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Transient Response and Initial Conditions 6.1. Introduction ‘A network in which branch currents and node voltages are not changing with respect to time is said to be in steady state. Also if the voltages and currents in the circuit are having constant amplitude and frequency throughout the time interval of these parameter measurement, then such network is said to be in steady state. When a network is switched from one condition to another by change in applied vollage or by change in one of the circuit elements, during a period of time, ranch Curents and voltages change from their former values to new one. This time interval is Called transition period. The response or the output of network during transition period is called transient response of network. 1f after transition period, network condition is not disturbed, then the network attains steady state at infinite time. ‘The application of Kirchhoff's laws to the network containing energy storing elements such os ireluctor and capacitor, results in a differential equation whose solution consists of two parts, the complementary function and particular solution. The complementary function represents transient part of solution which decays with time, while remaining ferm represents steady state part of solution. Initial conditions of the elements in the network must be known to evaluate arbitrary constants in the general solution of differential equation. In the analysis of network, behaviour of elements individually and in combinations is studied with initial conditions. 6.2 Mathematical Background of Differential Equations Mathematically, n" order differential equation is expressed as, ai, at di ae eon t Ome Gt ant = wt) where @o, 1) sr @nes Upto a, are constants. {(p is the dependent variable and with respect to an electrical circuit it is generally « current dependent on voltage applied. v() is the independent variable and with respect fo fin electrical circuit it is voltage called input or forcing function. It is also called excitation. ‘The solution of the equation is called as the response of the system. (6-4) Transient Response ane Circuits and Networks 6-2 Initial Conditions: Following is the first order differential equation having value of nas 1 in above equation represented as, ai) x ag Geta: = vi) ‘This equation can be further classified as homogeneous and non-homoge differential equation. ‘A homogeneous equation is one in which forcing function v' form neous (0) is zero and is of the ditt) ag Geta) = 0 su Homogeneous equation While a non-homogeneous equation is a linear differential equation which involves the function v(t) which is independent variable of the system. It is of the form Eee ay it) = ve) _.. Nonchomogencous equation 6.3 General and Particular Solutions Let us find out now the general and particular solutions of homogencous and nonhomogencous differential equations. 6.3.1 Homogeneous Equation ‘Consider a homogeneous linear differential equation of first order ditt) ag Geta Ko = 0 ‘To find solution means to get expression of i(t), which satisfies above equation Separating the variables and rearranging the above equation we get, a ao Se ) f ait) | =a ie sO. Sw = -a Integrating above equation, where K, is the constant of integration. ‘ ing) = PEt, Transient Response and Circuits and Networks Initial Conditions io = os fox where K, «In Kis new constant redefined to simplify the solution Now, — Inx+iny = Inxy = in) = ulm: 3 | i= Kero ‘This is the required response of the network. If in a solution, the constant of integration is unknown and is an arbitrary constant then the solution is called general solution of the equation. For example, the solution obtained above is the general solution of equation. about the network is known, for which the then the solution is known as particular solution. t = 0, the value of i(t But if some additional information, constant of integration can be evaluated, For example, in the above problem we know that at Substituting in general solution we get, Hence particular solution becomes, 6.3.2 Non-Homogeneous Equation Consider a non-homogencous equation of first order as, —_—_ dip Geri @ | the variables and defining the new constant P. The function of time. To find the solution of equation, re ‘This is obtained by rearranging variable Q may or may not be the multiply both sides of the equation by factor called integrating factor We get, e arrie Qe! xdy ty dx iand y =e" We know, dey) x 1 | Let, Circuits and Networks 6-4 In above equation, we have (eh) = erie? die") = | ool % Thus we have, a Integrating both sides, we have jeft = f Qe™ dt+K 1 J Quek dt Ke ‘Above is the required solution of non-homogencous linear first order differential equation. The first term in above equation is called particular integral, while the second cancer mown es complementary function. Hera we must note that Particalst integral sr pot contain the arbitrary constant and complementary funetion deep not depend on ‘Q which is forcing function, ‘A general solution can be written as, i= intlen where, ig) = Particular integral : function ice = Complementary e written as a steady state value, designated as ig. Remaining ution, i,. So the response is mucle up of two In general, 2, may be part ic. icy is called transient portion of s separate parts, i =iss+h gg is that part of the response which remains as ty after transient Part completely varishes. 6.4 Initial Conditions in Network Ih last section’ we have studied that the general solution of a first orice differential equation consists of an unknown which can be designated as arbitrary constant. For higher caret ferential equation, the umber of arbitrary constants equals the order of the equation. If these unknowns are to be evaluated, for the particular solution, other cavditons in the network must be known. A set of simultaneous equations must be formed containing general solution and some other equations to match number of tinieowns with equations. These other equations are given as valies of voltage, current, charge or derivatives of these quantities atthe instant when network condition is changed. int Response and 6-5 Initial Conditions: switching We assume that at reference time t = 0, network condition is changed by action. Assume that switches operate in zero time. The network conditions at this instant axe called initial conditions in network. To distinguish between the time just before and just immediately after the condition of network is changed, we will use ‘~" (negative) and "4! (positive) signs. eg. t(0-) and t(0*). ‘Thus, ((0°) is the instant at which the condition of network is not yet changed, but it is about to be changed, while (0°) is the instant at which the condition of network is. just changed. Similarly the network conditions just before switch is operated are represented by i(0-), v(0~) ete; while just after switch is operated by i(0*) v(0*) etc. Initial conditions in the network depend on past or history condition before instant t=0°. These conditions at t= 0" are given by voltage across capacitor and current through inductor. These values are of importance because after switching, at t= 0*, new, currents or voltages appear in network because of initial capacitor voltage and current through inductor or voltage and current sources introduced. 6.5 Initial Conditions in Elements Let us study the effect of switching action on basic passive elements such as resistor, inductor and capacitor, 6.5.1 Resistor For a resistor having value R, the relation between applied voltage and resulting current is given by the equation, VeiR ‘Above equation is linear and also time independent. This indicates that ‘the current through resistor changes instantaneously if applied voltage changes instantaneously. Thus, in resistor, change in current is instantaneous as there is no storage of energy in it. 6.5.2 Inductor ‘The relation between current flowing through inductor and ree gt tim—z__ voltage across itis given by, Fig. 6.4 we Le Ef de. current flows through inductor, Hl becomes zero as dc. current is constant with respect to time, Hence voltage across inductor, v,., becomes zero. Thus, as far as d.c. quantities are considered, in steady state, inductor acis as a short circuit. We ean express inductor current interms of voltage developed across it as vy, dt Transiont Response and Cireults and Networks 6-6 Initial Conditions In above equation, the limits of integration are decided by considering past history. 1 from ~e to t(0"). ‘Assuming that switching takes place at t = 0, we can split limits into two intervals as ee 10.0 and 0 to t. We have already studied that 0- is the instant just before switching action takes place, while O* is the instant just after switching action takes place. Hence we can write, al " cin Tirst term on RHS of equation represents value of inductor current in history period wel is nothing; but i jon Of fy Let ik be dented by i, (0°. i = hore vat i ‘At t= 0°, we can write, i, 0%) = OD4T five dt Initially we have assumed thet switch acts in zero time. Thus, integration from 0” 0 O* is zero. ‘Thus, current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. That means the current through inductor, before and after the switching action is seme. 'At the time of switching, the voltage across inductor is ideally =» as time interval dt is zero, Thus, at the time of switching inductor acts as a open circuit. While in steady state at t= eit acts as short circuit as given in Table 6.1. If inductor carries an initial current 1, before switching action, then at instant t= 0" it acts a5 a constant current source of value I,, while in steady state at t=, it acts as a short circuit across a current source as given in Table 6.1. 6.8.3 Capacitor ‘The relationship between current through capacitor and Ig c Ef} + vaatge across given Fig. 6.2 = - ce If dic voltage is applied to capacitor, STE becomes zero as dic. voltage 's constant ‘with respect to time. ‘Transient Response and Initial Conditions, Circuits and Networks 6-7 Hence current through capacitor, ic, becomes zero. Thus, as far as d.c. quantities are considered! capacitor acts a8 2 open circuit, We can express voltage across capacitor interms of current flowing through it as vee Sfies ‘We ean write limits of integration by considering history period. es ve = z ficat Splitting limits of integration, - : ‘ ve = £ ficdteg J icat te a ‘The first term on RLS. of above equation represents initial voltage on capacitor. Let it be denoted by v0"). At t(0*), equation is given by a vel0") = volO)+% fie dt ‘As switch acts in zero time, the integration from 0- to 0* is zero. ve(0") = ve(0") “Thus, voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. In the network if uncharged capacitor is present then current starts flowing through it instantaneously when excitation is given to the network. So at the instant t= 0", capacitor acts aa a short circuit. Once it gets charged at t=, in steady state it acts as an open ereuit If initially capacitor is charged to voltage Vp before switching, then at instant t= 0° it acts as a constant voltage source of value Vo, While in steady state at t=, it acts as open Circuit in series with a voltage source as given in Table 6.1 ‘Thus in case of inductor, current cannot change instantaneously while in case of capacitor, voltage can not change instantaneously. The behaviour of inductor and capacitor during transition in the network and at the steady state condition of the network is totally different. Also the behaviour of inductor and capacitor with zero initial condition and some finite initial condition is different too. The behaviour of inductor and capacitor immediately after excitation (t= 0*) and at steady state ({==) is summarized in Table 6.1 | Transiont Rosponso and Initial Conditions Circuits and Notworks 6-8 [~__ Etoment Behaviour immediately | Behaviour as i—-— ater exetlation s given ie. steady stata 120° intont R R a win | ——win — | in L oc. Sc tm. | ——2 > | ——____- ae 5 fe sc. oc. Table 6.1 6.8 Transient Response of Series R-L Circuit for D.C, Excitation In this soction we will discuss about the behaviour of a series R-L circuit for dc excitation. In the series R-L circuit an inductor may be initially charged or uncharged. A series R-L circuit in which an active source is introduced after transition is called driven series R-L cirewit. In this type of the Circuit, jhe inductor may be charged ‘or uncharged. A series RCL circuit in which an active source is absent after transition is called undriven or source free series R-L circuit. Let us study analysis of series R-L circuits one by one. 6.6.1 Transient Response of Driven Series R-+L Circuit ee Consider a series R-L cireuit as shown in the Fig 63. It is considered that the transition takes place at instant t = 0, Before the transition, switch K is kept open for very long time. To find transient response of driven series RAL cirewit means to find expression for current trough induetor for t > 0. To find steady state value of current, it is | | ‘Transiont Response and Circuits and Networks 6-9 Initial Conditions current through inductor, Let nevensary to have knowledge of the initial condition of the is open. the initial current through inductor be denoted as Ig, At t= 