1.120 0.0054 0.01073 8.7×103 0.02 56.02 6.8348×10-6 8.3726×10-3

Liquid C: oil Density of Liquid C: 880.0 kg/m³

ed d

No Distance Mass Diameter Density Tim Velocity, Kinematics Dynamic

ar stu

between of of of e (s) u (m/s) viscosity, v viscosity, µ

bends marble marble,d marble, (m²/s) (Ns/m²)
(m) (kg) (m) σ
sh is

1 1.122 0.0054 0.01070 8.4×103 0.03 37.40 1.4257×10-5 1.2546×10-2

2 1.120 0.0055 0.01080 8.7×103 0.03 37.33 1.4552×10-5 1.2806×10-2

3 1.122 0.0054 0.01080 8.7×103 0.03 37.40 1.4525×10-5 1.2782×10-2
Average 1.122 0.0054 0.01080 8.7×103 0.03 37.38 1.4532×10-5 1.2788×10-2

Velocity, u = distance between bends (m)

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Time (s)

1) Water

Velocity,u1 = 1.116 m
0.02 s
= 55.80 m/s

U2 = 55.75 m/s
U3 = 55.80 m/s

Average u, = 55.80 + 55.75 + 55.80

= 55.78 m/s

er as
2) Syrup

eH w
Velocity,u1 = 1.120 m

0.02 s rs e
= 56.00 m/s
ou urc
U2 = 56.05 m/s
U3 = 56.00 m/s
aC s
v i y re

Average u, = 56.00 + 56.05 + 56.00

= 56.02 m/s
ed d
ar stu

3) Oil

Velocity,u1 = 1.122 m
sh is

0.03 s

= 37.40 m/s

U2 = 37.33 m/s
U3 = 37.40 m/s

Average u, = 37.40 + 37.33 + 37.40

= 37.38 m/s

Kinematic viscosity,v = gd2 × σ -1

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18u ρ

1) Water , v1 = (9.81)(0.01064)2 × 8.5×103 - 1

18 (55.80) 995.0

=8.3401×10-6 m2/s

V2 = 1.8325×10-6 m2/s

V3 = 1.8241×10-6 m2/s

Average v = 1.8146×10-6 m2/s

2) Syrup , v1 = (9.81)(0.01060)2 × 8.7×103 - 1

er as
18 (56.00) 1225.0

eH w
= 6.6726×10-6 m2/s

V2 = 6.7930×10-6 m2/s
rs e
ou urc
V3 = 7.0556×10-6 m2/s

Average v = 6.8348×10-6 m2/s

aC s
v i y re

3) Oil, v1 = (9.81)(0.01070)2 × 8.4×103 - 1

18 (37.40) 880.0
ed d
ar stu

= 1.4257×10-5 m2/s
sh is

V2 = 1.4552×10-5 m2/s

V3 = 1.4525×10-5 m2/s

Average v = 1.4532×10-5 m2/s

Dynamic viscosity, μ= ρV

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1) Water

μ1 = (995.0)(8.3401×10-5 )

=1.2546×10-2 Ns/m2

2) Syrup

μ1 = (1225.0)( 6.6726×10-5)

= 1.2806×10-2 Ns/m2

er as
3) Oil

eH w
μ1 = (880.0)(1.4257×10-5 )
rs e
ou urc
=1.2782×10-2 Ns/m2
aC s

Average, v = 1.2788×10-2 Ns/m2

v i y re
ed d
ar stu
sh is


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The experiment conducted to determine the viscosity of water, syrup and oil and
also to measure multiple speeds and interchangeable spindles resulting in a large
selection of viscosity ranges. In order to measure the viscosity of these fluids,
Brookfield Viscometer, which is a rotational viscometer is used. Viscous drag or
resistance to flow is indicated by the degree to which the spring wind up. Varies
viscosity ranges are measured by different speeds and spindles.
For the syrup fluid experiment, the viscosity shows the highest values at
8.6431×10-3 Ns/m2 for spindle 3. As the speed increases, the viscosity of syrup
decreases and the lowest value is at 8.1739×10-3 Ns/m2. But, for spindle number 1,

er as
there is a slight decrease at the speed shows the lowest value 8.1739×10-3 Ns/m2 .

eH w
For the oil experiment, there is no obvious decreasing trend of the viscosities.

The viscosities of oil for all spindles are decreasing. It shows the lowest value of
rs e
ou urc
viscosity which is 1.2546×10-2 Ns/m2 .
The viscosity of syrup and oil differs because the spindle size and shape and also

the spindles’ speed give effect on the dial reading. This is because all of the spindles
aC s
v i y re

has a different total surface area which affect the shear stress of both fluid. The
formula of shear stress is force (F) per unit area (A). If the total surface area decreases,
ed d

assuming the force applied is constant, the amount of shear stress will increase
ar stu

resulting an increasing viscosities if the applied shear rate is constant.

According to Newton’s Law of viscosity as below,
sh is

the fluid is to be called newtonian fluid when the shear stress of the fluid is directly
proportional to the velocity gradient and the non newtonian fluid will have the shear
stress that is indirectly proportional to the velocity gradient.

