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Paket Tryout 1 UN

Bahasa Inggris

Petunjuk Umum
1. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum menjawab.
2. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
3. Pergunakan pensil 2B pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer dan bolpoin hitam pada Lembar Jawaban Uraian.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, naskah tidak lengkap atau rusak.
5. Tidak diizinkan meminjam alat tulis dari teman.
6. Tidak boleh menggunakan cairan penghapus (Tipp-ex, dan lain-lain)
7. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.

The following text is for question no 1. 2. What is the text above about?
A. greeting card about Aryo’s new house
No camera, food and drink please B. greeting card about Rina’s new house
C. Aryo and family disappointment
1. The notice above means that we… D. Rita’s joy about new job

A. should bring camera, food and drink

The following text is for question no 3.
B. are not allowed to bring camera, food
and drink
C. should not bring camera To: Alfred
D. should eat and drink before take Hey Alfred, how are you? I have information
photograph that there is a job vacancy in Jakarta as a
journalist. I know that it is the job you are
The following text is for question no 2. dreaming for. Contact me soon.
Congratulations for the new house Rina.
We hope you will be happy in your new 3. What is the information given by Ron?
A. Alfred’s graduation
B. Ron’s new job as journalist
Aryo and family
C. job vacancy in Jakarta
D. new challenge in Jakarta
The following text is for questions no 4 and 5. Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that houses the
grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum
Dear Kumar, is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main
Hello my friend, gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the
left), a guest house (to the right), and several
We’re having a party this night at Joe’s. He’s very other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest
happy if you can come tonight to celebrate his end of this complex, with the river Jamuna
new born baby. The party will be held around behind it.
7 pm. Come and join us!
The Taj stands on a raised, square platform
Mundaje (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated,
forming an unequal octagon. The architectural
4. Who is having a party? design uses the interlocking arabesque concept,
A. Kumar C. Mundaje in which each element stands on its own and
B. Joe D. the baby perfectly integrates with the main structure. It
uses the principles of self-replicating geometry
5. What is the party about?
and symmetry of architectural elements.
A. Mundaje’s new house
Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in
B. Kumar’s wedding party
diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is
C. Joe’s new born baby
flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers.
D. Joe’s graduation
The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5
The following text is for questions no 6 and 7. feet each. The central domed chamber and four
adjoining chambers include many walls and
In memoriam
panels of Islamic decoration.
Alexander Zuckermann
1921 - 20007 Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble.
Please join family and friends Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond
in celebration of Alex’s life.
adequate description, particularly at dawn and
Saturday, the fifteenth of September
at five o’clock
sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the
Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Kensington, California
full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors
experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed
from across the Jamuna River.
For more info:
or e-mail Ron: 8. What is the text about?
A. one of the eight wonders of the world
6. What is the text about?
B. Queen Mumtaz Mahal
A. the announcement of Saturday night C. Jamuna river
party D. Emperor Shah Jahan
B. the announcement of Alex’s life
celebration 9. These are the descriptions of Taj Mahal,
C. the Church of Berkeley birthday party except ...
D. music contest A. built by Emperor Shah Jahan
B. built entirely of white marble
7. When will be the celebration held?
C. located in front of Jamuna River
A. 16th September C. 15th September D. built of entirely in golden form
B. 14th September D. 17th September
The following text is for questions no 8 to 11. 10. Who’s Queen Mumtaz Mahal?
A. Taj Mahal builder’s wife
B. the Queen of Arabia
Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight
C. the tourist
wonders of the world. It was built by a Muslim
D. the builder of Taj Mahal
Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear
wife at Agra.
11. “The central domed chamber and…” 14. “Cleopatra was a woman of remarkable
(Paragraph 4) poise….” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word is similar in meaning The underlined word has the similar
to…. meaning to…
A. chair C. room A. beauty C. eyes
B. pool D. grave B. mind D. confidence

The following text is for questions no 12 to 14. The following text is for questions no 15 to 17.