0", switeh i e seties R-L circuit, current in the circuit will be zero. the circuit ie. current through inductor is zero at this sed that the current through inductor cannot change ‘As voltage is not applied to th Hence we can write, the current in instant. But we have already discus: instantaneously. Hence we can write WO") = Ip=0 = iO) a) For all 2 0° switch K is closed. Applying KVL to the circuit where voltage source is now introduced we Bet -Riy-L GP av = 0 Simplifying we get, Ri +L 40 = v A Dividing both the sides by R and rearranging terms, we get, — : Lai Vv ya ne Separating variables, we get, oy 10] = Ete -@) where K’ = arbitrary constant. ‘To find K’ : To obtain value of the arbitrary constant K the initial condition is used. ‘The initial condition is given in equation (1) ie at t = 0, i) = 0. Substituting these values in equation (3), we get, -[f-0] = FOR " « = mf] =f) Substituting value of K’ in equation (3), we get ucedeeee TT Circuits and Networks 6-10 Initial Conditions ae 1 i 1" ' i Taking antilog, we get, yew] og El. Rg Simplifying for the current through inductor we get, i = E-fee tha (6) ‘Above equation (5) represents solution of first order non-homogencous differential equation obtained by applying KVL to the driven series TUL circuit. Above response is a Ccmbination of steady state response (or forced response) and transient respons (or natural response). The forced response or steady state response is denoted by term and it is due to the forcing function which is nothing but applied voltage V. This response is 1. Similarly the transient response is denoted by term fet ‘This is a natural response of the circuit which is also called characteristic of source free (zero input) circuits. also called zero state respons in which time t is involved. zero input response because it is the Fig. 64 shows varition of circuit i with respect to time. From Fig, 64 it is clear that current increases exponentially with respect to time. The rising current produces rising flux, which induces emf. in the coil. ‘According to the Lenz's law, the self induced em. opposes the flow of current. Because of this induced emf. and its opposition, the current in the coil do not reach to its maximum value ane instantaneously. Fy * (0.632) Maximum value Time Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-14 Initial Conditions. The point P shown on the graph in Fig. 64 denotes that current in the circuit rises to 0.632 times maximum value of current in steady state. The time required for the current to rise to the 0.632 of its final value is known as time constant of given R-L circuit. The time constant is denoted by t. Thus for series R-L circuit, time constant is ae 6 To study the significance of time constant, let us substitute different values of time ¢ as 425, 4, Gemniete in equation (6). Aes = % (0.632) ¥ vy Att= 2% if) = = (0.8646) : Atte 4 = = (09816) ¥ ute v ef = (09975) Att= 6 i) From above values it is clear that upto first time constant period, the initial rate of rise in current is high. But after one time constant period, this rate slows down for further period of time. Ideally the current reaches steady stale value at infinite time, but practically the current reaches steady state value after t = 6t or 8t ‘The voltage across inductor L is given by ait v@ = Lae Substituting value of i from equation (5), # vi) = " vid = ac) ‘The voltage across resistor is given by, Circuits and Notworks 6-12 va) = Rigen 8, V-V-eT 0 et va) va) = VO a Fig. 6.5 Variation of v(t) and v(t) with time Transiont Rosponso and Initial Conditions ~® ‘The variation of voltage across resistor and inductor is fas shown in the Fig. 65. From the characteristic it is clear that as the current through inductor increases exponentially, the voltage across resistor also increases exponentially, but the voltage across inductor decreases exponentially. When — the current reaches its steady state value at infinite time the voltage across inductor also reaches its steady state value ie. zero volts. Thus in steady state as voltage across inductor is zero it acts as a short circuit. Consider series R-L circuit shown in Fig, 63. Let us assume that inductor carries initial current Ip expression of current flowing through inductor is given by i@ = £-(z-) eo a before switching action. Then’ ~~) The variation of current i(t) with respect to time is as shown in Fig. 6.6 (a), where current increases from initial current Ip and not from origin. it) wo = Time t () lille aris a © Fig, 6.6 Variation of i(t) and v(t) with time In series R-L circuit with inductor carrying initial current Circuits and Networks 6-13 Transient Response and Initial Conditions Similarly the expression of voltage generated across inductor is given by, x vii) = (Vly Re TV ‘The variation of v,,(t) with respect to time is as shown in Fig. 6.6 (b). ‘The above response is called zero-state response. Because it is a response to a non-zero input to a circuit with zero initial conditions, Also this circuit is called ‘driven circuit’ because it is driven by voltage source of V volts. 6.6.2 Transient Response of Source Free or Undriven Series R-L Circuit ® R x ee L wo ae oe we 6.7 Source-free series RL circuit condition of current through inductor first. ‘At t= 0° ewitch K is at position @). ‘As the network before transition remains in steady state, the inductor acts as short circuit in steady state as shown in the Fig. 6.8. yv =0*) (11) i0-) = b= Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. Tor all t > 0* switch K is moved to position) Now the network is without any excitation or active source as shown in the Fig. 6.9. Hence such a circuit is called source free or undriven circuit. Note that now the current will vary from its initial to steady state value exponentially, As immediately after transition at t = 0, the steady state condition gets disturbed and the network will try to reattain a steady state condition over a period Consider a series R-L circuit as shown in the Fig. 67 consider that initially switch K is kept at position @) for very long time before transition. This clearly indicates that the network before transition is in steady state. Assume that at t= 0 the switch K is moved to position (@). The analysis of undriven series RL circuit is nothing but to find expression for the current decay in series RL circuit’ Let us calculate initial Transient Response and 6-14 Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks Applying KVL, we get, 4 . ai) -RWQ-L GP = 0 Simplifying and rearranging terms, we get, (0) Separating variables, we get, ai) | LR Se = - Ee Integrating both the sides with respeet to corresponding variables, we gel, infig) = -E t+ K (22) Where K’ is arbitrary constant. To find K’ : Using initial condition ‘That means substituting t = 0 and i(t) = Ip in equation Inflg) = - FO*K represented by equation (11) into equation (12) (12), we get, Ki = Inf] (03) Substituting value of K’ in equation (12), we get in fig) = -E t+ is Dla) inf] -InUl = -Et Taking antilog, we get, i | pet 2 eee Et yevetta ~ 14) is dear that, in source-free or undriven series RL circuit, the From equation (14) it current through inductor exponentially decreases. Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-15 Initial Conditions Fig. 6.10 shows variation of current i(t) with respect to time, i) | : iene easton Fig. 6.10 rom the graph, it is clear thatthe current is exponentially decaying, At pois! F On the | graph, the current value is (0.368) times its maximum value. The characteristics of decay is Seierrained by values R and I, which are two parameters of network. To study the significance of time const substitute different values of t as + 25, 44, 6¢ ~ series R-L circuit also the time constant is same | I L tant + in undriven series R-L circuit, let us ‘etc in equation (14). Note that for undriven ‘as that in the driven circuit. ie. tek sw Att= i) = Tore = (03678).10 Att= 25 i() = Ip-e? = (01953).1o Atte 4% i() = Inet = (0.0188) Ip Att= 6 it) = Ip-e* = (0.0024) 1, Atte, i = Ipe7= 0 From above values it is clear that init ireuit decreases rapidly to 0.3678 times i period. After this the rate of decay slows Epproaches the steady state condition at approximately ‘The voltage across inductor is given by “ x = ual ot | bly “Rk ‘ vil) = —Ip-ReT! ially the current through inductor in series RL initial maximum current over first time constant s down and it is observed that the current t = 6 or &t period. Circuits and Networks But Ip-R = V R vy) = -V-eT! volts 6-16 Transient Response and Initial Conditions. “The variation of v, (1) with respect to time is as shown in Fig, 6.11. Fig, 6.11 > Example 6.1 : In the ci time. At t = 0, stitch K is closed. Obtain expression for current in atue of current at t = 0.25 sec. What will be the current in circuit tof time at which the eurrent in the eircuit reaches to 1.2 A period? Determine the instant rv For physical interpretation of the result, we must consider energy in network. Before the switch is moved to position , the energy stored in inductor xu and energy dissipated by resistor is. #R. After switching, the voltage source is removed and energy stored in the inductor is totally dissipated by resistor fas time progresses. Since the energy is dissipated at a maximum rate alter switching, the current decreases most rapidly at that time just after switch is closed. reuit shown in the Fig. 6:12. initially switch is kept open for long the circuit for t > 0. Find i in one time constant 8a Fig. 6.12 Solution : At t = 0°, switch K is open 0") = Tp= 0= 10") (1) ‘As current through inductor eannot change instantaneously: For all t 2 0*, switch K is closed. Hence network can be redrawn as shown in the Fig 6.12 (a). Applying KVL we get, i au ga -8iy- 10 GP+12 = 0 12V Transient Response and Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks 6-17 Rearranging terms, we get, 0804 8i¢ 212 ico 2) Gon 08i) = 12 Above equation is first order nonhomogeneous differential equation of type a Pi= Q. Hence by comparing with equation (2), P = 0.8, Q = 1.2. ‘The solution of non-homogencous, first order differential equation ts given by it) = Pf QckateK’ e® Substituting values of P and Q, we can write, = otf ze8 eK eee la os i = 12/5] +k eos 08 |, 4) = 15¢0% (e0 —e0)+K'-eO® i() = 15(°-e9®) + Kero ei i() = 151 e°O8) 4K’ ero -@) ‘To find K’ : Using initial condition in equation (3) i.e. substituting t = 0 and i(t) = 0 in equation (3), we get, (ee?=1) 0 = 15 (1-e%)+K’-e? = K=0 (8) aw (ee we = 1) Hence solution of the current is given by, i) = 15 G-e™) A ii) At t = 0.25 see, the value of current is given by, i() = 15 [1-29] = 0.2719 A iil) For the given circuit, ime constant is given by, L_10 4 Ts Ge Fa 1S see. ce Attet, — i() = 15[1-e9]=15 [1-125] = 0.9881 A Transient Response and Initial Conditions, Gireuits and Networks iw) Let ii) = 12 A at t= ¢. Hence substituting values in equation ©), we get, 12 = 15(1-e%') Solving for t, we get, t = 201 sec. ‘That means when t = 2.01 sec, the current in the circuit reaches to 1.2 A» inmp Example 6.2 : In the circuit shown initially swith K is Kept at poston A for long time. FAAP, sarteh is moved to positon B. Find expression for the current for f= 0. Find seine of current at f= 6.6567 mee, 13.3334 msce, 20 meee, Pint the rarialion of eurrent throughs inductor versus ti zoo , K 200 Fig. 6.13 Solution : At t= 0~ switch K is at position A. o Es Before transition, network remains in Woe a steady state. Hence inductor acts as a short circuit as shown in the Fig. 6.13 (2) soov(2) 2. HO) = Tom yyy = 2A= 10 acts short cercuit Because current through inductor cannot Fig. 6.13 (a) change instantaneously. For all t> 0* switch K is moved to position B. Hence network becomes undriven series R-L circuit as shown in the Fig: 613 (b). Applying KVL, we get, 309 02H = 209 - 02 3 =0 Fig. 6.13 (b) re 029+ 20i0 = 0 (2) [Above equation (2) is first order homogencous differential equation of form, ait) aggre + ak) = 0 it Response and Initial Conditions Transi | Circuits and Networks 6-19 ‘Comparing equation (2) with above equation, we get, a= 02 2=30 ‘The standard solution of first order homogeneous differential equation is given by, i) = Ket Substituting values of a, and ao we get, if) = Ke 0 = Kol! 8) To find K’ : Using initial condition in equation (9), ie. substituting t = 0, i() = 2 in equation @), we get 2 = Kien’ a Ke2 w(t) Hence the solution for the current through inductor is given by, i() = 205A, i) = 2ertsUsaearair 9 6) 7357 A At t = 6.6667 msec, Att = 13.3334 msec, i(t) = 2erSXESAT) = 9.2706 A At t= 20 msec, i() = 2ertB2D10~) = 0.0995 A LS Hence the variation of the current i(t) versus t is as shown in the Fig. 6.14. Fig. 6.14 am} Example 6.3: ‘the network shown in the Fig. 6.15 is under steady state condition with switch K is at position 1. Find expression for it) if switch K is moved to position 2. Draw variation of it). Transient Response and initial Conditions 20 mi Fig. 6.15 Solution : At t = 0”, switch K is at position 1, oes Before transition, the network remains in steady state. Hence inductor L = 20 mH acts a8 & oy, L short circuit under steady state as shown in the © = Fig. 6.15 (a). qo’) | shor. Hence initial current through the circuit is = given by, Fig. 6.15 (a) ir) = 19= 9-14 = 107 Al) Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. For all t 2 0* switch K is moved to position 2. ae Hence the network ean be redrawn as shown in the Fig. 6.15 (&). Applying KVL, we get, =40iy-20x109 410 = 0 ‘Simplifying and rearranging terms, we get, Fig. 6415 (0) 20x10 B04 40i¢9 = 10 0. 