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Life was going perfect for Dr. Steven Strange.

He was the best doctor around with a rich

house and expensive accessories. That all changed when he crashed and his car went tumbling
down a tall mountain. He suffered major nerve damage in both of his hands. Some doctors
thought it would be impossible for him to make a full recovery. This was only the beginning of all
the craziness that happens in Scott Derrickson’s film, Doctor Strange. The film showcases
beautiful visuals, an engaging plot, and humorous moments, which makes it five out of five

The characters were able to unleash their magic in the Mirror Dimension, where the real
world isn’t affected. This resulted in stunning visuals, similar to that of Inception, that seem
almost unreal. Imagine being in New York City where the laws of physics don’t apply. Buildings
and roads and continuously bend and shift. People are running up the sides of buildings
jumping to different moving platforms and bridges. It helps make the fighting scenes more
surreal and exciting.

A great movie will always have a great plot. Derrickson engages the audience with an
exciting fighting scene featuring the film’s main villain and a mysterious hooded figure who
would play an important role later on. The intro leaves the audience with a lot of questions to
keep them interested. Who is the mysterious hooded figure? What is the villain’s goal? An
equally important part is the main character. Dr. Strange starts out as a cocky and selfish doctor,
acting like he knows everything. After he crashed and went on a journey to fix his hands, you
can see his personality starting to change. He shows signs of caring for others and being willing
to learn from them as well. The film does a great job of showcasing his growth as he progresses
through his journey.

You can never go wrong with a few funny moments to keep the audience interested. A
memorable moment was when Dr. Strange’s teacher left him stranded on Mt. Everest so he
could learn to make a portal with his magic. Snow was pouring and winds were furiously
blowing. She told him he probably had two minutes before he freezes to death. As she was
waiting for him to come back, the camera showed a close up of her fiddling a wooden fan
behind her back. This, along with the expression and tone of her voice, showed how anxious
she was waiting for him to portal back. Strange was able to make it back, crawling on the floor
covered in snow, ending the hilarious scene.

The plot, humor, and visuals of Doctor Strange make it an all around fantastic movie.
Watching the film a second time has made me realize how cool it would be if this was real.
Portal magic and shifting buildings would be amazing to see in real life. I just hope my teacher
won’t strand me on a mountain alone with my life in danger.

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