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Identify the process of word formation responsible for

each of the following words.

abracadabra Boy Scouts

ad boy-toy

addict brainwash

AIDS  bric-a-brac

anybody brunch

ASAP  bullfrog

aspirin burger

auto bus

AWOL  bye-bye

babysit café

ballet camcorder

band-aid cannot

basketball cave in

bees-knees champ

beg check-in

bike chick-flick

bionic chillax

bit chit-chat

blah-blah chocolate

bling-bling choo-choo

blog chop-chop

Bollywood chunnel

boo-boo clap-trap

boogie-woogie clippity-cloppity
co-op fest

copter fiddle-faddle

coronate flim-flam

create flip-flop

criss-cross flu

croissant form

cuke fridge

cyborg Frisbee

DARE  fuddy-duddy

dilly-dally full moon

dim sum fuzzy-wuzzy

ding-dong gaga

donate gas

double-trouble Genre

eency-weency GIF 

emoticon glitch

enthuse globish

Entrepreneur goody-goody

escalate Google

escalator grad

even-steven grand jury

everything grandmother

exam grasshopper

factoid gym

father-in-law half sister

fender-bender handwrite
handy-dandy injure

hangry inside

hanky-panky Interpol

harum-scarum isolate

heebie-jeebies itsy-bitsy

hee-haw jeepers-creepers

heliport jell

helter-skelter JPEG 

herky-jerky karaoke

heroin karate

higgledy-piggledy kerosene

high school kidnap

hippo kindergarten

hi-tech KISS 

hob-nob Kleenex

hocus-pocus knick-knack

hodge-podge knock-knock

hoity-toity lab

hokey-pokey LASER 

holey-moley Laundromat

hot dog laze

housekeep limo

hugger-mugger linoleum

hurly-burly living room

ice cream LOL 

IMAX  long-term
lovey-dovey nit-wit

lunch no one

macho Nollywood

mailbox no-no

manimal nylon

mansplaining okey-dokey

math one-half

medicare orate

memo outside

mentee over-the-counter

merry-go-round paparazzi

mike patio

mishmash peanut butter

mobike pee-pee

moonlight pell-mell

motel phone

mother-in-law phoney-baloney

muggle photo

mumbo-jumbo PIN 

NAFTA ping-pong

namby-pamby pitter-patter

NASA plane

NATO  plaza

newscast poo-poo

night-night post office

nitty-gritty POTUS 
pow-wow skylab

psychedelic SMART 

quark smog

RADAR  snowball

rah-rah sometimes

railroad so-so

RAM  spork

razzle-dazzle stats

real estate stereo

reminisce sub

renaissance sunflower

rendezvous super-duper

rhino SWAT 

riff-raff sweet tooth

ring-a-ling taekwondo

rucksack TASER 

schoolhouse ta-ta

SCUBA  taxi

SEAL  teen

seesaw teeny-weeny

seventy-two televise

shilly-shally tick-tock

ship-shape tip-top

sing-song tittle-tattle

sitcom tofu

skateboard tom-tom
transistor vegeburger

transmit vet

tsunami vlog

tum-tum waltz

tux WASP 

two-fold willy-nilly

typewrite wishy-washy

typhoon workaholic


unit yada-yada

upstream YOLO 

up-to-date yum-yum

vaccinate zig-zag

van zipper
1. Identify the different word-formation processes involved in producing each
of the underlined words in these sentences.
a. We will carpet this room.

b. This device will self-destruct in 30 seconds.

c. Could you give me a quick recap on what’s been decided.

d. A day return to London, please.

e. Colouring your hair was a no-no at that time.

f. Jane decided to spring-clean her apartment.

g. What are the core rules of netiquette?

h. The tax court concluded that the sale was not a bona fide transaction.

i. Business confidence is on the up.

j. My old man said follow the van, and don’t dilly-dally on the way.

k. This year the show will be simulcast live to 50 different countries.

l. Did you get my memo about the meeting?

2. Identify the different word-formation processes involved in producing each
of the underlined words in these sentences.
a. Don’t you ever worry that you might get AIDS?

b. Do you have a xerox machine?

c. Shiel still parties every Saturday night.

d. These new skateboards from Zee Designs are kickass.

e. When I’m ill, I want to see a doc, not a vet.

f. The house next door was burgled when I was babysitting the Smiths’ children.

g. I like this old sofa – it’s nice and comfy.

h. My guess is that the company will need a bailout.

i. You don’t need to button it because it’s got Velcro inside.

3. More than one process was involved in the creation of the forms underlined
in these sentences. Can you identify the processes involved in each case?
a. Are you still using that old car-phone?

b. Can you FedEx the books to me today?

c. Police have reported an increase in carjackings in recent months.

d. Welcome, everyone, to karaokenight at Cathy’s Bar and Grill!

e. I had to temp for a while before I got a real job.

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