2000) = 500 2) Equation (2) is first order nor-homogencous differential equation of the from di divpi-@ Comparing above equation with equation @), we get P = 2000, Q = 500 0. Also find voltage across inductor v(t). Sketel i (t) and 0.) K 19 t20 10A 20 20 Solution : At t = 0°, switch K is open. ‘As no active source is connected to the inductor, the initial current can be written as, HO") = Ip =0= 10") a) AAs current through inductor cannot change instantancously. or all t 2 0* switch Ki is closed. Hence the network can be redrawn as shown in the Fig. 6.16 (a). Combining two 29 resistors in parallel into a single resistor of 12 as shown in the Fig. 6.16 (b). Simplifying network by using source transformation as shown in the Fig. 6.16 (c). Finally the network can be drawn by combining two 10 resistor in series as shown in the Fig. 6.16 (€). K 19 10A\ fa) (o) face ia, es tev Jan “© > Brn wo ity 2) |- ©) (d) Fig. 6.16 Transiont Response and Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks 6-23 ‘Applying KVL to the driven series RL circuit as shown in the Fig, 6.16 (a) we get. =a 410 = 0 ihe weaile di(t) rr 2i(t) 10 (2) is first order non-homogeneous differential equation of the type. Equation += Q Comparing above equation with equation (2) we get, pP=2Q=10 “The solution of first order non-homogencous differential equation is given by » ity = ef Qehate Ke? > Substituting values of P and Q, we get, i) mf 106% dt + Ke iw = 9e|S | +Ke™ lo i) = Se™ (%-e%)+K'e™ ef =1) i) = 5(°-e*)+K it) = 5(0-e*)4K eo ) To find K* : Using initial condition in equation (B) ic. Substituting t = 0, i) = 0 in equation (3), we get, 0 = 5(1-e%)+K eo? Keo (4) Substituting value of K' in equation (3) we get, (6) i) = 50-e™)A ‘The voltage across inductor is given by, ai) a me vat) = Loge hg 50-2 ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-24 Initial Conditions vii) = 510- (201 vil) = Wet V ‘The variation of current XQ) nd vollage vz(0) versus, me £12) a8 shown St the Fig, 6.16 (e) and (f) respectively. 0) (e) © Fig. 6.16 6.7 Transient Response of Series R-C Circuit for D.C. Excitation th this section we will discuss the behaviour of a sorles R-C circuit, for dic. exctntion, In the sonles RC creuit, capacitor may be initially charged or uncharged. Now similar to sree R-L eircult analysis, we will analyze driven series R-C clocult and undriven or sernce = free series R-C cireult one by one, In case of a series RL. circa the important parameter is the current through it. Hence in the analysis of both types of series RL vvvuit, the expression for current is obtained and then from that the expression for the Voltage across inductor can be easily obtained. While in ease of series R-C circuit, the Jinportant parameter is voltage across capacitor. Once the expression for the voltage across capacitor is known then expression for current through capacitor cen bbe easily obtained. Let us study analysis of series R-C circuits one by one. 6.7.4 Transient Response of Driven Series R-C Circuit Consider a series RC circuit as shown in the Fig. 6417, Initially switch K is ‘kept eee —Xo— ww open for very long time at t= 0 it is closed. ~ ‘fo find transient response of driven te series RC circuit means ot find expression © =e velo ree ge aeons capatorve(0- Let fit eRe Now the current through capacitor is given by i avett) i = id= ‘ i) = CHiv-v-e%] & iw * i = Yet a =) is nothing but time constant of the series Now the term RC in equations (6) and (7) is in series with the capacitor. It is egsin RC circuit. Hence R denotes total resistance denoted by «25, ———— = RC sec ‘To study the variation of time constant, let us substitute different values of time t as %, 2, de, Ge ete. ere | . Transient Response and Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks 6-27 : Att = tvclt) =V-V-et = (0.692) V 25 volt) = V- Vee? = (0.8646) V = (0.9816) V Att 1 Att = 45 volt)=V-Vee Abt = 6% vel) = V-V-e% = (0.9975) V {prom above values itis clear that in ong time constant period Le. ¢ = « the volss fcrces capacitor rapidly rises to 0.682 mes steady state value, After one Wie constant prod, the rate of inerease in capacitor voltage slows dosn. Ideally voltage ve(t) reaches Fendy state value at infinite time. But practically, it aches stendy ste value after te Grort=8t q ‘Thus, time constant of R-C cirenit can be defined as time in seconds, during which from zero) would reach its final steady state value if to ei aerge rae maintained constant at ils initial value throughout charging period: “The variation of voltage across capacitor v,(t) and current through expacitor 4) agninst time t is as shown in the Fig. 6.18 (a) and () 5 @ @ ®) Fig, 6.18 Variation of vc(t) and i(t) against time ¢ ‘thus in driven series R-C circuit, ifthe voltage across eapacitor sses exponentially the current through capacitor drops exponentially with the same rate. When the vollage 20008 capacitor reaches steady state value, the current decreases to 2210 value indicating open cireuit behaviour of capacitor at steady state :72 Transient Response of Source-Free or Undriven Series RC circuit Consider the series RC clreuit as shown in the Fig. 6.19 Assume that initially © switch K is kept at position for long time. R ‘Att = 0 it is moved to position (b). Thus ‘ apie Ciitiquntmasawed x) ST eat state. Now the is of undriven R-C circuit is a 2) iG E nothing but to find discharge of capacitor through resistor in series with it which is Fig. 6.19 ‘Transient Response and®, Circuits and Networks 6-28 Initial Conditions represented by expression of voltage across capacitor as a function of time t i.e. ve(t) Let ae caleulate initial condition of voltage across capacitor first. ‘At t= 0- switch k is at position@)- ‘As network remains in steady state before transition, i. capacitor acts as open circuit Hence the initial voltage across capacitor ie. Vo is given by, ve(0-) = Yo = V = vel0*) + change instantancously. | i (8) Because voltage across capacitor canno! For all t= 0* switch K is moved to position(D) Now the network is without any excitation or ‘active source as shown in the Fig. 6.20. Hence such a Greuit is called source-free or undriven series R - C ireuit, Now the voltage across capacitor will vary exponentially to its steady state value. Due to transition, the steady state condition gets disturbed. Hence in the circuit, capacitor is not shown open circuit as steady condition will be reached at infinite Fig. 6.20 time after transition. Applying KVL, we get, = Rid) - velt)=0 t Rit) = -vett) { iclt) = ange But «) RC seo = =vell) Separating variables, we get, i dve() | 1 ra) Integrating both the sides with respect to the corresponding variables, we get, ) tmiven'= eee arbitrary constant. ‘Using initial condition represented by equation (8) in equation () ie. ‘= V in equation (9), we get, i Where K' To find Substituting t = 0, vc() = Vo In [Vol = Ree —— } Transient Response and 29 Initial Conditions (10) Circuits and Networks K’ = In[Vol Substituting value of K' in equation (9) we get, Inlve(] = ~ aie+ In Vol ~ Infve(t=hilVo] = “Ke , vet) t a . mn [2] eat (= tal-tnte)= inf 2) Taking antilog, we get, vel) 2 gk Ge = oe (11) From equation (11) it is clear that, the capacitor voltage decreases exponentially. That means in undriven or source-free series R - C circuit, capacitor discharges through resistor Rin series with it Now the time constant of undsiven or driven series R - C circuit is same and is += RC. Now to study the significance of the time constant, let us substitute different values of t in equation (11) a8 given below. At(@Q=% voll) = Vo-e"'= (0368) Vp At(@=25 velt) = Vo-e™= (01353) Vo 7 At (= 4 ve(®) = Vo-e= (0.0183) Vp y velt) = Vp-e= (0.0024) Vp . velt) = Vore™=0 The variation of voltage across capacitor as a function of time is as shown in the Fig. 621. From above values. and characteristic itis clear that, in one time constant period, the voltage across capacitor rapidly decreases to 0.368 times initial voltage. It is denoted by point P. After t = x the rate of discharge slows down and it is 0360)v,/ observed that after t = 6 t or 8 + the capacitor voltage approaches steady state value. vet Fig. 6.21 Variation of v¢(t) against timo t Transient Response and 0 Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks shown in the Fig. 6.22 consists R = 109 and wm> Example 6.5: A series R - C circuit {for very long time. At t = 0 it is closed. Find C = 0.1 F. Initially switch K is kept open expression for v¢(0), ic(®) and oR(t) against time. k R=109 * g(t 20v( Fig. 6.22 Solution : At t= 0, switch K is open. * v0") = Vo =0= vel") ~~ @) Because voltage across capacitor cannot change instantancously. For all t= 0* switch K is closed. Now the voltage source is introduced in the network, The network can be redrawn as shown in the Fig. 6.22 (3) 20v Applying KVL, we get, k_R=102 ° ~10 ig(t)=ve(t)+20 af Fig. 6.22 (a) 2 Wih+vel) = 20 =~ @ But ict) = cite 01 MeO Substituting value of ic(t) in equation (2) we, get, dvell) s rofoa vel + velt) = 20 s RO evel) = 20 -@) “Above equation is first order non-homogeneous differential equation of tyPe, Ger = @ Comparing above equation with equation (3) we get, P= 1, Q=20 ‘The solution of a first order non-homogeneous differential equation is given by. vett) = ef QeMdtt Ke ° A es Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-31 Initial Conditions Substituting values of P and Q, we get, velt) = ef el dt + Ke" volt) = 20- eet] + Ket velt) = Wertfel =e] + Ket vel) = 2001 et) + Ket wf) (#091) To find K' : Using initial condition from equation (1) in equation (4). i.e. substituting t= 0 ve(t) = 0 in equation (4) we get, 0 = 200- e%)+K' 6? ©) Substituting value of K’ in equation (4) expression for v(t) is given by, ~ © velt) = 200 -e)V ‘The current through capacitor is given by, ave) 91 4 z iggy = cM 018 po0a- eh] det ict) = 2H a-e*) ict) = 2[0-(-1e*] ict) = 2e8 A ‘The voltage across resistor is given by, vq(t) = Reig(t)=10[2-e] = 20-eF V ~ ®) For expressions it is clear that voltage across capacitor exponentially increases but the current through it and voltage across resistor decreases exponentially. The variation of velt) against time is as shown in the Fig. 6.22 (b) while that of ic(t) is as shown in the Fig. 622 (c) iol ) (¢) Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-32 Initial Conditions ime Examplo 6.6: The switch is moved from position 1 to 2 at ( = 0. Find the voltages g(t) wl vet) for t & 0. Fig. 6.23 Solution : At t = 0°; switch is at position 1. The network i across capacitor cannot change instantaneously, we ean write, YelO) = 100 = Vo = ve(0") in steady state. As the voltage mh) For all t 2 0°, switch is moved to position 2 ‘The network can be redrawn as shown in the “4 Fig. 6.23(a). 2 ae =) = 4uF Volt) Applying KVL, | = 5000 i(t) ~ ve(t) + 50 = 0 as the curent through R 000.0 Fig. 6.23 (a) — 5000 x 1 x 10° Se _ ve¢) a—B0 é scar? Hs vy = 50 dvett) = 10000 ena(2) Decl 4. 200 vel) Comparing equation (2), with nonhomogeneous differential equation of first order given by, dx, Far = Q Comparing equation (2) with above equation, we get, P = 200,Q = 10000 ‘The solution of this equation is given by, —— Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6 Initial Conditions x = er faorate ® Hence solution of equation (2) is given PYs volt) = 2 f19000 e*tat+K’e 8) om ("zo (10000) +K’ e"?* sta find K’ : Using initial eonditon be at ¢= 0, vel = 4100, Hence at t = 0, equation () can be written as, vel) = 100= sopi-c1+K ee K’ = 100 in equation (3), we gets Substituting value of K” 200) 4. 100." ™°* vet) = 5011 = vel) = 50450 MEY ‘The current through the eapacitor is given BY. of) il) = i ° aI 1 xar[ Zones] 4 | 21x 10° ® [0-+50(-200) 7" oes Hence the voltage across resistor ic. va(t) #s ven by, | vg(t) = Rei) 5000 [-0.01e"""] u va(t) ome. Y i tap Example 6.7 : Derive the expression for i(t) when the switch is moved from position rae att = 0 in the circuit as show in the Fig G24. The switch was in postion 1 for very long time. Also determine tel. Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-34 Initial Conditions Fig. 6.24 Solution : At t = 07, switch S is at position 1. Network is in steady state. Hence C acts as open circuit ve(0*) (0) For all t 2 0°, switch is moved to position 2 as shown in the Fig. 6.25. ve(0") Applying KVL, -R,i()~velt)-Rrilt) = 0 +. (Ry +R,) it +velt) = 0 dvelt) Fig. 6.25 But vet) = CMO (R,+R:) [ots ]+v =0 dy, * (R, +R) C tel + ve =o : ave, 1 be HO arte ve = 0 0) “Above equation is first order, homogeneous differential equation of the type +a, i) = 0 Comparing above equations with equation (2), we can write, ag=1 yee sor a = ReRIC ‘Thus solution of above differential equation is given by, sea0! w K’-@ OTE 8) vel) Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-35 Initial Conditions To find K’ : Put, t = 0, vel!) = E in equation (3), we get, vel) E=K'e® ie K’=E (4) Hence ve (1) is given by, Velt) = Be Saha (5) (0.369) At t= 0, vel) =E a t= velt) = 0369 E RR eaguen Fig 6.26 ‘The current through capacitor is given by ied) = cMt{pemrme ] = a TRIGIT c cal al , ip ee treaties ‘ tel) =~ egy eT A Here negative sign of current indicates that the assumed direction of current through ‘capacitor is exactly opposite to that of actual current. m= Example 6.8 : For the network shown in the Fig. 6.29 initially switch is kept open for a Tong time and closed at ¢ = 0. Find expression for uctt) and sketch it against t Fig. 6.27 Transient Response and Initial Conditions ireuits and Networks 6-36 Solution ; Att = 0-, wwiteh K is open. jit 1 Before transition, network always remains | in steady state. Hence C acts as open circuit et Cas b+ as. open ve as shown in the Fig. 627 (a). n vel0")= Vo = 12V= ve(0") =) Because voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. For all t 2 0 switch K is closed, ‘After transition, then network can be redrawn as shown in the Fig. 6.27 (). The network obtained for t > 0 is a complicated network. Hence simplifying it by applying source transformation technique as shown in the Fig. 6.27 (c) through (c). 