One of the most famous women in world Last Month, my friends and I had a
history was Cleopatra VII. She was the brilliant wonderful trip Bandung. We had three days
and beautiful last Pharaoh of Egypt. Historically, trip there, from Friday to Sunday. We left
she became queen of Egypt in 51 B.C. at the age to Bandung on Friday afternoon and it only
of eighteen. She was a Ptolemy, descended from took about three and half an hour by car from
one of Alexander the Great’s generals. When she Tangerang, our home town. We started at 2 p.m
was twenty-one, Julius Caesar became her lover. and arrived around 5.30 p.m in Bandung. As
Seven years later she met Antony. The romantic soon as we arrived in Bandung, we took a rest in
tragic relationship continued until they died by a hotel downtown Bandung. After taking a rest
suicide in 30 B.C. and a shower, we had dinner and prepared for a
night tour in Bandung. We had a great activity
Cleopatra was legendary. She was famous
because we did many things. First we went to
not only for her breathtaking beauty but also
Ciwidey. We enjoyed the nature of Ciwidey’s
for her great intellect. She had brown eyes and
View. We stayed there for about one hour.
they were shaped like cat eyes. Her skin was
Around 10 o’clock, we went to Strawberry Park
in fact an olive shade, darker than Hollywood
located in Ciwidey, too. We learnt how to plant
actress Liz Taylor who portrayed her in the
the strawberry and of course ate some products
film ‘Cleopatra’ in 1963. She had medium
made of strawberry, such as fried rice, cake and
dark brown hair, about to the middle of her
shoulder blades. She had a reputation as an
extraordinarily sensuous woman.
Cleopatra was a woman of remarkable 15. What is the text about?
poise and unusual intelligence. She was highly A. vacation to Tanggerang
educated. She spoke proficiently in nine B. trip to Bandung
languages and also skilled in mathematics. She C. going fishing
is often considered to be a stunning seductress D. vacation at the beach
though she was studying to be a nun. Cleopatra
16. These are the things they do in Ciwidey,
was a very intelligent queen and a politician
with a great charisma.
A. enjoy the Ciwidey’s natural view
B. learn how to plant Strawberry
12. What is the text about? C. eat some products made of strawberry
A. the queen of Egypt D. fishing at Ciwidey’s Lake
B. the queen of Arabia
17. The word “trip” (paragraph 1) means…
C. Alexander the Great
D. Antony A. voyage
B. travel
13. What is the main idea of paragraph two? C. flight
A. Cleopatra’s husband D. walk
B. Cleopatra’s reign
C. Cleopatra’s physical description
D. film of Cleopatra
The following text is for questions no 18 to 22. getting worse and she finally passed away on
September 17, 1904 on her 25 years old. Now
Every April 21, people in Indonesia Kartini has gone. But her spirit and dream will
commemorate the Kartini day. It is a beautiful always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian
day for the woman because we celebrate the women progress is influenced by Kartini’s spirit
birth of great lady, RA. Kartini. Everyone knows stated on collection of letter “Habis gelap terbitlah
who Kartini is. She is our national heroine terang” from the dusk to the dawn.
and a great lady with the bright idea. Kartini
was born in 1879, April 21 in Mayong Jepara. 18. What is the text about?
Her father was RMAA. Sosroningrat, Wedana A. MA Ngasirah
(assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. B. Adipati Djoyodiningrat
Her mother, MA Ngasirah was a girl from C. Singgih
Teluk Awur village in Jepara. As the daughter D. RA. Kartini
