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Huili School Hangzhou


Teacher: Grade: Unit number: Unit Length: 10 lessons
Unit Title: Basketball Junior High Medium-Term Plan:   Values & Identities covered:

Resources Differentiation
Lesson (Support, Homewor
Lesson objectives Assessment
number  Stretch, k
1 Lesson 1: Introduction: Differentiation:  What are double
Dribbling/Ball Introduce some of the more common rules (we will dribble & travel
handling/Defend elaborate on the rules next class): +Student violations?
o 7 players on the court per team (3 leadership  What is the correct
dribbling position?
forwards, 3 defense, 1 goalie).
• Demonstrate +Fast dribble  How do we defend
o Players start on their own half of the correctly without
dribbling skills.
court. -Slower dribble committing the
• Experiment o Team winning the toss/after a goal is foul?
scored start with a pass from the centre line called +/-Students are  Why do we
with passing and grouped on ability practice our weak
a ‘throw off’.
catching skills in a hand when
o After a throw off players are allowed
modified game. dribbling?
anywhere on the court except the goal area.

• Defend against ARE Specific
a passed ball. Evaluate students’ level in
 Players are allowed 3 steps before the ball must
be dribbled, passed or shot. relation to:
 If dribbled, 3 more steps are allowed but the
1. Dribbling
ball must then be passed or thrown at the goalie. 2. Game-play/Social
 A player holding the ball (not dribbling) has 3 skills
seconds to release the ball or else the other team Knowledge. How to simply
gains possession. referee in a game

 Only the goalies are allowed in the goal area.

 They may leave the goal area, but not with
possession of the ball.
 If a shot misses the net and hits the wall behind
the goal, the goalie gets possession of the ball.
Huili School Hangzhou

 Awarded when the ball crosses the side line

(the thick black line).
 The non offending team throws the ball back
into play.
 The player taking the throw in must have one
foot on the side line.

Warm up
 Dribble tag:
• Play space is a handball (basketball) court (add a second
court if too crowded).

• Designate 4 students as taggers; taggers wear pinnies.

• Each student (including taggers) has a handball and is dribbling.

• On your signal taggers attempt to tag as many students as

possible without losing control of their handballs. If a tagger tags
without control of the handball the tag doesn’t count.

• If a dribbler is tagged student must dribble around the outside of

the court one time.

• Continue for 2 minutes then change taggers.

• Add taggers if the students are not active enough.

Main Activities:
Catching the Ball - Teaching points:
 The ball is caught with two hands forming a bowl,
where the two thumbs are pointing towards each
other and forming the bottom of the bowl.
 The hands are meeting the ball in front of the body
and drawn back at the moment where you catch
the ball.
 In catching low balls you turn the bowl, so the little
fingers are forming the bottom of the bowl.
Activity 1: 2 v 1

Students form groups of 6 and then divide into two

Huili School Hangzhou
groups of 3.

Each group of 6 is assigned a grid and needs 2


Designate one person to be in the middle


On your signal, the 2 outside students pass the

handball to each other without the interceptor
intercepting it or knocking it down.

The interceptor stays in the middle until you blow the

whistle (after 1 minute) to rotate.

All passes must be around the interceptor and not

over his or her head.

Interceptor must guard only the thrower and be 3

feet away from thrower.

Thrower can pivot but cannot move.

Receiver practices making sharp cuts to get open.

Challenge: Interceptor scores a point whenever

a pass is not completed or when a pass is
thrown over his or her head. Keep track of
defensive points only.

Activity 2: 3 passes

• Students need to return one ball and play 3 v. 3

in the same grids.

• Object of the game is to complete 3 passes to 3

members of your own team.

• Rules:
Huili School Hangzhou
o Student with the ball can only dribble 3
times before passing.

o No more than 3 steps before a dribble or

pass is made.

• One point for each 3 consecutive catches.

• After third completed pass, ball is placed down

for the other team to begin.

• If the ball is incomplete in any way, it is awarded

to other team.

• Principle of 3’s can be utilized here:

− Must complete 3 passes to score

− Defender stands 3 feet away from


− 3 different individuals must catch the


− Object must be passed in 3 seconds

Modified game:
Mini Team Handball:
o Play using the set of three rules (3
steps, 3 seconds, minimum 3 passes
– one to female).
o Not allowed in the goal crease –
free throw line/3 point line.
o Ball must “skip” in, cannot be
directly thrown in.
o Make substitutions every 3 minutes.

