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Chapter 4,5,6 (Theory of Computation)

1. Design a left shifting Turing Machine that transforms ▷#w# into ▷w#

2. Design a right shifting Turing Machine that transforms ▷#w# into ▷##w#

3. Design a copying Turing Machine that transforms ▷#w# into ▷#w#w#

4. Design a Turing Machine that Decides the Languages:
a. L = { anbncn: n ≥ 0} and test your design for string “aabbcc”
b. L = {a 2 : n ≥ 0} and test your design for string “aaaa”
c. L = {a n: n is even} and test your design for string “aaaa”
5. Design a Turing Machine that Computes the function f(w) = wwR. The turing machine
should transform ▷#w# into ▷#w#wR
6. Design a Turing Machine that recognizes the string of matched parenthesis. Test your
design for “(( ))( )”.
7. Define the term “Configuration of Turing Machine”.Design a Turing Machine that
accepts the set of all palindromes defined over alphabets {0, 1}.
8. Design a Turing Machine that replaces symbol ‘a’ with ‘b’ and ‘b’ with ‘a’ for any
string wϵ{a, b}*. Show the processing of machine (configuration transition) for string
9. How can a two tape turing machine be simulated by single tape turing machine?
Explain briefly.
10. Construct unrestricted grammar for following Languages and generates the
corresponding strings given:
a. L = { anbncn: n ≥ 0} ; String:- “aabbcc”
b. L = { wϵ{a, b}* : #a = #b = #c} ; String:- “abcbca”
c. L = {a 2 : n > 0} ; String:- “aaaa”
d. L = {ww : wϵ{a, b}*} ; String:- “abab”
11. Construct unrestricted grammar that computes
a. f(w) = wR ; then compute wR for w = “bbab”
b. f(an) = a3n ; n > 0, then show the computation for n = 2
c. f(a n) = f(a 2 ) ; n > 0, then show the computation for n = 3

12. Define Recursive and Recursively enumerable Languages. How are they different?
Chapter 4,5,6 (Theory of Computation)

13. What does Church-Turing thesis says about Algorithm?

14. Define Universal Turing Machine and explain its encoding technique in detail with
suitable example.
15. What is “Halting Problem”? How can you prove that it is unsolvable?
16. List undecidable problems about Turing Machine and unrestricted grammar.
17. Prove that if a Language ‘L’ and its complement ‘L’, both are Recursively
Enumerable then L is Recursive.
18. Prove that a Language is Recursively enumerable iff it is Turing Enumerable.
19. Prove that a Language is Recursive iff it is Lexicographically Turing Enumerable.
20. Explain “Godel Numbering” or “Godelization” with example.
21. State Computational Complexity Theory. How is it different from Computability
22. Define Complexity Classs- P, NP and NP-Complete with example.
23. If someone proves with concrete reasoning that the “Travelling Salesman Problem”
cannot be solved by deterministic Turing Machine in polynomial time, what can you
say about class P and NP Problems?

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