4000 aaa = 1000 soon | © (a 9) Fig. 6.27 | Consider simplified network obtained as shown in the Fig. 627 (¢). Applying KVL, we | get -75 i) - vel +9 = 0 | 75 i(t) + velt) = 9 2 | vel ive But i = cM = 50 x 10-6 2c. Substituting value of i(t) in equation (2), we get, (75) (60 10-920 + velt) = 9 * ars x10-? EO a vei = 9 Sl 5 266.6667 ve(t) = 2400 8) ie. a [elem eae ; Transient Response and | circuits and Networks 6-37 initial Condi FF Above equation is fist order nom-hamogenaous diferent equation of the form i bite Rs i Sy pag Hence comparing above equation with equation (3), we can write, P = 266,667 and Q = 2400 ‘The solution of a first order non-homogeneous differential equation is given by, velt) = eM f QeeMate K’ em” Substituting values of P and Q we get, vel) = eer 2400-02647 e+ K! Solving we get velt) = 9 (1—er%66eer 4. K’ gr 2666067 (a) To find K* : Using initial condition represented by equation (1) in equation (4) Lc substituting t = 0, ve(t)= 12 in equation (4) we get 12 = 9(1-e%)+K' e* & Ks 2 Substituting value of K' in equation (4) we get, velt) = 9 (1= e™s6tery 12 o2eeeeon < volt) = 9 —Serteaien 4 12 ermsnseen o volt) = 943 essai vy (6) Now in case of above network, the initial voltage across capacitor is 9 + 3 = 12 V which is obtained by substituting t = 0 in equation (6). Now after transition 300.0 branch fb introduced through which current gets distributed by reducing current through capacitor. Thus in other words capacitor will get charged to a voltage less than initial roltage. If we put t = «, the steady state voltage across capacitor is given as 9+ 0= 9 'V Fence variation of voltage across capacitor is as shown in the Fig. 6:27 (8). vel i teats Steady state valiage Fig. 6.27 (A) ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks: 6-38 Initial Conditions. 6.8 Transient Response of Series R-L-C Circuit for D.C. Excitation In the provioun soctions, we disused series R- [and series BS circuits. In both the cércuits thore is only one energy storing element present ic inductor in series R - L circuit Sd capacitor in series R-C circuit, By applying KV¥ fo such circuits we obtained first afer differential equation during analysis. So order of the differential equation is decided ‘by the number of energy storing elements in the circuit, Thus in case of series RL-C circuit we can obtain second order differential equation as it consists of two energy storing elements. Consider series R-L-C circuit as shown in the Fig. 628. To find expression for the Current i(t), first initial conditions must be Fig. 6.28 aia! ‘At t= 0", switch K is open. * i@r) = 0 =i") ) and ve(0-) = 0 = vel") (2) Because cu instantaneously. For all t > 0* switch K is closed. ‘Applying KVL to driven series R - L = C circuit, we get ditt) AF -Rig-Gr-a] att =0 sent through inductor and voltage across capacitor cannot change | tetmpration are substituted to consider the inital enadton ‘of voltage across capacitor seettying above equation and rearranging ferme, we 5h GRD sey tT ae Rid + Gf HHdt = V Note that voltage across capacitor is expressed in Teane of current. The limits of | Splitting limits of integration by separating past period before transition at t = 02s, | dit) a it; Lap t RW +S [Boe cl. dt = Vv term represents the initial voltage across capacitor In above equation, first integral capacitor is zero. Hence (Refer section 65.3). From equation (2, the iii voltage across ‘equation becomes, ee eee ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-39 Initial Conditions dict) a “i + Ri + Ef wmat = ¥ ° Avove equation is called integro-dfferential equation. Differentiating both the sides of shove equation with respect to t, we get, dit) di(t) Deane ede eC ee dig dit HO HO Fie = 0 lt) Equation (4) indicates second order differential equation. The solution of such equation can be obtained by obtaining characteristic equation or auxillary equation by replacing & 2 with s and s with 6? Hence the awsiliary equation for the series R-L-C circuit is given soe sie zeit) =o e ‘The response of the circuit depends on the mature of the ro5ls of the characteristic equation. The two roots are, vo ETS. 2 GET Let us define some quant ‘es to find the response according to the nature of the roots. 4 Caitiel Resistance (R,,) # This is the value of the resistance which reduces square root term to zero, giving real, equal and negative roots, by, 8) “ Baan . aoa te ca t : + Damping Ratio (£) + This ratio is the indication of the opposition from the circuit to use oscillations in its response. More the value of this ratio, fess are the chances of oscillations in the rt is the ratio of actual resistance in the circuit (o the critical fesistance, It is denoted by greck letter zeta (8): Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-40 Initial Conditions es ere then the response oncllates &=0 is called 3. Natural Frequency (0) 2 If the damping fs m with natural frequency without any opposition. Such a frequency when natural frequency of oscillations, denoted as w,. It is given by, Using these values, the roots of the equation are, su2=-§ 0 £0, FT =-Eo, tjo, fie Thus the response is totally dependent on the values of & Let a = &a, and a= Vi-& where oy = actual frequency of oscillations ie. damped frequency when &=0 we get 0, = @, ie. natural frequency. The general solution of characteristic equation is, i(t) = Ky eB) Ky ef-e-Ia)! It can be seen that for the range 0 < & <1, imaginary term joy exists and we get sine and cosine terms in the response as c!?=cos® + jsin @. Such a network is called underdamped network when the roots of the characteristic equation are complex conjugates with negative real part. Due to negative real part, such oscillations are damped and vanish after some time. When &=1, the roots are real, equal and negative. In such ease the response is exponential and fastest if compared with any other exponential response without oscillations. Such a case is called critically damped case. The response for such case takes form, i(t) = Ky et! +K, et When &> 1, then damping becomes high and the response remains exponential but becomes more and more sluggish and slow as & increases, Such cases are called overdamped. ‘The response takes the form, i() = Kpet'+ K et When §=0, the damping is zero and response oscillates with maximum frequency @,. Such a case is called tindamped case. The output is oscillations with constant frequency and amplitude i.e. sustained oscillations. Transiont Response and Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks “The easeo and the corresponding responses are summarized in the Table 62. Tange | Nature of roots [Form of response| —_ Cicult Nature of response classification T | | pce | Purely imaginary | Ki c08 ot o | sj, sig snot Undamped | Sustained osellations } | ry | Complex | locees| conugates wan | Ky o°s! coset | [O<8<*) negatvereal | + &*! snot Underdamped ¢ part ajay Darnped oscitations © Real equal Keo ea) Pea es Pet [eee ceca] Roalunoqual | 3 1e8< "1 pogative een overdamped Exponent ands ne ae ee @.8:1 Specifications from Step Response of Second Order Circuit om, excited by unit step input. AS ‘Consider an underdamped (& > 1) second order sys diseugoed above, transient output is damped oscillatory and finally system tries to achieve | | 4 Transient Response.and Cireu'ts and Networks 6-42 Initial Conditions steady state almost equal to unity Le, magnitude of the’step applied. Interms of § and the equation for the response is, eet Whe oe 4, = Steady state response which remains a8 ¢ —> | | | | sin (og, +0) where @ = tan ee vs remaining, past i tenant part which dies out afer some Une Such a response is shown in the Fig. 629. 4 ©) Steady state Fig. 6.29 order system can be defined from such a response -The various specifieation for second as, | a. Delay time (7,) Tt is the time required by the response to reach 50 % of its steady | state value, in the first attempt. It is given by +07 j= a seconds | 2. Rise time (‘,) + Tt is the time required by the response to rise from 10 % to 90 % of the final value. It is given by, x0 Taine ee Transient Response and Gircults and Networks 6-43 Initial Conditions 3. Peak time (T,) : At the time of first overshoot resporse achieves peak. The time at which first peak overshoot occurs is called ponk time. It is given by, T, = = seconds oF eae ae es 4, Peak overshoot (Mp) : The amount by which the response overshoots its final value, during the peak overshoot is called magnitude of peak overshoot, It is expressed in % form and given by, % Mp =e AEE x 100 ee 5. Setting time (T,) : The time required for the response to decrease and becomes steady at its steady state value and remains thereafter within + 2% of its final value is, called setting time. It is given by, d 4 T= gy seconds Knowing the values of § and @,, all these specifications can be directly calculated for the second order system. => Example 6.9 : Obtain current il) for #2 0, using time domain approach. . oa os t=0 100 ) « Fig. 6.30 | Solution : Att = 0°, switch is open. i Hence inital conditions can be writen 3 4 i) = 0 5,00") “) vel0") = 0= ve") +) For all t > 0°, switch is closed. | Hence applyig KVL we get, 10i() + 05 $0, 1 fiat = 100 - Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-44 Initial Conditions d aunts oe | 210 0) +08 Stee toate sis fia = 10 Initial voltage across C from equation (2) is zero, Bape 8 in) : | 10) 05 “ae Teg float = 100 8) | Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we get, dil) gg 20, 10 org 8G Teo * Dividing both sides by 0.5 and rearranging terms, we get, a(t) dict) = TO 208M saxi08 = 0 4) Above equation is second order homogencous linear differential equation. Hence the auxiliary equation is given by, P+ 20542108 Finding roots of auxillary equation, we get, 20+ [20 — 40) (2x0) 8. Cee 20 5,2 = = Sy_ = — 10+] 1414.18 ie & = -@+ joy =-10+j 14418 S = -a-jo,=-10~j 14148 So the roots are complex conjugate with negative real parts. Hence the solution of equation (4) is given by, i() = Kyortcos ayt+Kye-®sin agt ie. 4) = Kyetcos 1414.18 t+K, -e'sin 1414.18 ¢ 6 At t = 0, i(t) = 0, putting values in equation (5), we get, 0 = K€ cos (0) + Ky °° sin (0) = K, = 0 salons |, cos 0 = 1, sin 0 = 0) Thus equation (5) becomes, it) = Kye" *sin 1414.18 t wl) Differentiating equation (7) with respect to t, we get, Mle etree i a i: Transiont Response and 6-45 oseehnitialonditions Circuits and Networks 2g fo 4s cos LAL +n 1438 1." 1 ga ganda con 8 130 3638 Att=0, i gy = K,-o°® [(2414.18) cos 0 — 10 sin O] = Ke (1414.18) (8) At t = 0, equation (3) becomes, Bay pte 10 i(0) + 05 3, (0*) + paar = 100 * 0 +05 S40") +0 = 100 qe a Equating equations (8) and (9), we get f K, (1414.18) = 200 Be K = 01414 (10) Hence substituting value of K, in equation (7), the expression for (0 is given by, 4() = 0.414 o°" sin 1414.18 t A” tum) Example 6.10 : Find the expression for the current in a seri RIC cireuit fed by a de seftage of 20 V with Rw 40, LT Hand Com y Assure ill cmd to 220 Solution : Assuming zero initial conditions, i, or) AI) (2) i") = O= ve") = O= Because current through L and 2. voltage across) C cannot change ven0v es > Breede instantaneously. To find expression for i(t) through series R-L-C circuit is as shown in the Fig. 6.31 Fig. 631. Applying KVL to loop we get Transient Response and Initial Conditions Circuits and Notworks: = 6-46 | dit) 1 fy =4i) -1 Ge As gees | 4 | 2-4) - as [sjmasjera] -20 Now changing sighs of:all the terms and putting first integral term valuc zero from equation (2), we get, 7 dit) | gf 410+ + afiqy dt = 20 (8) Differentiating both the sides of above equation with respect to t we get ait) ai 80, 80 549 = 0 rearing tems, we Be LH 4 4 MO 5 aac) = 0 ‘Above. is second order, homogeneous differential equation which has complementary function as solution. ‘The auxillary equation is given by, S4ds+4 = 0 8) | | Finding roots of equation, 4 f@?