of a noble family, she felt luck because
19. What is the childhood name of Kartini?
she got more than the ordinary people
got. She got better education than other A. Trinil C. Den Ayu
children. She did anything she wants although it B. Singgih D. Tini
was forbidden. She passed her childhood with her 20. Why did Kartini move to Rembang?
brother and sister. Because she was very energetic,
A. to publish her book
her father called her “trinil” Then her father was
B. to write her book
chosen as Bupati (the head of regency) in Jepara.
C. she should follow her husband
She and her family then moved from Mayong to
D. to established local school
Jepara. In the same year, Kartini’s second sister
RA Kardinah was born. The environment in 21. On what age did Kartini die?
Jepara gave her big chance to develop her idea. A. 21 years old C. 24 years old
She could study at the Dutch owned school B. 22 years old D. 25 years old
where only children from noble family could
22. The word “noble” has the similar meaning
study here. Few years after finishing her study,
RA. Kartini was willing to continue her study in
higher level. But the custom of that day forbid a A. slave C. kind
woman to go to school. A tradition of that time, a B. aristocratic D. egoistic
teenage girl should be secluded and limited her The following text is for questions no 23 and 24.
activity. So was Kartini. She was secluded inside
the house and forbidden to go out until a man Everyone loves egg. Here is how to
proposed her. The rule could restrict her body make a simple sunny egg:
but not her mind. During her “pingitan” time, 1. Put 2 tbs of oil on the frying pan while the
she spent her time by reading book which she heat is on.
got from her relatives. Although she was not able 2. Crack the egg(s) open and make sure you
to continue her study to higher level, she was crack the eggs lower to the pan or else the
smart had a bright idea. She got the knowledge yolks will break.
from the books she read. To express her idea, 3. Just as the whites are starting to turn white,
she established a school for local people on turn the stove off and wait until the eggs
the backyard of Jepara city hall. In November 12, 1903, are pure white and the yolk has a little bit
she married Adipati Djoyodiningrat, the head of of a skin over it.
Rembang regency. According to Javanese tradition 4. Flip the egg over with a spatula gently.
Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she 5. After a minute or two, flip it over again
moved to Rembang. In September 13, 1904 she gently.
gave a birth to her son. His name was Singgih. 6. Put the egg(s) on the plate
But after giving birth to a son, her condition was Those are simple steps right?
23. What is the use of spatula? 27. What promise should Sahala not tell anyone?
A. to fry the egg A. that he was a fish
B. to add seasoning to the egg B. that his wife was a fish
C. to flip the egg over C. that he killed his wife
D. to break the egg D. that he stole gold
24. What should we do after heating up the 28. Why did Sahala break his promise?
frying pan? A. he got angry with his daughters
A. put 2tbs of oil on it B. he got angry with his wife
B. crack the egg C. he was bored with his life
C. flip the egg over D. he was threatened
D. put the egg on the plate
The following text is for questions no 29 to 31.
The following text is for questions no 25 to 28.
An old woman and her son lived in a little
There was a fisherman who lived in Batak village. Her son was called Malin Kundang.
Land. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. They were very poor but they loved each other
When he was angling, he caught a fish. He very much.
