Old Major Speech Graphic Org

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Read the directions carefully and complete the graphic organizer.

★ The graphic organizer below contains a nearly-complete paragraph in response to the

following prompt:
★ Select one rhetorical device that Old Major uses in his speech. Analyze how and why Old
Major uses this device and explain why this device is effective in achieving his purpose.
★ Complete the paragraph by adding in the two missing clarify writing moves. Your
clarifications should be 1-3 sentences each. Refer to the Google Slides from today to see
tips on what information to include in your clarifications. You may also use the sample
paragraph from the classkick activity to guide you.

Create In his Chapter 1 speech, Old Major successfully persuades the

animals that they must rebel against the humans by appealing
a claim.
to pathos.

Clarify Basically,
your thinking. Add an example,
reason, or ask a question and
then answer it. What is Old
Major’s intention in using this
rhetorical device?

Build For example, Old Major gathers the entire farm of animals
around to give a speech urging the animals to rebel in which
context: What is happening in the
story when your evidence is he highlights the gross mistreatment the animals face:

Fortify “But no animal escapes the cruel knife in the end. You young
your claim with “evidence” (Orwell
8). porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will
scream your lives out at the block within a year. To that horror
we all must come-cows, pigs, hens, sheep, everyone” (Orwell 8).

Clarify Essentially,
how your evidence supports your
claim. Why is this device

Close Ultimately, Old Major’s skillful toying with the animals reveals
the ease at which the animals are manipulated, possibly
by answering the question “so
what?”. Make a real-world foreshadowing that this is not the last time that the animals
connection. will be so easily persuaded.

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