-40@ _ +0 Berea = = oo? So the roots are real, equal and negative. Hence solution is given by, i) = Ket +Krte™ ie. i) = Ket +K,te™ 6) ‘At t = 0, i(0 = 0, putting values in equation (6), we get, 0 = Kye? +Kq(0) e° wel) K = 0 | Transient Response and Circults and Networks £57 Initial Con Hence i) 5 Kte* Now put ¢ = 0 in equation (3),we get, 1 410+ $0) +4@ = 20 . io) = 20 A/see Differentiating equation (8) with respect to t, we get | ditt) ere | Se CVE e™ OD] | . MO. A eatey+me® Att = 0, equation (10) becomes, Lo swe b2OET+ Ke (11) K, = 20 Hence the expression for the current in series R-L-C circuit is given by, i) = 20te 7A Examples with Solutions ims Example 6.11 : In the circuit shown in Fig. 6.32, 10 V battery is connected to the circuit dy closing switch at t= 0. Assume that initial. voltage on capacitor is zero. Determine expression for v(t) and ic(t) sketch the waveform. AN tol) Fig. 6.32 ‘Transient Response and | Circuits and Networks 6-48 Initial Conditions | Solution : At t=0-, swilch K is open. Battery of 10 V is not connected to the circuit ‘Thus initial voltage on the capacitor is given by, vel") | Because voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. Vy = 0= ve(0") ~@ shown in Fig, 6.32 (a). For all 2 0*, switch Kis closed, The network can be drawn ‘To reduce the network shown in Fig. 6.32 (a) into simple series R-C network, finding ‘Thevenin’s equivalont network across terminals (A) - (B)- oko 440 Oia tov 1k | © Fig. 6.32 (a) 91a 410 ® Step 1: Open the branch across which voltage is to be caleulated as shown in Fig. 632 (b) ov 1ko Vn Step 2: Using potential divider rule, open circuit voltage Voc is given by Fig. 6.32 (b) | Voc = -@ Step 3 : To calculate open circuit eit res impedance Zu looking back into_the network from terminals @) -@ - replacing 10 V independent source by +a its ideal internal impedance ic. short | I circuit as shown in Fig, 6.32 (©. L oe a Zm= (9KI1K) + 4K 3 9K) (1K) ® zm = Geet * 4K Fig. 6.32 (c) a Zm = 49k ~@) ae ———————— Transient Response and Circuits and Networks: 6-49 Initial Conditions Cues Oi Step 4 + Replacing original network “across terminals eyev 1S, van ®-@ by tts TMhevenins equivalent network as) shown . in Fig: 632 (4). Fig. 6.32 (d) Applying KVL, (492408) ic(t)#¥e = 1 ow () But ic = CHE (49x 10%) (3x 10-6) US4ve = 1 ave : ey ssox7ve = 68027 ‘The above equation is a non-homogeneous equation whose solution is of the form ve = eh J QeM dtt Ker™ 0 where P = 68.027 and Q= 68.027 e ve = e707" f 66,027 eM! + Ker 7! = 68.027 [Soo ears Ker O8007¢ 2 ve = 68027 | |, Ke ve = or Mt [stars 1] 4 Ker 807" ve = Leer Ml 4 Ker “To find the value of K, let us use initial conditions je. at t= 0, Ve =0 “ 0 = 1-1+K(1) K=0 oo ve = 1-e7 art Vv - 5) ‘The expression for current flowing through capacitor is given by, dve sores Ccaee Substituting value of ve from equation (5), \ ne aes Circuits and Networks | 6-50 ic'= 3x10 “(es (-eaer)] | q ig'= 3x 10-5 [0-(- 68027) e 8274] 0.21 x 108 e- samt ic = 0.21 e~ O07 mA » (6) “The waveforms of Ve and ic against lime are as shown below in Fig. 6.32 (e) ‘eto i Ww = 021A ° (eine) Fig. 6.32 (0) mm Example 6.12 : In the network shown in Fig. 6.33 switch K is kept open for very long time. On closing switch, after 10 milliseconds, capacitor voltage attains a value of 80 V. Then the switch is kept closed for very long time. When switch is again opened, capacitor voltage becomes 90 V after half second. Calculate values of R and C for given circuit x 1000 R Fig. 6.33 Solution ; Initially switch K is kept open for very long time. So initial voltage on capacitor is given by, ve(0-) Because voltage across capé ov Vo= ve(0* r cannot change instantaneously. i $$$ —— oe ‘Transient Rosponse and Circuits and Networks 6-51, g Initial Conditions ‘Assuming that at t = O switch K is closed. The network can be drawn as shown in & Consider Fig. 6.33 (2). ‘The resistor R is connected in shurit with voltage source. The voltage across all parallely connected elements is always same. By using this property we {an neglect resistance R during charging of C as shown in Fig, 6.35 (0). . . Kewsed 100.0 400.0 >} + a BS : (a) © Fig. 6.33 Applying KVL to the network shown in Fig. 6:38 (b). (200) ic(t)+ ve = 100 Bat ic) =e FE (200) (€) S¥E + ve = 100 : ave, ve " “ae * Toc ~ c ‘The above equation is a non-homogeneous equation whose solution is of the form where P Transiont Response and Circuits and Networks 52 Initial Conditions = 100 "mre! [-'—1]+ K ime! 1 1 = uo [ame Ja em! At t=0, Vo=0 0 = 100f1-1}+K @) K-0 ve = 10 [1-e'] But ve becomes 80 V after 10 msec after closing switch. At t= 10 msec, Vc'= 80 V ‘Substituting the values in above equation, 80 = 100 [ieee or) | os = [re] ent = 02 - 2.0001 in 02 = - 1.60943 * C = 62333 uF ‘Then the switch K is kept closed for very long period. Then the network will be in steady state, So in infinite time capacitor voltage attains the source voltage i.e. 100 V. Now Ve =100 V becomes initial condition for next transition. Let at t=t instant switch K is reopened. Hence at t= tz, switch is closed. cs Vet) =100 V= Vo= ve(tt) Because voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-53 Initial Conditions joa For all 2 t?, switch K is opened. The network can be drawn as shown in Fig. 6.33 (©). Above circuit is undriven series RC circuit C.F Ra Set ec wl dae sor i (R+100) combination. Fig. 6.33 (c) Applying KVL to above network, vo = iR+100i = (Rr100) i dve at But av (R+100) CGE ve (R+100) CHE—ve = 0 ‘ Benet - ; at ~ rime’ ~° “The above equation is a homogeneous equation whose solution is taken as ve = Ke® ** Since Q=0, eh [Qe dt=0 a ve = Ke Onmye! To find the value of K let 1s use the initial condition ie. at t = 0, vc =100 volts. ‘ 100 = K-1 K = 100 ve = 100 ¢ TRAme' : 1 ve = 100 ¢ rm (err F) 3 But at t = 0.5 sec after t=t1, vc becomes 90 V. 2+ Substituting values in above equation vc Sa ETE Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-54 Initial Conditions giv (sea) 90 = 10 © Solving above equation for R, we get R = 76.273 k2 mp Examplo 6:13: Im the circuit shown in Fig. 634 the switch is closed af # = 0. Determine and sketch i,(t) and:01(t) for t > O. Assume at t= 0, the current i the inductance is zero revi Fig. 6.34 Solution : At t= 0-, switch K is open. Inductor is not connected in the circuit Hence i, @-) = 0 = i, *) ~@) = Because current through inductor eannot be changed instantaneously For all t 20°, switch K is jooa a i . closed. The network can be drawn + as shown in Fig, 634 (@) wv) =15mH Vi) Finding ‘Thevenin’s equivalent ~ network to reduce the given network into simple series RL mee network. Step 1 : Open the branch through which current is to be joa calculated i.e. branch consisting L. Step 2 : Using potential divider rule, open circuit voltage Vor is given by av 300.2. Fig. 6.34 (b) Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-55 Initial Conditions ; jo00 A Step 3: To calculate open circuit ; impedance Zr looking back into the : a network from terminals A-B, replacing the Fy independent voltage source 9 V by its ideal internal impedance i.e. short circuit as shown Zn in Fig, 634 (6). Fig. 6.34 (c) Zr = (100)||(300) zy=750 4 400 __ (100) (300) __ 30000 a (00+ 300) ~~ 400 ay LstsmH vy Zn = 75.2 ~@ = Step 4 : Replacing original network across terminals A - B by its Thevenin's i equivalent network as shown in Fig. 6.34(d). Fig. 6.34 (d) Consider network shown in Fig, 6.34 (d). Applying KVL, dix(t) _ i 3 75 ix (t)+15%10-9 din( £0), 5000 in(t) = 600 ‘This is a non-homogeneous equation whose solution is of the form. n@eer] QeM dteK oP a where P = 5000, Q= 600 iO ai ee etoile = 0 «|S ] Ker £00 = 0.12 e500! [e008 1] Ke= 500 * 0 = 012 [1-1]}4+K K=0 in (t) = 0.12 eso" [emt 1) in.(t) = 0.12 [1-€78"] A Voltage across inductor v;.(t) is given by Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-56 Initial Conditions di. (*) v(t) = Le Substituting value of is (t) vu) = 18x 10-8 4 foa2 aes) Solving above derivative we get, v(t) = 9 est Vv ‘The waveforms of i, (t) and vi.(t) against time are shown in Fig. 634 (©). “ t Fig. 6.34 (0) mma Example 6.14 : The network shown in Fig. 6.35 reaches a steady state with switch K closed. At = 0, the switch is opened, find i (t) for t > 0. zoo 200 20 tov. Fig. 6.35, Solution ; At t = 0-, switch K is open. The circuit can be drawn as shown in Fig. 635 (a). Network is in steady state, so inductor will act as a short circuit for d.c. zon 200 The initial current through inductor is given by, nv= - Induetr acing as a — sents 10 Fig. 6.35 (a) . : F | ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks Conditions Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. 200 For all t > 0*, switch K is closed. The network can be drawn as shown in Fig. 635(b). ov = ae Applying KVL; z 1 di 20 it 5 t= 10 Fig. 6.35 (b) « “wie 2 dt ‘This is non-homogeneous equation whose solution is of the form i mer f Q cM dt+K e™ Q where P= 40, Q=20 2 i = et [20 eWtdtt Kent = eo 20o[ Sr] + Ker ®t TI, = 05 eo #t [ett] + Ker! To find the value of K, let us use the initial conditions i.e. at t = 0, i = 06. 06 = 05 [t-1]+Ka a K = 06 e i = 05 [1-e-#']+ 06 i= 05401 e ®t A ima Example 6.15 : In the network shown in Fig. 6.36 switch K is initially kept open and network reaches steady state. At t = 0, switch K is closed. Find an expression for current through inductor for t > 0. Sketch current waveform. 100 wo 200 sv= ah 1082 By Fig. 6.36 Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-58 Initial Conditions Solution : At t = 0-, switch K is open. It is Be kept open till network reaches stexdy state. Otis vas In steady state network inductor acts a8 short. |-WW—]—"Wv-] circuit for dc. The network can be drawn as ic oaric 4 shown in Fig. 636 (@)- = i menos : 409 Reg = (10)|](10+20)= ey =759 | | 7 j Fig. 6.36 (a) The total current supplied by 5 V source is given by Bb 5 Te ging 7 06666 ‘Above calculated current flows through the inductor also. So the initial current of inductor is given by i{0-) = To =0.6666 A =i(0*) ~@ Because current thtough inductor cannot change instantaneously. For all t 2 0*, switch K is closed. The network can be drawn as shown in Fig. 6:36 (0). oa 102 wo 200 Sn ee won §2H Yon 200 & ©) Fig. 6.36 Converting delta formed by 10 2, 10 2, 20.2 into its equivalent star as shown in Fig. 6.36 (0). 10x20 200 Ri = qosigew “a0 “P% 10x20, 200 | & = ee ~ a “PF _ 10x10 _ 100 _ Re = Weta ~ a 72% ‘Transient Response and 6-59 Initial Conditions lent star as shown in Fig. 6.36 (4). 250 sa @ © © Fig 250 sa @® To reduce the network shown in 52 network across terminals (A) -(B) Step 1 : Open circuit the branch through which current is to be calculated as shown in Fig. 6.36 (0. Step 2 : Using potential divider rule, open circuit voltage is given by, Fig. 636 (@) into simple series RL v= 1 network, finding Thevenin’s a Fig. 6.36 (f) = 4.2857 V -@ Vor = Vai=5[ Step 3 : To calculate open circuit impedance Zmi looking back into the network from 250 so ® terminals ® | replacing independent source by its ideal internal impedance ic. short sa cet zm Zim = (25 Ul 15)+5 @ 25)05) , 5 zm = sais) Fig. 6.36 (9) 2m271420 @ 2 Zm #71422 ~@) 1 Step 4: Replacing original network across Z terminals (A) -(B) by its Thevenin’s equivalent V2 428874 jan network as shown in Fig. 6.36 (h)- i: Applying KVL, a izada)+2 Gt = 42857 ~ Fig. 6.36 (h) a Se Sr ec see = ee Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-60 Initial Conditions Dividing both the sides by (742), 2.1428 ‘This is the non-homogeneous equation whose solution is of the form where P = 35714 and Q= 21428 = er 87 f 21408 F357" det Ker? = ce 3571t 3a7ia |,* ¥ = 2s eo amu | = 06 e351 [e887 1] Ker 97H # b= 06 [t-c 251] + Kensae1 To find the value of K let us use the initial conditions ic. at t = 0, 1 = 0.6666 A 0.6666 = 06 [I-1]+K 1 K = 0.666 i = 06 [1-e" 78] + 0.6666 e857" # i = 0.6+ 0.0656 e 3574" A rent instants of time as t = 0 and 6666 A 16 A To plot variation of i consider diff Att=0, 1 = 0.6+0.0666 e-9 = 0.6+0.066 Att =o, = 06 + 0.0666 e""= 06+0 ‘The variation of i with time is as shown in Fig. 6:36 (). time 1 Fig. 6.36 (i) Variation of i with time t Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-64 Initial Conditions mm Example 6.16 : In how many seconds after t = 0 has the current i(t) become one half of its initial value in the given circuit shown in Fig. 6.37. co Fig. 6.37 Solution : We can write equation of i(t) as follows, i) = ett T = Time constant = = 923 21.95x10-3 T = Sopa tesxi0 att=ti,i(=!O current becomes half of its initial value, ® © wenn s 05 = ent 125x103 Taking natural logarithm on both the sides, h mos) = patos ty = —(125%10-3)-in(05) ty = 866X10-" sec. 866 psec. So at t = 866 usec, current in above cireuit becomes half of its initial value. tm Example 6.17 : Determine the time constant of a source free R-L series circuits in which power output is 100 W at specific instant of time and changes by 30 W after 1 sec. Solution : For source free R-L series circuit equation of current is written as follows. i) = i@)-eVT (0) vi. (0) = Prax Power Transient Response and Circults and Networks 6-62 Initial Conditions di = Now, wed) = 0 - 1b p-em=L10(Z)e" s Pam = ivi) = ie xLio(ze™ ee eur ® Pro * Att = t, Power in circuit is 100 W. =Li? * 100 = EO? ert -@ Att = t) +1, Power in circuit is 30 W less ie. 70 W. ‘ 70 = a exnayt .