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Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Care Nursing Interventions Methods of Nursing Resources Required Evaluation

Problem Contact
HEALTH  Lack of After rendering  To improve  Emphasis the  Establishing  Visual aids for After 2-4
THREAT knowledge interventions: the family’s importance of a rapport discussion home
for clean  The family will knowledge clean water through  Time and visits, the
Poor Water and water be able to on how to supply and Home Visit effort of family will
Sanitation supply and determine the effectively sanitation.  Health student nurse be able to
sanitation importance of maintain  Explain the Teaching  Cooperation understand
 There is no clean and the clean effects of poor  Observatio of the family the
enough enough water water water supply ns members importance
supply of supply and supply and and sanitation. of clean
water in sanitation. sanitation.  Explain to the water
the area  The family will  To adult members supply and
because be able to eliminate to draw safe sanitation
the family effectively and discuss drinking water. to their
draws promote and with the health.
water from maintain family the
the public cleanliness. possible
well ½ km  The family will risk factors
away from decide on that will
their house appropriate result with
 Inability to actions to some
provide a maintain good diseases.
private hygiene.
because of
lack of

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