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NIM : D011191079



Hi, you might be wondering, why are we here, why am I writing this, and
you reading this, Well, it is a long story, But before I tell you the story, my name is
Ryan, I’m an 18 years old male, just started the University Life in Universitas
Hasanuddin Makassar, Studying Civil Engineering…, I know right? It’s pretty
great, well let’s not get ahead of ourselves and it’s time for me to get into it

This is the story of 2020, Just When I thought that 2020 Is going to be a
good year, The United States of America and Iran had a huge Beef between them,
we’re fortunate that it didn’t escalate into a War. But Then our Neighbour Country
Australia catches on Fire, Jakarta Flooded etc, at that point I asked myself, I said
“Nothing could get more worse…right?”, and then some dude ate a bat soup on the
far side of the world, which led me and everyone else unable to go to work and
school, Yep you guessed it, It’s The Corona Virus, A.K.A Covid-19, It has been 2
and half week, we have been told to continue our study from home, Online, Which
is Great for the most part, but there are other work such as Laboratory work that
needs to be done in the field which now has been postponed due to the rising
spread of the virus

How do I Cope with this you ask?, well, I’ve been known as a dude who
could stay inside their room for a long period of time, this is not new for me, I have
video games and tv shows to help me get through, for the past 2 and a half weeks,
my daily routine has been constant, in this particular order Wake up-Brush teeth-
Eat-Do Chores-Surf the internet-Eat-Sleep, and yes some online class here and
there and lots of assignments

The situation that we’re all in right now sure is’nt great, the risk are high
with no near ending in sight, we could all still be in isolation until the vaccine is
discovered, I myself have been given privileged to stay at home and can still study
through online classes, but there are others who are still out there risking their life
so that the economy and society doesn’t suffer huge loss, we should all help them
by being a responsible adult, Stop touching your face, wear a mask so that you
don’t drop tiny droplets from your mouth, and perform Social Distancing, Stay
safe and stay healthy.

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