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Allison Eagleston

EDUC 426.1
Assignment 1

Theories and Hypothesis Comparative Chart


Krashen’s Acquisition-Learning Acquisition involves the The optimal way a language is
Hypothesis subconscious acceptance of learned is through natural
knowledge where information communication. This is turn,
is stored in the brain through will help students to acquire
the use of communication. This the language instead of just
is the process used for learning it.
developing native languages. 
Learning, on the other hand, is
the conscious acceptance of
knowledge about a language.

Krashen’s Monitor Hypothesis The acquisition system, initiates It will always be a challenge to
an utterance and the learning strike a balance between
system ‘monitors’ the encouraging accuracy and
utterance to inspect and fluency in your students. This
correct errors.  Krashen states balance will depend on
that monitoring can make some numerous variables including
contribution to the accuracy of the language level of the
an utterance but its use should students, the context of
be limited.  He suggests that language use and the personal
the monitor can sometimes act goals of each student.
as a barrier as it forces the
learner to slow down and focus
more on accuracy as opposed
to fluency.

Krashen’s Natural Order This hypothesis suggests that Teachers should start by
Hypothesis the natural order of acquisition introducing language concepts
occurs independently of that are relatively easy for
deliberate teaching and learners to acquire and then
therefore teachers cannot use scaffolding to introduce
change the order of a more difficult concepts.
grammatical teaching
Krashen’s Input Hypothesis Suggests that language By providing as much
acquisition occurs when comprehensible input as
learners receive messages that possible, the teacher is able to
they can understand, a concept create a more effective
also known as comprehensible opportunity for language
input.  It also suggests that this acquisition.
comprehensible input should
be one step beyond the
learner’s current language
ability in order to allow learners
to continue to progress with
their language development.

Krashen’s Affective Filter The emotions/feelings of the Creating a safe, welcoming

Hypothesis learner during second language environment in which students
acquisition can play a critical can learn and feel that they
role in how fast and how well are able to make mistakes and
the second language is take risks.
Krashen’s Reading Hypothesis States that the more we read in It is important to involve
a second language the greater reading in the language
our vocabulary will be. classroom to increase
knowledge of the language
and the way it is used in real-
life contexts.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Theorizes that thoughts and Provide instructional scaffolds

behaviors are determined (or at in lessons with modeling and
least partially influenced) by explicit language and provide
language. anchor charts so children can
have better understanding of
what and how you want them
to complete a task.
Cummins Basic Interpersonal Involves those language skills The amount of context
Communication Skills (BICS) and functions that allow provided by the teacher and
students to communicate in the degree of difficulty of the
everyday social contexts that learning task can decrease or
are similar to those of the increase the ease in which the
home. concept can be learned. A
Cummins Cognitive Academic The language needed to teacher should break down
Language Proficiency (CALP) perform school tasks that are learning task and use explicit
generally more abstract and instruction for student success.
Cognitive Academic Language Includes the development of Teachers give students the
Learning Approach (CALLA) academic language skills and skills and opportunities to take
explicit instruction in learning an active role in their learning
strategies for both content and through hands-on activities.
language acquisition.
Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Theorized that language is This has been used as the basis
Language made up of symbols and for scheduling the school
structures and exhibits itself as curriculum.
a child’s mental abilities
B.F. Skinner Behavioral Theory Posited that children are A language-rich environment
conditioned by their helps children achieve success
environment to respond to in communication.
certain stimuli with language.

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