Experiment 2 : Result

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Mass Total Actual INCREASING PRESSURE % Error = (Actual
added to mass, M Pressure Gauge Reading (kN/m ) pressure/Average
piston (kg) (kN/m ) gauge reading) x 100
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average
0 0.555 22.13 20.69 20.69 24.13 21.84 101.33%
2.0 2.555 101.89 108.94 108.87 104.80 107.54 94.75%
1.0 3.555 141.77 148.24 148.24 144.79 147.09 96.38%
0.5 4.055 161.71 168.93 165.48 171.69 168.70 95.86%
0.25 4.305 171.68 172.38 179.27 179.27 176.97 97.01%

Mass Total Actual DECSRAESING PRESSURE % Error = (Actual

removed mass, M Pressure Gauge Reading (kN/m ) pressure/Average
from (kg) (kN/m ) gauge reading) x 100

er as
piston Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average

eH w
0 4.305 171.68 172.38 179.27 179.27 176.97 97.01%
0.25 4.055 161.71 168.93 165.48 171.69 168.70 95.86%

0.5 3.555
rs e
141.77 148.24 148.24 144.79 147.09 96.38&
ou urc
1.0 2.555 101.89 108.94 108.87 104.80 107.54 94.75%
2.0 0.555 22.13 20.69 20.69 24.13 21.84 101.33%
aC s
v i y re

Actual pressure = mg ÷ 1000

ed d

=(0.555)(9.81) ÷ 1000
ar stu


=22.13 kN/m2
sh is

Average pressure = actual pressure / average gauge reading × 100

= 22.13 / 21.84 × 100

= 101.33%


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From this graph we can see that gauge pressure is increasing linearly with the increase
in actual pressure. The linear relationship is what we had expected it to be gauge
pressure versus actual pressure. We also can see from the values that we obtained from
the experiment through calculation and those written on their labels are almost the
same as the values that we obtained through the Bourdon Gage. In our calculations we
have calculated the percentage error of this experiment using the formula given.

er as
eH w
rs e
ou urc
aC s
v i y re
ed d
ar stu
sh is

Experiment 5 : Result

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Temperature of water, T: _______24______°C
Density of water, ρ: _________1000_________ kg/m

Viscosity of water, μ: __________9.107×10-7____ kg/ms

Diameter of tube, d: 0.010 m Cross-sectional area of tube, A: ____3.142×10-4____ m

No. Volume, Time, t Flow Velocity, Reynolds Types of flow Types of flow
V (m3) (s) rate, Q v = Q/A number, from the Re from observation
(m3/s) (m/s) Re=ρvd/μ values
1 2.8×10-6 23 1.22×10-7 3.88×10-4 426045.89 turbulent Lamina
2 3.0×10-6 22 1.36×10-7 4.32×10-4 474360.38 turbulent Lamina
3 2.8×10-6 23 1.22×10-7 3.88×10-4 426045.89 turbulent Lamina
4 2.7×10-6 22 1.22×10-7 3.88×10-4 426045.89 turbulent Lamina
5 9.2×10-5 16 5.75×10-6 1.83×10-2 20094432.85 turbulent Transition

er as
6 9.4×10-5 15 6.27×10-6 1.99×10-2 21851323.16 turbulent Transition

eH w
7 9.6×10 16 6.00×10-6 1.91×10-2 20972878.01 turbulent Transition
9 2.4×10-4 5 4.80×10-5 1.53×10-1 168002635.3 turbulent No line

10 2.4×10-4 7
rs e 3.43×10-5 1.09×10-1 119688152.0 turbulent No line
ou urc
11 2.4×10-4 5 4.80×10-5 1.53×10-1 168002635.3 turbulent No line
12 2.4×10-4 7 3.43×10-5 1.09×10-1 119688152.0 turbulent No line
aC s
v i y re
ed d

Reynolds number = ρvd/μ

ar stu

= (1000 kg/m3)(3.88×10-4 m/s)(0.0010m) / 9.107×10-7 kg/ms

sh is

= 426045.89


As per the theory, no points should be below the lowest point in a Moody Diagram.

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The results are coherent with this and all points are above the lowest point.

Most of the errors were systematic. For example, whilst reading the Vernier Caliper
when recording the pipes’ diameters. The manometer did not have any errors as it was
consistently set to zero prior to recording the pressure drop.

The water temperature also influenced the results as it impacted the density and
viscosity of the fluid. As the density dropped, the viscosity also fell. The relationship
between temperature and density was inversely proportional. This was because high
temperature created spaces between the molecules and resulted in a lower density.

The combined effects of temperature, pressure and other variables added to the

er as
difference between the actual and theoretical values of the friction factor. A low Re

eH w
also meant that either the fluid velocity was too low or the fluid viscosity was too

rs e
ou urc
Systematic sources of error:
aC s

- Reaction time and human error when recording time

v i y re

- Bubbles in the water

- Being unable to shut the valve tightly to prevent leakage
ed d
ar stu

- Parallax error when measuring and recording the volume of water in the tank
and temperature
sh is

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