2 Lesson 2: Warm up Differentiation:  Why is passing and

Passing/shooting  Play a 5-minute game of  10 Passes: moving into space
accuracy o Each team tries to make 10 passes +Student important?
leadership/ warm-  How many options
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 To increase the consecutively. The ball may not be returned up shown are available when
student’s to the person from whom it has been looking to pass the
+/-Students are ball?
knowledge of received. Ten completed passes in a
grouped on ability  Timing of the pass,
Team Handball sequence scores one point.  when to pass?
and work on o As the passes are completed, the +/-Speed of pass  When would you
their players must yell what # of pass has been use a certain type
passing/scoring made. +Range of pass of pass?
accuracy. o The opposition tries to intercept the  What is the
ball, steal it away, etc. as in handball and -Focus on target difference between
area of receiving static & dynamic
keep-away (that was played last class).
the ball stretching?

Main Activities: ARE Specific
After the game, call the class in and explain that today Resources:
 Ball
we will be focusing on throwing accuracy, and how to Evaluate students’ level in
properly throw a handball. relation to:
 Dribble
1. Pupils stand with the side of body facing the target resource
1. Dribbling
2. Pupils stand with the body weight mainly on the back card
2. Passing
foot.  Jump
3. Game-play/Social
3. Rotate the body forward, leading with elbow. stop
4. For the overhead pass hold the ball higher than the resource
4. Knowledge. How
head to shoot over the defender. The ball will rest in the to simply referee in
 Pivot
hand with the fingers gripping where possible. a game
5. For the bounce pass throw the ball the same as the card
overhead pass, except pass the ball to bounce on the  Referee
floor in front of person you are passing to. hand
Activity 1: card
Play a game of Knock Down the Pylon:
o This is a scored game of keep-away
where three pylons are set up on a bench at
both baselines of a basketball court.
o The object of the game is to be the first
team to knock down all three pylons, while
adhering to the rules of keep-away
(dropped/bounced balls go to the opposite
team, 3 steps, 3 seconds, etc…)

Activity 2:
Play a game of Bench Handball:
Huili School Hangzhou
o Instead of a goal, each team’s goalies sit
on the opposite bench (on the baselines) as
their side.
o The object of this game is to play with
handball rules (emphasize that dropped
balls/bounced balls do not go to the
opposite teams, the ball is “live”) and
instead of scoring on a goal, you must pass
the ball to your goalie.
o Minimum 3 passes, one to a female.
o One point for each successful goalie

Modified game:
Mini Team Handball:
o Play using the set of three rules (3
steps, 3 seconds, minimum 3 passes
– one to female).
o Not allowed in the goal crease –
free throw line/3 point line.
o Ball must “skip” in, cannot be
directly thrown in.
o Make substitutions every 3 minutes.

Lesson 3: Warm up 
1. Combine Students find a partner and get one team handball.
dribbling and And move into a grid with 2 other pairs.
• Students, in the grid, pass the ball back and

• Have students begin passing changing the type

of pass every minute.

− Chest pass

− Overhead pass

− Baseball pass
Huili School Hangzhou
− Bounce pass

− Pivot each time and then pass using

any of the 4 (chest, overhead,baseball,
bounce).How many catches in a row can
you and your partner make in 30 seconds?
Can you improve on that score? Can you
beat the scores of the other pairs in your

Main Activities:

 Activity 1:

Dribble relay with 3 throws and 3 catches. 3 pupils per

team. Pupil 1 dribbles to the wall, throws towards the
wall and catches the ball 3 times before dribbling back
to Pupil 2 etc. KLP: Only three bounces and then you
must throw at the wall or pass.

 Activity 2:

 Split into 2 teams of 3 with one team handball in

the grid.
 Object of the game is to complete 3 passes to 3
members of your own team.
 Rules: Can dribble. • Use overhand pass, chest
pass, baseball pass or bounce pass.
 Use pivot to find an opening for a pass.
 Teammates without the ball move to an open space
and try to get open to receive a pass.
 Good defensive position, no contact allowed
 Score one point for each 3 consecutive catches,
then place ball down for the other team to begin on
 Score one point on defense for intercepting the
 If the ball is incomplete in anyway, it goes to other
 Principle of 3’s can be utilized here: − Must
Huili School Hangzhou
complete 3 passes to score − Defender stands 3 feet
away from thrower − 3 different individuals must
catch the object − Object must be passed in 3

Modified game :
Mini Team Handball:
o Play using the set of three rules (3
steps, 3 seconds, minimum 3 passes
– one to female).
o Not allowed in the goal crease –
free throw line/3 point line.
o Ball must “skip” in, cannot be
directly thrown in.
o Make substitutions every 3 minutes.

