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Chapter 1 – Introduction to Industrial Relations


The purpose of this worksheet is to ensure that you understand the material given

Work in Group of five (5) and complete the worksheet for submission Week 4.
Marks for this assignment will go towards your final grade.

This should (i) Type using double line space

(ii) include a title page – with Heading, Student Name and ID #, Lecturer Name, Date,
(iii) include the questions in each section.

Section A. 14 marks

1 Now that you have read the different definitions and discussions on what is IR, select 4 key words (use your own
with pleasure) that give an encompassing sense of what IR is.. Then explain why you chose the “Key Words”.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ (8)

2 In considering your option to join or not join a union, state what factors would induce you to join and what factors
would prevent you from joining.

IN FAVOUR _______________________________________________________________________________________

AGAINST __________________________________________________________________________________________

Section B - 25 Marks

3 List the areas included in the scope of Industrial Relations and DISCUSS the importance of THREE (3) of the six
areas. (NB This is important because it allows you to give your own opinions on the question.)
________________________________________________________________________________________________ (9)

4 Having read the notes on the Purpose of Industrial Relations, select 5 major purposes of IR and explain why it is
important for managers to do all they can to ensure that they have positive industrial relations in their company.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ (10)

5 Trade unions play a very significant role in defining the relationships between management and employees at the
workplace. Describe how the trade unions of the 21st century must operate in order to be effective, and give reasons why
their role today should differ from that in the early 1900s.

Worksheet # 1 – Terms and Concepts

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Industrial Relations

Section C - 10 marks

6 Using the Glossary at the end of Chapter 1. find the meaning of the following IR terms:

(a) Closed shop __________________________________________________________

(b) Agency shop __________________________________________________________
(c) Open shop __________________________________________________________
(d) Featherbedding__________________________________________________________
(e) Shop Steward __________________________________________________________
(f) Union Busting __________________________________________________________
(g) Grievance __________________________________________________________
(h) Dispute Resolution Process ____________________________________________________
(i) Disciplinary Process __________________________________________________________
(j) CLA __________________________________________________________

Example of Title Page

Revision Worksheet 1

Introduction to Industrial Relation

submitted by

___________________ ____________
(Signature) (ID#)
___________________ ____________
(Signature) (ID#)

Group: Supervisory Management 1 year

Lecturer: Mrs. Geraldine Smith-Bailey
Date: ___________________

Worksheet # 1 – Terms and Concepts

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