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Assignment 2: Literature review

Sophomores Use Library AT HUE UNIVERSITY OF

Lecturers : Nguyen Thi Bao Trang

Group : 6
Member : Bui Thi Dieu Linh
Nguyen Thi Ngoc
I. Research aims and research questions
1. Research aims
- To help students realize the importance of libraries.
- To improve students’ sense of self – study and how to study materials in the
- The main purpose of the research is to help students realize the interesting, the
importance and the necessity of our university in the real studying , and we hope
we can give inspiration to the students who don’t like go to the library.
2. Research questions
1. What do Hucfl 2nd students think about the benefits of our university library?
2.Why do they should go library regularly?
3.What solutions can be done to encourage students to use library more?
II. Literature Review
During the last decades the interest in students’ library use and information needs
has increased mainly because of the increase in student numbers and libraries needs
to meet their client’s demands in the best possible way.
We can easily find that most of universities now have library for students. Studies of
students’ attitudes to and use of university libraries have been conducted in several
countries. Fowowe (1989) found difference in the frequency of library use of by
faculty and students, and that 94.8% of students use library facilities. Olanlokun
(1982) found that students use the library for class work, research, discussions,
leisure, and other purposes. Libraries are the best places for students who want study
seriously. Studies of undergraduates’ students’ relations to libraries have been
conducted in the Nordic countries in Denmark 1995, Sweden 1995 and Finland
1996. The results show that students are rather frequent library users although there
are large differences in how students of different disciplines utilize library services.
The student want more study carrels, more course literature and more generous
opening hours. According to the Finnish and Swedish studies students themselves
ask for more education in information seeking and library use. A study by Fister
(1992) concluded that faculty plays a large role in guiding the research of their
students. She noted that using finding tools may be a good starting point for the
preliminary phase of the research process: later phases force students to rely more
on citations as the research questions are more clearly defined.
=>This study shows that faculty plays an important role in encouraging students to
go to libraries.
Majid (2001) found that the adequacy of collection, services and facilities were
closely linked to the perceptions of library effectiveness. Certain other factors
contributing positively to the perception of library effectiveness were the adequacy
and effectiveness of library promotion, involvement of users in the selection of
library materials, convenient library location, participation in user education
program, availability of assistance for using library resources and facilities and
subject background of library professional. Creaser (2006) explained that one aim of
user surveys must be to improve the services provided to users. High overall
satisfaction levels are good for publicity, and may persuade institutional
management that all is well with the library, but they should not lead to
complacency within the service.
=> Research has clarified the status of the use of academics on many universities and
thereby shows the importance of libraries for student learning.


