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Typical Types of Feature Writing

The Rise of TikTok

TikTok is an app for making and sharing short videos. The videos are tall,
not square, like on Snapchat or Instagram’s stories, but you navigate through
videos by scrolling up and down, like a feed, not by tapping or swiping side to
With this, In the global efforts to fight the pandemic, social distancing
guidelines were enforced. Ways to virtually interact and communicate with each
other had to be found in order to fulfill social needs. One of these ways were
social media platforms as for example TikTok, which download rate increased
significantly in the last year. This chapter investigates the rise of TikTok during
the global pandemic by reviewing the existing literature from research and
practice. As a result, I identified key success factors that supported the rise of
TikTok as well as diversification possibilities for the post-pandemic evolution of
TikTok. Therefore, the chapter explores the digital transformation of an
ecosystem, deriving conceptual knowledge.

Teachers In The Pandemic

A role of a teacher doesn't start

only at the four corners of the classroom.
They become teachers right where the
learning begins. It doesn't matter where
the setting is but teaching is already hard
as much as now we are all dealing this
pandemic situation. This Covid 19
pandemic has a big impact to our lives
that the schools, markets and other stalls
had to be closed for us to be safe. But, on
the other hand, the teachers didn't see
this as a hindrance for sharing learnings
and pursuing education. Even their lives
are at risk, they pursue and fight the
education for the future of the students.
Nowadays, teachers are having a hard time figuring out how to teach now that
we are experiencing this pandemic. But in this modern era where we have
technology, it is somehow easier to impart learnings and to share knowledge. With
that being said, unfortunately, other students are abusive and didn't even respect their
teachers. We should not do these unrespectful things, hence; we should help and
educate one another so we can overcome it all these hardships. Teachers shouldn't
be blamed for the inconsistencies of the process and procedures of online classes.
Teachers are forced to spend their own money for distance learning, but if we look
for the brighter side what we must do is to help each other so we can surpass all of
these, as one community and as one nation.
I believe that teachers are not only teachers. They are also classified as
frontliners because there wouldn't be scientists, police officers, either doctors and
other professions if there aren't teachers. The teachers are one of the first people who
teach us the values and wisdom. May we keep in mind that we should be proud of
the teachers who work hard just for our future. As they lead this crisis, teachers are
like candles, it consumes itself to light the way for students, as means to reimagine
what the future holds for all of us.
• HOW – TO (s)

As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across the world, it is

inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the
population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older
adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions.
In public mental health terms, the main psychological impact to date
is elevated rates of stress or anxiety. But as new measures and impacts are
introduced – especially quarantine and its effects on many people’s usual
activities, routines or livelihoods – levels of loneliness, depression,
harmful alcohol and drug use, and self-harm or suicidal behavior are also
expected to rise.
With this, we should empower ourselves and be focused on our
dreams. Having Self-esteem can influence people choices and decisions,
it serves a motivational function by making it more or less likely that
people will take care of themselves, explore their full potential and
extraordinary capabilities. Therefore we can overcome any trials in our
lives. We are living under one sky. So let us all these live peacefully,
where love is our language, humanity in our race, and peace is our lasting
legacy to the world.

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