was surprised to find that fish because the fish
One day Malin Kundang told his mother
could talk and it begged to set it free. He did
that he would go to town and work there. At
first his mother did not allow him but finally
After getting free, the fish changed into a she let him go with tears.
beautiful woman and Sahala fell in love with
Malin Kundang worked hard in a big
her. Sahala asked her to marry him and the
town and in a short time he became a rich
woman received him. However, she asked
man. However he completely forgot his poor
his promised not to tell anyone the secret that
old mother. Some years later he sailed to a
she was once a fish. They were very happily
harbor near his village. When his mother
married, and got two daughters. It was a pity
heard about this news she came to meet him.
on Sahala. One day when he got very angry
Malin Kundang pretended not to know her.
with his daughters, he forgot his promise and
He said, “You are not my mother. Go away!”
he broke it. He told his daughters that they were
His mother became very sad and before she
the daughters of a fish.
went she said, “Oh, Malin Kundang, you
His wife could not forgive him. Suddenly, are a wicked son. You’ll never be safe now.
the earth began to shake and volcanoes started You and your money will turn to stone.”
to erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea
hole. People said that the hole became Lake was calm but when he reached the open sea there
Toba. was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin
Kundang and his money changed into a stone.
Now people call it Batu Si Malin Kundang. We
25. The word “angling” (Paragraph 1) has the
can see the stone from Air Manis, a village on
similar meaning to…
the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.
A. sailing C. swimming
B. fishing D. eating
26. What the fish begged to Sahala? 29. What is the text about?
A. to set it free A. the story of Air Manis
B. to eat it half B. the story of Malin Kundang
C. to eat it whole C. the story of Padang
D. to burn it D. the story of successful trader
30. Why did Malin Kundang’s mother curse his 33. ...and helps relieved chafed, chapped, or
own son? cracked skin”.
A. because she was dumped and forgotten The underlined word has the same meaning
by his own son to…
B. because she wasn’t given money by his A. flaw C. white
son B. soft D. bad
C. because she couldn’t go sailing with his
son The following text is for questions no 34 to 37.
D. because she was hungry
31. “The ship was drowned” (Paragraph 3). An iceberg is an enormous piece of ice
The underlined word has the same meaning floating in the sea. ‘Berg’ is the German word
to.. for mountain. In the coldest parts of the earth,
A. fly away C. explode around the North and South Poles, land and
B. sinking D. jumping sea are both covered by sheets of ice, over 300
meters deep at the centre.
The following text is for questions no 32 and 33. Tongues of ice, called glaciers, stretch out
into the open waters of the oceans. The sea
water melts the bottom parts of these glaciers,
and then the top part slides into the water with
a mighty roar. The great piece of ice sinks for
a short time beneath the surface then it rises
again, and floats away as a new iceberg.
Some icebergs are miles across to begin
with, and travel for thousands of miles and
several years before they finally melt. The part
of an iceberg which can be seen above the water
is only about one-ninth of the total size. The rest
is hidden beneath the waves.
One of the world’s worst disasters at sea
was in 1912 when the liner ‘Titanic’ collided
with an iceberg on her maiden voyage.