Lesson 4: Warm up 
Combine dribbling
and shooting • Each student has a handball.
• Students dribble the ball around the area.
• On teacher’s signal, students begin dribbling.
• On the next signal students stop and perform a
designated ball handling skill:
ƒ Hold ball and pivot on one foot.
ƒ Dribble and jog in place.
ƒ Dribble changing hands.
ƒ Dribble between legs.
ƒ Bend down and move the ball in a figure-8 between
the legs.
ƒ Bend down and holding the ball with one hand in
front of legs and one hand behind, quickly let go,
switching the position of the hands and catching the ball
before it hits the floor.
• Add a new skill each time you signal students to stop.
• From memory, students must do all other skills in
order, before adding the new skill.

 Activity 1:
Divide into groups of 3 with one ball for each group of 3.
• Each group of three has a jump rope to mark the
Huili School Hangzhou
crease restraining line that students must shoot behind.
• Set up a cone as a target.
• Help groups get organized and retrieve equipment for
the activity.
• Help set up targets.
• Using polyspots, a jump rope, tape or chalk line, mark
out a goalie crease restraining line about 6-7 yards
away. • Two students practice making 3 passes and
then one shoots on goal using the following: o Dribble,
step and shoot. o Shooter may not step over the
restraining line into goalie crease.
• Retriever stands behind target (cone) and collects the
• Shooter and retriever exchange places.
• Repeat drill with 3 passes and a shot.
• Student scores one point each when he or she hits the
cone. Challenges: − Move the line further back − How
many shots in a row can your group make? − How many
shots in a row can you make?

Modified game :
Mini Team Handball:
o Play using the set of three rules (3
steps, 3 seconds, minimum 3 passes – one to
o Not allowed in the goal crease – free
throw line/3 point line.
o Ball must “skip” in, cannot be directly
thrown in.
o Make substitutions every 3 minutes.

3 Lesson 5: Warm up: Differentiation:  Why do we play

1.  Play a game of Touch the Opponent: the cylinder rule?
o Two teams of equal numbers scatter +Student  How many steps
around the gym. leadership/ warm- can we take in the
up shown key before its
o The team with the ball starts and tries considered as
to touch an opponent with the ball (NOT by +/-Speed of travelling?
throwing the ball at them, but rather by approach  Why do we jump
when performing
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touching them with the ball). the lay-up?
o  If the opponent gets touched by the Resources:
 Ball ARE Specific
ball the whole team does 5 push ups and they
re-start the game. Evaluate students’ level in
 Lay-up
o Variations: Extra balls (maximum 3) can resource relation to:
be added to make the game more challenging. card
o Play for a determined time (5 minutes)  Referee 1. Lay-up
Main Activities: hand 2. Passing
Ask what they have found to be the most effective way signal 3. Game-play/Social
card skills
to play defense (man to man), if class is unsure what 4. Knowledge. How
man to man defense is, explain (ie. Guarding one to simply referee in
person, trying to prevent them from getting the ball). a game

 Activity 1:

• Groups of 6 divided into 3 pairs. Two

players on offense, 2 on defense, 1 as goalie
and 1 as feeder.
• For each play the ball starts with the
feeder who is on the sideline.
• Offensive player receives pass from
Feeder, who performs a throw-in to start
• Defender cannot steal initial pass, but
tries to intercept any subsequent passes.
• 2 passes required by offense before
attempting to shoot.
• Shooters may not enter the goalie
• Dribbling is allowed.
• Person with the ball can take 3 steps.
• Switch every 3 attempts. An attempt is
counted when a goal is scored or any change
of possession.
•Offense becomes defense, defenders
become goalie and feeder, and goalie and
feeder become offense.
• One point for each score.
• Each partnership keeps track of their own
Huili School Hangzhou

 Activity 2:

Play a game of Interval Handball:

o Four teams, one behind each bench. 
o Two teams play each other diagonally
across the gym. 
o Teams score when they hit the bench
with the ball.
o  When one team hits the bench, both
must rush back to their bases leaving the
ball, the other teams then run out pick up
the ball and start to play.
o Variations: By changing the bench for a
chair, or placing pylons on the bench, the
target can be made harder to hit, thus
developing skill and accuracy.

