HighNote2 U3 Test B

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Unit test 3 | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

3 Choose the correct option to complete the

1 [Track 04] Listen and choose the correct
answer A, B or C. 0 My parents are on a cruise / a taxi rank
/ the underground around the Mediterranean.
1 Pete didn’t get the train to the airport because 1 I want to get up early so that I can watch the
A he forgot to buy a ticket. sunscreen / sunrise / scenic.
B there was no room on the train. 2 Do you have any hand luggage / sights / trolley
C there were no trains at that time. to take on the plane?
2 Pete understood his mistake about the bus when 3 We got cheap tickets from a border / budget
they were / hospitable airline.
A getting on the bus. 4 We’re going on an excursion / a souvenir
B driving on the journey. / a trolley to the seaside tomorrow.
C arriving at the last bus stop. 5 In some places, it’s best to avoid eye contact
3 Which sentence is true? / coach / ticket when you greet strangers.
A The plane was cancelled. ___ / 5
B They just made it in time to catch the flight.
C The gate was already closed.
4 During the coach journey to the hotel, Pete felt GRAMMAR
A excited. 4 Complete the dialogue with the correct form
B confused. of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple
C unwell. or the Past Continuous.
5 The friends are talking about
David: Oh, no, Zara, what 0 happened (happen) to
A a difficult journey.
your arm?
B a good holiday.
Zara: I 1_________________ (break) it last
C the worst way to travel.
___ / 5
David: Poor you! What 2_________________
(you / do) when it 3_________________
VOCABULARY (happen)?
2 Complete the sentences with the missing Zara: I 4_________________ (fall) while
word. The first letters are given. I 5_________________ (climb) a mountain.
David: That’s awful!
0 It’s important to book your plane ticket or you ___ / 5
might not be able to go.
1 Let’s p___________ attention so we don’t miss
our stop. 5 Choose the correct option A–C to complete
2 Let’s t___________ the underground. the sentences.
3 According to this t___________, the next train 0 Taylor Swift is a musician __ songs I love.
leaves in fifteen minutes. A who B whose C where
4 I don’t like flying. We could travel o___________ 1 Hassan is the man __ I saw yesterday.
to Turkey by train and bus. A who B whose C which
5 You shouldn’t travel in h___________ season 2 This is the house __ I used to live.
because everything is very expensive. A which B who C where
___ / 5 3 That’s the bus __ I got yesterday.
A who B that C where
4 Arrivals is the place __ I’m meeting my friend.
A which B who C where
5 Jack Francis is the blogger __ photos made me
want to travel.
A who B whose C which
___ / 5

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6 Choose the correct option A−D to complete 8 Read a blog about a woman who travelled
the text. around the world. Match sentences A–H with
gaps 1–5. There are three extra sentences.
Holiday Day 1
Well, we arrived safely this afternoon and are now Modern-day Phileas Fogg
settled into the hotel we are staying 0__. We’re on a When I was a child, one of my favourite books was
1__ holiday – our first. Mum and dad booked it 2__ Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. It’s a
the last minute. They were so busy at work earlier story about an explorer who was called Phileas
this year that they didn’t have time to think about Fogg. He accepted a challenge to travel around the
holidays. We are travelling 3__. I only took a small world in 80 days. This wasn’t an easy thing to do in
bag – but I took my phone and camera! 1872! He travelled by train, boat and elephant!
We nearly didn’t get here at all. Dad left the It was a long and tiring journey, but he did it! 1__
boarding 4__ in security! The security guard 5__ I decided to challenge myself. If Phileas Fogg could
checked our bags found them and gave them to us do it 80 days, I wanted to see if I could travel around
before we got to the departure lounge! the world in just 30 days!
I didn’t want to travel alone, so I asked my best
0 A in B on C with D for friend, Lisa, to come with me. At first, she wasn’t
1 A packed B packing C package D packaged sure about it, but I managed to persuade her. 2__
2 A in B for C on D at We made a list of all the places we wanted to go to
3 A light B slim C low D down and we booked round-the-world plane tickets. We
4 A tickets B passes C labels D luggage packed very carefully, so we didn’t forget anything.
5 A who B whose C where D which We started our trip in New York, America, and then
___ / 5 took a plane to Amsterdam in Holland. This scenic
city on the water was a great place to begin. Then
7 Choose the word or phrase (A–C) which can we travelled by train to Rome in Italy. This took us
best replace the words in bold. several days and we passed through many
interesting countries. Then we flew to Mumbai in
0 We stayed in Rome for a few days last week. India where we saw many beautiful temples. After
A checked-in to that, we flew to Bangkok in Thailand. This is
B went on a city break to a spectacular, colourful city! 3__ This is the country
C booked a flight to that we liked best because the Vietnamese people
1 We were too late for the plane. were so welcoming and friendly. While we were
A delayed travelling on the train through Vietnam, I started to
B missed feel very ill. But the other passengers were very kind
C boarded to me and helped me until I felt better. We got
2 The train left at the right time. a plane from Vietnam back to San Francisco on the
A in west coast of America and then we took our last
B on flight back home to New York.
C at Overall, we had an amazing time. We spent more
3 A cruise is a kind of holiday. My parents want than 50 hours in an aeroplane, but we still had time
to go on one. to explore the countries that we visited. 4__ We also
A which my parents want to go on. met interesting people who taught us about their
B where my parents want to go. culture and history. We have learned so much about
C who my parents want to go with. the world.
4 The plane journey finished at 7am. What’s my advice to other people who want to travel
A dropped around the world? Do it! But make sure you plan
B landed your journey very carefully. Think about what places
C cancelled you want to see in each country and make sure you
5 Why don’t you buy something to remind you of have plenty of time to visit each place. Also, travel
your holiday? light! Travel as light as you can! 5__ Finally, write
A a ticket a blog about it! I’m always very interested to read
B duty-free about other people’s travel adventures! Happy
C a souvenir travelling!
___ / 5

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A From there, we took the train to Ho Chi Min City Hi, I’m now home again after my
in Vietnam. summer holiday.
B It took us a long time to plan our trip.
C Your bag will start to feel very heavy after three
or four days!
D Today things are very different and we can
choose from lots of different forms of modern
E We didn’t really enjoy the time we spent in
F The man who drove us there was very kind.
G In each country, we saw amazing sights that we
will never forget.
H It’s easy to meet new people when you travel.
___ / 5

9 Do the exam task.

Kilka dni temu wróciłeś(-aś) do domu z wakacji.

Podziel się swoimi wrażeniami na blogu.
• Zrelacjonuj krótko podróż do miejsca
• Opisz miasto lub miejsce, które odwiedziłeś(-aś).
• Napisz, co tam robiłeś(-aś) w trakcie pobytu.
• Wyjaśnij, co ci się najbardziej podobało, i
uzasadnij swoją opinię.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech

podpunktów. Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić
od 80 do 130 słów.

___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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