@) Dividing eek @) by (), we get out SST 1.4285 = ef-tnems2y/t 1.4285 = 02/7 ‘Taking natural logarithm on both the sides, we have In (1.4285) = ain 2 7 T = 5.607 see 0.35667 mm> Example 6.18 : In the network shown in Fig. 6.38 switch K is closed and a steady state is reached in the network At t = 0, the switch is opened. Find an expression for the current in the inductor, i2(t) x 100 20uF 100 Transient Response and Initial Conditions Solution: Att In steady sate, inductor acts as short while capacitor acts as open circuit. The network can be 10a _ redrawn as shown in Fig, 6.38 (2). Current through inductor is given by, | f20-)=lo= P= A= i200) 0) is ‘As current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. As capacitor is short circuited by a short Fig. 6.38 (a) branch, the voltage across capacitor is given by, ve(0-) = 0V= ve(0*) @ Because voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. For all t > 0*, switch K is opened. The network will be as shown in Fig. 638 (b). Applying KVL to a closed path, dis ee ria sero ® wala i; peer i ij = | Fig. 6.38 (b) 0S tage ii 2 det aig | is ato | From equation (2), the initial voltage on capacitor is zero. Thus second term in above "equation, representing initial voltage on a capacitor will be zero. : dig s aa wae | ig dt = O) Differentiating above equation with respect to time, @ 1 de” 30x10 ip = 0 Let s= 4. the equation can be written as, $7 ip+ (60x109) iy = 0 ~) The roots of above equation are given by, 0% (0-4) GOxi0%) + |= (200x105) Se ae 20) sya = + j(2236) ‘Transient Response and ‘The roots of equation are equal and imaginary. ‘The solution of equation (6) is given by, in(t) = Ky etl +K, ot! Substituting values of s1 and s2, in (t) = Ki et HEB) 4 Ke e189) t s(t) = Ki [cos (2236) t+) sin (223.6)t]+ Ka [cos (223.6)t-j sin (223.6)t] sein (t) = (Ki+Ka) cos (2236) t+) (Ki -Ke) sin (223.6) t Let (Ki+K2)= Ks and (Ki -K2)=Ks g(t) = Ks cos(223.6)t+i Ky sin(223.6)¢ To find Ky and Ky + From equation (1), at t= 0, i2=10= in(0) From equation (4), at t= 0, 42 (yeo=0 S20) = 0 Substituting ¢ = 0 in equation (6), in(0) = Ks cos (0)+Ks sin (0) 10 = Ka(1)+Ks (0) = Ks = 10 Differentiating equation (6) with respect to t, ia a Ky [> sin (2236t]+ Ke [os (223.6)!] Substituting t = 0 in above equation. a () = 92K [sin (4K [coe 0 = Ks (0)+ Ki (1) : K=0 Substituting values of Ky and Kj in equation (6), an expression for current given by, in (f) = 10 cos (223.6) t A 6-64 Initial Conditions | ~@ ~ (8) =) in(t) is Initial Conditions Circuits > Example 6.19 = In the noon shown in Fig, 6.9, sch is cle ett = 0 withthe capacitor uncharged. Find the values of i, $ 1 Sh at twos for element values as follows ; V=100V,R= 10002, C=1pF. Fig. 6.39 | Soition : Att = 0°, switeh K is open. | © Hence’ current in the circuit will be zero, It is given that capacitor is initially = So voltage across capacitor is zero. ve(0-) = 0= ve(0*) ~@ _ For all t2 0*, switch K is closed. _ Applying KVL, peat iRee fidt=Vv nebfiaed fra 4 a ° Fa least J i de represents initial voltage on capacitor. From equation (1) it is equal to zero. Hence equation becomes inehfvaey ~® ; wor Red fia =v : cf Be i(0*) (1000)+0 = 100 Met Or) = 01 A Differentiating equation (2) with respect to t, dea RGtcis0 -@) Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-66 Initial Conditions | At t = 0*, equation (3) becomes, di 1 RF (0*) +z iO") = 0 Substituting the values, di 1 (1000) se (*) + (ars) Cet (0+) =~ 100 Alsee Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, @i 1 di j Rar tca 7° ae ‘At t = 0+, equation (4) becomes, df pooyy Dott rae RIF ()+ CHO) =O ‘Substituting the values, ai ge 1 (1000) Fez (0*)* sage 100) = 0 ai (ges 100, 1000 ga (O") = Te0-7 So) = 10° A/sect At t=O", it) = O1A Si (or) = - 100 A /see ai 2 ae") = 10 Afsec aii nm> Example 6.20 : The switch is closed at = 0. Find value of at t=ot. ‘Assume initial current of inductor to be zero kK R=109 20 100 Let Fig. 6.40 Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-67 Initial Conditions Solution: Att = 0, switch K is open. Hence current in the circuit is zero. Hence, ceurrent through inductor is given by, i(0-) = 0= 100%) ~ Because current through inductor K closed R= 100 cannot change instantaneously. For all t 20%, switch K is v=100 = 11 dlosed. The circuit can be drawn as shown in Fig, 6.40 (a) Applying KVL, ‘| di Fig. 6.40 (a) iR+L a =V 2 At 0+, equation (2) becomes, ior) R+ LG Or) =v Substituting values from circuit and above equations, ( R+1 Gr = 100 lh a ce Differentiating equation (2) with respect to t, di, si RGtL Sa = 0 = @) ‘Att = 0*, equation (8) becomes, ier eau ed RE O+L EE OF) = 0 Or) = - REO) Substituting values from above equations, #i o. ae oO”) ge ar (Ot) = - 1000 A/sect Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-68 Initial Conditions At teat, i") = 0A Me 4 (07) = +100 Alsee Ait a lain o Gz 01) = ~ 1000 A/ see ‘im Example 6.21: In the network shown in Fig. 641, steady state is reached with the switch K open. At t = 0, the switch is closed. For the element values shown determine values for Vs(0~) and V,(0*). Fig. 6.41 Solution; At t = 0-, switch K is open. 100 Initially network is in steady state. Inductor acts as a short circuit for dc. ‘The network can be redrawn as shown in Fig. 6.41 (a). Inductor acting as Let current through 20 2 resistance short ecu, aA Req =(10) |] (10+20) Fig. 6.41 (a) =O) 0. Pa 2 Ry = 752 + Total current supplied by 5 V source is given by ‘Using current divider rule, 10 1 = tlissaosay] Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-69 Initial Conditions “ 1 = 0166.4 Node voltage Va is the voltage across 20 @ resistor due to current I. V.(0-) = 1x 20= (0.1666) (20) v.(0-) = 3333 V Note that total current Ir is also flowing through short circuit branch ie. inductor L. in(0-) = 0.6666 A = ix (0-) ay Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. 100 At t= 0*, switch K is closed. + The network can be redrawn as shown hy 10.2 V5(0") 200 - ly in Fig. 6.41 (b). From equation (1) it is" clear’ that at Doses instant t= 0* only inductor current is same ‘ as initial current. Hence it acts as a constant current source of value 0.6666 A. Fig. 6.41 (b) Assuming different currents" and’ a node voliage Vs as shown in Fig. 6.41 (b). Applying KCL at node a, ‘ eae) Applying KCL at node b, : fe Vas V.-Vp+10-2V, = 13.382 Vi-3 Vy = 3332 ~@ Solving equations (2) and (3) for Va, Multiplying equation (2) by 3 and subtracting equation (8) from it, we get 14V, = 26.668 Vs = 1904 V Thus, at t=0*, Va (0*) = 1.904 V Transient Response and 70 Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks 6 ims) Example 6.22 : The network shown in Fig. 642 is in steady state with switch K closed. dvr At t=0, the switch is opened, Determine the voltage across the switch Vx and >" at o Tite lots w= ake R210 Fig. 6.42 Solution : At t = 0-, switch K is closed. Thus it short circuits @ branch having « capacitor of 0.5 F. ve(0") = OV = ve(O") -() Because voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. In the network, inductor L = 3H acts as a short circuit for d.c. Hence network can be drawn as shown in Fig. 642 (a). Reto eee Same current flows through inductor. ‘Thus we can write, iu (0-) = 2A = iL >) ~@ Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. For all t > 0%, switch K is opened. The voltage across switch is the voltage across capacitor Lacting 8s short for dc Fig. 6.42 (a) Ve = ve ‘At instant t = 0*, from equation (1) we can write, Ve(0-) = ve(0-)=0V ~@ But voltage across capacitor is given by, 4c = ZfidtevK ae Differentiating above equation with respect tot, Transient Response and 6-71 Initial Conditions 1 Abt 0 eqn bac i" Sagara WV ge) ‘Substituting values, a 0") = o5 4 Visec At t=0*, Ve (0) = OV VK +) « “ar 0" ) 4 Visec Example 6.23: In the circuit shown in Fig. 6.43, the relay is adjusted to operat current of 5 amp. Switch K is closed at ¢ = 0, and the relay is found to operate at t= 0.347 see. Find the value of inductance L. tov Fig. 6.43 Solution : When the switch K is closed at t = 0, the current i(t) passes through the inductor. The equation of i(t) can be written as follows, () = A+Be™ uy at t= 0347 see, ()=5.A Substituting value of t and s(t) in equation (1) we have, 5 = A+B m0" i) As t+ ~, steady state is reached, it) will be given by Toye 2 10K { Substituting this value in equation (1), we have, 10 = A+B) A=10 ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-72 1 Conditions ‘At t= 0°, i(0*) = O, switch K is initially open. 0 = A+B-e? =A+B=0 ® Hence from equations (3) and (4), we gets B= -10 Equation (2) can be written as, 5 10-10 4 (6-10) = -10-<0™™ u row = 05 ‘Taking natural log on both the sides we have, 007 TOM = - 069014 2 = 05 But cok a Lee R95) @)= 05H mop Example 6.24: In the circuit shown in the Fig. 644 find, w(0¥) Hon. GrO and ‘v(ee) when the switch S is opened at t = 0. mt) tr mie = 2a) 1 Fig. 6.44 anes At v0 the och sn eed ‘ondton De ots 1 nd 5 Fath short circuited. Hence ye) = 0=¥e 0") Because voltage across capacitor cannot afl) change instantaneously. ee ee ee Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-73 * Initial Conditions For all t 2 0°, the switch $ is opened as shown in the Fig. 64 (a). ov ee fF We vctt) © Fig. 6.44 (a) Att = 0°, v(0") = ve (0°) = 0 ...from’ equation (1) Applying KCL at node(2) , we get, 2-k-k = 0 Inte = 2 vo 1 dv) Siam a ea ‘Att = 0°, equation (2) becomes, von + FH or) = 2 Wo) = 4 Vise Differentiating equation (2) with respect to t, we get, dv(t) Evie) a t2ae *° ee ‘At t = 0", equation (3) becomes, Nor+5 Feo) = 0 ay av qa -2 FE (0") = -2 (4) =~ 8 Visec* Substituting t = o» in equation (2), we get =2 (a) Note that at t = «, the network attains steady state. Thus voltage across capacitor attains steady state value which is constant with respect to time. Hence in equation($), derivative of v(e:) with respect to t is zero. } | Circuits and Networks Hence 6-74 v@) = 2V v(t) = 0V dv gn SEO) = 4 Vise ey, 2 EY) = -8 Vised ve) = 2V => Example 6.25 : In the circuit shown in the Fig. 645, the switch is changed from position di ai et 1 to 2at t= 0. Determine initial conditions of i, SFr at t = R= 1000.0 Fig. 6.45 Solution : At t = 0", switeh $ is at position @) L=2H acts as a short circuit as shown in the Fig. 6.45 (a). 210) = 75 we a05 = 001 A = i, (0°) =) vel0) = 0 = ve (0°) ++(2) Because current through L cannot change instantaneously, (0°) = i,(0r) = 0.01 A 10v. . The network is in steady state. Hence R=10002 (0) Fig. 6.45 (a) its and Networks 6-75 R=10000 L=2H For all t > 0°, switch S position (2) as shown in the Fig. 645 (b) ‘Applying KVL to closed path, we get ay ty = 1000 19-2 HO - Is inate 0 ! iting limits of integration and Fig. 6.45 (b) om a ea dit) dha Sop wee 21001) +2 SE + page fi at ape fimat=0 = © Now initial voltage across C = 1 HF is zero i.e. value of first integral term in above equation is zero. «1000 cy + 2 04 I fienat = 0 @) e Att =0*, equation (3) becomes, oe «1000 40") + 2 $0") + Tans JOrrat=0 & Now switches operate is zero time ie. t = 0° to t = 0" period is zero. Hence integral term as zero value. «.1000 (0.01) + 2-4 (@*) +0=0 os Si (oy = So a-5 Alsee Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we get, di(t) di(t) 2s a0 2 AO, =o a) [ACL #0", equation (4 becomes, di ain, Or) pa O82 are di 01 1000 1000 [- 5] +2 S30") + ag =O «Henlow ae )] == 2500 Aree Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-76 Initial Conditions Hence, i(0") = 0014 so = =5 Alsec So = - 2500 A/sec* | vip Example 6.26 : For the circuit shown in the Fi 4, and voltage across capacitor. The circuit was in steady state before t = 0 546, find the inital conditions of jy iy 100 Fig. 6.46 Solution : At = 0° switch K is open. The network is in steady state. Hence inductor acts as short circuit while capacitor acts as open circuit as shown in the Fig. 6.46 (a) wa sa if 100 V' . : Open tea i Short cout Fig. 6.46 (a) ‘As capacitor is open circuited i,(0") = 0 wef) But inductor acts as short circuit. ” in(0-) = we = 6.6667 A = in(0") (2) Initial voltage across capacitor can be obtained by applying voltage divider rule as, vl) = 100 2100 33.3333 V = ve (0°) (8) | a Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-77 Initial Conditions , For all t 2 0°, K is closed. Hence 10 Q gets short circuited as shown in the | ig. 646 (0). Fig. 6.46 (b) Applying KVL to A- B- E-F- A, we get i -Wi-Z firdt+ 100 = 0 -as-[f firaeedfi a] = -10 t 20, +[maneedfiat = 100 5 ni+ hg fiat = 66667 a) : h* 2x0 4" Applying KVL to A- B-C-D-E-F-A, we get 8) At t= 0", equation (4) can be written as, 204, 7) + Py tan Swine fate ‘The integral term of LHS. of above equation has value 0. 