1. “Your school and community libraries are among the most useful resources to help
you succeed at college,” Robert K. Throop and Marion B. Castellucci wrote in
Reaching Your Potential: Personal and Professional Development Fourth Edition.
“Not only do libraries provide material when you need to prepare a research paper
or project for school but also they have information that can help you in your
professional and personal life” (Throop, 103). The authors also pointed out that
many libraries have a suite of digital resources available, so college students can
access some of the library’s benefits from their own dorm rooms.
 This opinion makes a clear point that there are many benefits that available
for students to use library .But there are some problems : + There are many useful
resources besides library nowadays likes the Internet, Google,…
+ In VN , it’s too difficult for students to access to the library from their own rooms.
2.More and more evidence supports a direct correlation between library usage and
student grades. A 2015 event, “C&RL Forum: The Correlation Between Library
Usage & Student Success,” posted on the ACRL Value of Academic Libraries
website, cited one study in which student library use correlated with higher first-
term GPA, and another survey that showed how underclass students gained positive
outcomes from studying in the library, while upper-class students reported positive
outcomes from their use of the library as a resource for information.
In VN , upper-classes are quite lazy to go to the library. The older, they get more
and more lazy to search for information through books, especially going to the
library by a distance makes them lazy. At university there is a little evidence that
students use the school library and think it works.
The following are the practical benefits that students need to know in order to
encourage them to come to the library more often.
1. Libraries have scholarly sources
Of course, just because something is published doesn’t mean it is a scholarly source.
However, the chances of it being a legitimate source of information are much higher
than on the internet. The majority of articles on the web do not have authors or
reputable organizations behind their creation. So when your teacher tells you that
you need to use five scholarly sources in your next paper, head to the library and
pick up a book!
2. Books lead to improved concentration
It’s true! Studies have shown that reading something off a piece of paper, as
opposed to a laptop screen aids concentration. In addition, if you’re reading a book
your ability to multi-task is greatly reduced. Whereas if you’re reading off of a
laptop screen, it’s easy to get distracted by other apps, internet tabs, or notifications.
3. Quiet study spaces
Yes, that’s right, the Library is still the place to head to if you want to find quiet
study spaces. There’s something about sharing an area with other individuals
silently dedicating themselves to going over lecture notes and textbooks that inspires
one to do the same. You’ll find quiet study spaces in various places at each campus
library: just ask at the desk for directions if you’re not sure where they are.
3. Group study spaces
While some people like to study solo, for others studying with friends is what works
best. If that’s you, then why not make use of the group study rooms available at
each campus library? These are rooms with tables, chairs, screens, whiteboards, and
other equipment to help make your group study session a productive one! Get the
team together and book a group study room at your closest campus library.
4. Wi-Fi, printing and scanning
All campus libraries are wireless-enabled, meaning you can bring your own
devices and connect via Wi-Fi. This keeps you rolling in your own desktop
environment, using your preferred device, in a location that’s most comfortable for
you (did we mention the variety of couches, desks, seats, booths, etc. at your
campus library?). While we’re talking IT infrastructure, the Library is the place
where you’ll find multifunction printers capable of scanning, copying and, of
course, printing – very useful if the highlighter is your weapon of choice for
5. Helpful Library staff
It’s a bit of a fallacy that people who work in libraries do so because they love
books. The truth is, library staff love connecting people to information. Without
those connections, what’s the point of a library? So feel free to ask for help at the
desk, speak to the Library via online chat, send an email or get in touch with the
Library when you’re stuck and need help. And Cloud Campus students shouldn’t
feel left out either: the Library is ready to support you as well.
Now that you’ve got a plan for where to study, all you have to do is wear your
comfy clothes, timetable the study breaks, plan the snacks, and hit the books!
The university library is an important hub of campus life. There, you can check out
books, conduct your research, find a quiet place to study, and maybe even flip
through a magazine. Moreover, today’s university libraries extend their reach out
into the Internet, making many services and resources accessible right from their
So what do Hucfl 2nd students think about their local library?
From our pool of respondent student explained, “I love the simplicity and ease of
using basic search engines such as Google, they also do a pretty great job of helping
you find necessary information.”
Many students also admitted they feel using non-library sources are much faster and
more convenient. One honest student said they prefer using non-library sources
because, “I can do it by myself, on my own time, in the comfort of by bed.”
Yet, some unique responses also came through to share that, “More out of the box
ideas are presented” outside of the library. Another said that non-library sources are,
“fast and many times more accurate and up to date on information.”
And another mentioned that, “I like using non-library resources when I’m
researching about common facts and basic understanding to help me develop my
assignment. They are quick tools.”
Currently, most universities in Vietnam are trained under credit regulations. This is
a form of training that requires students to improve autonomy in self-study and
research and study materials. However, the number of students looking for materials
in the library is very small.
Explaining for this situation, the first reason is that current students often "hesitate"
to read more. Because of the current development of information technology,
students can access information quickly through the internet. Any students will be
bought by their parents for laptops, smartphones to access the internet daily, so
wherever they can look up, find information to serve their needs. Many students also
find that when they come to the library to search for the materials they need, they
have to do many procedures. On the other hand, there are too many books at the
public library, it becomes too hard to navigate and choose the one they want to read
and sometimes it is difficult to find the documents they need, so they feel annoyed,
so students coming to the library is less and less.

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