34. What is the text about?

A. the glacier C. the north pole
B. the iceberg D. the Titanic
35. What is the meaning of “berg” in German?
A. ship C. wall
B. mountain D. dolphin
36. Why can we only see the one-ninth of the
iceberg total size above the water?
32. What is the purpose of the text above? A. because it is floating and the rest size is
A. to inform the substances and detailed hidden beneath the wave
information of the cream B. because of the stream of the polar ice
B. to tell how to get and buy the cream C. because there are many fishes covering
C. to inform the expiration date of the cream it
D. to inform where the product is produced D. because it is dark to see the whole size
37. “Titanic collided with an iceberg….” 40. ...can be very fierce and do lots of damage.”
(Paragraph 4) The underlined word means…
The underlined word means… A. kind
A. crashed C. threw B. honest
B. sunk D. pulled C. aggressive
D. slow
The following text is for questions no 38 to 41.
41. “…it suddenly vanish”
Tornadoes are known as one of the most The underlined word means…
damaging disasters. What is the description of A. explode
tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful column B. disappear
of winds which spirals around a center of low C. jump
atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like D. rotate
a large black funnel which hangs down from a
storm cloud. The following text is for questions no 42 and 43.

The name “tornado” derives from the

Latin “tonare”. It means “to thunder.” While
the Spanish developed the word into “tornear”,
which means “to turn or twist”. This is why a
tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone.
The winds inside a twister can spin around at
speeds up to 500 miles an hour, but it usually
travels at roughly 300 miles an hour. This speed
twisting makes a tornado the most dangerous
The average tornado has a diameter of
about 200 to 300 yards. The smaller tornadoes
are known as satellite tornadoes. These small
offspring, about 50 yards across, can be very
fierce and do lots of damage. The forming of
a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can
form in a minute or less. A tornado can travel
across the ground at high speeds, and then it can
suddenly vanish. Most tornadoes last less than
twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles. 42. What is the text about?
However, the super storms sometimes travel
A. culture advertisement
over 100 miles before they are exhausted.
B. instant noodle advertisement
38. What is the text about? C. dancing contest
D. eating contest
A. tsunami
B. tornado 43. ...your best partner ever”
C. earthquake The underlined word has similar meaning
D. storm to…
39. What makes tornado dangerous? A. foe
B. enemy
A. its speed in twisting
C. friend
B. its thunder
D. food
C. its fresh wind
D. its beauty
The following text is for questions no 44 and 45. in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt
for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really
a smart animal.
How are you?

46. A. nose
B. ears
Hello Yahya, how’s life? C. eyes
In fact that we will have free time this Sunday, why don’t we go visit grandma? I miss her D. tail
so much but I can’t go there alone. It’s better if I go with you, right? I hope that you have
the same enthusiasm as me. Come here on Sunday between 7 to 8 a.m. Ok? 47. A. draws
See you.
B. plays
C. jumps
D. swims

44. What is the text about? 48. A. dumb

A. Sunday vacation B. stupid
B. grandma visiting plan C. intelligent
C. birthday invitation D. quick
D. Linda’s graduation 49. Choose the best arrangement to make a
45. …have the same enthusiasm as me.” good notice.

The underlined word has similar meaning rubbish – please – the – put – in –
to.... 1 2 3 4 5
A. spirit can – trash – a
B. jokes 6 7 8
C. anger A. 2-1-3-5-4-7-6-8
D. hunger B. 2-4-3-1-5-8-7-6
C. 2-3-1-5-6-7-8-4
For questions no 46 to 48, choose suitable words D. 2-4-3-1-5-8-6-7
to fill in the blanks. 50. Arrange the following sentences into a good
An elephant is the largest and strongest of
all animals. It is a strange looking animal which 1. Next, serve the noodle on the plate.
it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large 2. First, boil water around 5 minutes in a
hanging …(46)…, a small tail, little eyes, long pan.
white tusks and above all, elephant has a long 3. Then, put in the noodle inside the pan
nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen and wait until soaked.
in a zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat. 4. Don’t forget to mix the seasoning on the
The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature. This served noodle.
trunk has various usages. The elephant ..(47)… 5. Finally, the instant noodle is ready to
up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all eat.
over its body like a shower bath. The elephant’s 6. Cooking an instant noodle is an easy
trunk also lifts leaves and put them into its thing to do.
mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant
A. 6-2-3-1-4-5
as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very
B. 6-3-2-1-4-5
clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can
C. 6-1-4-5-2-3
move very quickly. The elephant is very …
D. 6-2-3-1-5-4
(48)… animal. Its intelligence combined with its
great strength makes an elephant a very useful
servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve
Pembahasan Tryout 1 UN
Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

