Knowledge Management Online Application in PDAM Lampung Province

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Knowledge Management Online Application

in PDAM Lampung Province

Arie Setya Putra (1) , Ochi Marshella Febriani (2)


P P Lecturer, Department of Computer Scince, UMITRA Lampung, Indonesia
P Lecturer, Department of Computer Scince, IIB Darmajaya, Indonesia


The development of this technology is very fast, one of the media that utilizes
technology such as knowledge management application is media for
documentation of knowledge and facilities that can support knowledge sharing
culture in PDAM Lampung. The use of interactive online knowledge management
can facilitate the company's activities to achieve the project objectives. The
utilization of this technology connects computerized technology with the
application of appropriate system development methods in order to make the
information-sharing relationships of enterprise activities can be stored and well
controlled. By applying the first 7 step method described in prototype design the
knowledge management application is expected to facilitate the implementation of
research and other development support methods such as waterfall method. The
use of knowledge stored in the knowledge database, is expected to add new
knowledge to users in business processes, the operation of computer applications,
monitoring, or how to solve cases encountered in corporate projects

Keyword : Knowledge Management Application, Prototype and Waterfall, PDAM

1. Introduction report, or cases that have occurred, so

as to support information and
The development of technology is knowledge for the company.The use of
moving very quickly, to improve the its specialized technology of knowledge
effectiveness of technology and in documentation of inter-system
business. Required implementation and activities that have been done has not
dissemination of knowledge sharing in been done well, the lack of knowledge
the utilization of technology today.This of computerized and online-based
is felt to be done in PDAM company is system users to be able to minimize
a regional company engaged in the problems in the project so that happen
distribution of clean water for the is often a problem in the future on the
general public.To support the process company project. This makes it difficult
of performance, there is currently no for other users to encounter problems
KM application that can be used as a with similar activity cases. An online
documentation media user manual, documentation system is required that

3 rd International Conferences on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) , 7 th Dec 2017 ⁞ 181
can store data and evaluate activities for developing KM system in
performed for the future [1], [2].One organization.
use of knowledge with this article is
made by Gema; Celline Liawan; The scope of the discussion on
Gerardus Polla with the title Design subdivision of PDAM. The discussion
Prototype Application Knowledge that will be done is the discussion of
Management In Division Management concept and basic theory of KM,
Automation Information To Support preparing steps to design prototype KM
Oracle Financial In Parents Group in application and system development
this research knowledge is made by with Waterfall method at PDAM
prototype method based on computer Lampung province, making application
network.Another reason for this of KM prototype, designing workflow
research is related to the Application from KM application usage, evaluation
Objectives Knowledge Management to measure project success this.
(KM)that is :
1. Provide a centralized online Formulation of the problem
documentation media centered in The problems that exist in the company
computerization and reduce user can be formulated as follows:
How to Utilize Knowledge
manual implementation, providing
Technologies Aplication for an online
updated information from cases that PDAM company based on Application
have occurred to be more structured; Prototype method and system waterfall
2. Provide helpdesk feature and method in development, so as to
facilitate monitoring as it can be improve system quality in PDAM
accessed anywhere online project implementation.
3. Storing knowledge data and admin
2. Research Methods
experienced in KM application,
making it easier in accessing and For methodology in designing
sharing knowledge widely; prototype aplication knowledge
4. apply knowledge sharing in order to management in sub divisions
share knowledge in the long term PDAM,researchers use 7 the first steps
5. Provide solution problems in the of from The 7 Steps Knowledge
project so as to increase knowledge Management Road Map described by
Tiwana (2002) as in Figure.
While the benefits are expected:
1. KM Application Gives experience
and knowledge to system users.
2. Accelerate the implementation of
activities in solving cases with a
solution that has previously been
3. The results of this KM application
can be used by PDAM as a reference

3 rd International Conferences on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) , 7 th Dec 2017 ⁞ 182
a. Analysis of Current Technology

Lampung PDAM is now using

computer network technology to
connect all computer units, both
between divisions and branch offices.
All computers that are in the central
office are connected directly to the
server through Local Area Network
(LAN) by usingswitch, while for
computers that are in a branch or
factory connected to the server
throughWide Area Network (WAN), by
Sommerville’s Waterfall Model (2007)
usingrouter. All of these computers can
has several phases as follows: directly access the existing applications
Requirements analysis
and definition
on the application server. See the
following Picture :
System and
software design

and unit testing

Integration and
system testing

Operation and
Technology already owned by PDAM,
Figure 1.Waterfall Model

3. Result And Discussion

First Step: Infrastructure Analysis

At this stage is done data collection
process using stages Observation,
Interview, Study Literature

3.1 Analysis of Current

Infrastructure Implementation most have been able to support the
process of developing prototype
research is divided into two main
application of KM system on PDAM
topics, namely the analysis of the
subdivision. The existing computer
current technology infrastructure and
network allows each user to
infrastructure analysis of the current
communicate with each other,Based on
knowledge culture.
the results of infrastructure analyzes

