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Unit test 2 | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

LISTENING 3 Choose the correct option A–C to complete

1 [Track 03] Listen and choose the correct the sentences.
answer A, B or C. 0 My sister __ a degree in Maths.
1 At the start of the conversation, Katie and Lisa A has B put C work
are 1 Did you take __ in the competition today?
A throwing away rubbish. A put B part C on
B helping a family member. 2 Franc __ in the exam but the teacher saw him
C doing their hair. and wrote to his parents.
2 At school, Mrs Black used to teach Lisa A failed B behaved C cheated
A History. 3 Did you __ the match?
B Art. A win B take on C beat
C Music. 4 I’ve never __ a class in my life. I don’t want to
3 When Lisa’s great grandmother grew up, she get in trouble!
became A run B jumped C skipped
A a fire fighter. 5 Please __ your answers with your partner to see
B a teacher in a school. if you’re right.
C a writer. A look B check C pay
4 When she was at school, Lisa made a poster ___ / 5
A her great grandmother’s life. GRAMMAR
B books her grand-daughter wrote. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct Past
C life in New York. Simple form of verbs from the box.
5 Mrs White and Maria are important to Lisa
pass do get play learn study
because they
A always did what they wanted. 0 Leo learned the song for the competition.
B both went to university. 1 The teacher was happy because all her students
C gave her confidence in herself. ___________ the exam.
___ / 5 2 I ___________ hard at university and got a very
good degree.
VOCABULARY 3 All the students ______ an experiment in the
2 Match the sentence halves. lab.
4 Marina ___________ tennis for her school last
0 We play f year.
1 We put 5 Sara ___________ top marks in her French
2 Please help me hand exam.
3 We usually work ___ / 5
4 Rodrigo competed
5 I scored 5 Complete the text with the correct form of
used to and the verbs in brackets.
a two goals in the match!
b up our hands when we want to answer a When I was a little boy, I 0 used to play (play)
question. tennis all the time. My school 1_________________
c in a race yesterday. (organise) competitions with other schools. I often
2_________________ (beat) the other players and
d in groups when we do projects.
e out this worksheet. I 3_________________ (win) medals all the time!
f for our local football team. I 4_________________ (not / have) time to play any
___ / 5 other sports! 5_________________ (you / enjoy)
sports when you were young?

___ / 5

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6 Choose the correct option A–D to complete 8 Read the text about Eddie Izzard. Match the
the text. headings (A–G) to the paragraphs (1–5).
There are two extra headings.
Last week, we 0__ a brilliant project in English. We
1__ our own poems for a poetry competition. We A Professional help
had to 2__ our poems by heart and say them to the B Eddie’s life before running
rest of the class without looking at our notebooks. C Failing the first time
I’m not very good 3__ talking in front of other people, D Running with his heroes
but it was fine! We didn’t 4__ the competition, but E A double challenge to finish
the project helped us to prepare for our English F Special parts of the country
exam next week. I didn’t use to enjoy English, but G Reasons why he did it
now I love it. Did you use to enjoy English when you
5__ at school?
Comedian Eddie Izzard runs 27 marathons in 27
0 A did B learned C gave D studied
1 A did write B used to write C wrote D write 1__
2 A study B learn C make D get Nelson Mandela became the first black president of
3 A at B in C on D with South Africa in 1994, at the age of almost 76. He
4 A break B play C pass D win fought for equal rights for everyone in the country
5 A used to B did C were D was and spent 27 years in prison for his protests and
___ / 5 political activity. He became a great world leader
and a hero for people everywhere. He was still alive
7 Choose the correct option A–C to complete when comedian Eddie Izzard had the idea of
the dialogues. running 27 marathons in 27 days to raise money for
charity and to remember the years Nelson Mandela
0 X: What sports did you play as a kid? spent in prison.
Y: I didn’t __ like sports.
A used to 2__
B used Eddie first started running marathons in 2009. He
C use to only had five weeks of training but ran 43 marathons
1 X: __ worry about you when you were younger? in 51 days. In 2010, he met Mandela in South
Y: All the time. Africa. In the same room, was another hero, Neil
A Did your mum use to Armstrong, the first man on the Moon. Two years
B Your mum used to later, Eddie went to South Africa to run his 27
C Was your mum marathons for Nelson Mandela and the charity Sport
2 X: __ any lessons last week. Relief. Unfortunately, after just four marathons in the
Y: Good. heat of South Africa, Eddie had to stop the
A I used to miss challenge because of health problems.
B I didn’t use to miss 3__
C I didn’t miss Eddie’s dream didn’t die, though. In 2016, Eddie
3 X: Why did the teacher call Stella’s parents? met up with physiotherapist Tim Cruse-Drew and
Y: Because she doesn’t __ attention in class. told him that he was off to South Africa again in
A pay three weeks. Tim gave him some ideas for training
B give and getting ready for the weather in South Africa.
C hold Eddie also asked Tim to come with him and he was
4 X: Why didn’t you __ football with us yesterday? definitely needed as, once again, Eddie didn’t really
Y: I had to study for a test. do any training before running. Tim’s duties included
A use to play making snacks and running a lot of the way with
B played Eddie as well as giving him essential medical
C play advice.
5 X: What do you want to do in the future?
Y: I want to study German at __.
A university
B degree
C subject
___ / 5

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Eddie chose his route very carefully. He ran through Dear Kate,
places that played a part in Nelson Mandela’s life. Thanks for your last email. How
He started his run on 23 February at Mbashe are you? I had a great day at
Bridge, near to where Mandela was born. He school last week.
finished the final marathon on 20 March at the
Union Building in Pretoria. This is where Mandela
gave his first speech as president. Izzard crossed
the finish line under a huge statue of Nelson
Mandela and lots of fans were there shouting,
‘Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.’

The month of marathons definitely wasn’t easy,
though. The 54-year-old ran and walked 1,138
kilometres in very hot weather. He had to rest on the
fifth day and this meant that he had to run two
marathons on the last day. He completed both of
these two marathons in just 11 hours and 5 minutes.
Afterwards, Eddie couldn’t stand up properly but he
was happy and his efforts raised more than £1.35
million for the charity Sports Relief.

___ / 5

9 Do the exam task.
Tydzień temu w twojej szkole odbył się „Dzień
Sportu”. Napisz e-mail do koleżanki z Wielkiej
Brytanii o tym wydarzeniu. W mailu:
● opisz, w jakich dyscyplinach sportowych
konkurowali uczniowie
● napisz, w jakiej konkurencji brałeś(-aś) udział, i
jak ci poszło
● uzasadnij, dlaczego wybrałeś(-aś) ten sport
● zapytaj, jakie dyscypliny sportu lubi uprawiać i
oglądać twoja koleżanka.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech

podpunktów. Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić
od 80 do 130 słów.

___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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