1. Kata “no” mengindikasikan bahwa kita 10. Memang tidak disebutkan secara jelas,
tidak diperbolehkan akan sesuatu, dalam namun kita dapat mengetahui bahwa Ratu
konteks di atas berarti tidak boleh membawa Mumtaz Mahal merupakan istri dari sang
kamera, makanan maupun minuman. pembuat Taj Mahal (dapat dianalisa pada
Jawaban: B paragraf kedua dengan mengacu pada
2. Ucapan tersebut ditujukan kepada Rina paragraf pertama).
oleh Aryo beserta keluarganya yang berisi Jawaban: A
ucapan selamat atas rumah baru Rina. 11. Kata lain dari “chamber” adalah “room” yang
Jawaban: B berarti bilik atau ruang.
3. Pesan di atas merupakan sebuah informasi Jawaban: C
yang diberikan oleh Ron kepada Alfred 12. Teks tersebut jelas membahas mengenai
mengenai sebuah lowongan pekerjaan Cleopatra, sang ratu legendaris dari Mesir.
sebagai jurnalis di Jakarta. Jawaban: A
Jawaban: C 13. Pada paragraf kedua dijelaskan mengenai
gambaran fisik Cleopatra.
4. Memang si pengirim surat adalah Mundaje. Jawaban: C
Namun pesta tersebut diadakan oleh dan di 14. Kata “poise” dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah
rumah Joe. sikap yang penuh kepercayaan diri. Maka
Jawaban: B pilihan yang tepat adalah “confidence”.
5. Pada teks di atas dapat diambil sebuah Jawaban: D
informasi mengenai tujuan diadakan pesta, 15. Kalimat pertama merupakan ide pokok dari
yaitu kelahiran putra Joe. teks di atas. “…wonderful trip to Bandung”.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: B
6. Teks di atas merupakan sebuah pengumuman 16. Jelas sekali kita tidak dapat menemukan
peringatan atas hari berkabung seseorang, informasi mengenai kegiatan memancing
yaitu Alex Zuckermann. di danau Ciwidey pada teks di atas.
Jawaban: B Jawaban: D
7. Kita dapat memperoleh informasi mengenai 17. Kata “trip” diartikan sebagai sebuah
kapan acara tersebut diselenggarakan, yaitu perjalanan darat yang cukup jauh. Maka
“fifteen of September”. pilihan yang paling tepat adalah “travel”
Jawaban: C yang memiliki arti yang sama.
8. Teks di atas membahas tentang Taj Mahal, Jawaban: B
dimana merupakan salah satu dari 8 18. Teks di atas membahas mengenai salah
keajaiban dunia. satu pahlawan wanita Indonesia yaitu RA
Jawaban: A Kartini.
9. Yang bukan merupakan penggambaran dari Jawaban: D
Taj Mahal berdasarkan teks di atas adalah 19. Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat
Taj Mahal terbuat seutuhnya dari emas. “Because she was energetic, her father called
Jawaban: D her Trinil”.
Jawaban: A 31. Kata “drowned” memiliki arti tenggelam.
20. Pada teks di atas kita memperoleh informasi Jadi pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah
bahwa RA Kartini harus pindah ke Rembang “sinking” yang mana memiliki arti yang
karena ikut dengan suaminya di sana. sama.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: B
21. Pada akhir teks kita dapat memperoleh 32. Teks tersebut berisikan informasi yang jelas
informasi bahwa beliau meninggal pada mengenai bahan serta cara penggunaan dari
usia 25 tahun. produk. Jadi pilihan jawaban yang paling
Jawaban: D sesuai adalah A.
Jawaban: A
22. Kata “noble” diartikan sebagai bangsawan
atau aristokrat. Maka jawaban yang paling 33. Kata “cracked” memiliki arti kasar atau
tepat adalah “aristocratic” bercelah. Jadi pilihan jawaban yang sesuai
Jawaban: B adalah “flaw” yang mana juga memiliki arti
kasar atau tidak rata.
23. Pada langkah no 4 disebutkan kegunaan
Jawaban: A
dari spatula yaitu membalik telur.
Jawaban: C 34. Jelas bahwa teks di atas membahas mengenai
bongkahan es atau disebut juga “iceberg”.
24. Pada langkah no 1 disebutkan bahwa kita
