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‘om W-9 (Rev. Octobor 2018 Depart ofthe heeary lena Fons Sev Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification > Goto mm.irs. gov/FormW8 for instructions and the latest information. Give Form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS, eas sn you HE ax Fer), Navas equved one me: Got ave Tk Te BN os rama aegwaSG Buy Hato, Tera Fam BOE {ease §| C2 teaioausce proper or Sigemember Le D7 ccersration Print or typo. ‘See Specific Instructions ne insrctiong) » (tuber, et, an pt Sue No) Sea naCUCTOT heck appropriate ox tor esa tax classiication ofthe parson whose nam is entered on ine 1. Check only one ofthe D scoperaten eon code app ory eres, nol eres Soe ‘reructers on rape 3 OF Pemerne CT) taavestae xem peje code ay) (D Lintea tay company Erte the tax lassiation C=C corporation, SS cuporation,P=Parnershi] > Nate: Check ne approprate toxin ten anove rte tax claaicaton of he tng amber onner. Do pk check | Examen tom FATCA reporting LLC tha Lc is Gassid as a sealo-manbs LC tat regan om tho owner nics he ouverte LL ani {LC tat snot osvegarces tom the oom fr US ocr ox purpass. Cees, sngie error LS 'S dregarces rom the owner sou cock tho appropriate box forte tax clssiteaton os owe? cde ay) Tioqodar stare and adress optera) ‘Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter yourTIN inthe appropriate box The TIN provided must maich the name given on ine 1 0 avold ‘backup withholding. For incl, this is generally your socal securty number (SSN), However, for @ resident allen, sole proprietr, or disregarded erty, se the instructions for Patt | later. For other _ntties ts your employer denifiation number (iN) If you donot have a number, see How fo gat 2 TN, later. Note: ifthe account is in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1. Also See What Name and ] ‘Number To Give the Raquestr for guidelines On whose number to enter EE —cantiication = Under penaities of prix, cert ha 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer idertfeation number or | am waiting for a number to be issued to mel: and 2. Lem not subject to backup withhokding because: (2) lam exempt rom Backup witholing. (2) have not been noted by the intemal Revere ‘Service (IRS) that | am subject to backup withholding a6 a reaut of afar to report all irterest or dvidends, orc) the IRS has naied re tha am ‘ne longer subject to backup withholaing: and 3.LamaUS citizen or other US. person (detined belowl: and 4 The FATCA codes) entred on this frm ft any) naating that | am exempt from FATCA reporting is corec. Certification instructions. You must cross out tem 2 above you have been naif by the IRS that you ae curently subject to backup wlthholcing because you have fied io report al inetest and idan on you tax rum For ral estate wansaction, ts 2 does net apply. For morgage verest pa ‘scquisten of abandonment of secured property, carcolaton cf sb, corto to an itddual erement arrangement (RA) and generally payments ‘ner than interest and divdends, yeu arent fequred to sign te cerifiato, but you must provide your comect TIN. See the estructons for Pat te, General Instructions ‘Section references ae to the Intra Revenus Code uniess otherwise noted Future developments. For te atest information about developments felated to Form Wand ts nstuctons, such ao egiiation enacted ator they were pubhed, go to wwii gov!Fonmi/S Purpose of Form ‘An inva! or entity (Form W-8 requester who i requied to fle an Information ret with tho IRS must ostan your comect taxpayer ‘dertiication number (TIN) which may be your social secuty number (GSN, individual taxpayer dentiieation number (TIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN or ompioyer dentfcation number (EIN), to report onan information ret the ardunt paid o you, o ether arnt reportable onan ingrmationratun. Examples of ivormation Fetus inluds, but are not lmitos to, te flowing. *+ Form 1098-INT (interest eared or paid) + Form 1088-DIV (ddan, ncluaing those trom stocks or mut funds) ‘Form 1090-MISC (various types of income, izes, awards, © goss proceeds) + Form 1099-8 [stock or mutual und eales and certain other transactions by Brokers) + Form 1098-5 (proceeds from real estate transactions) + Ferm 1099-K (merchant card and thd party network transactions) ‘Form 1098 home mortgage interes), 1098-E (student loan interest 4098-7 tut). + Form 1098.-C canceled debt) + Form 1099-A fccuisition or abandonment of secured property) Use Form W-9onlyif you ae 2 US. person (including a resident alin), to prove your core TIN. you do rot raturn Form Wt the requester with TIN, you might be subject o backyp withholding. See What's backup withhold, later ‘CaN. FemW-9 Rev 102078)

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