20 i, (0°) = 66.6667 Transiont Response and Circuits and Networks 6-78 Initial Conditions i, 0") = 3.39930. Differentiating equation (4) with respect to t, we get, di, 1 wt +o—— = dt * 2x10 S 2 At t = 0", equation (6) can be written as, 29 So + 2 diygr, ah) 3.3333 “HOD ~ apRaKI0% * ZOxdx10> = ~ 83.3325 x 10° = 83.3325 x 10° Alsec ‘F 3 At t= 0°, equation (5) can be written as, 5 i (07) +2 S20") = 100 Substituting value of i,(0*), in equation (7), we get, 5 (6.6667) +2420 = 100 diz 2 S207 = 100- 35.3383 inion) = 33.3933 Alsee Hence at t = 0°, 40") = 33933 A, iO") = 6.6667 A ai ai, GHO") = 39.3938 Alsec, ao” = 83.3325 x 10° A/sec vel") = 0 im) Example 6.27 : The switch is clased at t = 0. Find the initial condition at t = O° for by diy dy iy 8 SE at Transient Rosponse and 6-79 Initial Conditions Ye 200 Fig. 6.47 Solution : At t = 0°, switch is open, the voltage across C is given by, 4 ¥el0) = 0 = ve(0") onl) i Similarly, the current through inductor is + given by, gen i,(0-) = 0 = i,(0*) Q) * For all t 2 0°, switch is closed. Hence network can be redtawn as shown in the Fig. 6.47 (a). Applying KVL to loopt we get, 2uF 202 1 Fig. 6.47 (a) ~ segs Jindt-20 5, + 204, + 60 0 1 Dx a Jidt - 205, +201, 9 1 a J The first integral term on L.HLS. of the above equation represents initial voltage across capacitor which is zero from equation (1). Hence we can write, ie fu tata pais {i204 -29%, = @) Applying KVL to loop 2, we get ~ 204-252-201, + 20% = 0 sh 9 (8) 20 i, - 403-252 Att =0*, the value of first integral term in equation becomes zero. Hence equation (3) ‘can be written as, ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-80 Initial Conditions 20 i,(0") - 20 in (0") = 60 But from equation (2), i; (0°) = 0, hence we can write, 20 i,(0") = 60 i") = 3A ‘At t = 0", equation (4) becomes as given below, 20 i, ©) - 40% 0) -2 42.0) = 0 Substituting values of i,(0*) and i,(0"), we get, 20 (8) - 40 (0) -2 212. @) = 0 Sia (gt) = 30 Alsee Difforentiating equation (9) with respect to t, we get tir_ap th = 0 © sails 2x10 dt at ‘At t= 0°, equation (5) can be expressed as, 1007), ag it (9s) 20 Sit, at past dt cor) = 0 we Example 6.28 : Using classical method, find i(t) for t = 0 < ma 0068 t20 100v =e 20yF Fig. 6.48 Solution : At t = 0, switch is kept open. Hence i@) = 0= i@) A) yr) = 0= ve(0") 2) Transient Response and 6-81 Initial Conditions For all t 2 0°, switch is closed as shown in the Fig. 6.48 (a). = 20uF Applying KVL we get = 20 (9 ~ 005 S04 Jest 100 « Fig, 6.48 (a) aay ae Jui of integration ai = 2010) 005 SP Se Jit Jos =- 100 Now initial voltage across C is zero from equation (2). So changing signs of all terms and putting value of third term on LHS. as zero, we get, é 20 iy + 005 Ps mane] = 100 o Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we get, iC), aps 2240, HO 20 Ge 008 GE F0x10> Dividing both sides by factor 0.05 and rearranging the terms, we get, itt) ay ties FO 4 soo HP vaxa08iey = 0 ld) ‘Above equation is second order, homogencous linear differential equation. ‘The ‘uxillary equation is given by, 4400s +1 10° = 0 +6) ‘The roots are given by, 0 [HT =AHTT> WF _ ~400)1959.59 ae a2 Oe Si2 = 200+) 979.79) fF ois 5) = ajo, =~ 200 + | 979.79 Sq = a= joy = — 200 ~j 979.79 So roots are complex conjugates with negative real parts. Hence the solution for the ‘equation (4) is given by, iQ) = Kye"®cos agt + Kpe"@sin gt i(t) = ¢[K,c0s 979.79t+ K, sin 979.791] pal Transiont Response and 6- Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks Now at t = 0, i(t) = 0, so substituting these values in equation (6), we get, 0 = © [Kcos 04K,sin O] r k= 0 wl) cos 0= 1, sin0=0,e"= 1] Hence equation (6) gets modified to new equation given by, i) = ©%Y[K,sin 979.79 (8) Differentiating equation (8) with respect to t, we get, SO. 2K e-%* (cos 979991) (97999) +(-200) (sin 979.99] Att=0, 1 (= Kyle-%97998) cond ~ 200): €%sind}] S@ = 9k, £21, cus 0 = 1, sin 0 =0) Now at t = 0, equation (3) becomes, 20 i) + 0.05 $ (2) + 0 = 100 SEO = 2000 A/see a0) Equating equations (9) and (10) we get, a ‘ Ky = 2.0408 Hence the solution of the i(t) is given by, i() = (2.048 sin 979.99 t] 7" A : ‘mp Example 6.29 : In the Fig. 6.49 shown below, initial values are i; =4A and Vo =100V. Given R=10Q,, find ic (0*). Fig. 6.49 Solution : The initial current through inductor and the initial voltage across capacitor are given, | | | | Transient Response and 6-83 Initial Conditions i, (0-) = 4A= iy (0) ve(0-) = 100V = Ve(0r) = V The voltage across capacitor and current through the inductor cannot change instantaneously. Applying KCL we get, ip tiptic = 0 a Jvatetric=0 cle f vate | vaeegtic iy 0-42 Jvarric = 0 2 Fig. 6.49 (a) At t=0*, 1, 0°)+ 2+ ic (or) = 0 100 . ‘ 4455 + ic(0") =0 sig (0") = -14A ‘The negative sign for current indicates that the actual current direction is opposite to the direction shown. tmp Example 6.30: The switch shown has been closed for a long time : i) Find i, for t<0 ii) Find iy (t) forall t after the switch opens at t= 0. Fig. 6.50 Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-84 Initial Conditions Solution : At t = 0, switch is closed. Inductor 19 acts as short circuit in steady state as shown in the Fig. 6.50 (a). 1, = W=t0a = 6 i0-) = p= 10A =i") Fig. 6.50 (a) For all £2.0°, switch is opened. Hence network can be drawn as shown in Fig, 650 ©) and Fig. 6.50 () osu Fig. 6.50 (b) and (c) Applying KVL, sig) +0540 = 40 it): +0150 dit) as = 8-it) wy - et @) Intergratinig both sides with respect to corresponding variables, —In[8-i(p] = 100+K! a) To find K’: Att =0 i = 10 “ -mnf-2] = K’ Equation (@) ~in[8-i()] = 10t—dn[-2] nf-i(y] = —10t+%n[-2] In[8-i(t)]-in[-2] = -10¢ Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-85 Initial Conditions 8-i(t) = -2e it) = 84207 A Current through inductor is i(f) which is same a: a(S) = A(t) = 8420 A Example 6.31 : If the initial current through the inductor be 1 amp, find i, (t) at t= 0* in the circuit. aie it be Fig. 6.51 Fig. 6.51 (a) | BYKCL, i, tig +3ig = 0 aye se) bat a = dE fvared feast {vee cis i = 1h f vee And. in =k Transient Response and Putting values of iy, and in, £4 v Ley [inate oe ~® Differentiating with respect to t, | Os foe ped Oy = “RE at | dv vie haar dy RB we Ra ~@) Integrating both sides with respect to corresponding variables, Infy] = -qEteR’ ~@ To find K’ : At t=O", Applying KCL again, i tin +3ty = 0 iy = 0*, switch K is closed. Applying KVL, we get, - dicey -20i()- 15 SP+ 60 = 0 Transient Response and Circuits and Networks Initial Conditions S021 = 4 2) Equation @) is first order non-homogencous differential equation of type 2 “+ Pit) = Q. By comparing standard equation with equation (2), we get, P=2Q54 ‘The solution of first order non-homogeneous differential equation is given by, i) = ePf Qe™dt+K'e™ ° Substituting values of P and Q, we can write, i) = ef dF dt+K 0 i) = 4 o> |, +Ke® i() = 2er*e*— 14K eo : i) = 20-e%)+K e* -@) ‘To find K" : Using initial condition in equation (8) ie. substituting = 0 and i(t) = 0 0 = 20-e%)4 Ke? o=K fa) Hence the current in the circuit is given by, i) = 20-e%A 6) ii) Voltage across resistor is given by vat) = Rig)=30[20-e™)] vai) = 60 G-e*)V ii) Voltage across inductor is given by vii a0 a | a dy = vfo0 Transient Response and initial Conditions Circuits and Networks = 30(0-(-2)e"") vi) = eV vas Example 6.33: For the circuit shown in the Fig. 6.53. Find current i,(t) which’ results tohen switch is closed at t = 0. 100 Fig. 6.53 Solution : At t = 0°, switch K is open i>) = 0=%,(0*) ~() Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously. For all t> 0* switch K is closed. Applying KVL to loop 1, we get “10 fi, (t)+ig(0)-5 iey-00 HO, 100 104, (1) -101,(9-5 (9-001 HO. =0 151,(9+00m 280+ 1010) = 100 2) Applying KVL to loop we get, 10 fi, (t)+in(t)] - 5i2()+ 100 = 0 =10i,() = 15i,(t) = - 100 ~10i,(t) + 15i9(2) = 100 100-104, (t) @ i) Substituting value of in(t) in equation (2) we get, 15i, +0014 of] = 100 Transient Response and itor Circuits and Networks 0 ns sy, «0018s 67 — 668) = 100 eases + 00183 4001 YO = sa38s3 Dividing all terms by 0.01 and rearranging, we get, aio aa [Above equation (4) is first order nor-homogenous differential equation ofthe form ai(t) “at By comparing equation (4) with above equation, we get, P = 83333, Q = 333333 ‘The solution of 1 order non-homogeneous differential equation is given by, 4+ 833.33 iy(t) = 33.3833 ) + Pit) = Q i = of Qomate Ke Substituting values of P and Q we get, icp = eres f sesaaser ate Kee i 0 eoosi 7 3303.33 ere [Ses =| cer i) 4 e830" (eSB _9) 4+ K’ eI (cle 884K! eH 8) 0) * in) To find K' : Substituting t = 0, i(t) = 0 in equation (5) we get, 0 = 4(0-e%)+Ke* K=0 6 Hence expression for current iy(t) is given by i) = 4d OA Now substituting value of i,(t) in equation (3) we get, 100 -10[4 (1-e"88" ne = ea Caam)) Transient Response and Initial Conditions 100 - 40 + 40078" is 60 + 400-3 5 g(t) = 4+ 2.6667 eA * in) 1 in) i = Example 6.34 : in the nerwor shown sic is opened att = 0 sole for Vy Ges a for t=0" Fig. olution ; At t = 0°, switch K is closed s0 initial voltage on capacitor is given PY, ve(0-) = 0 ve(0")= ¥(0") ‘The voltage across capacitor can not change instantaneously. For all t 2 0°, the switch K is open. at: Applying KCL, 7 10= Dao * re At t= ve), 2) ae Txt ere . 1 2¥0") ie wo 1 av(or) _ Fig. 6.54 (a) aan ah? 10 V/sec Taking the differentiation of equation (1) with respect to t, a av av paar at * ae At t=0? Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-92 Initial Conditions 1 av(or) , BV (04) _ wae eee 1 av(or) aoe" d?v(0*) ee Saas a. ee 0.01 V/ sec? 2, um Example 6.35 : Switch is opened at t = 0. solve for ), $20, E20 att = 0°. wo) Fig. 6.55 Solution : For t = 0", switch S is closed. ‘ vel") = 0=¥¢ (0") 0) Because voltage across capacitor cannot change oi instantaneously, at t = 0°, v() = v0") =0.V For all t 2 0° switch $ is opened as shown in the Fig. 655 (@) 1® ae i ¢ Applying KCL, we get i I-lb-Ie = 0 al v® _ dvit) Te car Fig. 6.55 (a) 2) But v (0) = 0, Hence we get av @« SLO") = LC Visee - Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-93 Initial Conditions Differentiating equation (2) with respect to. we get, d?v(t) | 1 dv(t) Cog: Rae d?v(t) 1 dvit) “ae cea 5 2. cae At t= 0° , equation (8) becomes, Substituting value of 3.(0*) we get dv S30) = - Rae) BV 0 Lt SEO) = - RWI sec* For a series RL circuit a constant voltage is applied at t = 0. At what F a a 1 At t= 0, switch K is open i@-) = 0=40*) (1) | Because current through inductor cannot change instantaneously For all t > 0°, switch K is closed Applying KVL in closed path, we get, 10%) - 010 =0 - 40 _ 10% = -10 £0 10% = 30 Tee ‘Above equation (2) is first order non-homogencous differential equation of the form Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 94 Initial Conditions (*) etry = Q ‘Comparing equation (2) with above equation, we get, P = 10,Q = 10 ‘The solution of first order non-homogeneous differential equation is given by, it) =e? j Qer die Ke a Substituting values of P and Q, we get, it) = ef 100! dt+ Kem af T aie om [a] i) =e [el - 8+ Ke ° i) = [1- eM] + eo 2) ‘To find K' : Substituting if) = 0 and t = 0 in equation (3), we get, 0 = [l-e}+#Ke® K=0 (A) 1 iw Substituting value of K' in equation (3), we get, i) = 1-27" A ‘At t= £ say, the vollage across R is equal to the voltage across L. That means, gets) vee nig - ae But R= 100,L=1H, tone] = 1h p-e™) yofi-e™] = 0- ae 10[1-e™] = et ‘Simplifying above equation we get, ze = 1 ‘Transient Response and Initial Conditions Taking natural log on both the sides, we get, = 10r = ~ 0.6931 7 t= 0.06931 sec = 69. 314 msec ‘Thus after t = 0, sec’, after 0.06931 sec the voltages across R and L in the circuit will “tmp Example 6.37 : Determine whether series R-L-C circuit shown in the Fig. 6.57 is under damped, over damped or critically damped. Also find v, (0°) and (co) 209 01H ANY | 0 zovG) Liou —_ Fig. 6.57 Solution : Assuming zero initial conditions, we can write, i0-) = 0= 10°) ~) vO) O= ve(0") (2) Applying KVL to the circuit, we get, ie ithe ag ~200i(1)- 01S ante 0 Simplifying we get, i(t) Tia 1 200i(t) +0.1S> +} qos | Wat + Tyee] oat 200 The first integral term in initial voltage across C which is assumed to be zero from "equation (2), we get, dict) 1 dt "10x11 moi +0180 4 i iepdt = -) Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we get, i di) 9 VO, war +91 GE Toot Transient Response and ‘ Circuits and Networks 6-96 Initial Conditions dif di( 10,290 8. row010 = 9 0 ‘The aunillary equation of above equation is given by, s?+2000 s+ 1000000 = ‘The roots of the equation are given as, __ 2000 [4000000 (ATOOOIOO) eee ay =2000+0 ne oe Hence the roots are real, negative and equal, the given series RAC clecalt critically damped. ‘Att = 0° equation i eee = -1000 “Fiqat = 200 200i(0*) + 0.1.40") rea vem re fom Om OF anda ich i esumed 9 parts zro ine, aoe of integral term is zero. ‘Also from ee (2), current is also zero. P o+os gt fonso = 5 digs = s Sor) = 2000 A/see vi(0*) = Lor) <0 [2000] =200V [At tus o the network will attain steady state. Thus in steady state capacitor ac # open cireuit. Hence iG OA wb Ehample 636 : Find 0), 20,20 at += 0° in the following network when the swith in change from postion 1 to 2 at f= 0. Steady condition ie reached before chin Transient Response and “Initial Conditions Laur Hence capacitor acts as open circuit while ductor acts as short circuit as shown in Fig, 658 (a) 4D) c ee in open I i(@-) = 0 =i(0*) 5) i(0)=0 circuit vel") = 10V= ve) 0) Fig. 6.58 (a) For all t > 0°, switch is moved to tion (2). Hence applying KVL to undriven series R-L-C circuit as shown in the 658 0) we get SG ah = esis =0 ailt) dehy Le i+ Gr 4] Tee LOO ees Le wal =0 But first integral term over limits - = to 0 ‘represents initial voltage across C and it is 10 V from | equation (2), thus we can write 91 wa aoe 5 va fy ei 1_fima-o 0) At t= 0°, equation (3) becomes, Fig. 6.58 (b) ios oys10+ Ff pet =0 a iad Value of i(0*) and integral term is zero. th Glo") = - 10 Alsee ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks Initial Conditions [Negative sign indicates that current i(t) is flowing opposite direction and instead of charging, it is discharging capacitor Differentialting equation (3), with respect to t, we get, ait) | a?i(t) i(t) at ae 7 tix ~ lf) ‘At t= 0", equation (4) becomes, iA pyes EAT ogeyy OD: HO) ae Oe Pigs) = Sige (10°)! GeO) = EO? £21 0)=0) dE SR qa) (0) = 10 Alsec* m= Example 6.39 : ‘The network shou steady state with the switch K i open. At t= 0 switch is closed. ‘Determine 1,(0*), 12(0*),13(0*) i 109 Solution ; At t = 0- ewiteh K is open. Network remains in steady state before transition 400 Thence capacitor acts as open circuit while inductor acts as a short circuit as shown in the Fig. 6.59 (a) j =05A=h 0°) a Now, ve(0") + vea(0") = 1005) =5¥ But C, = G)=1F 25v. 0) cs Vq(0") = v2(0") For all t2 0* K is closed Transient Response and Initial Conditions Fig. 6.59 (b) Applying KVL to loop 1, =101,()- 101,()410 100-230 + 520, =0 -201, (9-284 r015(9- a = -10 -ant, (9 +O - sono = +10 @ Applying KVL to loop 2, = J i) dt- 101.0) +100 =0 =101,00) ssono[ Fro + fue =0 = . 