3 rd International Conferences on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) , 7 th Dec 2017 ⁞ 183
already owned by PDAMs, researchers The Second Step:
are trying to define other supporting 3.3 Connecting Knowledge
technologies necessary for system Management and Organizational
development. Strategy among others:
1. identify the purpose of management
b. Analysis Knowledge is walking division
2. analysis of expansionary knowledge
In subdivision PDAMs generally occur management strategy strategy;
exchange knowledgeonly on the 3. strategic knowledge gap analysis
occurrence of problems that (casebased 4. analysis of system development with
reasoning). At the time For solving the combination of waterfall method
case, so far usermore dependent on
previous system users in problem 3.4 Analysis, Design, And
solving within the project so this is an Development System
obstacle in system Based on the information that has been
development.Currently there is no obtained from the first phase, then on
means onlineto provide information the second phase of this researcher
from knowledgewhich can be used as a analyzing, designing, and developing a
reference for solving the case. By Knowledge Management System by
designprototypeaplicationknowledge doing the following stages, namely:
managementatsubdivision PDAM, is 1. Designing knowledge management
expected to support the sharing platform;
processknowledgemore effectively,
2. Identify the knowledge on
whereusercan share knowledge and
solve problems quickly with system subdivisions of taps;
usageby onlineandcomputerized. 3. Designing team for km;
Usercan be more independent in 4. Create a blueprint of the km
solving cases by using information system;
knowledgesavedknowledge 5. Develop prototype applications.
byStandard Operating Procedure The Third Step : Design Knowledge
(SOP)of application usage knowledge Management
management. From the result of observation,
interview and study literature, then web
3.2 Stages of research proposal to application is a solution is needed. the
realize the applicationknowledge application of KM in the subdivision of
managementbased onlineie making that the PDAM, researchers chose the
policy service request throughfiturhelp application Website by
desk, every case that happens should be Uses of PHP My Admin. Due to a
documented and input intoknowledge more flexible and easy to customize to
database, andenforce the policy your needs, the features and settings
rewardand punishment touserfor their that already exist is more complete and
participation in the development and more detailed, and using SQL Server
use of the applicationknowledge storage capacity.

3 rd International Conferences on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) , 7 th Dec 2017 ⁞ 184
The Fourth Step : IdentifyKnowledge the subdivision of TAPS, the
inSubdivisi PDAM conclusion about the effectiveness of
Identify knowledge to know the needs the design of the prototype application
of the user. At this stage the researcher
knowledge management, what is the
will discuss: modules on Oracle
Financial knowledge and Financial purpose and benefits from project
(TAPS). TAPS consists of 5 modules, design of prototype applications KM
that is, accounts payables, accounts achieved. Furthermore the design of
receivables, general journal, fixed application system knowledge is
assets, and cash management. described as follows:

The Fifth Step: Designing Team a. Output Design

4 2T

ForKnowledge Management
For design teams to project knowledge Figure 1. Home Template
management is distinguished into two, HEADER
namely (1) the initial developer team of
prototype applications and knowledge
management and (2) maintenance
team, developers, and users of
knowledge management applications.
Database Design

Relational Database Model (RDBM) Figure 2 Design of Login for Admin

was often referred to the relational HEADER
model or relational database.
Relationship between 2 files or tables
was categorized into 3 types.
1. One to one Relationship 2 file/ 1-to- password

1 Login

2. One to Many Relationship 2 file/ 1-

3. Many to Many Relationship 2 file/ Figure 3. Design of Upload
n-to-n Document
To completely design the relationship HEADER

description, there were 3 types of the REFERENSI DATA


relationship in one file MANAJEMEN USER User Input

Tanggal Input

(Suthanta,2004). Judul Penelitain / Observasi

Waktu Pelaksanaan


Evaluation Design Of Application Simpan Reset

Knowledge Management
Researcher using an online
questionnaire tool that is integrated
with a prototype application of
questionnaire Respondents km. This is

3 rd International Conferences on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) , 7 th Dec 2017 ⁞ 185
Figure 4. Flowchart of Submenu for 4. Conclusion
Reference Data Summary of the design of the
prototype applications of
knowledge management in the
Reference province of Lampung TAPS
subdivision are:
1. Designing a prototype
Categor knowledge management
developed with the online-based
program and focus on the
Publishe Publi codification strategy to allow
storage, delivery, acquisition,
and reuse knowledge prototype
application knowledge
management can facilitate users
Db (Info
in sharing knowledge and
optimizing its use by providing
Figure 5. Flowchart of Submenu for document management for
Users various purposes.
2. A prototype knowledge
management application can
store information secaran
Information Data
3. Efficiency of time in solving the
Db (Info cases and provide solutions that
are stored in the knowledge
database and update information
4. The design of a prototype
knowledge management that
Figure 6. Flowchart of Submenu for
researchers do can already meet
Information Publish the objectives and benefits of
the project amounted to 80.05%
based on the results of the
analysis of the questionnaire
that has been done.
User Management therefore required the existence of a
policy of the leadership to develop and
implement a prototype knowledge
User Data
management applications that have
been created to be used to its full
potential. Management must play a role
to socialize knowledge and supports
the use of a prototype knowledge
management applications. Need to do
maintainance against applications and

3 rd International Conferences on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) , 7 th Dec 2017 ⁞ 186
knowledge stored in order to remain up participation, provide policy
to date and can be used optimally. Add management to reward active users.
rating to monitor user activity and


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