Modified game :
Play a game of Handball:
o Use the “3” rules: 3 seconds, 3 steps, 3
dribbles max.
Huili School Hangzhou
o Watch for fouls/body contact.
o Follow the proper rules.
o If only half the gym: 4 on 4 with a
goalie, subbing every 4 minutes, if whole
gym: 5 on 5 plus goalie.
Lesson 4: Lay-up Warm-up: Differentiation:  When would you
development Students complete course which involves dribbling and lay up perform a lay-up
with continuous movement. +Student over a jump shot?
1. Reinforce the leadership/  Why is the running
lay-up Main Activities: teaching skills lay-up more
technique effective in a game
whilst  Activity 1: Students are put into pairs. One strong +/-Speed of situation?
jogging/runni with one weak student. Peer teaching of lay-up with approach  How can we
ng. movement. effectively work in
Display good pairs?
communication  Activity 2: Students are then moved between 3 +/- Mixed ability
and teamwork baskets depending on lay-up development. ARE Specific
parings to
when working in
pairs. encourage peer
Modified game : Evaluate students’ level in
4  Zone ball. Scoring by completing a pass to a teaching relation to:
teammate in the key. Once in the key you have a
uncontested lay-up. 1. Lay-up
 STUDENT REF: Explain the rule within the key. 2. Passing
Resources: 3. Game-play/Social
What can, can`t you do in the Key?
 Ball skills
handling 4. Knowledge. How
 Lay-up to simply referee in
resource a game
 Referee

5 Lesson 5: Dribbling Warm up Differentiation:  What are double

Development  led by pupils – all relating to basketball activities. dribble & travel
Example, use of the basketball lines incorporated into +Use of weak violations?
1.To refine dribbling the activity. Explain about double dribble and travel hand  What is the correct
techniques rules. -Dominant hand dribbling position?
+Use of two balls  How do we
2.Learn dribbling Main Activities: +Understanding of perform the spin
moves to beat the defensive dribble without
defender  Activity 1: Relays practice, every person to have a positioning when travelling?
ball, moving around the gym, left hand, right hand, shadowing ball  Why do we
I am beginning to alternating.
Huili School Hangzhou
apply my  Dribble tag, dribble steal. handler practice our weak
knowledge of hand when
basketball as a  Activity 2: Dribbling 1v1. Can you trick the defender Resources: dribbling?
referee. with change of speed, change of direction. Introduce  Ball
the Spin Dribble. handling ARE Specific
 Ball
handling Evaluate students’ level in
Conditioned games: Any violations, one free shot to the – Dribble relation to:
opposing team variations
e.g. 1. Dribbling
 STUDENT REF: 2 teams play and 1 team referees crossover 2. Game-play/Social
(1 main ref and 2 on either sideline)  Referee skills
hand 3. Knowledge. How
signal to simply referee in
card a game

6 Lesson 6: Set-Shot Warm – up: Differentiation:  Why\When use the

development  Dribbling with a student lead. The students must copy crossover dribble?
this one student. e.g crossover dribble. Reiterate the +/- Distance/  Where should my
1.The students will be BEEF technique- Balance, eyes, elbow, follow angle towards eyes be focused
able to perform the through. basket during the set shot?
BEEF shooting  From what angle
technique from Main Activities: +Jump stop before should I use the
different angles. set shot backboard when
 Activity 1: Pair the students in order to encourage shooting?
2.The students will team teaching. Reward 3 best `coach` and `player`.
communicate Resources: ARE Specific
effectively with their  Activity 2: Students are moved to different areas  Ball
peers. depending on ability. handling Evaluate students’ level in
 Area 1: Practicing set-shot from 3 meters in  BEEF relation to:
3.I am beginning front of basket resource
to recognise and  Area 2: Practicing set shot from free shot card 1. Shooting
use referee hand line  Referee 2. Game-play/Social
signals when  Area 3: 3 shooting positions around 1 hand skills
refereeing a game. basket. Catch rebound and move to next signal 3. Knowledge. How
angle. card to simply referee in
a game
Modified game:

 Double point game.