0 (9 #10100 +25+ f L¢Oat = 0 at) . Applying KVL to loop 3, = J asto at- S28, S28 29 e 1 82-440 [Fae f soa = ord oF . - 2 0,254 feat = ° ©) - Putting t = 0* in equation (4), we get, Transient Response and 6-100 Initial Conditions s 0 J nto ar=o} { ) Circuits and Networks 101, (0*)+ 101, (0*)+25 -10(05)+ 101, (0°) +2: 1,(0*) = +0250 im) Example 6.40: In the circuit shown switch K is opened at t = 0. Find w(t), dol) PR) op a ot oats “at a at) 5a) BOSH Fig. 6.60 Solution : At t = (7, switch is closed. [As resistor and inductor directly short circuited, i") = 0=10") For all t2 0°, K is opened. Applying KCL, 1) T= Ith 5s Boras! went Fig. 6.60 (a) 5 Bes [ooetegs Jove ‘The first integral term on RIS. of above equation is initial current through inductor which is 0 from equation (1). Bact oa oor +e f vwat = 5 2) 500 3 ‘Att =0*, equation (2) becomes, eo Goede] vow =5 ‘Transient Response and 101 Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks | Now the value of integral term over interval 0-' to 0* is zero as switch operates in zero time. v(0*) = 5 (600) = 2500 V Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we get, are aoe) cio £9 ‘At t = 0*, equation (3) becomes, 1 dv een Se Bo dr O*) + GEO) = 0 88 05) = - 80 vor) = 100 2800 = -25% 108 Vi sec Differentiating equation (3) wart. t, we get, 1 dv), 1 dvi) _ g @ 50a? “OS de ig [At t = O*equation (4) becomes J SS SOE ag 500 dt? 05 dt ee EO a BOG AUT 8 OP (-25 x 104) = ~25%10" V/cect ‘=> Example 6.41 : In the network shown in the Fig. 6.61, switch k is opened at t = 0. Solve : fore 290, P20) whan | 10A, R20 and LB Fig. 6.64 IGU : Dec-2005] Solution : At t = 0°, switch K is closed. Due to this short branch both shunt branches consisting R and L gets shorted. ip @") = 0= i,@*) aha) Because current through L cannot change instantaneously. ‘Transient Response and Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks 102 For all t 20°, switch k is opened as shown in the Fig, 661 ) “Applying KCL at node, igth, = 10 wa I Bin be O42 f nae = 10 8 = = at 2 el J wats f ve = 10 Fig. 6.61 (a) Now first integral term on LHS of above equation is initial current through L fie §,(07)] whieh is zero from equation (1) 8, f oa = 10 -@ e ‘At t= 0°, equation (2) becomes, wey vor}dt = 10 ie But value of integral term is zero as itis integrated over O° to O° Le. zero interval. vor) 2 . 10 ie. vr) = 100V Differentiating equation (2) with respect to t, we Bet, SOs wy = 0 ‘At t = 0", equation (3) becomes, 4 de wat 8) (o*)+ v0") = 0 Stor = -10v0")=-10 (100) = - 1000 V/sec. Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we Bet, remy , avid hart a 0 ~@ Transient Response and 403 Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks Att =0t, equation (4) becomes, J Xxor+ Gor = 0 Foy --10 $4 (0%) = ~ 10-1000) = 10 V/sec* wm> Example 6.42 : In the circuit as shown in the Fig. 6.62 switch k is closed at = C. For the element values given, obtain the general solution and particular solution for current i(t). Obtain value of current at t = 0.1 see. X88 ht t=0 ==005 F oe Fig. 6.62 . IGU : Dec-2005) Solution : At t = 0°, switch k is open. i@-) = OA=i(0*) sa) And, vO") = @) .-Q) Because current through L and voltage across C cannot change instantaneously. For all t 0°, switch k is elosed as shown in the Fig. 6.62 (a). Applying KVL, we get, x) 00 4H cae ee 1] - 91-40 =x | Hoars20-0 * Loose 2 3910+ Seats | J uwarez0 Rearranging terms and splitting: limits ee of integration, we get Fimart j Joa] = 20 First integral term on LHS. is nothing but initial voltage across C ie. vc(0") and its ‘value is zero from equation (2). So we get, : Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-104 Initial Conditions di a HO oye gpl Wat = 20 2 Differentiating equation (3) with respect to t, we get, aif), . ditt) | 1 waz 79 at “005 di(t) di(t) 7 ae st i) = 0 +201) = 0 on @& ‘The auxillary equation of above equation is given by, s?+95+20 = 0 ‘The roots of equation are given by, -9 +f? = 20) 0) Sa 82 = z % 4 = -4 oF 5, 2-5 Hence roots are real, negative and unequal. Hence general solution is given Py, i) = Ket + Ke" rte Kye! sev (6) «» General solution ie. i) = Ke To find K, and K; : Put t= 0, i(Q) = 0. in equation (6). Thus using initial condition, we get, 0 = Kye 94 Kye"? K+K, = 0 Now put t = 0* in equation (3), we get, -O Sore 910" + 5g J 0” = put yO*) = 0 fos equation (1). Also value of integral term is zero as it sintered ‘over zero interval (Le. 0° to 0*). ios = “0 Differentiating equation (5) with respect to t, we gets Celta ian Transient Rosponse and E Circuits and Networks 6-105 Initial Conditions At t = 0*, equation (8) becomes, Fi Mor) = -aket-5Kyer? = 4K -5K, « @) Equating equations (7) and (9), 2 = -4K,-5K 10) Solving equations (6) and (10) we get, K, = 2, Ky,=-20 Thus the perticular solution of i(t) is given by, i() = 208-2008 ‘Att = 01 sec, value of current i(t) is given by, f(Gleeon = 2004 O2=2er5 OD "mp Example 6.43 : In the network shown in the Fig. 6163, a steady state is reached with the switch open with V = 100 V, Ry = 102, Ry = Ry =209,L=1H,C=1pF. At time t= 0, the switeh is closed. Determine, ‘) Voltage across C before switch is closed and also its polarity. i) i,() and (0) at t = OF ji ang din) 4 iO ana SSP at t= 0%. 2757 A Fig. 6.63 IGU : Dee.2005} Solution : At t = 0°, switch k is open as shown in the Fig. 6.63 (a). The network is in seady state. Hence L acts as short circuit while C acts as open circuit. Hence initial current through L is given by, ‘Transient Response and Conditions Circuits and Networks 106 Initial Lo 100 100 40a iO) = 7o+20 ~ 30 But current through L cannot change is 209 20 — instantaneously. Hence a a 4,0") = 33333. =4,0") ~ @) F By potential divider rule, 20 Fig. 6.63 (a) ve(0-) = 100 [wen] 66.6667 V with polarity as shown in the Fig. 6.63 (2). But voltage across C cannot change instantaneously. Hence we get, ¥c(0") = 66.6667 V = vc(0*) ~@® For all t > 0°, switch k is closed. Due to this short branch, 10 © resistor gets short ‘ireuited as shown in the Fig. 6.63 (b). ‘Applying KVL to closed path A-B-E-FA, we get, an 14-1284 10 = 0 $80 20 i,() = 100 ° Fig, 6.63 (0) ‘At t= 0° equation (3) becomes, i (0%)+20 i(0") = 100 Substituting value of i(0*) from equation (1) we get, i 0%)+20 (6.3888) = 100 di ge SEO gr) = 333388 Alsec Applying KVL to closed path A-B-C-D-E-F-A, we get, = Win prime J in(bat+ 100 = 0 J iatnat | = 100 1 Taio J step Now first integral term on LILS of above equation is nothing but the initial voltage across C which is vc(0"). Putting positive value of vc(0") from equation (2), we get, 20 ig) + 66.6667 + aoe te < {iaiva = 100 tf = Bint + Tigre J lida = 33.3333 4) Att = 0°, equation (4) becomes, . 201,00") +L f iyOr)dt = 93.3888 Now value of integral term is zero as it is integral over 0-to 0* ie. zero interval. 0%) = 3389 - re6s7 a Differentiating equation (4) with respect to t, we get, is), ia wri 7° Pe ‘At t= 0*, equation (5) becomes, dis ey, 120") BOM TIF dig gs) _~i2@") | _- 16667 SEO) = aa er0-F ~ Box 10-e 7 ~ 500 Asee Hence vel0") = 66.6667 V i,(0*) = 3.3333 A in(0*) = 1.6667 A Sh (0+) = 93.933 Alsee, aes = 83500 Alsee. Transient Response and 108 Initial Conditions Circuits and Networks m= Example 6.44 : In the network shown in the Fig. 6.64 ; switch k is initially at position 2 on steady state condition having reached, swtich k is changed to position 1. Find the | particular solution for the current in the circuit. Also find expression for vollage across | resistor R, and inductor L. Ry Fig. 6.64 IGU : Dec-2006] Solution : Let us assume that current through inductor be i(t). Also assume after steady state condition reached, the switch is changed to position 1 at t = 0. At t= 0°, the switch k is at position 2. The netwrok remains in the steady state. Hence inductor L acts as short circuit as shwon in the Fig. 6.64 (a). Hence initial current through inductor is given by, 1O)= eR = HO Because current through L cannot change instantaneously. Fig. 6.64 (a) For all t > 0*, switch k is changed to position 1 as shown in the Fig. 6.64 (b). Applying KVL to closed path, we get, -n iE = LBOsRi@ = 0 = @ 0 Equation (2) is first order ‘differential equation of homogeneous type of the form, Fig. 6.64 (b) Re Transient Rosponse and “Circuits and Networks Initial Conditions ao {2+ aie) = 0 ‘The general solution of such equation is given as, ay i® = Ke @ ‘The comparing equation (2), with the standard form of differential equation the general "solution is given by, . i) = Ket ~@) To find K: : v Put 40) = g_ Yat t= 04m equation (9), we get Substituting value of K in equation (8), we get perticular solution for i!) given by, joins we geet a The voltage across R, is given by, , vet) = Ry y= Pay ‘The voltage across L is given by, wo = 0. w= ie ot vo = -B)e hele t Be 10 = -(paE ety am> Example 6.45 : In the network shown in the Fig. 6.65, the switch k is closed at t = 0. The current waveform is observed with an oscilloscope. The initial value of the current measured to be 0.01 Amp. The transient disappears in 0.1 see. Find. 1) Value of R, 2) Equation for the current. Transient Response and 10 Initial Conditions : : “Da j wth “D i= 5 (iad ar Fig. 6.65 IGU : Dec-2006] Initial voltage across C is zero. Hence by C cannot change instantaneously. At (@) and it carries current i (0°) Solution : 1) At t = 0, the transition takes place. property vc(0-) = 0 = Vc(0*) as voltage across {= Of, C acts as short circuit as shown in the Fig, 665 Hence at t = 0*, we cev, {(0t) = _= 001A 100. 001 5 R= 20 = 100000 ‘The transient disappears in 0.1 sec that Fig. 6.65 (a) means its a time constant value. For series RC ‘circuit, time constant is given by, co RC It is observed that in general, the transient disappears after 5 + period approximately Hence St = 01 5RC = 01 OL ol C= Sao sxiom =? as shown in the Fig. 6.65 (b). 2) Consider circuit for all t > 0*, Applying KVL, we get, ‘(pdt = 100 oe 10000 it) + =a5=e ay Fig. 6.65 (b) Transient Response and Circuits and Networks Initial Conditions Splitting limits of integration 7 v 1 Ae 10000 + wos sare | en] = 10 i re ee se across C which is zero. Hence we get, tage 10000 it) + a5, ae ae (dt = 100 -- Differentiating both the sides with respect to t, ai, mn SP +sioe 7° ai ie. 10000 =Gp-+5 x 10°i(t) = - @) ae E is homogeneous first order differential equation of the form go MO + quit) = 0 whose solution is given by, -ae i() = Ke Hence for equation (2), the solutoin for i(t) is given by, sad, i) = Ke Ta i) = Ke™ . 8) General solution “At t= 0°, i(t) = 0.01 A, putting in equation (3), we get, 001 = Ke? K = 001 = ‘Hence the particular solutoin for i(t) is given by, i() = 001 "A Review Questions L What is significance of initial conditions ? Write a note on initial conditions in basic circuit clements. 12. What is time constant ? Explain time constant in case of series RL. and series R-C circuit. Transient Response and its and Networks 6-112 Initial Conditions TA eapector with iti olage Vy i connected to restor of R Oat & = 0, derive the exrestin Jor the voltage acres the capacitor and erent trough the capacitor at any ime t > O and plo the wnefors 4 A serce eL circu ith initial curently inthe inductor is connected toa dc cltage V at tc. Derive expesion for the instafenems current trough the inductor for & > 0 With reference to a series RL network applied with cosint excitation volage V throw seitch Kinctataneualy. What do you understand by te terms steady stale and transient sat of response, forced and fore fee response sven bythe circuit to excitation ? 6 Ohain the expression of enptcr vllage if it connected to a de voltage B Uough switch K atentnaoaly and heing resistor in is seis. Assume iil voltage on espacitr lo be zr. 7. Derive the inital conditions of i, 2 and £5 at t= 0" for the following Mt) versus # relations, sketch the relations. (1) 0) =o, (i it) = Ki, (i) i) = KE, Go) (0 = Kew ‘8. At t= 1 msec in the circuit shown in Fig. 6.66 below, find the values of (i) Vc, (i) ic, (i) Vow 10a soo AW t=0,_X Ie oa % ie 1 Fig. 6.65 (Ans. Ve =15.17 V, fe = 04815 A, Vx = 2418 V) 19. The switch shown has been closed fora long time. Find i, for all & after switch opens at t = 0 os Fig. 6.67 (Ans.:iy (= 8+ 26°! A) steady state with switch K closed. At & = 0, the switch (Ans, (= 06-03 9) 10. ‘The network shown in Fig. 6.68 reaches @ K is opened, find i(t) for t > ‘ ‘Transient Response and Circuits and Networks 6-113 Initial Conditions Fig. 6.68 I The capacitor C, is charged to vollage V, and C, is charged to voltage V initially. At t= 0, switch Kis lsd. Find 271 (0° and “Et (0) V, =2V and Va =1 V (Refer Fig, 669) R=19 Fig, 6.69 arabe avg ans. 53S: (0°) = = 1 Visec and “362 (0°) = 2V/sed aoa

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