Jawaban: B
harus menuangkan minyak keatas wajan
yang sudah dipanaskan. 35. Pada kalimat kedua, “Berg is the German
Jawaban: A word for mountain”. Pada kalimat tersebut
dijelaskan arti dari kata “berg” dalam bahasa
25. Kata “angling” diartikan sebagai kegiatan
Jerman yang berarti gunung.
memancing atau mencari ikan. Jadi pilihan
Jawaban: B
jawaban yang sesuai adalah “fishing” yang
mana memiliki arti yang sama. 36. Kita hanya dapat melihat sepersembilan
Jawaban: B ukuran dari ukuran total bongkahan
es di laut dikarenakan sisa bagian dari
26. Pada kalimat diakhir paragraf pertama
bongkahan es tersebut tersembunyi dan
terdapat informasi bahwa sang ikan
mengapung di bawah permukaan air laut.
memohon kepada Sahala agar membebaskan
Jawaban: A
Jawaban: A 37. Kata “collided” memiliki arti menabrak. Maka
pilihan jawaban yang tepat yang memiliki
27. Pada paragraf kedua kita dapat menemukan
arti yang sama adalah “crashed”.
informasi bahwa Sahala harus berjanji
Jawaban: A
kepada istrinya untuk tidak bercerita pada
siapapun bahwa dia adalah seekor ikan. 38. Teks di atas membahas mengenai tornado,
Jawaban: B sebuah angin kencang berbentuk corong.
Jawaban: B
28. Pada kalimat “..he got angry with his daughter,
he forgot his promise and he broke it”, kita 39. Pada kalimat akhir paragraf kedua kita
mengetahui bahwa Sahala melanggar janji dapat memperoleh informasi bahwa angin
dikarenakan kesal dengan putrid-putrinya. tornado amat berbahaya dikarenakan
Jawaban: A kecepatan berputarnya.
Jawaban: A
29. Teks tersebut bercerita mengenai kisah si
Malin Kundang. 40. Kata “fierce” memiliki arti garang atau ganas.
Jawaban: B Maka pilihan jawaban yang sesuai adalah
“aggressive” yang mana memiliki arti yang
30. Pada paragraf ketiga dijelaskan kenapa
hampir sama yaitu agresif.
ibu Malin Kundang kecewa dan akhirnya
Jawaban: C
mengutuk anaknya yang durhaka tersebut.
Jawaban: A
41. Kata “vanish” pada kalimat tersebut 47. Kata yang sesuai adalah “draws” yang mana
memiliki arti menghilang. Pilihan jawaban memiliki arti mengambil atau menyerap
yang paling tepat adalah disappear yang (pilihan paling logis bila disesuaikan
mana memiliki arti yang sama. dengan kalimatnya, “The elephant…up water
Jawaban: B by its trunk.”
42. Teks di atas merupakan sebuah iklan yang Jawaban: A
menawarkan produk mi instan (dapat juga 48. Jawaban dapat dianalisa dari kalimat
dilihat pada gambar yang ditampilkan). selanjutnya di mana kalimat ini membahas
Jawaban: B mengenai kepandaian gajah.
43. Kata “partner” memiliki arti teman atau juga Jawaban: C
pendamping. Jadi pilihan jawaban yang 49. Kalimat sebenarnya adalah “Please put
memiliki arti yang sama adalah “friend”. the rubbish in a trash can” yang memiliki
Jawaban: C arti “harap membuang sampah pada
44. Teks tersebut mengenai sebuah surat yang tempatnya”.
ditujukan kepada Yahya dan sekaligus Jawaban: B
ajakan untuk mengunjungi nenek mereka. 50. Susunan kalimat yang paling tepat adalah
Dapat dianalisa pada kalimat “..why don’t 6-2-3-1-4-5
we go visit grandma?” Jawaban: A
Jawaban: B
45. Kata “enthuasiasm” memiliki arti semangat.
Jadi pilihan jawaban yang sesuai adalah
“spirit” yang memiliki arti sama.
Jawaban: A
46. Kalimat tersebut membahas mengenai
ciri-ciri fisik dari gajah. Sedangkan kata
yang sesuai guna mengisi titik-titik tersebut
adalah “ears”, karena belalai dan ekor
sudah disebutkan pada kalimat tersebut
sedangkan untuk mata tidak sesuai dengan
kombinasi katanya “large hanging…” (yang
mana mata gajah tidak menggelantung).
Jawaban: B

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