 Every time you score or hit the
ring/backboard you get a chance to take a
free shot.
 (All other rules are consistent with normal
Huili School Hangzhou
 STUDENT REF: Looking for violations which
result in a free shot
e.g. fouling the shooter. Encourage use of hand

Lesson 7: Passing Warm – up: Differentiation:  When would you

development –three  The ten-minute ball handling workout (Give the use each type of
different types of students some new ideas for future weeks) +/- Distance of pass?
pass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zix5EP74jTs pass  Which is the
+/- Defender fastest pass?
1. be able to Main Activities: active/ passive  When would you
perform the +Create channels do a 1 handed
basketball  Activity 1: Recap chest pass and bounce pass and where defenders bounce pass?
skills of introduce overhead, push and baseball pass. All can`t enter.  What is a passive
passing & students practice with a partner. defender?
receiving with  Activity 2: 1 defender introduced to each group.
increased They need to act as a passive defender I.e. make the Resources: ARE Specific
7 control and ball carrier choose the most appropriate pass.  Overhead
accuracy. , push, Evaluate students’ level in
Modified game: baseball relation to:
2. To be able to  Half court bball games with 3 passes before a shot. pass
perform these Successful completion of any new pass = 1 point. resource 1. Passing
in conditioned  STUDENT REF: Looking for travelling during the cards 2. Game-play/Social
games pass. Push whistle provided.  Referee skills
. hand 3. Knowledge. How
3.Take part/lead in signal to simply referee in
a warmup and card a game
suggest dynamic
stretches when
8 Lesson 8: Fast break Warm up: Differentiation:  How many shots
+ defending  With a partner passing the ball. When whistle blows scored using the
1. How to shoot run to your designated area and perform a lay-up. -Conditioned backboard &
on the ‘fast (Basket, divider) game- scoring rebounding the
break’ – Lay  Fast break video: opps ball?
ups. https://www.youtube.com/watch?  What foot do we
+Less dominant take off from when
2. To demonstrate hand only dribbling into the
1v1 defending basket?
techniques Main Activities: -Refine and
develop practice ARE Specific
 Activity 1: in Groups of 3 students practice moving for less able, focus
towards the basket at speed before performing a lay- on the 2 steps Evaluate students’ level in
up. before jumping
Huili School Hangzhou
off correct foot relation to:
 Activity 2: Player 1 shoots, player 2 catches rebound
and baseball passes to player 3 who completes a lay- 1. Defence
up. Resources: 2. Lay-up
 Lay-up 3. Passing
resource 4. Game-play/Social
Modified game: card skills
 3V3 One basket: 5. Knowledge. How
 Referee to simply referee in
 Defenders are encouraged to stay on the ball
of their feet, body upright and hands at their hand a game
sides. signal
 3 passes before a score. card

Lesson 9: Defending: Warm – up: Differentiation:  Why do we look at

 Student led warm-up focusing on dribbling. the players
1. Show the  Tag knees in the defensive position. +/- Attackers are attackers torso?
correct instructed to move  Why do we need to
defensive Main Activities: faster/slower. get into position
position in before the
modified  Activity 1: Students practice shadowing their +/-Area for attacker?
games. partners staying on the toes constantly and showing defenders  Why will the
the initial defence position. referee call
 Activity 2: Zig zag drill with defender in position Resources: n foul?
two preventing the cross-over.  Referee
hand ARE Specific
card Evaluate students’ level in
relation to:
 Defensiv
 Activity 3: Number game- Focusing on defensive e position 1. Defence
position. 2. Game-play/Social
Modified game: 3. Knowledge. How
 Full basketball games. to simply referee in
 Extra strict on fouls. a game
 Defenders need to beat their opponents to
the position.

10 Lesson 10: Team play Warm – up: Differentiation:  How can a team
&formations use all of the
Students warm up in their teams. Teacher chooses leaders. -No full court players in a
Huili School Hangzhou
1. To demonstrate The students are divided into 4 teams. press attacking play?
teamwork, attacking  What is a fast
and defending together. Main Activities: -No doubling up break?
on an attacker.  How can a team
To referee a communicate
part of a game  Full court games. +Allow doubling effectively within a
following up on certain game?
rules learned.  1 team referees. They gain extra points for the correct players.
ARE Specific
 The competition is focused on skills learned. Scores Resources:
are taken but no huge emphasis on winners/losers.  Referee Evaluate students’ level in
hand relation to:
card 1. Dribbling
2. Passing
3. Defence
4. Game-play/Social
Knowledge. How to
simply referee in a

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